

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    @janetr7476 ... very sorry to hear about your sister. :heart:
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Evelyn I know how frustrating it is when you know you are within your cals and your weight goes up. Hang in there. It will come back down, I promise :smile:

    Katiebug I'm sorry for the loss of your Uncle and especially the extra weight it adds to your Mom's load.

    Marcelyn I miss getting fresh beef. We lost our connection when we left Oklahoma for Houston many years ago. Glad you are safely home.

    Joyce I hope your Dr. can find the right levels to help you feel some relief from the tingling. I can't even imagine how frustrating that must be.

    Terry so sorry your daughter is going through so much. She is lucky to have you in her corner.

    Sharon Sorry to hear your disability was denied. Hopefully you will get it approved when you finish your challenge.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country where preliminary reports show the scale is now being kind (to both hubs and I)....but the true test will be tomorrow on weigh in day.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    17* this AM :s

    Supposed to be in the 60's on Saturday :)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sharon - Possible COPD?

    Barbie - I had a maid when I worked that I shared with my boss's wife. She came every other week. She did an outstanding job, I even trusted her to wash and dry our clothes ... tell her to make sure she did not throw any of my tops in the dryer. About the only thing she did was stay there until I got home, sometimes 5:30 - 6:00pm. She came early - 8:00 - 8:30. The boys would 'try' to stay gone on the days she came because she would smother them with love and advice. Loved her. But, when we moved, it was way too far for her to come. Since purging my house, housework is not nearly as overwhelming to me and it looks so much nicer. The clutter is just because we have 7 rooms of furniture in basically 5 rooms and the mounted menagerie takes up the wall space.

    Went to my MD (GYN) yesterday to talk to him about my labs done on 12/29/17); I felt like I had been hit by a Mack Truck when I got there. Headache that had lasted about 5 days, and sore from my head to my knees. Now he is going to do a sonogram on my liver and pancreas (that is a little disconcerting to me); and has ordered a MRI (without contrast) which will be done next Thursday. Sonogram after that. Have to have more lab work in about 6 weeks. I had sent him my 'medical history' and we talked about it as well. Telling him that I was not the 24-year-old woman he treated 43 years ago. I think that got his attention more than anything. They ask what medications you are on; but, I don't ever remember them asking for other things that affect your body. I already have an appointment for that to be done. Had the Medicare Wellness trip yesterday while I was already at the office. So I spent about 3 1/2 hours (or more) at his office. Louis got finished with his work before I got out, so he had to wait on me. We talked about my seizure meds and the fact that my Neurologist was not at all happy about my seizures meds being cut by half, although they did raise my Dilantin by 100mg. Neurologist wrote the Rx for the lowered amount; but, I talked to my PsycheMD and he wanted it to go back to what I was taking before I entered the hospital. So Neurologist wrote another Rx for the amount to be upped and also the upped amount of Dilantin. Just a 2-month supply so I would have enough to last me through the time I see him in mid-February. That made me a lot happier, because I have not had that 'sinking feeling' until last night and I had a bad one. I took my evening meds with a sip of Coke so it would get into my system a little quicker. Today, I am not as sore. Taking out one of my Rx'd meds and replacing it with Tylenol Arthritis. Also have appointment with GP, just because I have not been to him in the last 6 months. He is very popular and he stays 'full' so when I am sick it is quite often easier to see Bill than to see him.

    Last night's sinking feeling was pretty upsetting as it just hit me quickly. I laid down on the bedroom floor and also took medication for dizziness and nausea and my migraine medication. So, today it is gone. At least for now.

    I'm still getting much better - mentally.

    Hope all of you, especially those with a lot of snow on the ground, will have a good rest of he week.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited January 2018
    Katie I am sorry for the loss of your uncle.

    Lenora I buy my tart cherry juice in the organic section of the grocery store. I also buy it at a local co-op. It is on the pricey side. I drink a small wine glass full about 2-3 before I go to sleep. If I am having trouble sleeping I might have another glass at dinner. It is tart. If you drink wine it reminds me of a merlot.

    Sharon it is rare to get disability on the first try. Unfortunately it does appear you may need to apply more than once. There are lawyers that specialize in this. There was a woman named Gayle who has not posted in quite some time (Her mother was taking up most of her time) whose husband's job was to work on such cases. I would try to find a lawyer in your area who specializes in this and put it in their hands.

    I did laugh when you told me about Larry. Yes tart cherry juice is not for all. I think of it like medicine. I do feel the same as Larry about elderberry juice. Elderberry juice is good for your immune system. I have had to find alternatives because I spit out elderberry juice.

    M in OZ I agree about the alcohol and ice cream. I too find if I listen to my bodies reaction good or bad and act on what it is trying to tell me my life works better.

    Lenora you have been through the wringer. You have a team of good doctors helping you. It sounds getting them working as a team to help you is not always easy. What I do hear in your posts is you are working hard and listening to yourself to do right by body and mind. So happy to hear your thoughts are clearing.

    I went to choir last night and had a good time. I love the woman I sing next too. She is a surgical nurse and one of the best at what she does. She is just so fun! I did get a complement from someone who tried out the choir last night. She says she hears my voice and I have a beautiful voice. I have learned to accept compliments and said Thank you. Another soprano just lost twenty five pounds by changing her diet. She eliminated process foods and asks herself why she wants to eat. By asking herself this question she found it helped her make better choices.

