
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Morning ladies~ I am having my tea and then will go get Taliah on the bus, and feed dfil and get my other dogs out. then come back here and get Alfie and go up to my dads...its supposed to snow midday and then turn to rain will try and bag up any crap I can to help my brother out..
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Awwww Heather.
    Loving intentions from a loving Mama.
    What a wonderful combo & how lucky your family is to have you. <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather This is a nerve-wracking time for you. <3 I believe you will feel great peace once it's done. I do hope your daughter-in-law responds in a timely fashion so you can proceed. I can tell that you need to get on with it. (((Hugs))).

    Karen in Virginia
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Heather, Thinking of you today, while your DDIL decides what's next for your younger son. So glad your eldest reacted well, and glad for you that you were able to pull that trigger. You are an amazing mother and grandmother.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday!
    NY Karen-Those are Looooong days! I was always a chaperone or, if the festival was held at our school, an event coordinator for those events. I hope the coordinator at your event has some fruit and veg set up for you and your fellow judges. Thinking of you! Fun to watch the kids be brave and do their thing, though!
    Allie- I hope your day is as relaxing as it can be. Remember to breathe. I am so glad you will be speaking to a financial advisor.
    Lisa-I would agree with that very insightful statement! Being a long distance grandparent has it's upside. Even with Joaquin only a year old, I have caught myself a number of times, before I stepped in and questioned my DD and DSIL's methods with him. Thinking of you and sending you big hugs as the "ball" you are balancing on seems to move faster or spin out of control at times. <3
    Suebdew!- You DO look lovely in red!

    I made a really delish dinner last night for myself, using the last of some veggies on hand. DH was asleep early and DYS was still working. I chopped up about a 1/4 head of cabbage, added some shredded carrot and green onion. I cooked it very lightly (just slightly softening; but still crunchy) in sesame oil. Added some spices. Added some shredded chicken. Steamed some sugar snap peas. Then I made a thai peanut sauce and added some sriracha to it. It tasted like the inside of an egg roll. So good. I wish my guys would at least TRY it (they both like egg rolls); but I will not hold my breath. And it's okay. So good...I almost don't want to share.

    Temps have dropped here and it is supposed to be in the 20s today and very windy. Snow on the way. Thinking the kids and I will be doing some dancing or yoga in the house, today, to get the wiggles out. I took the kids on a four mile walk, yesterday, because they arrived like loud little whirlwinds. We were out the door yesterday by 9:30am; all bundled up and off on our "adventure". We walked past our friend, Abbie's house (she is the nine year old I watch), we walked past a blueberry farm, past a couple of houses under construction, and we counted 27 fire hydrants along the way. Thank God for those fire hydrants. Every time the kids would start dragging and energy failing, I would say, "Oh my goodness! Is that ANOTHER fire hydrant? How many is that? 19?! We have past 19 fire hydrants!" They would jump and yell, very excited. Big numbers excite them. They weren't quite as impressed as we got into the mid twenties. They napped like champs, though. My knee held up pretty well during the walk. Was a little stiff last night as I slowed down and sat a bit. I put some rub on it last night before bed and it feels good this morning.

    Grammar girls: I just spent five minutes looking up "passed or past". I re read the above paragraph and wasn't sure if I was using the right tense of the word. I think I am. Weird how a word or phrase suddenly looks alien to you.

    I had a wonderful message from one of my DD's college friends. She is French and lives in the south of France and she recently spent time in Eze. She remembered me speaking of how, when I was 12 I read about Eze in a magazine and it has been on the top of my "must visit" list all of these years. Touched me that she remembered our chat after so many years (probably six years ago). I think about that little city all of the time. If some one said, "You can go to France only once for a week, where would you go?" Paris is iconic and I really want to go there, too, but if I had to choose between Paris and Eze; Eze would win. Not sure why, but it just sticks in my mind and soul.

    Ah well, better drink my smoothie and get busy. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Heather- Just saw your post! So glad you heard back from you oldest son! Tense moments for you, I am sure, but what a wonderful release. I really hope your youngest reacts similarly. Sending you lots of love and hugs! KJ
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Michele - I deactivated MFP when it got 'hacked' and then opened a new account; reason for change in name. I have my P/Ws written down and also they get saved to the cloud. So, if I can't remember them just type in 'cant' remember password'; but, then, that means I have to change it again. Took me a while to get passed that step with FB; keep getting comments from FB that my account has been opened up by another browser in a different location ... I have just started marking them as 'read'. I've got an entire page of P/Ws I have used over the course of time w/FB - got a long one that's easy to remember because it is 'how I feel about FB'. IF I ever get 'uncomfortable' on it again, I will just stop using it - not disable or delete it. I only look at it to see pixs of grandchildren and read the posts from friends; most times don't even comment or show an 'emoticons' on them. Then I see how my 'flaming liberal' sister is by the number of posts she makes and the banter she does with old HS classmates who don't agree with her.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather biggest big hug and support. In my world you are an absolute super hero. I know how hard that must have been. Well done. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE