What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Anyone else plan hard for calves and abs and just never get to them?? Lol
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    I put slick tread on the CX bike. Was a bit sketchy in some sections but made some gains

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited October 2020
    Did one hour and 20 minutes yesterday easy Steady State cardio, including 10 minutes on the rower. Temps finally broke in a big way. We got (likely) our last day of swimming in yesterday. I should be able to row at lunch all this week if it isn't storming. We also have rain in the forecast, really exciting for AZ. We sit up on a mountain ridge and can see for 10 to 15 miles down into the valley. The lightening storms are pretty incredible. We hardly got any rain this year during our Monsoon season, so really looking forward to some rain.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Easy 60 minutes today. Really easy. Wasn't feeling it today. My wife is going through some potential diabetes testing and we've cut way back on carbs (both of us). I have a feeling I'm going through a bit of an adjustment period to that. I normally eat carbs, even simple ones, pretty freely for the most part. I've cut that WAY back for her so she doesn't feel like she's doing it alone.
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    edited October 2020
    Dumbbell bench press 1x7, 2x6
    Incline dumbbell bench press 2x9, 1x8
    Lateral raises 4x12
    Seated calves 3x10
    Standing calves 3x8
    Tricep pushdown 1x10, 2x8
    Ab machine crunch 3x15

    15 minute walking on treadmill
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Round the Twist

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited October 2020
    Harder intervals today, only 10 of them and short. Five on the rower (one minute each) and five on the Air Bike (same one minute each) with one minutes of rest. Around 1:54 to 1:57 pace. I was going back over my rowing numbers a few years ago and it's a bit discouraging, to be honest. I was doing low 1:40s on similar workouts, even some high 1:30s. Back injuries are killer for power. So is not having a gym when you feel most comfortable on machines for lifting legs.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited October 2020
    I was on holiday scuba diving in Cornwall. It was marvellous.

    We arrived at about 4 p.m. on Friday. Here was the view on arrival:

    We got a night dive in. I have around 400 dives in total, with around 300 of those being in the UK, but this was actually my first UK night dive. I saw a dogfish (a small spotted shark).

    The next day, it was forecast to Force 6 gusting 8. It was actually less windy, and we had some shelter, so we only made to a reef 100 metres offshore. It was beautiful, covered in jewel anemones. We saw a nurse hound (a spotted shark, about 4.5 feet long). They are reasonably rare - it's only the second I've ever seen.

    The next day was lumpy. We made it out to a local reef, having looked at further out and decided it was dangerous. Again, it was a lovely dive. We ate a pub a few miles' away - I walked there. There was enough moonlight to not need a torch.


    On Monday, it was flat calm. I'm only allowed one dive a day due to a hole in my heart. I was on the early wave. We dived Penwin, a pinnacle, which was amazingly nice with 10 metres or so visibility. I then got in a long walk, getting around 20 miles in total over the day. Here are a couple of pics from the walk:


    One the final day, I got a dive in on the Helford River before heading home. This is very shallow - around 8m all dive. There was loads of life - tiny fish and hermit crab were fighting over pretty much every square inch of sand. We saw some bigger stuff as well: three thornback rays; a red gurnard; and a pollock.

  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    Easy 60 minutes today. Really easy. Wasn't feeling it today. My wife is going through some potential diabetes testing and we've cut way back on carbs (both of us). I have a feeling I'm going through a bit of an adjustment period to that. I normally eat carbs, even simple ones, pretty freely for the most part. I've cut that WAY back for her so she doesn't feel like she's doing it alone.

    Good luck with the tests. I am remission from Type II. The guy who inspired my diet wrote a book recently:


    It summarises his academic research - dieting can be extremely effective at reversing Type II is it's caught early enough. (Pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin, potentially go dormant and eventually die if there is fat around the pancreas. Diet reverses this process - the book recommends 15kgs loss, although less could work if your wife is already quite light.)

  • Taytaylynn92
    Taytaylynn92 Posts: 230 Member
    It was leg day!!!! Squats, leg press, leg extensions, lunges...etc!!!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,999 Member
    Yoga, dead hangs, wall assisted handstands for time and stomach vacuums...
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,677 Member
    Rolling out of bed. Good lord, you are all such motivated people!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    Back on the river, rowing bow in the double for about 7K. Nice day (little cold 😆), for sure the lean end of the season coming on us now.

    I took a couple of extra rest days, Sunday as usual, added Monday/Tuesday. Had been feeling fatigue-y for some reason for a while, plus had an eye procedure (YAG) on Monday that had me a little anxious. (Not risky, but wondering how much visual acuity it would restore - happily, the answer was "lots". Cataract surgery on the other eye in a couple of weeks.)

    Now feeling more rested . . . time to end the hiatus, get back in my routine.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Yesterdays HIIT/PLYO Circuit
    100 Fwd Jump Rope
    Down and back on the bball court
    High Knees
    Butt Kickers
    Build Up & Down Sprints x 4
    30 second Battle Rope Alternating
    30 sec work/10 rest x 5 RDS on the Assault Bike
    Jog a Lap (150 meters)
    Stairs Circuit (every/other/face left/right/hop)
    Box Jumps (18/24/36) x 5 RDS
    50 Criss Cross Jump Rope
    400 meter row
    30 second Battle Rope Hulk SMASH
    KBell Carry for a Lap
    Box Jumps Circuit
    Stairs Circuits
    Jog a Lap
    KBell Stairs x 4
    Box Jumps Circuit
    Treadmill Belt Drive 5 x 30 second / 10 sec rest
    30 second x 3 / 15 second rest Assault Bike
    Walk 2 laps
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Todays Back Attack!

