

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Viv York UK: Your dizzy spell would certainly worry me. I’m glad that you’re doing better today. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: DH is going in for a colonoscopy this coming week. They’ve told him to avoid red food. In my mind, that includes red jello & red meat. We’re planning to stay in a hotel near the hospital the night before his procedure. The car ride from home to the colonoscopy center was a nightmare when I had mine done years ago, and we resolved to spend the night nearby for the future. Is this your first colonoscopy? Good luck to you. I hope all goes well and that you don’t have a long commute to the colonoscopy center. :star:

    Heather: Congratulations on your special mention at the party. :heart: (((HUGS))) to your DH. Sorry to hear about your bruised knee.

    Betsy in NW WA: I like brisk walking to lower stress, too. I also like yoga and other vigorous exercise. :star:

    Rebecca: Keeping my fingers crossed that you get the new house that is close to where you live now. :flowerforyou:

    M in OZ: I wish for year around daylight time. Spring ahead and fall back are a pain. I’m not fond of resetting all my clocks & my watch. :grumble:

    NCRawGirl, aka Karen: Welcome to a great group. :smiley:

    Lanette: DH’s colonoscopy is coming up the day after tomorrow. We have a critter sitter coming to stay with the dog and a hotel reservation for a spot right across the street from the colonoscopy center. Thanks for your concern. I have to admit that I’m working hard to stay calm about this. :ohwell: We will deal with whatever outcome we get. DH has been miserable for quite a long while. I hope the testing leads to improvement in his quality of life. Things have been tough for more than a couple of years. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Barbara: We have rain today. I suspect we’ll snuggle in and have a quiet day at home. :star:

    We have made all of our arrangements for DH’s testing, and now we’re snug at home watching the rain. Both of us are trying not to worry about upcoming medical testing.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks ladies! Ooh had the other half of the smoked salmon, some more salmon cream cheese and the other half of my gourmet bagel! What a Sunday breakfast! All this moving planning is going to happen right on top of the first grandchild birth in May! So our move comes first, but that's a hard reality to accept. We can't travel the 5 hours down, if we're still moving! Aack, its not in my hands. Whatever happens happens! Just trying to let things fall into place as they should.

    Whidbey island

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    edited April 2019
    :)Barbara , I can't seem to find a link that works but you can find the podcast on You Tube by searching for "The Minimalists podcast episode 174". That's where I heard the guy talk about fitting in fitness throughout your day.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 857 Member
    Rebecca, keeping my fingers crossed for the right house for you! The one a block away sure sounds like a winner!
    Katla, keeping my fingers crossed for you and hubby that something will be found and that it's a simple fix to soothe his innards. Never fun when they're not working properly! Safe travels! We are lucky where we live, the colonoscopy place is only a few miles fro home. By the time we have to leave, hubby is pretty much cleaned out...
    Barbie, the flowers look lovely! Great use of the gift card!
    Lisa, glad the funk seems to be lifting, also very happy for your son, sounds like he's really gung ho about the whole school thing! And you're absolutely right, a few victories under his belt will definitely up his confidence.
    Lots more that I wanted to comment on, but I'm at work, so can't really open a second screen and my memory is, well, unreliable! lol Just know that I'm thinking of all of you!
    I had a great NSV a few days ago! I do a core strength class twice a week. On Thursday we did one of the dead bug lifts, so both legs and arms in the air (laying on your back of course) ball between your legs, then pass it to your arms, lower both, lift both, transfer ball again etc. Well, my hip was not happy so I was unable to do it, but the next day, my hip seemed to be okay so I decided to give it a try. Well! Not only could I do it, but could do more reps than ever before! This is an exercise that has always been a challenge for me, so being able to do was just so very exciting! Apparently the class is paying off! Will have to share that with the instructor next week. The scale is also being kind, I had a bit of a pig out last night, wasn't in the mood for cooking "real" food, so we had wings, fries and onion rings. sigh. I did enjoy them, but figured the scale would be way up, all that salt! But it was actually down a bit from yesterday! This does not mean I am going to eat that way on a regular basis, that is part of what got me in this shape to start with, but I am relieved that it wasn't the horrific result that I thought it would be. Today we will be having leftover roast chicken! Much better choice!
    Hubby has finished building my flower bed, now I have to put plants in it. I've been working all weekend (usual shift) so am hoping that Monday's weather will be decent as I am quite excited to get it done. Going to be a lot of work going through all the pots and getting what I want in each, as well as planting the new bulbs I bought (like I needed more! lol), but even if it takes me all summer....
    Hoping everyone enjoys their day/evening/night! Hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,835 Member
    Katla~ no this will be my second colonoscopy.. and here is hoping it goes according to plan...
    my daughter is taking me and dropping me off then picking me up.. in between that she will get my DGD to school.going to text my boss to see if I can come in earlier mon, and friday and leave at 4 weds to start the prep.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Evelyn: Thank you so much for your good wishes. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: I’m glad to hear you have some help from your daughter to get to your colonoscopy. DH is also having his second colonoscopy. I’m sending prayers for good outcomes for both you & my DH. :heart: In my personal experience the colonoscopy was easy but the prep was awful. I hope things have improved since then. :heart:

    Today I’ve been having fun watching the hummingbirds at our feeders. The boys have been chasing away the girls for months, but today I’ve seen girls at both feeders. Yay! I hope there will be many healthy baby hummingbirds this season.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,835 Member
    Katla~ not that I know have to drink God awful stuff and stay near a bathroom..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :) I've had only one colonoscopy but I remember having a ton of clear chicken broth and apple juice on the day I could have clear liquids and a good book to read on the day I spent a lot of time on the toilet.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    Kate UK - your Parkrun result was amazing!!!! I do 45.34 and I am in 65 - 69. Well done :smiley:
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    edited April 2019
    Barbie and Karen thanks for the spring flower pictures. I did make some pansies pots yesterday. May have to take them in later this week.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    edited April 2019
    Lanette - it's got a long hose for going behind the sofas and under things and it's light for the stairs. That's why she likes it. I like it because it's cheap. :D
    I also have a cordless but it only lasts twenty minutes and it's not powerful enough. OK for a quick go of the rug.
    The old upright was held together with tape. The cleaner didn't approve. :open_mouth: Time for the tip.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LANETTE yes DH is getting his seedlings ready to plant out. Have tulips in pot will try for photo tomorrow

    Hoping to complete another parkrun next week

    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Barbara - I looked back on my medical history sheet - i don’t have the SSN on there. They won’t need it. I thought about that after i posted and began to doubt my memory.
    The pain I experienced Friday night was in my knees. They just ACHED around both knees. I’m sure it was arthritis. In 2014, I had scope surgery for a torn meniscus in my right knee. It doesn’t feel like I’ve torn anything. And i noticed this week my knees felt stiff - so I’m sure there’s inflammation there. I take Naproxen (NSAID) for pain. Friday night - i finally rubbed down my knees, applied heat and took some Tylenol and Melatonin - and got back to sleep. I think I overworked my knees cleaning our bathroom walls and more walking the next day to get my minutes. They ache some today but not as bad.

    —Ginger in Texas
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Living with my Navy son has its quirks. We might have Legos in one of the living rooms!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies!!!

    Yesterday did a Total Body Toning DVD. Today did a Walk on with Jessica Smith DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the 10MS Pilates DVD then take the extremepump class.

    Yesterday went to a train show with Vince where he sold some of his trains, then hurried up and went to church (if I wasn’t scheduled to lector, I would have blown it off), then went to the Hickory Community Theater to see “The Adventures of the Dog in the Night Time”. Not at all what I expected.

    Took something over to our new neighbors and then worked on starting to get the pool ready. Got the pump going but I decided to give up on getting the leaves out since it was so frustrating. The water is so green that you can’t see where the leaves are.

