

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Machka - We both have prescriptions. I have talked to my doctor but am going to delve into it more. No, Larry doesn't use it regularly but more than I do. It worries me that he has such enthusiasm for it though.

    Terry - I had to take a sick day. No choice.

    Lanette - Imitrex never did work for me. I don't get migraines often any more.
    Our Sears just closed permanently on Saturday. One of the last in Alberta.

    Lisa - Are you doing your Happy Dance? So happy for you.

    Cheri - I'm sorry that you had to say good-bye to your beloved fur baby.

    Wendy - What exactly does your turmeric coffee have in it? I've been thinking of adding it to my coffee but not sure how it will go with milk, vanilla and cinnamon.

    Rita - We used to call those "Prairie Oysters". Clean them and saute lightly in butter. They used to be a once a year treat for obvious reasons.

    Found myself at loose ends today. Everyone else is involved in the inventory prep. I have my filing all caught up , can't pull anyone for training, year end reports are as complete as I can go. I was reduced to cleaning in my office. It does get dusty.

    Jason stopped in after work and we had a good visit. He received his text to get himself home. He shared with me that his Father had called to lecture him about his life. Jason says it is a little late for the man to give fatherly advice. Also when he told him that Harmony's birthday was on Friday he had no interest. I told Jason that at least Emmanuel was reaching out to him. "Too little, too late Mom" I can't disagree on that.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge where it is turning white once again.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited January 2018
    grogers511 wrote: »
    - I actually used a better pillow last night. One I’ve had but just couldn’t switch over to in place of my (ahem) 40 year old pillow. But... with neck issues... i need the support. I slept well. So I’m encouraged.

    Um ... if I'm not mistaken, I think you're supposed to change out your pillow about every 4 years.

    In fact, this article suggests every 2 years: https://sleep.org/articles/replace-pillow/

    I suspect you were well overdue for the change!

    My pillow is 4 years old this month, and I really should bite the bullet and break out the $200 for a new one.

    Machka in Oz
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Decluttering - The kitchen and utility/computer rooms are something that just to think about them is overwhelming. Sister and brother-in-law coming the 26th and spend the night and we'll tackle them both. Oh, and finishing Will's room by deciding on which sheet sets to keep. I know one set of sheets are queen-sized but not so sure about any others. I will throw out some of the clutter in my utility/computer room; I will take down the pictures on the wall as well. Some I will keep to put up. I had all my Daddy's certifications that I used to have hung up. I'd like to find them and hang them on the short wall

    Sleep - Not doing so well this night (1/9 - 1/19). Did not turn my electronics off early enough and watched my 2 favorite shows - "This is Us" and "Chicago Med". I took my meds early (at about 7:30pm). I was told to take my 'bipolar meds' at 5:00pm and all the rest at about 9:00pm (including my seizure meds). My 'bipolar meds' make me extremely sleep and by 7:30pm I am totally worthless. Can't keep my eyes open for anything. Too many shows I like at 9:00pm; I can go to bed at 10:00pm and sleep through the night. I've done that at least twice this week.

    I am now 'up' because I got thirsty and had to get up and 'fight' with opening my POM juice. One on them I just cannot open. I don't know why everything is so hard to open. The manufacturers don't seem to care about seniors and the need to open things that are not childproof. After getting my meds, I can usually open the bottles; but, even then I have to get Louis to open them first, then I put them on so they are no longer childproof. That is also how I determine which I take daily vs ones that I only take when I need to.

    Jenn is picking up her nephew to keep and said that it looked like they were going to keep him all week as it looked like Danielle is going to have her baby early. For the life of me I don't understand why 'she' is going to keep this baby (1 and 1/2 years old. Her mother (Jenn's sister-in-law) will come up to be here with Danielle when she has the baby. Jenn just cannot say 'no' to 'anything' that concerns her family. But, I don't think she has thought about how to get the baby to 'daycare' - 30 minutes on the north end of Albany (in Lee County) and get back early enough to go to work in Cuthbert 30 minutes to the west of Dawson. She will be in such a tizzy once she realizes that Trey and Louis won't have room for a baby seat in Louis truck and the seatbelt in stuffed beneath the cushions. I guess Trey will be expected to do this leg of the journey every day and he is going to be really stressed over that. I am sure there will be a fight over this.

