

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi, had a lovely day with my brother and DSIL. <3:D
    We didn't go running because they got up really late, but that gave me time to knock off 300 calories on the rower before they appeared.
    We caught the bus into Brighton and explored all the lanes of little, independent shops. Had a coffee. DSIL bought some glittery shoes! :o
    Then we wandered a bit more (I nearly bought a vintage mirror) and I was beginning to despair about finding a low carb restaurant in that area. Everything but. Then one appeared. :D Perfect! My brother had cajun grilled chicken and a big salad.
    Caught the bus home and they left in the car. A great visit.
    DH was trying to put up a bracket for the tv in his room, but the screws wouldn't go in. I found a "handyman" for him on my phone who is coming on Monday. To relieve his frustration we went out for a very chilly walk by the sea. Beautiful sunset shining on the smooth water. So I'm calling the day 700 calories.

    Machka - ditto all the comments. A good life and a long one. Photos lovely. I also loved the ones of your grandfather's exploits.

    Viv - Sorry you are feeling sad. (((HUGS)))

    DH's younger daughter texted him at lunchtime to say she wants to come down tomorrow and meet him for lunch and a stroll along the front. I will let them get on with it on their own. She has been feeling miserable since a new man dumped her, she can't sell her hated apartment and she is feeling insecure in her job. I've never envied her position, being single and leading a very "young" lifestyle at 46. It's like she's never left her early 20s,.DH does worry a lot about his 'children'. He does his best for them. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • efricke1
    efricke1 Posts: 42 Member
    Whew-finally caught up!! I was so far behind in December that I just hopped on here.

    My blood type is B+ which is pretty rare. I sometimes get contacted by the Red Cross because they need that particular type. However, I haven't been able to donate in years. The test they use for iron always comes back too low. But when I have by blood tested by my doctor, I'm well within the range!

    In reading over everyone's words for 2019, I came up with Action for me. Maybe because I need to get into action and get my behind off the couch!! But I am also applying it to life in general. Sometimes I get too analytical and think about things too much without actually doing anything!

    I gained 3 pounds over the holidays. Not great, but it could have been a lot worse! Really paying attention to my food these past few days-my GI system has not been happy and I need to really clean things up.

    Speaking of GI issues, we spent a few hours at the Emergency vet clinic on January 1. Puppy was having a lot of issues in December that you do not want to hear the details about. He still wasn't doing great, so we went to the regular vets office today. Turns out he has Giardia-a parasite that is very easily treated. I wish someone had run the 10 minute test earlier!! I'm quite relieved to have an actual diagnosis!!!

    Somewhere, maybe on here, I heard about From Fat to Finish Line, which is like C25K but just for a mile:) I'm signed up, but haven't started yet. It has been raining here FOREVER, which hampers my outdoor exercise.

    I'm enjoying reading/catching up with all of you!!!

    Elizabeth GA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    My grandmother passed away last night. She was 97 years old and lived a life full of love. She loved her Lord Jesus, her family, and many others she met. She was always very welcoming.

    She served with her husband in several pastorates for over 40 years. She taught herself to play the piano and organ and led a choir. She also taught Sunday School for well over 40 years and in later years she held a Bible study for seniors.

    She was a busy woman, an avid gardener, cook, and baker. She worked in a flower shop for many years in Alberta, and spent some time in summers for several years picking raspberries in lower mainland BC, often with me.

    She was energetic and healthy ... walked a lot, gardened (as mentioned above), ate a reasonably healthy diet, didn't smoke, didn't drink alcohol. My grandfather enjoyed mountain climbing in the Canadian Rockies, and she joined him on some of the hikes ... those with paths.

    This is her ...

    And my grandfather, way back when ...

    Machka in Oz

    So sorry for your loss. I know you were close with your grandmother and how hard it is for you not to be able to be there with your family. Big hugs.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa, thank you. The"thing" my granddaughter is referring to is coloring her hair blonde. She is naturally a pretty auburn color.

    Janetr OKC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited January 2019
    Machka so sorry about your Grandmothers passing. Big hugs to you. But what a glorious life she led!

    My grandmother lived next door to me, and early on was easily one of my best friends. I never understood my classmates at school when they would whine about having to go to their grandparents. I went on many car trips in my grandma's cute gold Dodge Dart. She would inch up the hills and zoom down them! She also would tell me stories with her teeth out. Such a character she was💖.

    Rebecca - thank you for sharing those wonderful memories! What fun for a child to ride around in that Dodge Dart like that!

    My paternal grandparents lived on the farm next door. A little bit of a hike across the fields or on the road, but I agree, Rebecca. Best friends! My grandma never drove but walked all over, sometimes a couple miles, to visit neighbors and take them goodies. She'd arrange for Grandpa to come pick her up. Some of my fondest memories are those neighborhood walks with her and the poor country folks we'd visit. There was no sin in being poor but living in an unclean/untidy home? Oh boy. Grandma scrubbed her kitchen floor every day and wore the pattern off! I'm not that driven, lol.

    Like Machka's grandmother, no smoking or drinking, a sweet little church going lady who was by no means a pushover.

    Cool & rainy SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Ladies, if anyone wants a sneak preview of The Real Skinny on Fat, Episode 1, I'm taking a chance on posting the link here. This is from Dr. Cate Shanahan's website, one of my favorites, who is included in this series.


  • Hugglepot
    Hugglepot Posts: 1 Member
    Fatmuh are you ok?
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Very interesting show today on Dr. Oz! The theme was the Keto diet and I was surprised that you can be doing a "dirty" Keto or a "healthy" Keto. I think my main problem with Keto is that idea of consuming so much fact and very little protein. I just can't understand where the fat should be coming from.

    Carol in GA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Machka--Sorry for your loss. She sounds like a very special lady.

    Kylia--Great news and keeping you all in prayer.

    Karen--Good for you, stopping yourself. One step at a time.

    Beautiful weather here 45, after the below zero and wind it is nice. I am working 6-6 today so can only enjoy from the window.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Macka- so sorry to hear about your grandma. (((Hugs)))
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Anyone having MFP problems today? I had to use a diff sign in,now it won’t find any food,so can’t keep track. Grrrr
    Sometimes wonder if it’s MFPs way of a clearance?