

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Rye, I had records by The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem when I was in college and learned the words to all the songs. I love the music and was so excited to find an easy line dance to go with the music

    :)Barbara , my class thinks we never do any slow dances. Many are pleased at what a great workout they get in the class

    :)Heather , we had to run to get to the ferry before the gates closed and I thought about your description of shuffling when you run. :)

    :) We made it to the early ferry so we've had a long wait to see the doctor

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well its bright blue skies out today! After all the rain and gray days, its a welcome site! Sipping coffee, and munching on my homemade cookies. Oatmeal cookies from the recipe under the Quaker Oats can. I added my granola mixture which was toasted coconut flakes and toasted oats, plus I added a handful of walnuts. Split the wet ingredients part, and made normal cookies for husband and then hard my kind. My toasted coconut makes them extra chewy!

    Today might make a large pot of bean soup, with the homemade chicken stock I made. Add some ham in there. It will carry us over these next lean days. We've done fairly well this month! We had two trips to OHSU, so gas money, and to make it easy we just got something to eat on the way home both times. On the day I found out my stepfather had passed I let husband get take out. With the stresses of him passing, all I wanted was to be taken care of. Cooking just didn't happen that day.

    Whether the days be hot, or whether the days be cold, we'll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not! (Just remembered that)......heehee!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks ladies for the kind thoughts for Jack. They keep checking the margins as they go to make sure they get it all. I've been in the waiting room about an hour and a half and I'm frozen!!! Lol

    Janetr OKC would love a cup of hot coffee
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    A pic of Italy that spoke to me!

    Yes, I believe it is the Amalfi coast, just not sure where. Like my mother, each and Every picture of Italy speaks to me. I’ve been several times (Although it has been decades, literally) and spent a summer in Florence in the 1980’s.

    My husband, tho, is more fond of Greece. Again it has been decades but we still get gooey and sentimental when we talk about our first vacation together which was to Greece in the early 90’s. Our youth was not wasted on our young selves, but I’d surely like some of it back, lol.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Machka, I’l love to be by a warm beach right about now. 16F (-9c) here right now. Our driveway is all ice so I pit the ashes from the wood stove down so I wouldn’t fall going to the car. Going to have to put some by the mailbox too next time I empty the stove.

    Michele, too bad that Lexi has problems with her kidneys. Any med she could take to help?

    Becca, I was going to make a mirror too but never did. If you make it please post a picture.

    Beth, I will send good thoughts your son’s way that he will find housing soon.

    Heather, hope family matters resolve themselves soon. Families can be so stressful. Not sure what you mean by offers over. Can you explain? Hope you get some bites soon.

    NYKaren, your lunch sounds good. I might have to try that. Don’t let others bring you down. Ask yourself “who owns the problem”.

    Allie, I’m sure this is a stressful time for you. And your brother isn’t helping at all. Can you still get into the house if you need to? He reminds me of my sister. I agree with Kelly that he is probably feeling guilty.

    Janet, hope Jack’s surgery goes well.

    Margaret, Brrrrr that ice looks cold.

    Pip, beautiful flowers! Is this your yard?

    Rye, congratulations on the weight! That is fantastic. You earned it with all your hard work.

    Joyce, the videos are such a great idea.

    Have to confess that I had a grilled cheese sandwich and fries for lunch. For some reason I just want comfort food today.

    Here is a picture of my wedding band I was telling you about. The ring that can’t be sized. It is like a ball bearing and the inside ring( with the small diamonds) slides around the bottom one. It is quite different.

    Well that’s about it. Hugs to those that need one and welcome to any newbies.