    Cathy - I would have loved to have seen a "Joanna and Chip" house decorated with the 'new' owner's furniture. Taylor's boyfriend words in a furniture store and says that he would never buy any of it as it isn't very sturdy. He also does not like Ikea furniture either for the same reason. He is working as a delivery person and he also has to move furniture around in the store so the owners can set up new furniture as it comes in. I know that is a pain, because I know I had trouble trying to play 'musical furniture' once when we moved out here. When we purchased a corner cabinet to put the TV in, that require me to move it around. Sofa now sits at a 45° angle that delineates the den from the dining room. This sets the den off as a separate area at one end of the house. I have 3 chairs on the window side of the room, 2 platform rockers on the opposite on the room. Used to have the sofa against that wall; but, had to change it to get the corner cabinet in and the sofa just could not stay on that wall.

    OK - Now my bed is calling for me and I am going to get back in. I've been up for about 30 minutes. Good night, well actually Good morning.

    Well, there was something else I was going to write about; but it has escaped my mind.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Sharon, I think the cinnamon, milk and vanilla would camouflage the taste of turmeric really well. You could try just adding a pinch the first day,two pinches the next day and gradually get used to the taste until you can put in a quarter teaspoon without flinching. LOL I make my coffee different ways depending on what I have or don't have in the cupboard. Sometimes I do add cinnamon or vanilla, sometimes coconut milk, often cocoa, and soy milk or almond milk. You can also make a coconut turmeric Lassi, which is a beautiful golden drink. Be creative and throw in your own favourite flavours. Turmeric is said to protect your brain from Alzheimers as well as other "old age" diseases. And as Heather said, it helps your joints. I originally started feeding it to my horses as a remedy for sunburn on a pink nosed horse. Then I started to take it myself to protect my skin from sunburn, as I am very fair and my grandfather died from skin cancer and my mother has had skin cancer cut out...but I love the outdoors and I am always soaking up sunshine. I haven't needed to use any sunblock in four years now, ever since I started taking turmeric. I buy large bags from the bulk food shop as I go through so much for my horses. I probably take half a teaspoon daily, sometimes more sometimes less. <3 Wendy
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Ladies, I can't believe I haven't tried this before:- pre-logging meals! Have been using MFP for nearly 4 years!!
    Got the idea from someone on this site and have done it for the past 2 days and have kept well within calories. I'm going to keep it up, it's a fab idea.

    Lost half of my post ??? Just disappeared??
    Karen UK
  • loumoon5
    loumoon5 Posts: 31 Member
    Ladies, I can't believe I haven't tried this before:- pre-logging meals!

    I do this, mostly so I can remember what I planned for lunch or dinner, or to see if I have room for wine.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Ladies, I can't believe I haven't tried this before:- pre-logging meals! Have been using MFP for nearly 4 years!!
    Got the idea from someone on this site and have done it for the past 2 days and have kept well within calories. I'm going to keep it up, it's a fab idea.

    I prelog my whole day, except for dinner. Dinners vary and the choice is usually my husband's because he cooks most of our dinners.

    When I know what dinner will be, I log it.

    Then I have a look at where my calories are. If dinner happens to be a bit higher than usual, I can go in and adjust what I've got planned for the evening. Maybe I'll do a bit more exercise. Maybe I'll cut out one of my evening snacks. Maybe I'll opt to limit myself to my teas (with no sugar or milk), and make an attempt to go to bed earlier. I have options!

