JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Goals for weds!

    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - May Challenge
    - Get house tidy
    - Do the laundry!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Tuesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :/
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Complete 3 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Wednesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Bring son to the dentist
    6. Complete 3 orders from my shop
    7. Start setting up for Friday's garage sale
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @OConnell5483 and @mytime6630 where are youuuu?!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited May 2018

    So I just got back from a nice walk this morning. I can feel all of the muscles in my hamstrings firing off. Lol. I think is one of my favorite feelings! Lol. I've been using the Calm apps "Walking Meditation" feature for the first part of my journey and I think it sets the pace for the whole walk and probably my day. I spend a part of it praying and the rest listening to a book on habits.

    I'm about to hop in the shower and prepped for the day.

    I forgot the add my three tint habits for the day as well

    1. Spend 5 minutes praying(tweaking this one)
    2. Drink 1 bottle of water per cup of coffee(keep track!)
    3. Brush teeth/Wash face by 8pm

    Have a great day everyone!

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run - 4 sets of 2 laps running / 1 lap walking. Use stopwatch to check run times. Walk to 30 minutes.
    2. Read articles; write response 1. Write comment! Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Children of Blood and Bone.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for 10.
    4. Divide up reflections with units and courses. Review standards and assign to units. Create assessments that align to standards. Write comment if possible.
    5. Gym immediately after school for strength. QUIZ. Chop more celery. Dinner - Plated 1? PF ends 6/23. MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T ROLL OVER!!
    6. Meds before writing group. Leave for writing group by 6:40. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run - 4 sets of 2 laps running / 1 lap walking. Use stopwatch to check run times. Walk to 30 minutes.
    2. Write comment 2. Find articles about candidates and social media. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Children of Blood and Bone. Students put projects away. Find Scantron. Create Odyssey test.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for 10.
    4. Divide up reflections with units and courses. Review standards and assign to units. Create assessments that align to standards.
    5. Shoulder therapy. QUIZ. Chop more celery. Dinner - Soup Plus? PF ends 6/23. MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T ROLL OVER!!
    6. Meds upon return from training. Leave for training by 5:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,089 Member
    I like this discussion but I don't know how to post here I think I'm replying right now but I'm not sure. Anyway I wish everyone well there's a lot of wisdom here. Thank you. Michaela

    You're posting just fine (and I love your kitty)! :)

  • Michaela_LaGata
    Michaela_LaGata Posts: 135 Member
    So I just got back from a nice walk this morning. I can feel all of the muscles in my hamstrings firing off. Lol. I think is one of my favorite feelings! Lol. I've been using the Calm apps "Walking Meditation" feature for the first part of my journey and I think it sets the pace for the whole walk and probably my day. I spend a part of it praying and the rest listening to a book on habits.

    I'm about to hop in the shower and prepped for the day.

    I forgot the add my three tint habits for the day as well

    1. Spend 5 minutes praying(tweaking this one)
    2. Drink 1 bottle of water per cup of coffee(keep track!)
    3. Brush teeth/Wash face by 8pm

    Have a great day everyone!


    Sounds good and I'm with you on number three. Gets me to bed early and sleep is very very important for making and keeping commitments and for self-care.
    Take good care,
  • Michaela_LaGata
    Michaela_LaGata Posts: 135 Member
    Kept the goals yesterday.
    Under calories with exercise, thank you recumbent bike. Got a used one on Amazon = works great.

    -Use mindfulness for eating and work and relaxing.
    -I can do anything just for today.
    -Appreciate people around me the beauty within them and the beauty of nature.
    -Stick to food plan exercise plan and self-care.
    -Within food plan eat green and clean.
    -Breathe easy every half hour be conscious of it.

    Best to all for a peaceful productive and healthy day.

    With lovingkindness,
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Recap T 5/22 ~ Rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 9,630, 250+ steps 13/14 & 29 floors :smile:
    2) Not quite sure of lunch & supper but have ideas / net calories green / monitor usual = Slight binge on Hershey miniatures after supper THEN evening snack attack ~ ack!!! Horrible nutrition numbers ~ net calories RED + sodium RED + sugar RED :s>:) At least good fiber & protein & 14c water :D Hard to keep net cals green on rest days + lack of meal planning is not good for me. :#
    3) Evening: mail wedding RSVPs (unbelievable we got 2 invites for the same date in two different states) :smiley: / buy ciabatta rolls :smiley: / mix low sodium & original V-8 :smiley: / sort laundry & load washer for T a.m. :smiley: / put up clothesline :smiley: / prep overnight oats :smiley: / wash dishes :( too lazy / 1 - 2 more to-do's = refilled bird feeders & baths :smile: + decluttered some :) + searched for grass clippers :| where the heck are they?!? :#
    4) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :s / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :s (before work W a.m. 2 loads laundry & walk dog)

