

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    DS looks so much like your DH.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    DS looks so much like your DH.

    Yep, my husband can't deny any of his boys. Spitting images of him.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    The ears come from his side of the family!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hidee Ho Ladies~ Have been invited out to listen to music tonight.. but they wont get there till 7:30 or so and I am beat, was up before 5 am, worked till 1, then came did laundry,waited for electrician , then went out to run a few errands and just got home put everything away... folded laundry and put fresh sheets on the bed..
    I doubt that I will go tonight, supposed have snow turning to ice overnight. Oh Joy.... Oh well at least here in Ct we turn our clocks ahead an hour..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    Friday stats

    manual treadmill- 66.52min 128ahr, 4mi =560c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    Stat for the day

    Spin class- 60min, 147w 91r 128ahr , 145c, 16.8mi = 476c
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear of your MIL's passing....
    Heather, you are a running machine! Excellent time for your Parkrun!
    Lisa, really hope you don't end up sick! Happy to hear you have your rowing machine up and running, so to speak.
    Rebecca, that LS does not sound like fun. I sincerely hope the cream gives you some relief. Would condoms help with the "cuddling" or lack thereof?
    Katla, keeping my fingers crossed for a good report from the next dr that dh sees.
    Machka, Happy Birthday!

    Hmmm, that's all I can remember.... That's what I get for doing this at work, but I sometimes have a LOT more time than I do at home!
    I am NOT looking forward to changing the clocks again, I wish we could just leave it alone all year round. Like maybe put the time ahead 30 min tonight and then just leave it forever and ever! That probably won't happen..... there is talk that this will be the last time we have to adjust our clocks, our Premier is talking the talk, hopefully he will walk the walk too. I know this isn't the most pressing issue on his plate, but it's a simple fix! in my opinion, anyway! lol
    I am having a heck of a time getting a handle on my eating, I think it's because this is my "season of loss". My dad in December, my mom in Feb, a dear, dear friend in March, and a dear friends mom in April. Then a cousin, uncle, cats, the list goes on, but this seems to be "that" time of year. But, I did start back at the gym on Monday, was very surprised at how quickly I lost my ability to do cardio! Hopefully it won't take me as long to get back up to speed as it did to get there originally. I still have a cough from that stupid flu, my boss went to a walk in clinic this morning as she is still coughing. She waited for FIVE hours, only to be told her lungs are clear and she will eventually be just fine. We have some issues with our health system.... Good thing it's free! Well, sort of free, we do pay premiums, but for hubby and I it's only $75 per month, it was $150 per month until this year, when our gov't decided that we shouldn't have to pay provincial health premiums. We are only one of two or three provinces that make individuals pay separately for health care. Next Jan, we won't pay anything, it will be a tax on employers. Don't think that hasn't stirred up controversy! Oh well, it is what it is. Sorry for the rant, wanted to do a spoiler, but have no idea how to do that.... (there's those darn ellipses again! lol)
    Anyway enough from me for now.
    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those needing them and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Awwwwww! Mia and Layla <3<3<3
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited March 2019
    Rebecca sorry you are having an awful time with the LS. Sounds bad!

    Janet OKCcute pictures of the little girls. Sweet!

    A storm raced thru our region of Arkansas this morning. It was very windy and lots of lightning. Our dog was freaked out when a lightning strike hit real close. It was scary load and startled me, so it probably really scared her!

    There was a tornado that touched down in Keo and tore apart part of a mobile home and uprooted a bunch of trees. A big truck was blown over too.

    Within a few hours it was all over and there was blue skies! It ended up 76 degrees! That was a surprise!

    My SIL sent me a birthday card and she sent me $20. My DD sent me $50! My DH bought me a new pair of New Balance shoes.
    I’ll get them in a few days.
    Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to look for new sheets.

    My birthday’s on Monday and Bob wanted to take me to Olive Garden. So we’ll see!

