

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)CJ, glad you are back, sorry for the many troubles in your life.

    :)Michele, there is a way to stop the automatic feeds on your home page. There is an X in the top right hand corner of each feed. When you click it, it asks if you want to remove this user from your newsfeed. It doesn't remove them from your list of friends, just from the news feed.

    :)Dana, I agree that it's time for a serious talking to your grandchildren and to their mother. Please don't let yourself be taken advantage of and abused by your family.

    :) I forgot who asked about the mirror in my friend's garden. The mirror was originally on a wall in the house when she bought the house and she didn't want it indoors so she had it mounted on the fence in the garden. Someone asked her how it will fare in the frozen days of winter and she said "We'll see. If it doesn't survive, I'll get rid of it."

    :)Heather, what you said about learning languages is what I tell the people who come to my line dance class. The ones who succeed are the ones who persist. Nothing new is learned overnight.

    :) Because it's easy for me to go to the grocery store, I see no need for delivery but if my life suddenly changed like it did for Machka, I'd be busy looking for all the ways I could hire someone else to do things for me.

    <3 Barbie
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    NYKAREN - Gorgeous pic. What an amazing opportunity for her. <3<3<3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • dmmains
    dmmains Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm a week late to the party.

    My goals for July are:
    • Lose 5 lbs.
    • Track with MFP 80% of the time
    • Get exercise 5 days a week
    • Give strength training a try

    Have a nice Sunday everyone.

    Oak Park, IL
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    M – the only problem I have with ordering groceries online is that you need such a high minimum. I wouldn’t trust them to pick out produce for me nor things like milk that have an expiration date. The people filling the order probably won’t look at the expiration dates. Many times I wind up going to the store for like $20 or so of groceries. Also, I don’t know how they can compute coupons since your order is then charged to your credit card. And you know me (and Rebecca and some others), we use coupons all the time. Is there a delivery fee there?

    M – when I said “pocketbook”, I did mean “purse” or “handbag”. It just never occurred to me that you would call it something else. How much vitamin D are you taking? For a time there I was taking additional D (especially in winter) and my D levels were elevated. Plus, there is D in with the calcium tablets I take

    I never had my groceries delivered, however, I did use a pick up service at the store. I placed my order online and they brought it to the car. No fee. It was convenient, but like I said, there were certain things that I wouldn’t leave it to them to pick our (like some meats, produce, dairy)

    Michele in NC

    The minimum is $50 ... it didn't take me long to reach that!

    We used to shop once a week, and our usual weekly grocery bill for 2 people is anywhere from about $100 - $200 depending on what we get. One week will be higher because we'll get stuff that will last 2 weeks, then the next week will be lower.

    We don't use coupons. From my experience, the coupons I've come across have been for things I don't need, or they bring the price of an expensive product down to about 20% higher than a similar lower-priced product. So I've never bothered.

    We don't eat much in the way of meat, and use long-life milk. I did order yogurt and custard, and just checked the expiry date ... no problem. They'll be long gone before those dates. :)

    Yes, there is a reasonable delivery fee. If we were able to go pick up the order, there would be no delivery fee. But neither of us drive, so we'd have to use a taxi, and that would cost us more than the delivery fee.

    I'm up to 2000 IU of Vit D.

    M in Oz

    When I lived in Oregon, I had a store card with Fred Meyers, a grocery chain there. The nice thing was that I could look on my tablet all the coupons they offered. I could click on a product and the digital savings would be on my card. The coupons that we were mailed to us on a monthly basis were items we bought anyway. Every so often we received a coupon stating we had $10-15 on our card. I was never one to buy brand name stuff, just bought the store brand ones👍.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So I was nice and got up at 7:30 am, making french toast for husband and son, that just got off an 8 hr night duty. My stomach isn't even awake yet!
    Have a great day y'all!
    Tired in Whidbey
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)NYKaren, lovely daughter great adventure

    :)Donna, Welcome. Keep coming back.

    :)Kylia , you look great

    :) Walked the dogs 11,000 steps. Now I'm off to walk with my friend who just got back from Texas

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the sun is shining
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    RE- My fitbit says I get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I too need to work on that.

    Rebecca- Nice walk even if not the way it was planned! Prayers that the surgery helps your issues. I too have just quick added enough calories to make the MFP happy 😉

    HeatherUK- Storage is a big business at least here in Ohio. There are paid storage facilities on just about every corner. I am surprised at the numbers. It isn’t cheap. Right now we have a bunch of the youngest daughter’s stuffs in our barn. It has been there 3 years! If they had been paying for it that would be over $3000 they would have spent and they haven’t even been down there since they moved into their house…..reminds me to grab a couple of boxes and take to them. The stuff needs to go! I woke up this morning thinking that I really need to clear more of my stuff. Stuffs equal more work. Ugh! It is nice to get such a wonderful “referral”.

    Keri- I agree with grocery shopping has gotten old. My husband is a simple eater. He appreciates when I cook, but some nights it just feels like a chore. I go grocery shopping with the best of intentions, but end up throwing lots out.

    Karen in VA- I hope grandson is feeling better now. What an awful experience!

    Meg- I hope you are feeling better. Migraines suck!

    I drink my coffee with local honey. It has helped my allergies immensely. I have a hard time traveling when I forget to take my honey as sugar doesn’t taste right in it now.

    Dana in Arkansas- WOW!!! I don’t know when I would invite those grands back! I love mine, but have been known to put in timeout (when younger) and to give them extra chores when they act out now. When the oldest started in with the “teenager attitude” I quickly put her in her place. I can understand your stress eating. Hugs!

