

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Janet, so sorry about your special rings. Hope your insurance company is better than mine. And I, too, obviously have suspicions of the attendant who seems dodgy as! It would certainly be worth finding out who the Big Boss of the gas station is and having a quiet chat with them. What a nasty thing to have happened. Will just say some prayers that they will be restored to you. <3 Wendy
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Hello ladies:
    Just started week 2 of my new job as Breakfast Club helper, it's going well so far. I leave my home at 07.20 and arrive back at 09.20. I walk there and back and am on my feet the entire time. I'm starting as lunchtime assistant today which will be a repeat of the morning. I'm hoping the extra walking and being active whilst there will be beneficial to my health and weight loss. In between the two today I'm going to see my dear old Dad in the nursing home. He is 91 and recently had a week in hospital with a chest infection. The poor old thing has Parkinson's and dementia, but, still knows us and we manage to chat about a few things. I was very sad for the ladies on here that recently lost their dear Dads, I am dreading the day that mine passes away.
    All the best
    Karen UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    M: Loved the beach photo.
    exermom wrote: »
    M - what a beautiful pic. That beach looks so tranquil.

    Thanks ... we really like living so close to the beach. I waded in up to my shoulders yesterday and bobbed around in the water a while. It was lovely! The water is so clear there and has finally warmed up.

    When I got home, I found out that a 3-metre Great White had been spotted up the East Coast a ways. It's unlikely they'd come into our bay, but then again, the next bay over has had dolphins and about a month ago, there was a decent-sized whale.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    @janetr7476 ... so sorry about your rings. That would be heartbreaking!! I too, would definitely call the police.

    Also sorry to hear about your tooth.

    It all seems to happen at once!!

    M in Oz

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 Facing the day, gonna need 2 cups of coffee this Monday :s:s

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Good morning!

    In case there are any of you who liked (or missed) the Broken Brain and wish to see yet another 7 days of probably similar presentations about health, there's another one starting February 1st.

    This should you in the site to register if you wish: www.livelongerfeelbetter.com

    There's not a lot of information on it other than they'll be revealing "little-known" secrets for a long and healthy life. B):* Dr. Joe Mercola is one of the presenters and he's a big fan of intermittent fasting and high intensity interval training as I recall. I'm not sure if I'm up to sitting through another batch of videos, but I'll at least check this one out.

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    edited January 2018
    With just days to go till the end of January ...

    Jan 1 - 4.9 km walking + running (32 min) + 32.5 km cycling (102 min)
    Jan 2 - 4.8 km walking (60 min)
    Jan 3 - 2.6 km walking (30 min) + 8.6 km running (65 min)
    Jan 4 - 2.9 km walking (36 min) + 15 flights of stairs (12 min)
    Jan 5 - 2.6 km walking (30 min) _ 2.2 km running (18 min) + 5 flights of stairs (4 min)
    Jan 6 - 0.6 km walking (7.5 min) + 15.8 indoor cycling (50 min) + 10 min weightlifting
    Jan 7 - 3.4 km walking (42 min) + 10.7 km running (1:21) + 21.4 km cycling (67 min)
    Jan 8 - 8.5 km walking (105 min)
    Jan 9 - 6.3 km walking (75 min)
    Jan 10 - 10 km walking + 2.8 running (145 min)
    Jan 11 - 14.5 km walking (180 min)
    Jan 12 - 7.1 km walking (85 min)
    Jan 13 - 15.8 km cycling indoors on the trainer (50 min)
    Jan 14 - 2.2 km walking + 10 km running (105 min) + 14.25 cycling indoors on the trainer (45 min) **This was my first 10K Event!!** :)
    Jan 15 - 6.6 km walking (80 min)
    Jan 16 - 12.5 km walking (155 min)
    Jan 17 - 7.2 km walking (90 min) + 14.8 km cycling (46 min)
    Jan 18 - 6.2 km walking (77 min)
    Jan 19 - 4.4 km walking (55 min)
    Jan 20 - 0.6 km walking (7 min) + 39.2 km cycling (123 min)
    Jan 21 - 63.7 km cycling (201 min)
    Jan 22 - 5 km walking (62 min) + 10 min weights + 4 flights of stairs (3 min)
    Jan 23 - 1.8 km walking (22 min) + 11.68 km cycling (36 min) + 5 flights of stairs (4 min)
    Jan 24 - 6.2 km walking (77 min) + 10 min weights + 4 flights of stairs (3 min)
    Jan 25 - 4.6 km walking (57 min) + 4 flights of stairs (3 min)
    Jan 26 - 161.83 km cycling (511 min) **January Century!!**
    Jan 27 - 2.5 km walking (31 min)
    Jan 28 - 5.5 km walking (68 min) + 14.25 km cycling (45 min)
    Jan 29 - 6 km walking (75 min) + 10 min weights

    Yes, I like logging my exercise. :grin:

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Wow, 5 days and 15 pages... ;}

    Looking ahead to month end, roundup will be a mixed bag. Missed 3 days of meditating, only walked a few days. Been faithful with logging, supplements, only went over 1500 a few times and started Fosamax last Monday, a real hurdle for me.

    Welcome Leamlass, Jayne, FionaW and KittyWH. You are in the right place now. These women's wisdom and compassion are truly amazing.

    Penny expensive veggies, yah. DH shakes his head when I buy organic, but I say "pay the grocer or pay the doctor, you choose" ;}
    Heather Did you learn Norwegian for your cruise to Longyearbyen? cute all the way down to your shoes! Wish I could hear you sing Good Night! and yodel the Lonely Goatherd ;)
    Machka added green beans, corn and (sorry) dried red pepper flakes to the chickpea recipe and it turned out ok. Your chicken curry recipe looks even better, will try soon.
    Wendy "Rivendell" ah! if only...
    Rye thank you VERY much for the sweet potato and potassium info. Does the cooling then reheating diminish the other nutrients in the potatoes? Next time I want to sit down with the Ben & Jerry's, will try your chocolate meditation instead ;)
    Kim yay boots and Virginia Woolf!
    Becca the Japanese method of decluttering made me snort my tea!
    Sharon love Jheri's fish in inks. Glad Jason had her with him at the intense meeting.
    Michelle, Medicare, yikes indeed. Most important thing is to pay attention to the signup deadlines, the penalties last forever. http://www.ncdoi.com/SHIIP/ can help a lot. Medicare Advantage vs Part B supplemental (Medigap) plans. We chose Part B and Medigap Plan F high deductible from Thrivent (no Silver Sneakers ;{ )instead of an Advantage as I don't like being locked into a network and wanted hassle free coverage when we travel. Means we have to pay pay pay for vision, dental, so will re-evaluate next year.
    pip Yogi looks like he's in trouble ;)

    10 pages to go but time to get meditating and moving.

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Sharon in Lethbridge— I am at 47% fluent and have many Espanol speaker to practice with here in New Mexico! Lol

    Alie, I don’t know how you stay sane????

    Told my DH about the hernia RV and clothing optional resort. He asked if you were crazy! Lol

    I did go for a walk alone to get away from DH mood. Walks always help me. Healthy too!

    Sorry to hear about rings list, tooth broken, and all the sadness this time of year.

    Funny.. my little white Wicket was nuts this morning and as DH was going out today he RV door, she was jumping and trying to pull his pants down.