    Have a good evening!
    Dana In Arkansas
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Rebecca ... so sorry you're dealing with LS. I didn't know what that was and had to google it. Does not sound pleasant. Praying you get relief soon. The pictures of the china were pretty. I collect tea cups and saucers just because they remind me of a kinder and gentler time.

    Heather ... congratulations on your run!

    Today was spent cooking and cleaning. I didn't sleep well last night so plan to head to bed early ... especially with the time change.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    edited March 2019
    I'm jealous of the ones who are going into DST.

    Ours will end in about a month, and we'll be plunged into a world of darkness and gloom for the next 6 months. :(:(

    I wish they'd leave it on DST year round.



    M in Oz
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi all! Love all the family pics!

    Dana - thank God u were safe and storm passed through. I know blue skies looked super after all of that!

    It was hi 30’s here today, beautiful heatwave! Rivers and streams all at flood stage, no place for all of the snow to go! I had DAR meeting this morning, women all shared what they chose to share about their patriot. Very interesting!

    Then off to antique auction where I met my brother. Had a great time! He stayed until he had to leave to go watch NE state basketball finals and then I headed home after quick grocery shopping. DD home this evening to study, quieter here😉 and I am headed to recumbent bike!

    Every one have a great rest of your day! Holly in Missouri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) We set our clock ahead about an hour ago so that job is done. My walking friend is going somewhere tomorrow so the dogs and I will be walking without her. That will help me because I won't have to be concerned about what time we go out to walk...we'll just go when we get up instead of having a set time to meet her. It's important to remember that with or without DST, the days will still get longer in the Northern Hemisphere and shorter in the Southern Hemisphere at this time of year.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    Saturday (aka Machka's Australian Birthday) -- Rowan and I hosted a 300 km randonnee in northern Tasmania.

    It was a perfect day. Not too much sun. No wind. Moderately warm temps.

    We had 2 riders ... we never get very many out ... and they told us they enjoyed the ride.

    We spent much of our day in a little town full of topiary waiting for them and then providing them with food, water, etc.

    While there we did a lot of walking, standing and stretching. I figured it was a good opportunity to do my stretching exercises for my injured hip and back. I should have had a pedometer with me!

    There was a bit of mad driving about when TasRail decided to close one of the road we wanted to use!! When we drove up, the road was open. When we drove back, it was closed!! We had one rider up ahead and we didn't know where he was ... and one rider behind approaching the closed road.

    In the end, both went through and it was OK. Maybe 100 metres where some works were going on. We're not sure why they decided to close the entire road for that. And evidently, there is another cycling event going on today that wants to use that road too ... they're not too happy either!

    Oh well, a bit of excitement and fortunately everyone was all right.

    Now today it's windy and looks like it is going to rain.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    edited March 2019
    barbiecat wrote: »
    It's important to remember that with or without DST, the days will still get longer in the Northern Hemisphere and shorter in the Southern Hemisphere at this time of year.
    <3 Barbie from NW WA

    Yes, but it's all about the relationship between daylight and work. Daylight in the evening, for as long as possible, means that we can actually see some daylight at some point during the day. Otherwise we go through the whole day in darkness or artificial light ... and that's just not healthy. :(

    In a month's time about the only time I'll see daylight for 6 months will be on weekends, and in my walks between uni and work. I guess I'm fortunate I get those!

    It wasn't so bad in Canada where standard time only lasted 4 months, but here it seems to drag on forever.

    M in Oz

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Written this morning:

    Good morning all! Happy Saturday! Thank you for your kind words and support at the loss of my mother in law. Her passing was both expected, yet unexpected. We knew she was in decline, but her strength and spirit really seemed to be rallying since she moved into the assisted living center. She was doing things for herself, walking a lot more, socializing with the other women who lived there...she just seemed to be more like her old self. Then she had a couple of falls this past week, at night when she was trying to get out of bed. Nothing that required hospitalization, but her mood changed dramatically and she became more anxious and angry. She ended up passing in her sleep. Tim is full of regret. This isn't an "I told you so" moment, but I knew this was going to happen and I warned him of it a few times. His words yesterday; "I have been in so much pain, then I was sick for a few weeks, then I was depressed...all of those days I could have been visiting her and I had an excuse for why I couldn't." Ugh! I feel like I am just putting to bed the regret I felt over not being with my parents more before they passed; and that was 26 years ago. All I can do is hug him and tell him that he needs to let the guilt and regret go. IF it hangs onto him, the way it hung onto me, he will likely die with those regrets. Lauren is upset that she can't be here with us. So I was on the phone quite a while with her last night, talking her down from some anxiety over that. They are financially strapped (as many young families are) and this is "high" ticket price time (spring break). *sigh....breathing deeply.
    And the world keeps spinning...
    I have my hair appointment today, and I am really looking forward to it. It will feel extra nice to have someone combing my hair and giving me the scalp massage while they shampoo. I will enjoy every second of it. As I am getting a cut, color, and style (Christmas gift from my daughter, Lauren) it will take 3-4 hours. I told Tim this and he was stunned. "Why would it take that long?" I told him because they were coloring my hair blue. He practically fell out of his chair. As it is partial highlights (yes blues, purples, greens) and they will be hidden beneath a top layer of brown hair "peek-a-boo colors" I still feel okay having it done before the funeral. I can still keep the color hidden for that day. Update: My stylist took slo-mo video of my hair in motion after the cut and color and posted it on her facebook page. She was very happy with how it turned out (as am I). I will see if I can get it on here. The back of my head is on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/AFlann19/videos/769457581715/UzpfSTYxOTQyMzIyMDoxMDE1NzE1Mzc2NTI5MzIyMQ/
    I am looking out the window right now, and the sky is a lavender color and it has turned the snow pink! Pretty!
    Beth- The surgery on the 18th is a d&c to remove some polyps and to get a biopsy of the tissue found in an ultrasound. I have been having extremely frequent and irregular periods this year (a seven to ten day heavy flow maybe a week off, then another five day lighter period) recurring about twice per month, maybe skipping a month, maybe not... Hoping it is just my weird body's way of going through menopause.
    Heather- Truly you make your little area sound so wonderful; if I ever cross the pond I might just bypass London and go straight to you and the Brighton/ Hove area! Love reading your posts! Update: Yea, YOU! I am so proud of you and the running you do! Just makes my runners heart happy and gives me hope that me and my crappy knee will be doing it again soon!
    Rebecca- All good looking boys/men; but your middle son is YOUR spitting image (in male form). If you and he were in a crowd of people, I could put the two of you together in a hearbeat! He looks so much like you!
    Janet R MIA! Yes! <3<3<3 I Knew her birthday was coming up here, soon! Joaquin will be two on Thursday! Wow! Where did that time go?

    On fondant - I have worked with it a few times. It does create a lovely finished look, but does not taste good, in my opinion. Years and years ago, I made a Star Wars death star cake for Colin for his birthday (5th birthday I think). I used gray fondant to cover the sphere, then used black royal icing. It was time consuming! But he loved it. I have a couple pictures but I need to find them. Then I discovered ganache! Omidearlord. No more fondant for me. A well made ganache wins my heart every time.

    So...it is now 10:15 and I was asked today (by phone, on the way to my hair appointment) if I would write and read a reflection for my mother in laws memorial service! Yikes! I have never done any thing like this before. I am the one that tries to avoid all funerals, much less speak in front of grown ups at them. (I do okay with kids) Anyway, I got home from my hair appointment at 5:30 and got with my other SIL who is also doing a "reflection". She has decided to do the factual refection which gives the facts on MIL's life, faith, etc. That left the reflective personal piece to me. Ugh! So...this is what I came up with. Any feed back would be appreciated. They want me to speak for only a couple of minutes and it doesn't have to have the "facts" of her life, as those will be addressed prior to my reflection by my sister in law.

    (not sure if the link will work. Having a hard time getting the thing to download in the computer then link up to this site.)

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)