    JFT W 5/23
    1) Walked dog before work on absolutely gorgeous morning / 3.12 mi 54:22 pace 17:25 / remembered to stretch = happy dog B) + happy me B)
    2) Washed 2 loads laundry before work :smile: / hung one load on clothesline before work :smile: / hang 2nd load at lunch
    4) Breakfast, snacks & lunch as usual / supper??? / net calories green / no evening snacking
    5) Evening: take down & fold/hang/put away laundry / check shed for grass clippers / wash dishes / unbox frames and insert photos of hubby & me / at least 1 to-do
    6) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (Th a.m. dog walk before work)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Friday Recap
    1. Be kind :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Meds AM and PM :)
    4. Cook chicken thighs and asparagus for dinner :)
    5. Sort laundry for laundromat date this weekend :)
    6. 10 wall push up every bathroom trip :)
    7. Call to make eyebrow appointment for Tuesday >:) Worked out because I was sick anyway, plan to do it next week
    8. Smart choices for lunch - Vietnamese fresh bowl? :)
    9. Stop at grocery store for things ON THE LIST - a few extras okay, but smarter choices! :)

    Whoops - took a little weekend break, then ended up getting sick on Sunday night. I'm back at work today. Still not feeling great but I'm upright! I had a slightly indulgent weekend. About 400 over on cals both Sat and Sun but they were healthy food choices. The important part it that I was honest with myself about it, logged it all, and got over it. I didnt eat much of anything on Monday feeling so under the weather. Tuesday I ate like an 8 year old, velveeta and chicken nuggets, but it was right around calorie goal for the day, so c'est la vie. Back at it today for my health!

    1. Take it easy
    2. Be kind
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Log all food
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Tuesday May 22
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :)
    Outside 15 Minutes - :)
    Write in Journal - :)
    Do paintings! - :)

    JFT - Wednesday May 23
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Write in Journal

    Yesterday I left work early and managed to get my paintings completed for the paint night Friday night. The hostess chose to do the one with the wine glass, it should be a fun evening.

    I went for a 5K walk last night using my new shoes for the first time. I am not in agony today, what a difference! I do have tiny blisters on both heels, but they will heal up quickly.

    I ate a lot of salt on the weekend and made some unhealthy choices, my hands are swollen either from that or the heat we are having. Either way, I hope it goes away soon.


  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @OConnell5483 and @mytime6630 where are youuuu?!

    I think OConnell5483 went away for long weekend, and Joan had grandsons & son visiting.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I just heard from Traci(Oconnell5483). She is alive and well! Her stepdaughter is talking her ear off. Lol! She said she would be back soon!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So work was actually really really good today! I got home about 2 minutes after we were scheduled to leave. Everything was done and ready for 5pm. All I had to do was hit a button and put my drawer away. It was awesome. There was a farmers market about .75 miles away on a huge lawn. I had a snack attack and bought a .5lb bag of salted cashews...I ate almost the whole thing on the walk back. I was sick for most of the afternoon. Lol. LM went on her break as well and bought us caramel brownies from a baker who sets up a stand there. So that was my lunch. Lol. A devishily good caramel brownie and 6oz of cashews...Lol. But it is all logged to the best of my ability! I've had 15 glasses of water already today so I am hoping that the water washes out all the salt I ingested today. Mom and Dad are also taking me out for ice cream in about a half an hour. We are celebrating my graduation even though I am not walking for it. I did not order a cap and gown in time to qualify to walk. But oh well. I wouldnt be getting the diploma tomorrow anyway. I dont think they are available until June.

    I have the whole evening to myself tonight though. Matt works late and probably wont be home until close to 1030. I'm not sure what I am going to do. I want to try and finish the book I am listening to and I will probably work on next months budget and such. I may even take a nap in the evening. Depends on exactly how exhausted I am. Lol. I took the day off from work tomorrow because I thought I would be spending the evening graduating and I didnt want to have to rush from work. But even though I am not walking I decided to keep the day off. The DH also took the day off and got a vacation day out of it so he is getting paid for it(I am not.) I have a couple of things I have to do tomorrow though. But I think the best part about the next 5 days is that I only work on Friday. The bank is closed on Monday so I pretty much get a 4 day weekend. Lol I'm pretty darned excited about that! Lol.


    I hope everyone is having a great night! I'll "see" you all later!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for weds!

    - 8 glasses of water :(
    - Be in the green :(
    - May Challenge :)
    - Get house tidy :)
    - Do the laundry! :/

    Soooo not the best day!
    The weather is reaaaaaally nice here, supposed to be hotter than Hawaii these next few days!

    We didn’t have any food in and when my OH does the shopping he always comes back with lots of nice treats! And because there was no food in he bought us all pizza for lunch and stuff so that’s that out the window!

    But we had a nice day, I got the house pretty tidy, it’s a bit messy again now but just taking a break from cleaning for 5 mins. I sat in the sun from about 12-4. I’m actually starting to tan! We got the paddling pool out for the girls and generally had a good day! Casey had immunisations today so has slept for most the day only waking for feeds.

