

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    It's Sunday!

    Today is my anniversary - exactly one year ago I started the Strong Women Stay Young strength training. It has become one of the best habits I've ever acquired B) . Time sure went fast - to anyone contemplating starting it, I'd say jump right in. Get the book, read it through once or twice then get going with dumb bells and ankle weights. It will tone your whole body, not just arms and legs - and that's a great feeling.

    So now I've started intermittent fasting to see what it can do for me. Hopefully sharper brain, end to some tummy woes caused by eating too much of the wrong stuff especially in the evening, getting my jeans loose again.

    I know I keep repeating myself, but had I never stumbled on to this group, I would have not been aware of any of this! Thank you!! <3

    Sue in WA - what 8 hour eating window are you doing? lunch and later dinner? Glad your DD is on it with you. How are you feeling?

    Karen and Dana - thank you for your CBD input. I'm able to buy hemp CBD at the health food store (no THC). I get burning feet at night - maybe that's neuropathy? - so did an experiment last night with CBD balm on the soles/toes of one foot and some THC/CBD cream - a popular item for folks with arthritis pain - on the other foot. They both worked.

    Katla - ingesting CBD oil might work for your knee, I haven't tried that. Or finding a topical may work just as well.

    Regarding the wedding - didn't watch it but agree with Lenora that Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran are two cute "gingers" lol.

    I miss Joyce!! Sharon!! Tere!! Leigh in France (it's been a while).

    Have a great day, ladies!

    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! A bit sore today, as I got three rooms I will be painting next week, all ready for paint. Pictures down, nail holes spackled, dings and dents in walls spackled, baseboards removed. Today I will be taping off below the ceiling moulding. I am going to keep the ceiling moulding white (same color as the ceilings) because I think if I paint it to match the baseboards (going to paint those a blue/gray slate) it will make the room appear smaller. Got a bit more of a workout yesterday than I had planned. This part is kind of a joke on me. A couple of months ago, my oldest son, in anticipation of his move to a new place, asked to put some things in our basement. I went down and made room for his stuff. I wanted him to leave the path to and in front of my daycare bins clear, so that I could get what I need to function every day/week. I moved about six bins off the shelving and onto the floor so he could have some shelf space. GUESS which bin was the one I moved first and ended up under a LOT of his stuff?! Yes, the paint bin; with all of my paint supplies. So...it took me a good 30-45 minutes to move his stuff off the ONE bin I needed. Got my bin out, and then restacked all of his boxes and bins. Opened my paint bin and realized I needed a LOT of supplies (rollers, brushes, drop cloths). So...off to Home Depot I went and got my 9 gallons of paint and other miscellaneous stuff. To the tune of $370! On the upside; I also got a mail-in rebate for my paint and will get $10/gallon refunded. $90-sounds good to me!
    In the middle of all of this, I had a woman call me and ask if she could bring her 2 month old over this weekend for me to care for. Never met her, she found out about me through a local website, but she didn't want to meet, see the place, or anything. I told her that I wouldn't be able to begin care until after memorial day, due to the fact that I am painting. She was kind of pissy about that. Oh well. Found it odd that she would want to leave her baby with a stranger without meeting them first. Must be desperate for care.
    Heather - Love the pics of the family. You might find that having professional pics taken might not be as costly as you think. There are many aspiring photographers out there who can take some beautiful photos and do it more as a hobby than a business. You should ask your friends if they have used anyone and get some recommendations.
    Karen/Dana-Interesting info about CBD oil. I have been thinking about this more and more as a way to help DH with his RA pain management. The meds that he is on now, are not helping and we always worry about what they are doing to his kidneys/liver etc. He is against medical marijuana; but I think it is because he still sees is as a "stoner" solution. Like he is going to be sitting around smoking pot all day. (Some days that sounds okay to me >:) ) The more I read about it, the more I am being swayed in that direction. Worth a try, rather than putting synthetic drugs/chemicals in your body. Thank you! Anyone on here use it for pain management? Lanette?
    Cheri- I love hearing about your workouts! Makes me so happy for you! I don't think bathing suit shopping has EVER been a fun thing for me, but there is a suit I have seen on commercials that I really want. I can't remember what commercial it is on, it is actually an ad for some medication; but the woman in it is swimming and she has on a stunning red one piece. Pretty and functional.

    I think I need to hit the pool in the morning. Ankles and knees are complaining LOUDLY today. This week we have three new "learning" days. Monday is Diversity day, Tuesday is Sherlock Holmes day, and Wednesday is Orienteering day. I will need to take a break from paint prep and cleaning to run to the library and to the dollar store to pick up supplies for these. Magnifying glasses, compasses, books, etc. A lot of information in these days, just need to find ways to simplify for toddlers and preschoolers.

    Welcome newbies!

    Well, I better get busy. ttfn love and hugs to all of you! xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Lanette- Just saw your post about CBD. Has your DH tried it for his RA?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies
    I let Alfie out at 6 and went back to bed for a couple of hours,,, woke up at 8. slight breeze coming in the windows ..but a tad muggy, rain again this afternoon.. geesh would love to see that glowing ball in the sky.. im hoping it will be a nice weekend next weekend..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning ladies, the end of my "busy" season is approaching.....Just 4 concerts this week and no more festivals, hooray!! I am grateful for the work (and the $ of course) but it is challenging, my DH greets me when I walk in late in the day with "Oh, nice to see you, decided to come home ay??" :s:s

    Today, I will take a walk between raindrops, mow the back yard lawn, meal plan, grocery shop and get laundry completed.

