

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2018
    Becca- every time I was at the hospital as a long term visitor there was a refrigerator where we could keep items. You might want to call ahead to see if that is a possibility. It is usually in the visitors lounge and you write your name on your bag/item. It's OK to vent! This is a very stressful situation for you that you have already been through it and it is extremely hard to be a caregiver! And I would say that in my opinion men are big babies and require a lot of care! And even though my husband only has a shoulder/broken arm he still asks me to tie his shoes! I think he just wants attention!


    Mary from Arizona
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited March 2018
    Becca Thank you for the hug! And spinach! When I started on my diet I didn’t just want to lose weight I wanted to eat healthier. This was a real challenge for me because I just really don’t like most things people call healthy foods. Or I had not found a way to prepare them that I liked. Spinach was the first “healthy“ food that I found I liked. So for a few weeks or maybe even up to a few months it was close to constant spinach with X for every meal.

    Now that I regularly eat 6 to 8 different types of vegetables in different preparations, it is not spinach with every meal. But it still makes up a large part of my veggie intake. I love the stuff I like baby spinach fresh or wilted on the stove top. And I eat frozen regular spinach mist every day.

    Lately my favorite meal is to take a serving of frozen spinach, and three or four servings of a frozen veggie mix (carrots water chestnuts snow peapods and broccoli). I steam these vegetables in the microwave. Then I take a sinfully deliciously pasta sauce which my husband makes in large batches and ladle some over my veggie bowl. Since I never particularly cared for pasta, but I always have loved tomato sauce, this is better than anything I used to eat pre-diet!

    A veggie mix like that one is what I am serving with many of the meals that my husband makes like chicken Tikka and other Currys or sauce-based foods. He has rice or pasta and I just ladle it on to my veggies.

    I have very little useful advice for your next week, Becca, but I do just want to say you are one of the strongest women I ‘know’ and you are a lot of what I aspire to be. I’ll keep you in my warm thoughts next week.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    I am chilling as it snows away.. not having to shovel or snow blow...
    Going for a haircut tomorrow..
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Becca - your snack type foods sound great. Would anything like little individual unsweetened applesauce cups work? One of my favorites is adding a few walnut halves to applesauce and it's tasty, fills a person up and is kind of like a treat.

    Do you know what will be expected as far as your caregiver role this time? Any wound care for example, helping to and fro (bathroom, dinner table) while he regains his strength? Getting pills down him?

    You are an inspiration to all of us - teaching us how to enjoy life and be loved every day and be silly when necessary (((( <3 ))))) B):D

    Janetr - your grandson is a cutie! I always said I regretted not having kids cause I'm missing out on grandkids. I can see why you are so proud of him ;-) Not just babies to hug and kiss, but big strong young men who can walk us into the senior center and make all the other little white haired ladies jealous! LOL. I can see now why my mom and grandmothers loved being around my brother as a young man - he was kind, good looking in a brother sort of way, 6' 4" tall, in good shape. I'm sure they felt very safe in his presence. B)

    Rye - I was going to mention how neat it is when you decide to concentrate on eating and exercising to be healthy, often the weight loss happens anyhow. I am so proud of you for hitting your BMI range! What a neat feeling for you!

    Have a wonderful evening my friends!

    SW WA State - fighting a little headache after eating a small portion of Job Chae from our favorite Asian restaurant on top my big salad. Durn. Maybe I just need a nap....

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited March 2018
    Machka & Laura Happy Birthday!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Today (well yesterday and today is confirmation) I am normal weight by all commonly used measures. (BMI, waist to height ratio, waist to hip ratio). I stopped actively dieting in January hoping that my periodic 5 day Fast Mimicking diets and my regular 5:2 Intermittent fasting would carry me over into normal BMI and it looks like that strategy worked!

    In the past twenty years (As an adult after age 30) at my lowest I have always hovered just in the low part of the overweight category by BMI measurements (tho I was healthy by the other two measures) so this might be the first time in two decades that I can confidently say my weight is good and healthy.

    What an odd feeling this accomplishment engenders in me, tho.

    Rye in Tx


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    will post stats tomorrow, cal 893
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Sue in WA, I hope the knee surgery manipulation goes smoothly!

    Barbie, I hope Jake's spinal surgery goes well!

    We are the caretakers of the world!!