    So although not the best day eating wise I’ve had a good day :)
    And I’ve come back, held myself accountable and confessed my sins to you all :sweat_smile:

    Have a nice night everyone!
    Posting goals in the morning!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT, 5/23/18

    1. Up @ 530/Walk!!! :)Yup! Was super humid
    2. Pray/Bible :|Prayer yes, Bible no. I totally forgot
    3. Pick up milk for work! :DI probably could have but I didnt want to take the time to stop in the morning
    4. Work 8:15-5:15 :)Was a great day!
    5. Call C about appt time :|Forgot. I'll call in the morning before I go
    6. Call Mom about time :)
    7. Ice cream w/ Mom and Dad :p:pHad a really good time! I love the friendship I have with my parents now
    8. Spend some time reading :|Not yet. I'm not even sure at the moment
    9. Teeth/Face by 8pm :/Considering it's 8:32. This is a no. It will be done before bed though
    10. Bed by 12 :)More likely than not

    JFT, 5/24/18

    1. Sleep in
    2. Pick up grocery order
    3. Drop off Ck to DH bank
    4. Get blood drawn
    5. Walmart
    6. Drinks w/ R and D
    7. Time with DH

    Going to be a busy but fun day I think.

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run - 4 sets of 2 laps running / 1 lap walking. Use stopwatch to check run times. Walk to 30 minutes.
    2. Write comment 2. Find articles about candidates and social media. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Children of Blood and Bone. Students put projects away. Find Scantron. Create Odyssey test.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for 10.
    4. Divide up reflections with units and courses. Review standards and assign to units. Create assessments that align to standards.
    5. Shoulder therapy. QUIZ. Chop more celery. Dinner - Soup Plus? PF ends 6/23. MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T ROLL OVER!!
    6. Meds upon return from training. Leave for training by 5:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00.

    JFT Thursday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run - 4 sets of 2 laps running / 1 lap walking. Use stopwatch to check run times. Walk to 30 minutes.
    2. Read social media articles. Begin essay. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Children of Blood and Bone. Get laptops for finals. What to do with 2nd? Finish Odyssey for those who haven't!
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for 10.
    4. Divide up reflections with units and courses. Review standards and assign to units. Create assessments that align to standards.
    5. Shoulder therapy. Chop more celery. Dinner - Soup Plus? PF ends 6/23. MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T ROLL OVER!!
    6. Meds upon return from park. Leave for park by 5:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    weigh in Wednesday
    Starting weight 1/1/2018: 177
    Today's weight: 157, down 1 pound from last week

    I didn't get my JFT in today. Tomorrow I return to TX...to a week of, "Mom, can you make us pizza? Mom the cookie jar is empty! Mom, can you make French toast for breakfast?" And of course I say YES! It's good to be needed, lolol!!! Now to do all that without gaining!! I did it for five weeks...why am I thinking one week will be more difficult???

    Peace and joy
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Holy cow! I'm 137 posts behind! I don't think I'll get a chance to read them tonight but just know I have missed all of you! I'll try to catch up this weekend on what everyone is up to.

    So glad to be back on here. I miss the routine of MFP, and JFT especially! :)

    I had a great time in Chicago. Life has been a whirlwind lately. I gained 2 lbs while away so that was not cool, but it could have been so much worse! So, I'm not beating myself up too badly.

    My DH and I are leaving Friday to go visit my mom. She lives about 6 or 7 hours away. I only get there about once a year, and since changing jobs and having limited days off work, we figured we could at least get there for this long weekend. It'll be nice to get some alone time with my DH. We got a room at a motel. I'm hoping there is a pool and hot tub! (Pretty sure there is, but whether we will have time or not is the real question!)

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Stay in the GREEN
    2. 80 oz of water
    3. Sit less--stand up every 30 minutes
    4. Take two 15-minute walks at work
    5. Start morning with inspirational reading and quiet time
    6. Work on self-confidence. Practice positive self-talk and patience
    7. One random act of kindness
    8. FitBit goals: 6000 steps, 250 steps 12/12 hours, 30 minutes activity
    9. Bed early to rest for trip. I'm still exhausted from last weekend!


  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Battling a bit of insomnia here and have been up since 2am! Don’t know where the last two hours have gone really but I’ve done a bit of (quiet!) housework while the kids are sleeping and will start my workout in an hour or so. Made lebkuchen last night for my class as we have this sweet little geography topic where a travelling bear “takes” the children to different countries to teach them about the culture, food, weather etc. We also have a celebration lunch for my friend and colleague who is getting married this weekend. Lots of temptation around but I’m focussed as have a fitted dress to get into for the wedding ;)

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - Post off docs ✅
    - make gp appt :/
    - Online grocery shop :) turns out we don’t need it as we are all away this weekend
    - Email M ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Early night :| too much cooking and cleanup!

    Thursday goals
    - morning workout
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - Remember to take laptop, lebkuchen and fruit platter into work
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Set meeting date with SLT to discuss partner School
    - Speak to Z re environment day
    - Leave on time for 4:30 appt
    - Clean-up/ food prep for E’s visit
    - Early night

    Have a great day everyone!