    CJ- What a rough time! We are here for you even if only to share our stories. You are not alone, nor will you be a burden. Friends help make the burden lighter. HUGS!

    Michele in NC- I hate when MFP “yells” at me. Some days I am just not hungry. Yesterday was not one of those! Even with plenty of exercise, I over ate.

    Katla- I am also happy that the RV experience is going well!

    Pip- So sorry you are having job issues. I am always feeling overwhelmed by mine, but then I will get some great customers come in to give me a boost.

    Well, Thank you for the tip on printing on Word, then copy pasting! All caught up and feeling a sense of accomplishment. Now that I feel lazy as I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee this morning, much less anything else, I should get the day going. To do includes weeding some flower beds, cleaning up the kitchen, and doing some work paperwork. Would really like to go back tomorrow with out too much on my plate.

    Welcome to the new ladies! This is a chatty group. Just stop in often.

    Hugs to those in need!

    High fives to the successes!

    Thank you for the inspirations!

    Thank you for the compliments. We are the hardest on ourselves.

    Kylia being lazy in Ohio
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Kelly, we re-glazed a tub ourselves and it turned out okay. We used an epoxy glaze, so two parts had to be mixed and then applied fairly quickly. I can't remember any of the details, hubby did the work and this was about 30 years ago, but I do remember that it turned out okay. We have companies here that will put a new tub over your old, they used a fibreglass type product, I believe. It turns out better if you do complete tub and walls, we replaced the tub then several years later replaced the "walls". Because it wasn't one continuous piece, it wasn't the greatest, but it was much better than when we first moved in!
    Heather, I will definitely comment on Amazon when I get the email to "rate this product". I hope the weather in London doesn't make the trip to unbearable for you and that you have a good visit with your friend.
    Machka, I'm so glad that you are finding ways to lighten your load. How fabulous that your hubby's care person also does some cleaning! I realize it's to help hubby, but having someone doing dishes, vacuuming etc has to be a huge relief!
    Must go do some work now!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Kylia - congrats on the win and great photos of you and your DH and the grands! Sounds like your plans to let the kids do their thing for Christmas is a winner.

    CJ - ((((HUGS <3 ))))

    Pip - is this a new boss giving you problems or just the regular one being persnickety? I think you said it's kind of different management now with different expectations.

    Heather - thinking of you and your hot weather... ours is coming up. I just checked your weather report - UGH, lol. And am so grateful we get the cool nights in the 50's. Looks like your new place near the ocean will have more moderate temps.

    Carol - how neat for your granddaughter! Can't wait to hear more details!

    Barbara AHMOD - sorry that Tumble is off the feed. My older one does that sometimes too, but generally is starving the next day. Their new favorite treat is carrots! So I cut them up in chunks and keep them in my pocket. They seem to prefer that over anything else. Old Sophie gets her teeth cleaned this Thursday so her crunching might be limited for a few days after that.

    Don't know what my doc will have lined up ref blood glucose tests. I've been keeping track and can get FBS under 100 AFTER fasting 14 hours and getting 3000 steps in. :# Maybe she'll say that's OK! In any case, I am going to try severely limiting carbs after lunch and see if that helps. I actually dug through and read notes I took at the doc's three years ago, I must have had concerns then because she said get a walk in after supper. So will try that as well providing I don't melt in the coming heatwave this week.

    FYI gals, I did an experiment yesterday. Decided to do three 30 second stints of jogging in place, a minute between each stint. Guess how many steps my Fitbit registered? Over 300. Not sure if that's the same quality as doing striding type walking. But it's certainly a good way to raise cardio a touch. Maybe can do that instead of that hot walk in the late afternoon sun. B)

    - your minimalist drive reminds me of a good friend of mine where one thing was enough - spatula, skillet, etc. almost like Maria Kondo's ideas. Me - on the smaller things, I like to keep a spare, especially if they are things I feel will be hard to find or a lot more expensive later. I have Dexter 3 1/2" scalloped/serrated paring knives that I just love and use all the time. Have 2 in use right now and 2 more in the packaging in the drawer. LOVE the jokes and kitty faces!

    KarenNY - My heart leaped at the photo of your daughter off to an adventure. First thing I thought of was it's winter there, lol. What a great opportunity, that's for sure. My DH spent a lot of time in SE Asia during the Vietnam War, and said it's such an eye opener to see how folks live in other parts of the world.

    Waiting to hear the postal carrier drop my books on the front step this morning, anxious to see what the 8 week blood sugar by Mosley recommends. AND with our warm afternoon, I see a couple dogs overdue for their bath. We'll have a wet afternoon.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    Sunny SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited July 2018
    Oh, I forgot to mention - regarding Vitamin D, DH and I have the levels tested every year or two at the doc's. Mine comes in on the lower end of "normal" so I'm at 5000 IU of D3 per day. Here in the States it's normally an expensive test - since I have Osteopenia I can get it covered by insurance.

    SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Did some more winnowing of typescripts. :D Got a nice pile to throw away.
    Definitely don't want to go down the storage route. :o One day I hope to get a lot of it into print on Amazon. I expect when I am dead the kids will just chuck it all away, but I would like to lay down a claim to posterity.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    I took a year-long break from MFP after losing and maintaining 50 lbs lost since 2012, and am back now to shed those pesky last 20. I don’t eat meat/poultry or processed junk (95% of the time), and do eat lots of seafood & love wine and craft cocktails. I cook well and eat out often. Would love to share support and motivation with you guys. Please send me a friend request!