

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    NYE plans - We live in a very social neighborhood. We will be going to a neighbors for the evening. We usually get home by 12:30 or 1. The party usually starts breaking up just after midnight. We are headed to the grocery store soon. I will be making beer cheese and hubs will smoke a bunch of shrimp. I’ll also heat up some frozen pretzels and lightly steam some broccoli and cauliflower to dip in the beer cheese. Oh, and I’ll take some drunken cherries.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Allie - What the others said. If you go in there with the why bother, they’ve already nailed my coffin shut attitude they will pick up on that. Show them all you can do and be positive.

    Welcome to all the new Ladies. Dive right in and join in when something interests you.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    3.66 km run ... well, it was 2 runs. I ran a loop, felt good, and ran a second loop.

    Strava says we also walked about 4 km on one particular walk. I don't think we did because our walk line, on Strava, looks like we were seriously dizzy! However, there was more unrecorded walking including a hill climb and 10 flights of stairs, so including all that 4 km is quite likely.

    That's about all for today.

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Ali I'm repeating what many have said about the meeting with new boss, pretend it is the funnest thing ever to redo your resume, seriously, make a list of the amazing person you are, how you bring your best to the job, I'm not kidding, it is a good thing to write it all down. Sometimes we're taught not to "toot our own horn" well..... toot away!!! You are an asset to the office, time to let the new guy know how much you love working with people. I hadn't dusted off my resume in decades, I had to redo my resume last year and boy it was a terrific exercise. I also had to have a new administrator observe me on a more intense/detailed cycle. At first, I wasn't sure how that was gonna go, I decided to be myself, (I've been doing this for a long time), I didn't know how I came across to someone completely new to our district, long story short, she saw things no one else has ever noticed and that was a really good thing! Sometimes a "micro-manager is a scary thing, I just flip it and remind myself a micro-manager can find things and improve things that folks have been ignoring for too long. Change is scary, but Ali you can handle change, just look at this year, you can handle it with strength and grace for sure.

    Today, I'm happy to clean, declutter and reorganize before the new year, I get a little crazy about wanting to sweep out the old to get ready for the new! So today, after the gym, I'm cleaning out the fridge and reorganizing my inbox which is a bit overflowing.

  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bonnie- Nice looking family!

    Thanks, @kymarai. I kind of like them!
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hi everyone! I am returning to MFP after a hiatus.

    Pretty much the same here. I just gave up. I have yo-yo'd for all my adult life and just sick of that, not to mention what it's done to my body. 2019 is the year that I will either reach my healthy goal weight or be very, very close to doing that. I joined 11/30/18 (again) and have lost 8 pounds since then. Pumped for a very successful, healthy 2019!!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3Kim, You did the very best thing for Christmas by being there for your mom and your nephew. No amount of Christmas music and decorating could be better than that.

    :)Bonnie, I love the portrait of your dog.

    :) My walking friend is back from her 10 day holiday trip. The dogs and I are looking forward to walking with her.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW WA
  • gzteach
    gzteach Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning all. Michelle in Washington, maybe we can help motivate each other to be a little more active.
    Michele, loved your Christmas pics. I have not tried out that feature here yet.
    Terri, I’m jealous of your beach. I’d love to be close to one, warm or cold weather.
    Cari, I sew and dabble at needle crafts. I’m hoping to spend more time working on my skills at knitting and crochet this year.
    I lived through my roller skating date with granddaughter; no broken bones! Today I’m off to visit my 80 yo uncle in the nursing home. It’s about an hour away so I’ll spend 3 hrs or so.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Bonnie – how did you manage not to gain weight over the holidays? I know I gained about 2 or 3lbs, but they are gone now. Yet, I know they’ll probably come back. And then go

    Enough – welcome! Good for you going back to school? What will you be studying?

    M – I have a question for you. I think this is OK to do, but I just want to check. When you make a pavlova, can you make the pavlova ahead of time and right before serving it then add the whipped cream and fruit?

    Jess, Colby and Vince are sleeping right now. Came home and went to Kohl’s. I don’t know if Lynette is going to give Jess anything for Christmas, so I got Lynette a wallet for Jess to give her. If she doesn’t give Jess something, I’m going to keep the wallet. I need one anyway. In a way, I hope she doesn’t give Jess something, I like this wallet.

