

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 NYKAREN
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Karen from VA, congrats on the safe arrival of Phoenix, such a little sweetie!
    Terry, good to hear from you, sending you {{{HUGS}}}.
    Katie, congrats on your new arrival also!
    Kylia, wow! That's a lot of work on the rental, sure hope you can find someone who will love it like their own!
    Sue, keeping Conor in my thoughts. Update: Happy to hear that Conor is well enough to wait for surgery. What a shock for your friend, I've found that even when someone is seriously ill, I'm still shocked when I've heard they've passed. I lost a cousin several years ago, my mom called me and said "Shirley's gone". All I thought at first was "Gone? Gone where??" She had battled cancer in various forms for years, but there came a point when she just had nothing left to fight with.
    Penny, that guy was a real jerk! Sincerely hope the rest of the day went well! Update: glad to hear that you are enjoying your time there.
    Michele, sorry to hear about your pool troubles, hope it doesn't take too long to get the parts and get it fixed.
    Rebecca, it boggles my mind how in our "paperless society" (yeah right!), it takes so long to get medical records from one place to the other. I think the answer may be asking the one office to give them to you directly and then take them to the new place. I don't know the laws where you are, but here the dr is legally obliged to give them to you if you ask. Mind you, he can ask you to pay for making copies too and that can run up, but we can get our records. {{{HUGS}}} for your lab results. Have to admit, never knew high calcium was a thing....
    Katla, so glad the painters are hard at it. It certainly was a beautiful day here, would have been perfect painting weather! Glad to hear you have chives growing! When I first started reading your post I was going to suggest growing your own, lol. I didn't realize that I brought some chives with me when we moved. Well, what I did was just bring bulbs, all kinds of bulbs and it turns out some of them are chives! A happy mistake for sure! I just pick to order, so to speak.
    Trish Oh, the pics of the kids are lovely! That little girl will be a heartbreaker!!
    Kelly, so glad that you are happy with your decision to open up your day care even more! There will be some happy families, for sure! Good that hubby and son will be picking up some slack too. I must join in with the other ladies hoping that you aren't overextending yourself {{{HUGS}}}.
    Lisa, so happy to hear that you are settling in Arkansas so quickly! When we moved we were without a washer/dryer for about 4 days. I could not believe how much laundry we managed to accumulate in that time! Crazy!! lol
    Heather, awesome photos! Sounds like you are enjoying your trip!
    Meg, that's so incredibly awesome! 13,000 pounds of food! Amazing!
    Trish from OZ, Yikes! I can't do 12 hour days any more, hope you don't have to do them for too long!
    Allie, one step at a time, hon, one step at a time! It will all get done.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Well ladies,I'm tucked in and so is Alfie....should have probably waited a week or 2 for his groomers appointment but oh well...
    I hunted down Ice cream trucks as that's what my DD wants for the wedding.and that will be my wedding present..will be getting my son a sleeper sofa for his apartment,so it is fair and equal.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.21min, 140mhr, 11.6amph. 1.6mi= 84c
    apple watch- 66c
    TREADMILL, walk- various hill program, 14.57min, 3.5-3.8sp, 0-4.0incline, 124mhr, 95ahr, 146mhr, 1mi= 113c
    apple watch- 135c
    STAIRSTEPPER- 10min, 38floors, lvl6, 558steps, 126mhr= 85c
    apple watch- 93c
    fl exercises- 6.36min, 2sets of 15ea, 103ahr, 124mhr, mountain climbers, on butt-knees to chest, bounce single leg toe touches, sit-ups= 53c
    apple watch- 62c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 4.55min, 121ahr, 146mhr, 18amph, 1.4mi= 59c
    apple watch- 42c
    Bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 15.47min, 122ahr, 148mhr, 11.6amph, 3mi= 149c
    apple watch- 119c
    jog sta 2 wk, 4.36min, 154mhr, 134ahr, 9.12min mi, .5mi= 52c
    apple watch- 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.16min, 150mhr, 130ahr, 9.26min mi, .4mi= 50c
    apple watch- 47c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.08min, 9.1amph, 160mhr, 2.5mi= 196c
    apple watch- 154c

    total cal 841
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Hi again ladies, I am still catching up a bit!

    Trish in Oh - adorable great grandson and that little gal with the hat and purse - just so sweet. Was that her Easter outfit? Used to be a big deal for us little girls to wear hats to church on Easter and little dresses and new shoes. And we were United Brethren!

    Pip - I bet you did have a chilly ride to work this morning! Brisk but at least not rainy!

    OK, now I am partially caught up, lol.

    SW WA State

    it was 40 degrees, for a bike rider, that's not that bad