

  • Hellcatt
    Hellcatt Posts: 5 Member
    Getting back into the swing of good health and came to join my Fab and 50+ peeps here!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Penny, Kim - love the blackbird sounds, especially no 2. Yes, they sing at the crack of dawn. When I was a teenager one used to perch on the aerial outside my bedroom and sing its heart out at 4 in the morning in summer. :o:
    Recently there was a national vote for our favourite bird. I voted for the blackbird. The robin won, which I also love. Both birds are always in our garden. :D<3
    Evie - Glad you are getting something worked out. Recently DH was stressing about his nephew's wedding. It's all sorted now but caused sleepless nights.
    Sue -
    Good wishes for Connor and his surgery. <3

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Matchka - Well done for taking that step. Hugs galore. <3<3o:)<3

    Heather UK XXXXXX
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Happy Friday all! Thank you for the words of encouragement and care! I will remember to take care of myself. IF anything, this will make me more mindful of how I spend my OWN time. I have been inundated with phone calls and messages the past couple of days. I have three interviews set up for weekend care, and one for summer care, so far. I have filled one of the summer spots with a nine year old boy that I had in my childcare when he was infant-age 6. I don't think I will fill all of those spots immediately; but I hope to have my weekend spots full by fall. This weekend I will be working on rewriting my contract to make it relevant to the new hours.
    TheTink-I am your girl! Like you, I am on my feet all day 10+ hours a day of chasing kids, walking, lifting, lots of movement and I know exactly how you probably feel at the end of the day. I am 80 pounds overweight, am dealing with plantar fasciitis, and currently an injured knee. I have found, that if I can do just 5 or 10 minutes of extra movement (intentional movement) whether it's walking, marching in place, yoga, stairs, swim. It helps bring my energy levels up and makes a difference. BUT, the biggest difference I have found is in logging and eating the best foods for my body. One hint that I got from the ladies in this thread was to eat a pound of veggies a day. Measure out a pound of veggies and place them in a ziplock with the label for the day you plan to eat them. Then on that day, you can add them to meals, eat them as snacks, raw or cooked, whatever appeals to you. A scale is a great tool to have in your kitchen. I do food prep on the weekends and wash, cut, prep fruits and veg that I will eat during the week. I will sometimes throw some chicken in the crockpot or on the grill to have on hand for easy lunches/dinners. We don't eat out much, which means as the main cook and bottle washer, I get burned out when it comes to finding new/interesting meals to make for my family. See if you can recruit your hubby and mom into finding meals (either online or in cookbooks). It's hard; my DH and DYS (dear husband and dear younger son) love cheesy dishes, or heavy pasta/creamy type of things. Not good for me. But I have learned to compromise. I tend to make meals basic and just change up the spices used. Plate: meat/protein, one or two veggie, rice/pasta/potato (just enough for three small servings). Once in a while I will make meals specifically for them and I will just have a salad. SOUP. I cannot say enough about soup. If you like soup, it is a great filler and if you make your own, you can add your own protein and veg or carb. You can do this, Tink! Come visit often! Chime in when you feel the urge. Log, log, log every bite and you will see changes! lol sorry so long; your words touched me, because I was there when I was starting out. Love to you!
    Machka- So glad to see your news on your hubby! He is making great progress and I think once he gets to the point of rehab, the advances he makes will be much more obvious. Glad to hear you have caring coworkers and friends who can walk and sit with you and let you talk. That is a big bonus for you! Sending lots of love!

    More of you I wanted to respond to; but I already have one little girl sitting across from me, eating her toast and asking; "Who are you talking to?, Can I see your 'puter?" I better scoot. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    p.s. She is lifting my spirits. I woke up kind of cranky. DH was talking to me this morning and kept pronouncing the word "tortilla" like "tortilya". I wanted to pull my hair out! Anyone have one of these at home?
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    MEG.......great stuff your orgs are doing. Food is such a basic need.❤️
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Gorgeous girls, Katie! :smiley:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: :heart:

    Sue in TX: Good wishes for your grandson. I hope it all works out well for him. :heart: Sorry to hear about the death of your friend's husband. :heartbreak:

    Lanette: I think the painters are getting closer to finishing the detail work on our place. There are several additional buildings to go. I think they'll be around for quite a while longer. Luckily, they're nice people. :smiley:

    Rebecca: Sending many good thoughts your way. :star:

    Rita: I hope you're feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love the photo of you at Kirkgate Market. The roof support structure is amazing! :star:

    Kim: I saw the garlic chives and left them at the store. I should ask DH if he'd like to have some growing here. Thank you for the good idea. Enjoy your trip to see your God-Daughter's graduation! :flowerforyou:

    Machka: It sounds as though your DH is starting to make a progress. Yay!!! :heart: I am so glad that your coworkers are being sensitive and supportive. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I'm up in the early hours of the morning, have made a pot of coffee but haven't had any so far, and I think I'll try to get back to sleep for a bit.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”
    ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! B)

    I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning. The clock is set to go off at 4:30 on workdays but tomorrow I will get to sleep until 7:30!!!!! :) I have a beauty salon appointment at 8:30. I cut my dreadlocks off back in January and I’ve been in a hair style fight ever since. I even had a Mohawk for a couple of weeks. I also decided not to dye my hair anymore so now it’s pretty white at the roots. DH is not particularly happy about the no more dye decision but I feel freedom from the dye your hair ritual. DH thinks that gray hair makes you look old. What the heck! We had this intense conversation at least once every 2 days. This is the “cougar” mental picture I painted for him…..Me in Onederland, driving his 650i convertible BMW with the top down, silver hair in a snappy short style, golden hoop earrings, skinny leg jeans, high heels, meeting my girlfriends for lunch. Then I told him I thought that the hair dye might be the cause of his hair thinning out on top. I haven’t heard a word since. >:)<3

    Anyway, I am pleased with my food intake and exercising this week. I am especially happy with my water intake everyday. Sometimes drinking water is a challenge for me as I’d rather have anything else. Another thing is that I am back on steroids which usually cause me to pack on 7-10 pounds. My working out at the gym has become wonderful. I am working up a great sweat and feel an increased energy level. I’ve also been sleeping better probably because I’m exhausted. I can hardly wait for weigh-in Sunday morning.

    Thanks to each of you that welcomed me back.

    Lisa – You are in my thoughts often, always with a smile and encouraging me to be adventurous. B)

    Heather – I bought the Kindle version of your book and started reading yesterday. Your memories brought back so many of my own memories that it’s been intense reading thus far. I already know that I am going to keep this book in my heart.

    Pip – I always love seeing the pups. I wondered how long they let Kirby hold those treats up in front of them without jumping him.

    So those are my thoughts for the day! Have a great day and weekend everyone.

    Tere in RVA