

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Scale was kind. I kept at it and the water went away and took a lb of fat with it. I realized this morning I am 15 lbs away from my goal. I should make it by our 30th Anniversary in May. After that, the hard work of maintenance begins. I’m actually more concerned about maintaining than losing.

    Allie my prayers are with you and your Dad.

    As for alcohol, I’m not a big drinker. I drink socially but gave that up when I started losing weight. I prefer to eat my calories. I’ve had an occasional glass of wine over the last 8 months. I will definitely have a couple of mai tai’s when we meet some friends in Hawaii!!

    Comfort food for me is carby and cheesy. Mac n cheese, au gratin potatoes, cheese sticks, nachos, cheesy potato soup. Yum!

    Stress food is anything crunchy. Chips, crackers, cookies, pretzels.

    I better get my exercise going. I have several errands to run today. Have a great day ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Allie (((Hug)))

    Kim Have fun with your company this weekend!

    NYKAREN I wander off my happy path, too. Inexplicable.

    Karen in Virginia
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited January 2018
    Kelly ... I too am appalled ... :'(

    Machka ... "plan four months in advance" ... reminded me of my uncle who wouldn't even buy green bananas because he never knew what he would be doing 2 days forward! :D Obviously not a planner.


    I have my first attempt at instant pot yogurt setting up in the refrigerator after a 9 hour incubation overnight. Plan to get a yogurt strainer today as I like thicker yogurt ... keeping my fingers crossed.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Machka ... "plan four months in advance" ... reminded me of my uncle who wouldn't even buy green bananas because he never knew what he would be doing 2 days forward! :D Obviously not a planner.


    Well, 4 months is about all I can plan ahead. I'd like to be able to lay out the whole year or the next 5 years ... but who knows what's going to happen. Who knows what's going to happen in 4 months! But at least if I've included and planned for what I would like to happen, it is more likely to happen.

    And the moment I feel relatively comfortable with it all ... I suddenly realised that I've forgotten something that's going to take me at least one entire evening if not two! Taking down my Christmas decorations!! The end of January is getting closer so I'll have to try to get that in there somewhere.

    Machka in Oz
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kelly ~ Yes, that whole situation is appalling! :'(:s
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited January 2018
    Mary good to see your posts. I know with teaching again how busy you are. Thanks for stopping by.

    I am working a full day today so off to get ready.

    The Brain Fix still on my list. I watched Mysteries At the Museum instead. Love that show. My fav.

    :heart: Margaret
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Pip, another great picture of you and your honey. Old, no your seasoned.

    Michele, I’m with you, frozen grapes in the summer are my go to snack.

    Joyce, glad the dr upped your medication. Hopefully it will help. When I had both knees replaced I had to take a shower on a stool. You’re right, it is a tight fit but feels so good.


    Mary, thanks. I’m enjoying the kettlebells.

    Machka, guess you will have to start selling the jam too. I do the same thing. I get an idea and think it will be easy and it never is. Wish I could be there to sit with you and have tea and scones with jam. Sounds like you are going to be busy planning your events.

    Sharon, I was checking out alcohol ink myself a while ago to paint jewelry scales (not the weighing scales). What does Jheri use it for? Hold off thinking Jason is using cocaine until you are sure. Does he live near by or can you contact him or have a friend contact him. I worry whenever someone stops engaging. Please remember to take care of yourself.

    Wendy, can you do some research on that insurance company and see if they are reputable? If you have some evidence that they has problems you have proof that might encourage your DH to change companies. Or call other companies and see what they would have done in the same situation. Check out the Better Business Bureau. I think you can also report companies there.

    NYKaren, good for you doing great planning. I’ve got to get back on track but just can seem to just do it. Got to do some soul searching to see where I’m blocked.

    Kelley, I also have been thinking a lot for those Turpin kids. I feel the urge to take them in may arms and never let go. And this is a family we know about. So much abuse is right there and never seen or reported.

    Margaret, I love Mysteries at the Museum. Haven’t watched it in ages.

    Allie, hope you father is doing well. ((Hugs))

    As for alcohol, never liked the taste of any of it so that has never been a problem. My drug of choice has always been food.

    Hugs to all, Terry in VT
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, guess you will have to start selling the jam too. I do the same thing. I get an idea and think it will be easy and it never is. Wish I could be there to sit with you and have tea and scones with jam. Sounds like you are going to be busy planning your events.

    That would be nice! :)

    My husband loves scones with jam and whipped cream so he was right on board with this idea! I went out and bought all the stuff to make both ... now I just hope it all works.

    I've spent my evening checking and adjusting cycling routes. I'm kind of procrastinating on my homework assignment. That course (the in-class stuff) was so intense that when it finished on Wednesday, I really didn't want to look at anything related to it for a couple days! But I did have a look at a bit of it earlier today and itemised a few of the things I need to locate as background material, so I haven't avoided it entirely. Tomorrow evening, I plan to do a bit more work with it.

