

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Kelly - sorry to hear about Tim's mom. (((HUGS)))) to you all, it's going to be a busy few days around your house. Hope Tim is doing OK.

    Barbara AHMOD - crossing fingers the paperwork for permits and loan come through quickly so the roof and other projects can get launched. Happy to hear you were able to get the range you wanted at a local store. I was surprised the mom & pop appliance store actually have prices a few dollars lower than Home Depot. They don't have the huge selection, of course, just the basics which was fine for us. Any news about the road repair? Mercy.

    - our little housecleaner just turned 50, looks and acts 35. Hope your new one works out for you! Love hearing about all of the neat little restaurants you are discovering, sounds like your new spot is just perfect. Running along the beach in blustery weather - exhilarating!

    - hope your rowing machine arrives soon. Bet you do miss your runs! Are you still going to physical therapy? I can't believe first day of spring is in just a couple weeks and your weather will start to cool off just as we are heating up.

    - does Bessie throw up a lot? Every couple weeks, our old Sophie (11) barfs at night and doesn't want her breakfast and prefers to eat grass when she goes out for her morning bathroom stuff. I give her a little kibble before bed so she doesn't have an empty tummy and that seems to help. And I now give her 1/4 of a Pepcid AC when her tummy is upset, seems like within an hour her appetite is back. She weighs about 18 pounds. She has always had tummy issues and it's been a challenge figuring out what to do about it. Glad we finally figured it out.

    We have a little snow falling right now. Temp is around 30, sidewalk doesn't seem icy but roads are probably slick in spots. Thankfully I rescheduled my shots for yesterday afternoon so don't have to worry about heading into town today.

    Looking at all the little tomatoes that have germinated and will need to be potted up into 4" containers, likely next weekend. Looks like I'll have around 40 (half destined for the Master Gardener Plant Sale mid May) Then will expand the grow light system to hold the little buggers for a few weeks until they are transplanted into still larger pots and then they'll be moving out to the greenhouse. I need to get my act together and buy more potting soil this week for the first transplant. Master Gardeners have a big dirt pile and I'll grab some of that too for the big repot.

    Ok ladies, have a great Friday!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Ugh. Tim's mom passed away early this morning. :( Will post this weekend when I have a moment. Sending love to you all. KJ

    I’m so sorry, my heart goes out to you and your family
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    (((Kelly, Tim & Family)))
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    KELLY so sorry to hear about Tim's mum <3

    I'm not keen on fondant I much prefer hard royal icing, not that I eat it much

    LANETTE My DH also has tomato seeds germinating

    Just had a short visit from son and his wife and her 2 little granddaughters. DH birthday they brought a small cake with candles on. Forgotten how lively littlies are they wear one out running about. Lovely though :):)

    Kate UK <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Kelly))): I’m so sorry for the loss of Tim’s mom. :broken_heart::heart:

    Machka: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :bigsmile:

    Lanette & Barbie: We’ve had loads of challenges with our dog’s digestive system and things have improved. He has less trouble than before, but when he has liquid poo we give him a Pepto Bismol tablet and it usually solves the problem. We also have children’s liquid immodium on hand but it hasn’t been needed in a long while. He is easy to pill, but it is hard to squirt liquid down him. :ohwell: :star:

    It was snowing moments ago! I can barely believe it. The flakes were huge and already turned into rain.

    I am presently proud of my daughter. :heart: Our grand niece has just had her baby and Melissa was there to give her support. They are both in IL. The rest of the family is here in OR.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Machka ~ Happy Birthday! :)
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Kelly- prayers going up for your family!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    (((Kelly))) (((Tim)))
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    I keep forgetting to sign my posts.

    Kelly- prayers going up for your family! Strength and peace to you all - Holly in Missouri
  • efricke1
    efricke1 Posts: 42 Member
    Kelly/KJ-So sorry for your loss :'(
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Kelly: So sorry for your loss. :'( Hugs to you and Tim. <3

    Machka: Happy birthday weekend. Enjoy in every way that feels authentic to you.

    Meg: Great to see you posting here and I have April 12th marked on calendar.

    Laundry is almost done, so no more excuses. Off to the gym.

    Stay well friends. I'm sending strength and energy to anyone who needs it. Hugs to all.

    SMILING from lips, eyes and heart in the sunny
    Colorado Foothills
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2019
    Machka Happy Birthday! Did you already post a photo of your earrings?

    Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited March 2019
    KJ - What a very stressful time for you all. <3<3<3<3 My thoughts are with you. (((HUGS)))

    Meg - we are in Brighton and Hove on the south coast of England. We are finding it PERFECT for us as we have the sea a block away and city pleasures a short free bus ride away. If we cared to get in the car, we have the South Downs National Park 15 mins away. Of course, these pleasures mean house prices are astronomical.
    DH went out for a walk this afternoon and within a few yards of the gate found someone to walk with and then, by the beach, got into a conversation with some women who are all year round swimmers. :o