    Terry in a cold office in

    yup :0)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Terry - Normally over here there is an "asking price" which appears in the advertising. When people look properties up on the Internet they can specify a price range they are looking in.. Usually you offer below the asking price and come to some compromise.
    These days, the agent was telling us, people tend to just look online at a price and dismiss it if they think it is too expensive and don't even bother to ring up the agent, who could tell them it was open to offers. So he was suggesting another approach, which is to put it on at a lower price, to catch the lower price browsers, and state that it is "offers over." So if you wanted £450,000 , for example, you could advertise it at "offers over £425,000" and hope that two people wanted it. He thinks that once they are through the door they might fall in love with it, but they won't even look if it's priced too high.
    Well, it's a theory, so we are going to try his method and see how we get on. It is definitely too highly priced at the moment, but Hove is hugely expensive. :s

    My chilli was heavenly. Got three more days worth to freeze. Hooray!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Becca, I think we should all meet over there and have a great vacation together. We would have a ball and they would remember "the MFP ladies" forever!

    Heather, thanks for the explanation.

    Rita, good news on the mamo. What a load off your mind I'm sure.

    Janet, still sending good thoughts Jack's way. At least being cold burns more calories.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hello ~

    I could have sworn I just successfully posted here for the first time. But I can't see it anywhere so I'll try again from memory.

    My name is Theresa. I'm 53 years old and live in Toronto, Canada with my partner, David, and our Havanese puppy, Xavy (Xavier) who is 1 1/2 years old. I also have a real granddaughter, Pippa (Philippa) who is 6 months old.

    Funniest thing I've done lately: I bought a double jogging stroller to take them both on adventures. Xavy can walk far and run fast but if he can see that we're not specifically going to a park, he'll sit down. It doesn't matter if it's on a busy street, he just stops. We live right downtown.

    I can see that you set goals each month and encourage each other. I hope I can be encouraging to all of you.

    My goals for January were:
    • start MFP (I've used it successfully before but never the community)
    • eat vegan meals 2 X day
    • exercise 5 X week
    • lose 1.33 pounds a week

    Then I promptly got pneumonia from a nasty influenza I picked up visiting my mother in hospital. That was from Jan 6 - 29th. I'm pleased with having logged every day since I started Jan 2nd, made and ate many delicious, healthy vegan meals (lots of soup while ill), and lost some weight. The weight loss is somewhere between 3 - 8 pounds depending on the scale. But it seems to be moving in the right direction.

    My long-term goal is to lose 35 pounds which I imagine will take 26 - 30 weeks followed by maintenance.

    Looking forward to the full month of February with the group here.

    ~ Theresa

    Welcome to the group. I think you will find us a chatty bunch so check in often or you'll get behind. You will find a lot of encouragement and info here. This is a great group.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Welcome Theresa
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,217 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Margaret and Pip: Lovely photos that make me want Spring to get here! :)

    PIP: Do you know the name of the tree with the pink flowers? I had one just like that and it got cut down when the County decided we had to remove two huge pine trees. Guess the pine trees fell on it. Anyway, I would love to plant another one in its place.

    Looks like it could be an ornamental plum or possibly an ornamental cherry.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Margaret and Pip: Lovely photos that make me want Spring to get here! :)

    PIP: Do you know the name of the tree with the pink flowers? I had one just like that and it got cut down when the County decided we had to remove two huge pine trees. Guess the pine trees fell on it. Anyway, I would love to plant another one in its place.

    i don't, if i find out, i'll let you know. when we moved in, i put some of Lenny's ashes in there so we call that lenny's tree (late husband)
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »

    Kay: Hope your contractor works out. When I looked at Floor and Decor, they had so many different samples that I was overwhelmed.

    We built a house when we moved here, about 18 months ago, and as part of the deal, we got two hours with an interior designer. We decided after meeting with her that we would have gladly paid for it. She helped us pick everything, paint, hardware, tile, carpet, interior/exterior. We love our house. We could have never come up with this plan without her.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    January is Hot Tea Month!

    I got so busy yesterday I didn't post at all, so I thought I'd make it up today by giving you a whole month. "A warm, steaming cup of tea is welcome at any time of day, especially in the cold winter months. Whether as an alternative to coffee with the rich tradition of Irish Breakfast tea, or as a quiet cap to the end of the day, settling your nerves with Chamomile and Lavender, tea is amazing. However you do it, Hot Tea Month is a great time to reembrace this delicious beverage that can warm your heart and body."

    -Yvonne in TX

    I miss this, Yvonne, when you miss posting. No pressure! :wink:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon