

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    jaweeston wrote: »
    I am new to trying a community. Have used MFP to record my food for over 420 days now. I am 63 and lost 50# since Dec. 2017, have 20 to go. I have the exercise thing down but the eating is daily work....little emotional eating there. Fighting a cold that my sweet 3 yr old granddaughter passed on. Ha. Look forward to getting to know new friends on this journey together as we head into 2019. I live in Springfield, MO.

    :)Welcome, I found this thread and MFP at age 62, I've been active ever since and lost weight and kept it off. Being part of a community has been a big part of my successful journey. I hope you will keep coming back. I, too, am suffering from a terrible cold and have been spending a lot of time in bed getting the rest I need to recover.
    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • jaweeston
    jaweeston Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks, I have heard your name mentioned a lot. I look forward to keeping this weight off. I too am resting. Feel better. I look forward to not doing this alone.😁
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    One more try

    I just realized that I don't have a picture of our main tree

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    barbie - that didn't work. What AM I doing wrong?

    Michele in NC
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,513 Member
    Ditto all you gals who keep Christmas decorations up at least til Epiphany. One year I kept them up 'til Independence Day but I was a single gal living in a studio then... ;)

    Heather I covet your retro clock but even more your Kitchen Aid.
    Mary great pic of Shep, so very glad you reclaimed him.
    Okie Owww!
    Rori, NYKaren, KJ and Allie ((hugs))
    Rebecca your scooters match Heather's clock and Kitchen Aid!
    Beth relieved to hear the vet's favorable diagnosis, hope an rx change will ease the shedding.
    Machka, cats' boxing day pics made me laugh out loud! If it were up to me, Everyone would leave their outside lights on at least until the dread Daylight Savings time... preferably 'til the equinox.
    Barbie :love: the babies in bed pics.
    Gosh Michele, did I count 3 full sized and one table top tree? Wow! The trick with spoiler is to highlight all the links you want to hide, then click the dropdown next to the paragraph sign and select spoiler. Looks like only the first pic in your post was highlit when spoiler was selected.
    Welcome Michelle in WA, Gale from Tx, jaweeston from Mo!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 18/27, 60 g protein 19/27, rx/vits 21/27, meditate 21/27, knee exercises 21/27, SWSY UP 0/8, SWSY LOW 0/8, core 0/8, play with Tumble 11/27, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 15/27.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited December 2018
    Michele - loved the photos, beautiful ornaments. I didn't bother much this year, put up the tree and that was about it, but you made it look so Christmassy I will definitely make more of an effort next year!

    We are waiting for the hospital to let us know when my dad's medication has arrived. Apparently he's on a rare medication and there's a shortage (in the UK) he's supposed to take SEVEN tablets twice a day. At the moment he seems to be okay without it, but if he can do without it why was he prescribed it in the first place. It's an anti-fungal tablet as he has some sort of bug/infection in his stomach lungs and intestines, the drug has some quite serious side effects too. We can only hope the doctors know what they are doing. He's doing so much better than expected, he even spent sometime downstairs on Christmas Day, we know it can't last though so are taking it a day at a time.

    Don't you just love cats, ours would always curl up in the smallest boxes too, mind you, now they have competition because Leah loves to tear up cardboard boxes! She had great fun tearing the box that had her Christmas toys in. She also loves running around playing with her squeaky toys, she doesn't let you trying to watch/listen to the TV spoil her fun! She runs around like a maniac :D

    Viv UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2018
    Michele I'm not Barbie, but...

    All of the pictures have to be between the spoiler brackets.

    I am going to spell spoiler backwards so I can demonstrate without actually causing a spoiler:

    [reliosp] Michele, all of your images have to be placed between the two bracketed commands. [/reliops]

    If you are posting a lot of pictures, the first bracketed command will be near the beginning of your post, and the second will be near the end of your post.

    Your photos are fun. Is that a Death Star?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Friday ...

    Bicycling, <16 kph, leisure (cycling, biking, bike riding) - 55 minutes - 10.7 km ... leisurely cruise around town.
    Walking, 12.5 mins per km, mod. pace - 55 minutes - 3.7 km ... steep climb bit of a walk, then down again. Actually, I went halfway up, and down, then all the way up and later, down.
    Rowing, stationary, moderate effort - 12 minutes - 2 km ... in the gym.
    Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) - 10 minutes.

    We're trying to stay on top of the calories we're consuming, more or less. :)

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    morning ladies~
    I slept for a long time , I needed it...working 10-5 today and then off for 4 days into the new year.. and then we open up under new ownership..I pray that 2019 is alot better than 2018
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,616 Member
    Good Morning! Nothing like dealing with computers this early in the morning. I set up my new laptop last night, then my DH reminded me that his wasn't working with fitbit. I have now spent my hot tub time getting his all fixed up. He can do a few things on it, but limited sight makes it harder (and stubbornness). Trust me when I say he can find things on ebay, amazon, and the ford store just fine. He is getting better, but somethings are beyond his understanding at this point. He still has a flip phone and refuses to go to a new style that might have features to assist him. Why does he need them he says, he has me. ;)

    I will catch up on reading one of these days. As I said life has been crazy since September. I have to get ready for work now, but will hopefully get a chance to update y'all as I will be off work from 2 pm Saturday until 9 am on Wednesday with NO plans. YAY!

    My Christmas was awesome. From the short glimpse, it looks like everyone else's was too. No plans for New Years that I know of. My youngest daughter and her family are staying home this year. Our friends that usually come over have been sick for the past month! They can't come over unless healthy. Quiet one at home. Maybe SIL will come up.

    Have a great day! Make the best choices you can. Smile at strangers!

    Man, I have missed you all!

    Kylia in Rainy and Grey Ohio
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    exactly Lisa you expressed my parenting sentiments and how I am feeling about my food intake lately. So better choices start now, not Jan 1. Glad the cheesecake I made is all gone (how it disappeared so quickly is a mystery ;) ).

    Lots of puttering today, happy that I slept in this a.m. now on to the second cup of coffee.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Awwww how adorable ...
    I went and fed my DFIL still in bed on oxygen and seems I am the only one he will listen to
    I am keeping Tom a breast of it all and he is worried.. told him to relax and he will be back tomorrow night.. I got it covered....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member