    Dana – lovely flowers. Wish I had a green thumb

    Made a chocolate cake for Vince for the week and then made icing to ice it. Fortunately, I have enough in the freezer for one more cake. Wonder how it’ll be frozen? I cut it into 4ths and froze each part then stacked them. We shall see

    Viv – I’m glad you’re better

    Went to Aldi this morning then to WalMart. I really should have done WM first since they are open 24 hrs and then to Aldi. Next week they have butter on sale for $1.99 but a minimum of 6. May take Vince with me to get some

    KJ – yes, Vince has a lot of model trains, O gauge. He was thinning out his collection and sold some. Not sure if he’s going to go to the next train show and sell them and more. How cool your neighbor took everyone for a ride! Boy, if Vince had had that growing up, he would be doing it now.

    Vacuumed, needed to do Shadow’s room. We trimmed the cat’s nails today. Did a load of laundry. Wanted to get this one pair of jeans washed because I’m going to give them to this guy who is going to try to sew them down. Should have gotten a smaller size. In Lee jeans I usually take a 10P so I figured an 8 would fit. No…too big Got material for the backing for a quilt I made. Since it needs to be machine stitched, a lady from my water class is going to do it for me.

    Carol – the pool itself isn't heated, but we have a heat pump for the spa. I tell you, it’s in the sunlight all day that by August it gets up to the 90’s. Sometimes it isn’t even refreshing.

    Ginny – can’t wait till we start grilling

    Rebecca – the house sounds AMAZING. I hope you get it. I’d be willing to bet that once the landlord sees that you won’t let the yard get crappy, he’ll lift that lawn care requirement. If you plant some flowers and demonstrate that you take care of things, he’ll realize that you’d take care of the yard, too. I’m sure landscapers have different “tiers” of work that they do. Some more involved than others. Take the lowest one and you do some upgrades. Let the landlord know that it was YOU who did it.

    Karen – welcome to a great group.

    Welcome anyone else that I may have missed.

    Lanette – the gal who is now taking care of the video projector won’t be at the meeting so she asked Vince (who else?) to do it. He told her that he would except that he has an appointment so he can’t be there until 10:30 (when the meeting starts) and could someone else set it up for him? He doesn’t plan to go to the next meeting. I’ll tell the VP at the meeting (she’s supposed to be doing membership) that if she gets the board to agree to keep the old directory and have someone else do the website (an outside person who knows what they’re doing and doesn’t just do it for a hobby), then I’ll be glad to work with her on a welcome packet/email but if they’re going to stay with this new directory that Greg is building, I’m sorry but I can’t help her since I don’t know anything about it. I guess we shall see what happens. If they stay with this new website, I’ll just bow out completely. Doesn’t matter either way to me. I’d prefer to keep the old website, it has so much more functionality. But if they decide to be cheap and go with the new one, oh well….

    About coffee: about 2 years ago I had some. It was at a Marriott hotel so it wasn’t a cheap brand. To me, it was so bitter…probably because I hadn’t had any in about 2 years. I’m just not a coffee drinker. Give me my tea

    Michele in NC
  • lacwest6605
    lacwest6605 Posts: 6,922 Member
    edited April 2019
    Laura in Los Angeles here.
    Hope everyone had a lovely Sunday!
    A friend and her daughter came by for lunch today. I made Asian style salad. She brought a rotisserie chicken. We had such a lovely afternoon talking about where we used to work, family, and on and on. I must be starved for company because I didn’t want them to leave. It was a lovely day.
    Tomorrow back to real life. To the hip surgeon with my mother. I’m afraid he will find something wrong, not healed properly, something. I wanted to take her earlier in her recovery when she complained of pain. But she insisted it was just part of healing and didn’t want to go. So I didn’t push it. Now I regret not making her go sooner than this. We will find out tomorrow if things are right or not. I will probably lose sleep over it tonight.