
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Mad-Eye Rye, I admire your strength of character and I too, think you are beautiful, inside and out. I have not got your courage to reveal all my imperfections to the world at large. But I hope I can call you Friend. I loved the character of Mad Eye Moody and I prefer friends who are real and kind and warm-hearted and have a great sense of humour. I do not choose my friends on the basis of their weight or on their beauty. Yes, we are all here because we struggle with losing or maintaining our weight but this is also a place where we can feel accepted despite how we look or how we feel about our image. This is why I like Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes writings about how different societies view body images and the role of women. She has opened my eyes to how critical I am of my own self, whereas I do not put the same expectations on others. What is really important is how we treat other people but we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves either. <3 Wendy Peed her Pants (That was the horrible nickname the kids at school called me.)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi Ladies, feeling a bit better and will be going to work today. Trying hard to catch up (on P41) but think it's a losing battle, as have to catch up to P60!!

    My friend is going to get me some vitamins from the health shop today, can't quite remember what they are but they are to help my immune system. I feel as if I need a boost as still lacking in energy and tire easily.

    Better get ready for work, sorry to hear about Pokey, we have recently lost two furbabies, our old Cat Wizzy and our dog Frankie.

    Interesting topics covered, I'll try to reply more individually when (if) I catch up.

    Viv UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Both Harmony and her cake are beautiful. Well done Grandma! <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka, well done on your run! Sounds like it was a lot of fun even though your foot went numb.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: I've been thinking about your numb foot, too. Is it possible that you've developed a bone spur? I wonder whether different shoes would help. Good luck. :smiley:
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka electrolytes for swollen ankles? Would you share brand name or important elements/contents?

    Machka does your left ankle swell more than the right?
    kevrit wrote: »
    Matchka I get a numb foot when I stand still to long in one place or walk to far. For me, it is an aggravated disk in my back that swells and presses on my sciatic nerve.
    exermom wrote: »
    M - congrats on the run. Hopefully, someone on here will have an idea of what could be causing the numbness. That must be so frustrating. Tell me more about spinning to stretch out.
    evie1958 wrote: »
    M, I definitely think talking to your chiro about your numb foot is a good idea, he/she may have some insight and may be able to help.

    Thanks all! :)

    Some background and some answers regarding my foot ...

    First, I burned my left foot to the bone in 2001. It took a long, long time before the nerves came back to life, and even longer for the scar tissue to loosen up enough that I could even run.

    Then, in 2009, I developed DVT in my left leg and was hospitalised for 2 weeks. My leg was chock full of clots ... the main veins were completely shut. I was quite fortunate not to have much lasting damage, but I do have some.

    So in answer to the question, does my left ankle swell more than the right ... yes, it does.

    With that in mind, I loosened that shoe off just before the run, and after my foot fell asleep the first time, I loosened it even more ... but that didn't help.

    Walking, however, did help. Within just a few steps my foot was back to life. I actually felt good enough to run the whole thing, but ended up walking short stretches several times to put life back into my foot.

    So I do wonder about my back. Perhaps when I run I'm pinching a nerve.

    Now regarding electrolytes ...

    The major electrolytes are:

    sodium (Na+)
    potassium (K+)
    chloride (Cl-)
    calcium (Ca2+)
    magnesium (Mg2+)
    bicarbonate (HCO3-)
    phosphate (PO42-)
    sulfate (SO42-)

    These articles (and others) explain electrolytes:

    If a person exercises, or even moves about in hot conditions, and sweats a lot, that person loses electrolytes. Then if that person drinks a lot of water that can throw the electrolyte balance out of whack and puts the person in danger of hyponatremia. Much of the time people are OK because many people have high sodium diets so they replace their electrolytes. However, if a person exercises a lot and loses a lot of electrolytes ... or if a person is on a low-sodium diet, the danger of hyponatremia increases.

    However, before a person gets right into hyponatremia one of the early symptoms is water retention. My feet and ankles swell and I put on a kg or two. Usually taking an electrolyte tablet or two sets the situation right ... within half an hour or so, I'm feeling better and within a couple hours, I've started making tracks to the toilet.

    Now, I have been all the way into hyponatremia. I made a mistake with my nutrition on a hot 600 km cycling event, and had to pull the plug at 320 km. My mother is a nurse and between her and my knowledge of hyponatremia, I was able to recover within about 12 hours, but there were a few hours early on that were a bit dicey and I almost ended up in hospital.

    Since then, I've taken electrolyte tablets when I exercise. Or ... actually, I've been taking them when I cycle and totally forgot about taking them when I run!! :lol: Oops! I did take one the night before this most recent run, and another as soon as I got home ... and my ankles and feet didn't swell so much.

    In the US, Hammer Nutrition's Endurolytes are quite common, and thankfully, I've found a source for them here in Australia too: https://www.hammernutrition.com.au/product/endurolytes/

    Their nutrition information says:
    Serving Size 2 capsules
    Amount Per Serving %DV

    Sodium (as Sodium Chloride) 80mg 4%
    Chloride (as Sodium Chloride) 120mg 4%
    Calcium (as Chelate) 100mg 10%
    Magnesium (as Chelate) 50mg 12%
    Potassium (as Chelate) 50mg 1%
    Manganese (as Chelate) 500mcg 25%

    The ones I've got right now are Saltstick Caps which I was able to find in Canada, but are apparently also available in the US: http://saltstick.com/product/saltstick-caps/

    Their nutrition information says: ... and the website shows some comparisons between other products.
    215 mg sodium
    63 mg potassium
    22 mg calcium
    11 mg magnesium
    100 IU Vitamin D to help the body absorb and utilize calcium.