    M in Oz

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2018
    Sharon Is your relationship with Jason such that you could ask him if he is using cocaine or another substance? If so, asking could be throwing him a lifeline. If not, all you can do is keep your eyes, ears, & arms open.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Had a great app on ipad to time my KB workout but it seems to have disappeared and I'm going crosseyed trying to find it or something similar on App store, downloaded a couple of apps but not what I want

    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Hi ladies,

    Pip, another great picture of you and your honey. Old, no your seasoned.

    Michele, I’m with you, frozen grapes in the summer are my go to snack.

    Joyce, glad the dr upped your medication. Hopefully it will help. When I had both knees replaced I had to take a shower on a stool. You’re right, it is a tight fit but feels so good.


    Mary, thanks. I’m enjoying the kettlebells.

    Machka, guess you will have to start selling the jam too. I do the same thing. I get an idea and think it will be easy and it never is. Wish I could be there to sit with you and have tea and scones with jam. Sounds like you are going to be busy planning your events.

    Sharon, I was checking out alcohol ink myself a while ago to paint jewelry scales (not the weighing scales). What does Jheri use it for? Hold off thinking Jason is using cocaine until you are sure. Does he live near by or can you contact him or have a friend contact him. I worry whenever someone stops engaging. Please remember to take care of yourself.

    Wendy, can you do some research on that insurance company and see if they are reputable? If you have some evidence that they has problems you have proof that might encourage your DH to change companies. Or call other companies and see what they would have done in the same situation. Check out the Better Business Bureau. I think you can also report companies there.

    NYKaren, good for you doing great planning. I’ve got to get back on track but just can seem to just do it. Got to do some soul searching to see where I’m blocked.

    Kelley, I also have been thinking a lot for those Turpin kids. I feel the urge to take them in may arms and never let go. And this is a family we know about. So much abuse is right there and never seen or reported.

    Margaret, I love Mysteries at the Museum. Haven’t watched it in ages.

    Allie, hope you father is doing well. ((Hugs))

    As for alcohol, never liked the taste of any of it so that has never been a problem. My drug of choice has always been food.

    Hugs to all, Terry in VT

    Well then, I look seasonly old!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited January 2018
    Happy Friday ladies!

    First, are any of you spiralizer fans? I bought a "Veggetti" several years ago when I had tons of zucchini in the garden. After summer was over, it got shoved to the back of the utensil drawer. It was OK and I liked sautéed zucchini pasta, but basically screwing the vegetable into the device was a little tiresome, lol. The hand-cranked ones were expensive and I couldn't see spending a lot just to make zucchini into spaghetti noodles. B)

    I had lunch with my girlfriend Barrie yesterday, who has lost nine pounds in the past month or so by eating a lot of spiralized veggies. She has one with a crank and five different blades - spiralizes not only zucchini and yellow squash, but winter squash, redbeets, you name it. She is gluten free so this has filled the pasta niche for her.

    She said she has been using it for three weeks now and still hasn't lost interest, lol. So it must be a good thing.

    I believe spiralizers have been discussed in the group before but I didn't pay attention to the information because my brain was focused on zucchini noodles! Sorry!

    Of course, I had to order one - the price is now pretty reasonable on these hand-cranked ones. I'm thinking this will be a great way to make salads more exciting in addition to being a pasta substitute - there are a lot of neat recipes on the internet now. DH is even interested - maybe I can get him to take a bite of salad! Will have to be drowning in salad dressing though. Sigh.

    Broken Brain - I liked episode #2 on the brain/gut connection. I got an email from Dr. Hyman's group about how to clean out my pantry.

    Well, I am not ready to toss out all dairy, sugar, fruits, and gluten. But what I took away from it is to eat as many colorful veggies as possible, have some good fresh fruits especially berries, cherries, etc. Cut way back on gluten/breads/processed foods. I thought it was interesting they mentioned even a little gluten can have a bad impact on the brain even if a person isn't celiac. Perhaps.

    Regarding sugars, I also am not going to toss out maple syrup and honey-I don't use that much. I rarely use added white or brown sugar. For sugar, I prefer Reese cups! >:):'( Barrie told me yesterday that new food labeling laws are coming out that has to list "added" sugars! Great idea. I'm going to lobby MFP to add that category.

    About the Turpin kids: we had a similar case here in our own small community last fall. Parents basically starved their son and kept him hidden in the house for years. I don't get the paper so am unsure how it finally got reported, but since he's been in foster care he's gained a huge amount of weight and grown several inches. I think he's a teenager now. I too am curious as to why it never concerned the neighbors, although neighborhoods do turn over and it's possible after a couple years, perhaps none of the new neighbors were even aware there was a child in the house? They are throwing the book at the parents.

