September 2018 Running Challenge



  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    edited September 2018
    Question for the group

    Anyone know why we get iliac crest bone area pain?
    It’s not the top, it’s behind and back of it.

    How to get rid off it?

    I’ve been to two physiotherapists they both manipulate the last one says stretch it out. I’m stretching like crazy and mean ones that should target the leg and hip and gluteus. Yet I’m not bad walking but it hurts and sit then get up it’s like someone is ripping my left hip off my body.
    I’ve been reading that portion behind the iliac crest bone is where it hurts it burns and times I can’t even walk. There are nerve and arteries but this is not just painful it’s demoralizing.

    Any suggestions?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm going to be smart and not run today since my ankle is still bothering me (not as bad as yesterday though). After today my next scheduled run is Tuesday which would be 5 days of no running. Hopefully that's enough to nip whatever this is in the bud.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited September 2018
    @travelling_lots I just went through this and was off for a few weeks. I'd never had such pain and I couldn't stand up straight or roll over in bed. Walking was very hard and I couldn't take a full step. I thought it was my glutes, but my physio said I had sacroiliac joint dysfunction. He did some manipulation around the front hip flexors that hurt like hell. The pain radiated all through my belly. And he gave me exercises that helped quite a bit and a pack of two massage balls to use for pressure points on the front and back. Most were cable exercises. He also did laser treatment on the lower back/glutes. My experience with laser at physiotherapy has been that it is a miracle. He said the cause in my case was the impact from running and hiking one weekend, but the primary cause is shortening and weakening of the psoas muscles from sitting too much at work. Stretching makes sense, but he suggested it also may need strengthening. Hope you heal quickly!

    @sarahthes Smart to rest. Hope it's nothing serious!
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    @travelling_lots I just went through this and was off for a few weeks. I'd never had such pain and I couldn't stand up straight or roll over in bed. Walking was very hard and I couldn't take a full step. I thought it was my glutes, but my physio said I had sacroiliac joint dysfunction. He did some manipulation around the front hip flexors that hurt like hell. The pain radiated all through my belly. And he gave me exercises that helped quite a bit and a pack of two massage balls to use for pressure points on the front and back. Most were cable exercises. He also did laser treatment on the lower back/glutes. My experience with laser at physiotherapy has been that it is a miracle. He said the cause in my case was the impact from running and hiking one weekend, but the primary cause is shortening and weakening of the psoas muscles from sitting too much at work. Stretching makes sense, but he suggested it also may need strengthening. Hope you heal quickly!

    @sarahthes Smart to rest. Hope it's nothing serious!

    Thank you, I've been at it like this for almost 3 years. And everyone was more concerned to deal with my back injury than my hip that was the last thing on the list. But it's debilitating, totally crippling. I m not happy you went through it because it's very painful, but thankful you can relate with symptoms. And share what they've suggested to you.

    So, far they said my joints are perfect. MRI came back good too.
    Yes, they're now doing manipulations and the last one on Thur wow! I'm black and blue all my left side. But they gave only exercise squats with a band around my knees. As if I'm sitting on a chair only.

    Out of desperation I've been designing my own exercises. But scared to over do it, I've been on the edge of my bed since it's supper high using my body weight and rotating my leg hanging off the bed in a directions a few times to loosen and strengthen I'm so sore and exhausted of doing that these past few days it's not funny. But it's feeling better.

    Your suggestion of cables I think is an excellent idea, I will start doing that with tubing to work gradually up.

    I'm stretching like you have no idea. I do yoga 2-3 times a day everyday. Flexibility is amazing. The confusing part is I'm already completely as pretzel in many directions and can hold it and yet I still feel needs more stretching and there is no further room to go, the floor is in the way.
    Reason the physio went heavy duty with manipulations and I've been taking it easy resting the back, but still exercising and just today I feel I can rotate my hips fully in all directions which blows my mind with how is this possible.

    But your right I have a sedentary job, and sitting over 42 min does me in. And I'm crawling even out of the car seat.
    Thank you!

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Well done @katharmonic!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @juliet3455 I heard we may be in for it this week... all the trees are yellow and orange here today and I swear they were still mostly green yesterday.
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,278 Member
    @travelling_lots - wow - talk about a close call! Have you ever seen this video? The music is annoying - but it reminds me of your experience!

    @katharmonic - that is a fantastic medal! Congrats on such a great race.

    It was blessedly cool this morning - 67ish? Low humidity. What a difference it made in my run. This is the 3rd week I did 8 miles and my pace was 3 1/2 minutes faster per mile! I attribute that completely to the better weather.

    June goal - 44/44
    July goal - 52/52
    August goal - 55/57 miles
    Sept goal - 25/60 miles

    Sept. 30 - Wineglass Half Marathon; Corning, NY
    October 7 - Viking Dash Half Marathon; Toledo, OH

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I did way better than I anticipated. My official time was 4:44:57, which is a PR for me. I'm very happy with that and I know there is also a lot of room to improve.

    Well done!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Congratulations @midwesterner85 ! Stellar time!