    10 min walk 4 mph@ 8 incline
    300 Meter Row
    15 KBell Swing
    15 Underhand Grip Pull-ups
    10 Dbell Snatch
    15Close Grip Pull-ups
    40 Roman Chair Leg Raises / Supine Bike

    3 x 15
    Military Press
    Lateral Raises
    Lat Pulls
    Front Raises
    V Bar Pulldowns
    Straight Bar Pulldowns
    Rear Delts
    Upright Row
    Wide Grip Standing Row
    Wide Grip Pull-ups

    Nifty 50 (Abs)
    Cable Crunches/Hanging Knee Tucks/Crunches/Heel Taps/Mtn Climbers/Rower/Straight Leg Situps/Flutter Kicks/ Hip Lifts
  • Southernfit87
    Southernfit87 Posts: 39 Member
    Chest,tris,and shoulders and some fasted cardio on the treadmill
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Dumbbell bench press 1x7, 2x6
    Incline dumbbell bench press 2x9, 1x8
    Lateral raises 4x12
    Seated calves 3x10
    Standing calves 3x8
    Tricep pushdown 1x10, 2x8
    Ab machine crunch 3x15

    15 minute walking on treadmill

    ? Why would someone disagree with a workout someone else did? Anyway...


    Goblet squats 3x6
    Dumbbell RDL's 3x8
    Leg Press 2x10
    Leg Curl 2x10
    Pulldowns 3x8
    Cable rows 2x10, 1x9
    Bicep curls 2x8,1x6
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    Easy 60 minutes today. Really easy. Wasn't feeling it today. My wife is going through some potential diabetes testing and we've cut way back on carbs (both of us). I have a feeling I'm going through a bit of an adjustment period to that. I normally eat carbs, even simple ones, pretty freely for the most part. I've cut that WAY back for her so she doesn't feel like she's doing it alone.

    Good luck with the tests. I am remission from Type II. The guy who inspired my diet wrote a book recently:


    It summarises his academic research - dieting can be extremely effective at reversing Type II is it's caught early enough. (Pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin, potentially go dormant and eventually die if there is fat around the pancreas. Diet reverses this process - the book recommends 15kgs loss, although less could work if your wife is already quite light.)

    Thanks Matt, I'll look into that. Her numbers came back yesterday. Sounds like she's borderline, not full blown yet and they caught it early. Still going to see the doc and schedule a follow up. It's good to know early and change behaviors. She's not really that overweight to me, but she could likely lose 15 to 20 pounds to feel her best (I could lose around 10 and be fine!). She lost the weight with me years ago and I've stayed around the same on maintenance and added muscle but the weight has creeped back on her -- not as much as before but around 1/2 of it is back. We both are believers in modifying diet/behavior for health, so it won't be that hard for us. I'm Celiac and she's allergic to cow dairy, so we already don't eat much junk food now. Just have to tighten things up with sugar.

    Did 50 minutes today. Really easy light cardio. 10 minutes on the rower out in the yard and then 40 on the Air Bike. All just over 60% max HR. Really felt like I needed an easy day today.
  • Oliveciabatta
    Oliveciabatta Posts: 294 Member
    Same as every weekday just now lunchtime 5k powerwalk/run on a hilly route from home 300 ft climb and descent. A short kind of kettlebell/steps mishmash in the evening. Hate that the dark nights are back and the gyms are closed due to local covid lockdown once I'm finished work as i used to cycle 1 or 2 hours in the evenings over summerbut the roads are too dangerous from here in the dark and rain. Lunch time walks and lower calories for now.
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    Quick morning session of Team Body Project's "Real Start Beats".
  • B_Plus_Effort
    B_Plus_Effort Posts: 311 Member
    45 minutes in the office, ie the swimming pool, I love it when I get there and there is nobody there, then 6 other people show up, then they leave and then it's only me again, LOL

    no risk it no biscuit
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Wild things, you inspire me. B)
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Nothing. Too much rain.
  • Taytaylynn92
    Taytaylynn92 Posts: 230 Member
    Chest and triceps! Gonna have a hell of a time washing my hair!
    My favs for today were skull crushers and benching. 🏋️‍♀️
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,999 Member
    Yoga, wall assisted handstand pushups, pull-ups, hollow body holds, back bridges, dips and jumprope.
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    I’ve been following a 6-week plan from the Nike Training Club (free!) and I really like it! Today was a kick boxing style one.

    Has anyone else done a NTC plan?
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Got LEGS in today! then was told to go home per possible covid exposure :(
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Steady state Cardiow94sjn2y0p00.png
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Lots of great work!

    Just 12.5 minutes on the rower today for me and then 30 minutes on the LateralX and AD Pro (Assault Bike) combined. Around 45 minutes today, all under 70% max HR. Could have gone longer on the rower but I developed a blister. Hands still getting readjusted. That will take a few weeks as I rebuild back up.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    45 minutes on my Sole LCR, HIIT program
    1/2 hr of upper body workout with dumbells and a bench.
    10 minutes of dumbell squats