    My cleaner started today, but I am not going to keep her. I will give her one more week, but we are not a good fit. The things I want her to do she isn't keen to do and she seems really OLD and unable to be flexible and follow instructions. I don't need her to do easy things, but want her to pull out stuff and clean behind and in corners etc. She seemed like my granny and she is 9 years younger than me. Her attention to detail was poor. I am very fussy and a quick sweep doesn't cut it. I can do that. She did a good job of the stairs.
    DH was quite happy when I suggested that we sit down with our diaries and mark out a time when we tackled the cleaning together. My main reason for having one is I hate the tension when I think something needs cleaning and he is oblivious. He always does the washing up and a clean of the work surfaces, plus the stewed fruit we eat every day, helps with the bed changing, but he turns a blind eye to general cleaning, though he tries to keep his bathroom ok. (He doesn't )
    I am fussy about detail, like skirtings, and get upset with grime. We are both tidy people, so that isn't a problem.
    So my plan is to schedule a cleaning hour and a half once a week for us to do together. He seems happy with that.
    I just don't want to be a domestic servant.
    Got to get up in the morning for my son to collect me for Parkrun. He is running, my DDIL is volunteering as a back marker, with the kids. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    edited March 2019
    megblair1 wrote: »

    Felicia: I too am interested in the genetic testing and have been thinking about it for a long time. Were you satisfied with what you got?

    Well, except for how ethnically boring I am, I am satisfied. I think it probably is accurate. My only complaint is that my adopted niece did it through 23 and me, and she ended up with a trace of Iberian Peninsula and European Jew (She is 50% asian --her dad is vietnamese -- so it was pretty easy to see which parts came from my sister.) But I didn't have any of that. I was surprised because my dad's family has "dark ones," (my dad was one -- black hair, olive skin, brown eyes), and his father told everyone that his family descended from Spain, but that is neither in my DNA nor in the tree work I've done.

    My dad, theoretically, is 50% german, so I should have been 25% (or close), but I don't come anywhere near that. Perhaps my German ancestors from Russia were not, strictly speaking, German? Even though they identified as German, spoke German, and my great grandmother never did learn English, even after emigrating to this country in about 1908.

    So I am not really satisfied, because I thought I would be more ethnically diverse than I am, but I do think my results square with what I find in my tree and where/when people came to the US.

    I worked on my tree last night, and traced one line back to 1635 emigration from England -- and he wasn't even an indentured servant! (I have a couple of those). He was granted land almost immediately in Massachusetts Bay, upon arrival.

    It is super fun to find those historical documents -- I love history -- and working on my tree is an excuse to learn history. I research the places people settled, try to find their names on the ship registries -- learn about indentured servanthood and the civil war/restoration in England. (One of my ancestors ended up on the wrong side of the monarchy after the restoration, had been a bookseller in London, but lost everything, and his sons ended up as indentured servants in Virginia in about 1670.) And religious persecution -- a couple lines came to this country to escape religious persecution in Switzerland/France.

    I could go on but won't. I think it is a great way to dip into history and I find the stories really interesting.

    Felicia, genetics nerd
    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Felicia - I haven't done any DNA because I fear I will be incredibly boring. The tiny bit of research I have done shows my great grandparents were all English agricultural workers, with one metal worker. There is a family myth that we are descended from the Wesleys on my maternal side, but I fear it is just that, a myth.
    The Mormons are trying to tell me I have German ancestors not far back, but it's the first I've heard of it. I've always felt a connection to Germany, probably through a childhood friend. I am too cheap to pay any money to find out.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Suzu, if part of your indulging was salty or high sodium, a part of that I'd water. Drink your head off today, forget yesterday, and log today. Actually, it helps to log days like you had in order to get an idea of just what you are. Sometimes I'm surprised to find it wasn't as bad as I'd conjured it up to be.

    NY Karen, your snow photos are lovely! I especially like the one of the shrub!

    Tracey, I usually camp at Miette Hot Springs when I'm up there. I'll bet that place beats even YOUR cold this time of year!

    Welcome, Wila! we are a very chatty group. We mostly don't try to respond to every post, just the ones that "speak" to us. You'll find plenty of encouragement here. Accountability IS the key for most of us, so log away!

    BellaB, welcome! What is Saxenda? I'm presuming it's a weight loss drug, but does it reduce appetite, or what? I had an RNY bypass in January and have hit a stall lately, even though fully compliant. What sort of surgery did you have? Tell us more about yourself, please! We like to get to know each other.

    Rita, Happy Birthday! Stay warm by the light of those candles!

    Barbie, Id have lived to see those old returns too. One really only has to save the past 3years, but 7 is better. Numbers people can be weird. A LOT of us are OCD.

    Jenfli3! Welcome. Whether it's 10 or 100, we've got you covered. Tell us where you're from and what you'd like to be called. We tack placed onto names to tell duplicate names apart - or they have a tag in their signature they prefer.

    Machka! I just love your naming story and the detail about you and your husband.

    I guess I'm an old busybody, because I love to hear everyone's story

    I've got to stop for now! 10 pages behind in four days! Wow!

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is International Women's Day!

    "This global day celebrates the cultural, political, social and economic achievements of women. The day also brings international awareness to gender parity. According to the World Economic Forum, global gender equality is estimated to be achieved by 2133." Here's to making every day our day!

    Janet - Wow, 1200 days! What a great testament to your determination and focus!

    Allie - Sorry you didn't get a good sleep! Sometimes throwing in the towel and just getting out of bed to do something else is all you can do.

    KJ - Condolences. You do what you need to do - you know we'll still be here when you get back.

    Off to change into grubby clothes, because I'm going to tackle the hall bathroom today. I've been putting it off, but I'm going to remove the bathtub and put in a clawfoot tub. Should all be worthwhile in the end, but it's going to be a lot of work!

    -Yvonne in TX