    Then went to Aldi to get some things for NYE. Stopped at Food Lion but the only ham they had was a 10lb one. The four of us would NEVER eat a 10lb ham. So maybe tomorrow I’ll go to WalMart and pick up a ham. Came home and made a lasagna for us to have tonight (put baking directions on it for Jess so that it’s done when I get home from church.). Now thinking that I’ll make some of the cheese sauce. When Vince gets up, I’ll probably make the apple pie. Or maybe I’ll make it tomorrow. We shall see.

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well I lay down for just a bit and took a nap... felt good.. will go and walk my friends 7 dogs lol.... they are gone for the day and needed someone to get them out.. will take a bag of treats with me, then go see if I can get any food into DFIL hoping he will be in better spirits, and then come back here and take out trash for a neighbor and run her car for 10 min or so, then shower and take Alfie for a walk...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited December 2018
    While we were eating our breakfast this morning two large foxes came into our garden. I was wondering of we had any around here and - Yes we do! They looked in prime condition.
    I went for my run after lunch. I listened to a couple of Soul Music podcasts - Allegri Miserere and Swan Lake. Came back and listened to Spem in Alium while I made a curry. All marvellous!
    DH and I are planning to make our croissants again. :D They take three days and taste heavenly. I've made them before, once a year, twice running. Today I mix the dough in the KitchenAid and refrigerate it overnight. I don't have a long marble countertop now, so I will have to use the table for rolling. Not sure how to stop the flour making a mess. Clingfilm?
    We won't be eating all the croissants as they freeze well. :D Just one each for New Year's Day.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Kim- you are an amazing woman (((Hugs)))

    <3 Mary from Arizona

    I thought I was the amazing woman
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, afternoon and evening, everyone,

    Kylia - so good to see you back!

    Mary - good to see you, too, and I'm so sorry for your losses. You've been missed! And Shep is just beautiful.

    Rori - glad you're taking advantage of what's near you. I think of you often.

    Michele in NC - the pics were beautiful.

    Allie - I hope the new year brings peace and joy, to you and to all of us.

    To all who are new - welcome! In a few days, Barbie will start another thread, as we start a clean slate each month. She'll post the link on December 31. Look forward to seeing you here and in the new year! Tell us what name you prefer to be known as, and where we can place you... and step into the conversation wherever you choose.

    I have been reading all along, not posting the last few days, as I went into my own limited form of hibernation, I guess. A three-hour nap yesterday afternoon seems to have finally topped me up on my sleeping tank, whatever that means.

    Enjoyed the time with family who came in on Sunday, stayed until Christmas morning, very low key, no special celebrations, just pleasant and undemanding. Sat down and played Cards Against Humanity with them both evenings and laughed until our faces hurt. It was fast, furious, but don't play it if you can't handle a dirty word, 'cause it uses all of them. A lot.

    Our 25-year-old son purchased his nonrefundable ticket yesterday to go to Coos Bay, OR, for school. He leaves March 24. He chose where to go, he chose what field he wants to study, he's building his own future instead of letting anyone say, "Go here, go there." He chose to start at community college level, which I think is a good idea--he was a "barely got by" student in high school, and I think a slightly less demanding introduction to the next phase of education is a very good idea. From there, he plans to go to Oregon State University in Corvallis for fermentation sciences. He's going back on the GI Bill, so everything paid for, and Oregon schools don't differentiate between in-state and out-of-state tuition, one reason for his choice. Plus, he graduated from high school there, and still has friends there. His divorce will also be final the first week of January, and I think he feels as if he's shedding his burdens, one by one, to go into the next phase free of old baggage. Proud of him--it was barely a year ago that I was on the phone trying to talk him out of the dark place he'd fallen into, and was scared we'd lose him.

    Don't think I'm a saint about all this, though. My patience is thinning rapidly, and I swear, if I hear his detailed plan one more time for how he's going to do all this, I may run from the house screaming and clutch the nearest fencepost to keep from strangling him. As positive as everything he's doing is, and as much as I love him, I'm ready for him to go... :smiley: And I'll miss him, too. It's possible that the essence of being a parent (or just a grown-up) is being able to have two completely opposing ideas in your head and only expressing one of them. :blush:

    Gained the same five pounds back that I've been battling for months, and just got my eating back under control these last two days, and took one back off. Just trying to get to the new year without going up a size at this point. Remembering once more that control starts now, not the next meal, not Monday, not January 1. Now.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    I hear you. I have similar frustrations with my oldest son.

    Felicia, back in
    Willamette Valley Oregon