    I am adrift with my eating and lack of exercise, it is unacceptable and I am disappointed in myself. Still, I get inspired by you all and will keep checking in. Becca your healthy eating strategies are inspiring and Lanette your strength training anniversary inspires me to read up on Strong women Stay young strength training.

    On a happy note, my steal of a dress (only $2.50) with the broken zipper will cost $5 at the tailor to bring it back to wearable and that is a nice thing!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Sunday -- walking including about 500-600 metres with my husband.

    Plus 32 minutes on my trainer using Zwift for the very first time!! I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing, but nevertheless, it did appear to record a ride for me.

    Machka in Oz
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Happy Sunday! :)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited May 2018
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Lanette- Just saw your post about CBD. Has your DH tried it for his RA?

    Kelly - Yes - a few weeks ago he started using (smoking) high CBD/low THC for the anti-inflammatory properties - at my suggestion! He is sleeping much better and walking a little better. I am hoping he can eventually drop one or more of the drugs he is on for pain, sleep, etc.

    There are a couple well-known strains of MJ that seem to help - often a bit of THC is needed to kind of kick-start the CBD. And, others get good relief just using the legal CBD only - everyone is different.

    All of this stuff is kind of spendy, but often folks just starting out with little doses get good relief. Might be worth a try for your DH.

    There are good books and websites on the medical uses. Please feel free to PM me.

    UPDATE - Kelly, I just saw your post. With the CBD only I don't think your DH would feel "stoned" at all, and with the super low THC/high CBD strains I don't think he would either. With the THC strains, however, it would show up on a drug test. So perhaps a medical MJ card would be needed if that's how Michigan does it.

    Good luck!

    "Way Cool" SW WA State, lol. B)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    Just got partially caught up again, will check back later. Have to go get my grands!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen: Thank you for your encouragement about CBD oil. I'll bet I can buy it locally. I think I'll do a little more online research to see if it is a likely helper for my situation. :heart:

    Lanette: Your encouraging comments about CBD oils is adding weight to Karen's reports of good success with her dog. I may stop in to a local store to see what they have available.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hi all, just come back from my 5k. Perfect weather - sunny, but not too hot.
    I wear a baseball cap with a big brim and gauze sides to run in the sun. I wear sleeveless tops, or roll my sleeves up to the top because I don't want lines. I'm slathered with suncream and I always spray myself with anti midge stuff as I'm running under trees sometimes. I do have some running sunglasses, but prefer the cap.
    This may be the first year in a long while that I've had brown (ish) arms! I've always kept my arms covered up because of the horrible wrinkled skin and in previous years I wore an arm sleeve for my lymphodema, so one never saw the sun. This year I am not having to wear a sleeve and I have proclaimed my arms good enough for general exposure. :D No more hiding in a "shrug". B)
    I am exactly at my target weight, which puts my BMI at 24. According to the charts, this is perfect for a woman my age. Oestrogen is stored in body fat after the menopause, so we need a certain amount of fat for bone health. I would be happy to dip into the next decade down by a few pounds only. Aiming at 23.5 BMI. I don't much care for the "scraggy" look, so I won't aim for lower. Just a few wobbly bits round my tummy. I have very broad shoulders like a swimmer, so I carry my weight well.
    All in all I am delighted with my regime. It involves a lot of exercise, but that has become my new normal and I am loving it. I have enough time, so why not? As you all know by now, I eat a LOT of healthy food, which makes me happy. My two anchors, apart from the wonderful people in my life, are my writing and my exercise, especially my running.
    My morning exercise is rowing, elliptical, recumbent bike, push ups, planks, yoga, balance, weights.
    My bonus exercise in the afternoon is running, or recumbent bike or kettlebell swings. Sometimes line dancing. I don't log the bonus exercise, but I do log 600 for the morning and eat it all back.
    I eat 1800 calories a day.
    I am reading a new book which states the same old theory, but with new research, that the best remedy for aging bodies and brains is vigorous exercise. Well, who knew? :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    You are doing so well these days, and inspire me! I do have a question though. Does your husband notice all you do? All the marvelous changes, or does he just accept the change as your new normal? In that case, you need to set that man down and let him know! Let him read this post! Maybe he wonders why you're so chipper, and hasn't connected the dots. Men can be vague sometimes. Now I know it isn't in your character to boast or brag, but he is your cheering squad! (As well as all of us)! Hugs!
    Your not so secret admirer
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So another lb down! I am in the 230's now! At night I count down to 189 lbs, in my head. How I'll feel, what my clothes will feel like. It's a fun exercise! Just part of the journey I need to take in my mind. This time I want to be more present, to appreciate my journey. As I lose this weight I need to understand consequences. If I do this, then that happens. Priorities have to be the constant. One issue I have is the logging. Maybe it's the Gemini, carefree spirit in me that tires of the routine of that. But it's apparent that my old routine of eating whatever will put me in an early grave. So just as I had, in the past, indulged in way too many sugary foods, and large portions, I indulge in the health realm now. Each is obsessive in theory, but one will make my life pleasant, and the other a misery. I will choose life! I will choose logging, as just a form of caring for myself, like brushing my teeth after every meal.
    Thanks ladies! I appreciate y'all!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Sometimes on a Sunday, it's hard to wait for dinnertime! I declare that at 1:56 pm, is today's dinner hour! At my husband's dinner time, ( about 5pm) I will have my 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, then later on, my container of yogurt! It will be easier making his dinner of teriyaki chicken and rice a Toni fried rice.
    Patiently waiting for my soup to simmer!