    So there are different options available. :)

    Regarding 'spinning to stretch out' ...

    When I run, for some reason everything feels really tight by the time I'm done (my legs). I find that if I go for a light bicycle ride or ride on my trainer, it helps ease off that tightness and makes my legs feel better.

    So after my longer runs, I'll nip out for a quick 20 km ride ... or yesterday, since the weather wasn't great in the afternoon, I rode my trainer for 45 minutes.

    And finally ... yes, I did have fun! :grin:

    But now, as I think I mentioned earlier, my focus has got to be on cycling for a while.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka, I looked at the saag paneer and just.... couldn't. Something about the color and texture of slow cooked chopped spinach turned my stomach.
    the chickpea red curry didn't have an image so as I read the ingredients I was happy to have most already in the cupboard... until I got to the 4 C of spinach. Will just leave that out and serve with a side salad instead. Thanks!

    Yes saag paneer is green. :grin:

    There are two similar dishes: palak paneer and saag paneer. Palak paneer is spinach and saag paneer is "greens". So you could use any greens for saag paneer. :)

    I've made them myself, I've used the packaged kind, and I've had them in Indian restaurants (my favourite dish! :) ), and they're each a little bit different depending exactly what is put into them.

    Sounds like 4 cups of fresh spinach in the chickpea red curry ... but you could probably leave them out if you wanted. I modify and vary these recipes to taste or depending on what I've got in the cupboard.

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning, dropping off DD to train back to college :'( Spending the morning with DH and then prepping for the 4 day work week. I'm in need of a boot, since I've fallen off my regular routine of eating and just ignoring that fact is no longer possible. I've got the winter blues, but that's no excuse. NYKAREN
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Do you take your shoes off at the door? My husband taught me to... I didn't grow up that way. But, for those struggling with health issues, or living with others who do, this makes interesting reading. https://braincharm.com/2018/01/02/these-are-the-disgusting-reasons-why-you-should-never-wear-shoes-at-home/. The headline's written to pull clicks, but the research seems sound.

    I wear slippers way more comfy than shoes,so the shoes come off inside the door.DH says he still remembers Japanese,Koreans not wearing shoes inside.

    Quote,Ladies - if any of you are interested, there's an 8 part docuseries coming up starting Jan 17th called "Broken Brain". Topics are Alzheimers, Dementia, Brain Fog, Autism, etc.

    The link is found at www.brokenbrain.com and they want you to pre-register. Looks like it's free (for now) and likely a new episode each day.

    It's by Mark Hyman, MD - I think I've seen him on PBS in the past. I haven't researched it, but they'll probably cover nutrition, sleep, etc.

    I plan to watch it, or part of it. Looks like good presenters.

    Sunny SW WA State

    We had an hour show about Alzheimers maybe 2 yrs ago.The top newscaster (NBC) did the production about her Mother called “I Want To Go Home”.Personal & heart wrenching. She raised her family,was a business woman,running her own top rated bakery for years.It did the same to her it does to most,took her mind away.A sad situation for her family & I cried. So far as I know,there has been no break thru.

    RYE.....you’re looking fine to me,but it’s what it means to you that matters. My Sis has a lazy eye.........we are just used to it.

    Harmony & her cake is beautiful.Happy Birthday to her.

    Where can we find a list of blogs “Women 50+“have ?

    Heather,your son looks like a happy guy.They make a nice couple.It’s such a relief when
    things go well for our children,of any age.

    Having a cold,snowy day here,so more sorting & reading.Hope you all have a good one.

    Pat in Ohio
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Sharon Lovely birthday girl and birthday cake!

    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited January 2018
    Barbara A book/CD I use for singing and speaking is a book/CD with exercises is called Set Your Voice Free by Roger Love who is a voice coach. When I was starting to lose my high notes I went back to some of his exercises. He is a wonderful teacher. I love his mantra sing as you speak. Speak as you sing.

    I just checked they still sell it on Amazon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    GO VIKINGS! Think purple!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Didn’t mean to start or imply any melodrama. My eye is much like my husband’s baldness. He is used to it, and it had a much bigger impact in his self esteem when he was in his twenties. It became an unpleasant descriptive reality (“the bald man”).

    The only difference is, I am told that my ‘funny eye’ is only slightly visible on occasion. But, because it is always very visible in the mirror - it IS the way I look - in my mind at least. But I’ve always thought of myself as the girl (now the lady) with the funny eye. So the major effect on my self-esteem is historical. At 53, I just don’t think about it much anymore.

    But, yeah, it did leave me pretty incompetent when it comes to gracefully taking a compliment. I became a star when it comes to deflecting a compliment tho! :wink:


    Machka. Thanks for the info on electrolytes. I’m going to keep that in mind. Congrats on the run, but I join the chorus: I don’t think your foot is supposed to go numb, so please have it checked.

    Sharon. I wish I could take some of your snow. And the cake looked fabulous.

    Barbara, wow, your message to us all is mightily impressive!!! But don’t think you have to do that every time. We are so chatty that to reply to each one on the board would turn into a full time job, I think.


    So why am I up at 4:39? Because my husband found a recipe by his favourite internet chef (Chef John on Food Wishes) for Chicago Style Deep dish pizza. Which my husband quickly figured out how to modify to Chicago style STUFFED pizza (the ‘real Chicago pizza that chicagoans keep for themselves as a secret - not the stuff available elsewhere under the name ‘Chicago style pizza)’. And it was VERY good and we can easily see how next time it will be even better.

    But acid indigestion and reflux were the result. So, I’m sitting up for a bit. Going to have to put together a bland menu for tomorrow- and wait a week or so before I eat cheese again.


    I can so relate, i'lll explain later