    Because choir goes later than the start of my sleep routine I do have to adjust. I still made it to sleep by 10. I am waking up at 3 to 3:30. I just stay in bed and let myself drift. I then did get up at 6:30. I do feel rested.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Went out after lunch for Day 2 Week 3 of c25k and it started to rain. The sky looked ominously grey, so I went back to the house and carried on my session running/walking around the house and up and down the stairs! :laugh: DH was cooking pears and making a stir fry marinade for pork, so he was highly amused at me running round the kitchen table. :D I added a bit of extra time on the end to make up any effort shortfall. I did feel at the end pretty much as I usually do afterwards, so I think it went ok. I didn't get quite the high that I normally get though. Of course, it's sunny out there now, but I didn't know when the rain would stop. DH has just gone out for his walk.
    I have pretty much found that if I don't do things at the normal time for them they get shelved, or I make excuses. So I had to do it then. ;):*

    Barbie - I too would love to go vegan, and I do love vegan food, but, like you, there are things I would miss horribly. As for the ethical side of things I think it is either omnivore or vegan. Dairy is more cruel than meat farming. The milk industry is far from cruelty free. I do insist on organic, free range meat from ethical sources. Today's pigs have happily grunted in a field. :D
    I have lots of fish days (again not cruelty free :'( ) and at least one vegetarian/vegan day a week. It is a real conundrum, but, for me, eating happily reared animals is something I can just about live with. We used to live near a farm with its own abattoir and calming music was played to the animals as they waited for stunning. The owner made sure the animals were happy and not aware of their fate. Unfortunately we don't live there now, but I liked that idea.
    The important thing is to be mindful of where your food comes from and to appreciate every bite. Mindless, junk eating is a modern day curse. Only eat things that have been grown and made with love, not factory s×÷+×.

    Here ended the lesson. :bigsmile:

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    well its late morning and will pick my dad up in an hour to take him to the hospital, I would aprreciate any prayers for hoping that they can get through and get it all out.. as I said he will be staying the night here..going to take my laptop and dental book to study to keep my mind off things...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2018

    Katla - Do you employ your cleaner "as and when", or does she come st a regular, weekly time. If it is regular I would pay her for her slot, whether I wanted her or not. The only time I wouldn't pay her was if she couldn't come. I pay my cleaner for my holidays, even though she doesn't have a key. As for the quality of the cleaning - I have found they all have their quirks, blind spots and things they are good at. I have had several who leave things misplaced, probably to show they have "been there". It is annoying, but I have never had a perfect one. I had to ask yesterday for ours to take the cushions off the sofas to hoover under the cushions. If I want a "deep clean" of a room I ask for that and make it clear I don't expect her to get round the whole house. Mine does about half to two thirds, depending on how "deep" I want each room, and I specify the day's tasks when she arrives. Every cleaner has an obsession, for my last one it was the range stove. Spotless!
    If your cleaner doesn't respond to your specified wishes, including straightening the pictures, then it's time to change her.
    Some of the agency cleaners I have had don't speak much English and it's harder explaining to them. I found one almost flooding our oak floors with water, when I wanted her to use wipes. I think she realised I was horrified!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    We pay our lovely house cleaner a set amount each month regardless of how many times she comes to our house. She relies on the steady income and knows she can count on it. I don't believe her other clients have this arrangement with her, as it was our idea and she (reluctantly at first) agreed to it. Now she is enthusiastic about this arrangement. This month she will come only once because she is visiting/helping her sick mother who does not live locally. She usually comes once a week. If we need her to come an extra time before a holiday or meal gathering, or help with a specific task like re-organizing the pantry, she will come an extra time or stay longer. When we were in Sanibel, even though we had neighbors who took care of our dogs, she brought her little girls over to snuggle the dogs, and let them out to pee every afternoon! We didn't ask her to, she asked if it would be okay...what a gem...it all works out, and I think it is fairer to her. We are so darn lucky to have found her. She doesn't do a perfect job but it is good enough for us, and she is always open to feedback.


    I just finished watching the first episode of Broken Brain. I found it interesting and hopeful and plan on watching one episode each day until I have watched the entire series.

    Karen in Virginia

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Katla, thanks for that C.S. Lewis quote!
    Had a bit of trouble sleeping last night because I got a bit emotional watching Dunkirk. So intense and sad! But beautiful too in a somber way.
    Betty ROC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2018
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Trying to watch Broken Brain but link only gives 9 mins of music, there are other comments from people in UK and Belgium about it not working. A bit disappointing.

    Kate UK <3

    Did you try brokenbrain.com/01 ?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Better this morning ... woke up without the headache ... so the rest of me feels better, too.

    Sharon - I agree that you should find an attorney that specialized in Disability Claims and that bein all they do. We had a SS Judge that 'if' you were not confined to a wheelchair he did not think you deserved Disability. My boss was the Federal Magistrate and he was the next step up so he heard (read) the cases that had been denied. When I became disabled we were actually able to walk my through the process and bypassed that portion of it. We knew he would deny mind, because his son was bipolar and even though he would go off his meds from time-to-time ... he did not see any type of mental illness as grounds for receiving disability. I think going though the process of contesting the denial, will take you to the next step (bypassing the SS Judge).

    I will look for the 'tart' cherry juice ... maybe they will have a small bottle and I can test it out without spending a small fortune for a drink that I might not like. I don't like Merlot wine too much.

    I am upset that I could not 'refuse' the package with the refill of a drug that I was told to go off and did not get put back on it becauses I was having a reaction to it. $125 from my mail order company. Oh well. hopefully that won't happen again.

    Need to get off .. so goodbye ladies!
