

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Wendy: I'd like to hear updates on Duck Duck Go to learn whether you're still happy with it. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: For a long time you seemed to enjoy Newcomers very much, but not any more. Have you and Vince discussed leaving the group? Are there people that you would miss, or would they continue as personal friends? Just wondering. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: I hope you weather the storm well. We are in late summer mode, and there is smoke in the air from fires in BC and elsewhere. :ohwell: It looks like light fog outside, but it is actually smoke from the fires.

    Lenora: It is good to see you posting again. Yay!!! I stop into facebook once in awhile, but not often. I stop in here daily and value every minute. This is an amazing group. :flowerforyou:

    I have a city planning meeting this evening. We're reviewing plans for a new apartment complex. The plans look good to me. There is a housing shortage here and this project will help fill a need for homes.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • 5lambert
    5lambert Posts: 19 Member
    Made it to 5 pound loss for the summer and back to work Thursday. Fingers crossed I don't gain back over this fall and lose some more for cruise in November.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hi all,
    Went for my run after lunch today. I found it hard going, but I managed it. I had done my exercises in the morning, minus 100 calories. I listened to The First Cut is the Deepest, and There is a Light that Never Goes Out. :D

    This morning I downloaded a new decluttering book onto my Kindle, but before reading it I decided to put its message into practice and grabbed a big box of old workshop material for writing, performance and self development. A very emotional read. I kept old programmes in which I appear and old promotional material. One or two aide memoirs of the actual content of the workshops, but not much.
    My life has changed so much I find it amazing that I used to be such an entrepreneurial "guru". :laugh: :bigsmile: I never was entirely comfortable with that persona, but I must have been good at it. I was glad to shed it though. I could talk the talk, but I'm not sure I felt I was always walking the walk. Now it's nice just being me. :DB)
    DH is a bit uncomfortable when I talk about those days. He's not keen on me talking about my past at all. He likes to live in the here and now.

    When I went out running DH went to get his hair cut. He also dropped all my discarded paper off at the dump, along with an old standard lamp. Then he took the summer clothes I had sorted out yesterday to the charity shop. :D Progress! I still have many boxes of papers, but they are much more sorted and winnowed. When I have finished I will take a photo of the remaining pile. It has reduced by at least two thirds.

    Now I'm going to do my Swedish and read my new book.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Rebecca, toot all you want. Well done!

    Pip, love the picture and the great smiles.

    5lambert, slow and steady won the race. You go girl!

    Barbie, good luck at the physical therapist.

    Lenora, I never did Facebook and never missed it. Don’t trust it either.

    Nothing really planned for today. Tired and slept in.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Terry in VT
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: Stay safe in the storms. :flowerforyou:

    Lenora: This seems like a "jump in and swim" time for you. If you stop by often, you're bound to catch up. It is good to see you posting here again. :star:

    We have smokey skies all the way to the surface of the river today. It is not a day to be outside, so far. I think about our Canadian neighbors in BC. Fires two years in a row seems so unfair.

    Katla in Smokey NW Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Today is attack my house day. Dusting, vacuuming, so just waiting until son gets up for a appointment to start.
    Last night wasn't so bad tummy wise. I had my 64 oz Crystal Light lemonade around me, while I was making the sausage gravy, and took long sips! Slowed down the sipping after 5pm, so I wouldn't be peeing all night! So this morning I'm 235 lbs. On the 8th I was 239 so I am feeling confident.
    Today is yogurt, some walnuts and coffee. Lunch is my pinto beans and wild rice soup. Dinner is a serving of my Asian bagged salad and 4 jumbo shrimp. Snack is a Tbsp of my walnuts in the freezer, 10 pickled cucumbers and more coffee.
    Am I being too over specific? Sometimes I think I get too overly focused on the amounts but how is my body going to learn if I don't weigh and measure every little thing?
    I had made fettuccine for a meal with chicken fried cube steak, for husband the other day. I have come to the conclusion that a serving of 2 oz cooked pasta just isn't worth it for any upcoming meals. I would rather have something else carb wise. Its nice seeing all my veggies get eaten (by me). You know last week I ate a whole head of cabbage?? That's crazy! This week I'm starting on my second long seedless cucumber.
    My complexion is better, and after my long bath the other day, (I hadn't taken a bath since before my parathyroid procedure), my skin all over is better! I laid in the tub and rubbed my skin, shedding like a snake! That might when husband and I were pillow talking he said my hair smelled nice. Well ain't that the sweetest thing!
    Do many of you eat the same thing for breakfast? I seem to be on this certain yogurt and though its a comfort, I am just afraid I shall burn out on the taste of it. Its vanilla, so I can dress it up a multitude of ways I suppose. Its the knowing if you eat specific foods you are guaranteed a good logging day. That's the comfort. I am finally realizing that my days of eating what I used to call diet foid, is really just food that makes me feel good.
    Have a nice day all!
    Whidbey island
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Made it to Capetown after a long restless flight 2 a.m—11:45. Didnt eat a bit on the plane but just couldn’t get to sleep :s once we arrived at the airport people were incredibly friendly, the hotel sped up and even upgraded our room because they didn’t have a non smoking room available—-score!! We have a nice view of the ocean (cloudy pic here but the ocean is in the distance and a very. Ice balcony to sit out and ....a fancy schmancy nesoresso machine o:) so that is how I’ve been able to keep going, once we caught our breath we visited the waterfront area (which reminds me just a bit of San Francisco, very low key but filled with people enjoying being outdoors). yes it is winter here but 17 c feels fabulous after 32c or 110 Fahrenheit. Right now DH is snoozing away with a late nap and I worked out at the gym—don’t want to fall asleep early and get all jet laggy. Tomorrow we tour some townships and a penguin beach, will try to post good pics.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Pardon all my misspelling in previous post—I am jet lagged for sure :o
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited August 2018
    I started my new book and it was talking about, What is your clutter keeping you from doing/being?
    So I immediately put it to one side and wrote a couple of opening paragraphs of the second volume of my memoir. :drinker: I had been really putting it off, so it is a huge relief! After that I had such a burst of released energy that I grabbed my Exterminator and went round killing the pesky flies that had come into the house since the rain. >:)

    I've started, so I'll finish.

    The book is called What Your Clutter is Trying to Tell You - uncover the message in the mess and transform your life, - by Kerri L Richardson.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx