

  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    My ring was dirt cheap... and I picked it. We already had kids, and I wanted to buy a house. Honestly I've been forgetting to wear it recently because I have to take my rings off to lift and play sports so it's whatever your comfortable living with. Of course it would be nice to have expensive things but not important :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I don't care about price. If it means something to him or to me, that's what counts.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Perfect! Looks hyooge on Facebook. Costs very little...and is a constant reminder not to eat too much since licking it would reduce it's size and impress me factor. It's like an exercise in restraint.

  • chrisvinci
    Well in New York City, the man is required to spend about 3 Years salary as a minimum. 3 Months salary on a designer bag gets you the first date in this crack town.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Also, there are wedding forums like, where you can ask these questions. Brides are usually willing to share this kind of info.

    But then she wouldn't get to rub it in OUR face how much her BF does for her and appreciates her getting mad over his brother's not appreciating him?
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Didn't buy a ring, but I forged one myself. It was awesome. Into this ring I poured all my cruelty, my malice and my will to dominate all life. Then I lost this one ring in the most stupid, goofy way you can imagine (I don't want to talk about that). I looked for it for years while it changed hands a few times. The last possessor fell into a molten river with the ring in his hideous possession. I fear it is gone forever.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Well in New York City, the man is required to spend about 3 Years salary as a minimum. 3 Months salary on a designer bag gets you the first date in this crack town.

    Yes, God bless NYC :))))
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Perfect! Looks hyooge on Facebook. Costs very little...and is a constant reminder not to eat too much since licking it would reduce it's size and impress me factor. It's like an exercise in restraint.


    and it goes well with one of these. isn't it all about accessorizing?

  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    My husband and I picked out my ring together. We went to a Jeweler on a half off sale and got a great deal on a better cut diamond because someone ordered it then didn't buy it. He paid $1300 and was appraised at $2200 right after for insurance purposes but that was about 10 years ago. Buy what you can afford and take advantage of some kind of deal we did. You just never know what you might stumble upon. Good luck, and definitely make sure you put it on your renter's/home owners insurance!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I had a fake $5 costume jewelry ring to exchange with my husband when we got married.

    A few weeks later, his mother gave me a ring that was passed down from generations. Very special moment.

    We resized the ring a few months later and added gold for a total of $80.

    I never understood the need to spend so much money on a ring. I wear the ring I was given out of respect for my new family and feel it has sentimental value, but had I not been given one...I wouldn't have one at all.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    3 months salary is ridiculous. If a guy making $6k a month spent $18k on a ring for me I'd make him return it. Conversely, a man who's just starting out and makes $2k a month shouldn't be spending $6k on anything that doesn't have a roof or tires. However, a couple of guys here have mentioned that 1% of take home salary is their opinion...really? So, about $400 for a man making $60k before taxes sounds about right to you?

    I think 1 month's salary is a good guideline, and only if you can afford it.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Find the kind of ring you want (never mind all the rules), figure out how long it'll take to save for that and do it. I don't know why people act like it's a bad thing, I loved getting her the ring she wanted.

    good man! my hubby did that for me too. I told him he could buy me the cheaper ring (a 1200 wedding set) and he refused, he said as his wife he gets me what i want and what he thinks will make me the happiest. I love it :)
  • Tuffjourney
    As much as the ring you want costs - you have to wear it the rest of your life!
    Of course something you like within reason.

    Been married 33 years, havent worn the ring in 32.5 years. Not much of ring gal. :wink:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Didn't buy a ring, but I forged one myself. It was awesome. Into this ring I poured all my cruelty, my malice and my will to dominate all life. Then I lost this one ring in the most stupid, goofy way you can imagine (I don't want to talk about that). I looked for it for years while it changed hands a few times. The last possessor fell into a molten river with the ring in his hideous possession. I fear it is gone forever.

    maybe you will get it back when someone who is wearing it crawls out of the TV with wet hair?
  • CarlaMichelle
    CarlaMichelle Posts: 67 Member
    We skipped the ingagment ring and went stright to the wedding band which i wore thruout the engagement then i handed it over to him the day before th wedding :) Sorry I never asked how much he paid and i still don't know after 6 years of marriage LOL
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    maybe you will get it back when someone who is wearing it crawls out of the TV with wet hair?

    RAWHAHAHAH! Say, what the heck are you doing in your profile photo? :huh:
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    My ring was about $2000 when my husband proposed in Feb 2012 and I cherish it. I had some say in picking it out but he made the final decision and decided what to spend. It was paid off before our wedding and we still have just a couple more payments on the bands (our wedding was in June).

    My best advice is to find a style you like and show your boyfriend pictures and let him go from there. If you want to try some on, tell him to give the person at the jewelry store a price and don't try anything on over that budget.

    They will give you a figure you can borrow based on your credit score but DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS NUMBER. My husband barely made minimum wage at the time and they told him he could purchase an $8,000 ring...and I told him that he'd better not because he would be paying it off for years!!!!

    If your boyfriend can afford this more power to him--no judgement at all. It was just more important to us to start off our marriage without debt than for me to have a huge diamond.

    You don't want to start your married life in a lot of debt so just remember that the ring is about the promise he is making to you!

    Best Wishes!!! This is such an exciting time in your life!!!! Enjoy every second of it!!!!!