    But when I know what's what in advance like that, there's no reason why I should go over my calories. :)

    Right now, I'm not really paying too much attention to what I'm eating for various reasons ... I'll start getting more serious about it next week. But I did choose to log what I ate today just to start to get back into the habit again. And although I have gone over my calories, that's OK, I didn't go over very much. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Ladies, I can't believe I haven't tried this before:- pre-logging meals! Have been using MFP for nearly 4 years!!
    Got the idea from someone on this site and have done it for the past 2 days and have kept well within calories. I'm going to keep it up, it's a fab idea.

    Lost half of my post ??? Just disappeared??
    Karen UK

    If you're posting with a phone, and you shift the position of the phone, sometimes that happens.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    a quick good morning I have to go get granddaughter on bus.... and then let my other pups out, taking a day off from DFIL as I have alot to do here today before work
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Wednesday ... I ended up with 10 km of walking today + a 2.8 km run. I wasn't really feeling in the groove on the run. I forgot to use my inhaler so I within about 500 metres I developed my asthma squeak, and I just couldn't get comfortable.

    Then when I finished the run, I discovered it was one of my faster ones!! :lol: OK, so maybe that was why it didn't really come together for me!

    I used a new waist pouch today which I think will be a bit better. My plan is to go for a really short run on Friday to test it out again and to stretch my legs a bit ... but short, so I don't tire myself out.

    Today was another all-day class and I'm about to have a look over some of the material for tomorrow in a minute, just before I go to bed.

    Tomorrow will be yet another all-day class, but on the break between lecture and tutorial, I have a good 6 km walk (maybe slightly longer) up to a running store and back ... to pick up my run package for this weekend's event!! That plus my commute to the university (4 km walk round trip) will give me at least a 10 km walk tomorrow, and then if it does happen to be hot, like they're predicting, I might also wander down to the beach after class and wade in the waves. :)

    OK, study then bed for me!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    My word for 2018 is 'release' and today I took a major step toward that. Advised my superiors and HR that I am RETIRING February 28th. My department is going through another reorg, and so thought it would be better to gracefully erase myself from any future designs our Director has for me. I'm elated, overjoyed and practically giddy with happiness. I will turn my energy and attention to being a proactive caregiver to my DH. Funds will be tight, but I'm sure we'll be fine.

    For now, Mars the Leash Loving cat is settled in his room at the PetSmart Hotel, and we are packed and ready for our flight to San Diego. Will spend a day with my sister and her family. She, her DD, DDiL and I all have January birthdays, so we'll celebrate tomorrow night. Wednesday, we sail away on the MS Oosterdam. Will check in when I can.

    Lucky lady!! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Very sad evening for us yesterday as we had to put our Pokey girl down. She was suffering with heart disease and a collapsing trachea due to an enlarged heart. She provided us with 14 years of unconditional love and many wonderful memories to fill our hearts.

    in very foggy College Station, TX with a heavy heart today

    So sorry to hear that ... I know it can be very difficult. :(

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Cheri- so sorry about Pokey it is never easy losing one of our furbabies ,my sincerest condolences xoxo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited January 2018
    :) I finally finished watching the Ladies' Figure Skating finals. Now just have pairs, men, and dance. I love watching and it keeps me active riding my exercise bike.

    :'( I go to the dentist this afternoon for my regular cleaning. It is an hour of torture. First I get a lecture on how to care for my teeth better. No matter what I do, it's never good enough. And then the cleaning is harsh. But I still have all my teeth and want to keep them, so I show up three times a year for this unpleasant event.

    :)Ginger, I routinely go to bed about 7:30 so I can get up in the middle of the night to walk the dogs (one can't last all night without having to pee) and early in the morning to walk them some more. I got to the early bedtime by going to bed a few minutes earlier each night. Gradually the early bedtime became normal and did the early awakening.

    :)Lenora, I have a DVR to record all my favorite shows so I can watch them in the afternoon or before 6 PM so I have a more quiet time before I go to bed.

    <3 Barbie