    More later!

    Chilly SW WA State
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited January 2018
    Machka, Heather, Barbie, Lanette, Terry, Michelle, Okie, Terry thanks for sharing your experiences, supportive comments and suggestions. I have been logging alcohol and sweet treats. Dr. said concern was moving from total CICO to quality of calories in. Tuesday was AF, Wednesday was 5 oz wine divided into 2 servings, Yesterday was AF again. No ice cream so far ;) Baby steps.
    Thunder last night announced a terrific hailstorm. Tumble was very curious, nosed and licked but refused to go out onto it. This morning it looks like ice crusted snow. :noway: Noooo! :noway: No ice here on the Coast! They PROMISED!
    Car repairs: When I try to call a car noise to Joe-the-retired-mechanic's attention, he leans over and turns the radio up. There! It's fixed! ;) Had to give up my little wannabe Land Rover when the transmission went out the second time. First was covered by warranty. Second would have cost $4K for a re-manufactured one. Too much to put into a 12 yr old vehicle, I thought. Now I'm not so sure. Have car payments on a car I really don't like much instead of bopping around in one that I loved.

    Marcelyn beef to Texas? Is that like coals to Newcastle?
    Katla none of us needs the stress of "having to argue" with people hired to work. Listen to yourself and look for a better match.
    Machka, thanks...I'll try to be open to feeling better... ;)
    Meggie had to look up buti yoga. Sounds challenging but also fun. Good for you!
    Sharon, Denied? Grr. Sounds like you have some good :rage: energy to fight this wrongheaded decision. Couragia!
    Lanette, "... to binge on kale" That (re-)program would make your fortune! ;)
    Lenora "could not refuse the package with the refill of a drug that I was told to go off"??? Ridiculous. Does the mail order pharmacy have an appeal or ombudsman process? $125 would be too much for me to shrug off... :anguished:
    pip Santa's got an armful of cutie! Omigosh, bikini babe!
    Beth, I remember Ovaltine. Yuck. Would have to be really sleep deprived... of course back then we didn't know about lactase deficiency... :sick: Ditto what you said about the wise words of these women coming back to us later. They resonate, help us to grow. What is a yoghurt strainer?
    Allie so glad your Dad made it through the 'scopy ok. Glad he has distractions to carry him through to next week. Praying for him. . . and you.
    Sharon Could whatever Jason is doing be affecting Harmony? She's seems thin/dark circled. Wonder if she knows something's changed and worrying herself sick?
    Pat BRR, that brings back memories. Can't believe its North Carolina :noway: What bizarre weather!
    Joyce "competitive grooming" LOL!
    Kelly you are right, someone knew something was wrong... and didn't call CPS. A lesson to us all.

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Oregon Barbara I use a regular strainer and a commercial size coffee filter to strain my yogurt, ricotta, etc.

    Lanette I'm with you. Not ready to give up all dairy, gluten, fruit. My goal is to have a diet consisting mainly of vegetables, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, yogurt, heavy cream, grass-fed butter, olive oil, avocado and berries, with occasional coconut oil, legumes & grains. I feel good on that diet.

    Ovaltine I found this vintage ad:


    Karen in VIrginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi all,
    We went to our nearest largish town today to exchange our soda stream cylinder. Can’t do it locally. Walking around counted for my bonus exercise as we parked at Lidl a lidl walk away. :laugh: The town is run down and a bit depressing, but there are cheaper shops there. In Lidl we bought three bottles of champagne :o at a ridiculous price and lots of continental meats etc. In town we found some smart trainers for DH that we have been looking for for ages. Of course, they weren't in the sale, but they were perfect. :D So a good day.
    Dinner tonight is chorizo and lentil stew. Yummo! Friday night is wine night, so we are having Lidl Pinot Noir with it.
    Must get on and cook it.

    Beth - I incubate my yoghurt for ten and a half hours, because I like it more tart. I use an ordinary wire mesh colander to strain it , lined with three overlapping large, industrial coffee filters. That way I don't have to wash yogurt off anything. Just rinse the colander. I buy the coffee filters from Amazon. :D I make two kinds of yoghurt - one I make in a Pyrex bowl on the trivet which is more creamy for fruit etc and one which I make in the liner and strain and use like cottage cheese.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2018

    Beth - I incubate my yoghurt for ten and a half hours, because I like it more tart. I use an ordinary wire mesh colander to strain it , lined with three overlapping large, industrial coffee filters. That way I don't have to wash yogurt off anything. Just rinse the colander. I buy the coffee filters from Amazon. :DI make two kinds of yoghurt - one I make in a Pyrex bowl on the trivet which is more creamy for fruit etc and one which I make in the liner and strain and use like cottage cheese.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Heather Is one higher fat content, or is the main difference in the straining? And why the Pyrex bowl?

    K in V