

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Evelyn ~ Sorry for the loss of your MnL. Hugs to you and your husband.

    Margaret ~ Glad your son is getting better care. I completely understand what you mentioned about the Keystone Cops as that is how my husband has felt in dealing with his BnL. Dr's appointments keep being made without my husband's knowledge. The BnL has missed 3 set appointments with the cardiologist because no one informed us about them. Today, my husband has taken him to the appointment and not the facility where he is staying.

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member

    Rita - am I mistaken or was this gig as a park host only supposed to be for a couple of months? How long have you been there now? Do you get to enjoy it or is it more like a job to you now? What a beautiful photo, I travelled through NM once with my husband when he drove truck, it is one of my favourite states.

    I went for my swim lesson last night. For the first half hour, I swam laps. My instructor then told me I was going to dive. I did it, twice! Then he had me stand on the diving box and just step off into the pool. I did that too without panicking and flailing around like a fish out of water (haha). I feel so much better now, but learned last night that I need to make it a habit to go swimming at least once a week to keep up with my endurance and not lose what I’ve learned.

    Tracey In Edmonton

    Yes, Tracy, this gif was only supposed to be for a coupe of months. It will be a year here Labor Day weekend! We are planning on traveling in the fall for a bit the spending Winter here again. DH is busy repairing or making signs for all over the park and I help at the rental office for peddle boats, paddle boards, life jackets, ice l, and T-shirts. I also take care of campers making sure everyone is in the right campsites. Sounds like a lot but we only do what we want. Keeps us busy.

    I need to work on swimming too. No confidence when going over my head and no endurance.

    RV Rita in Roswell NM
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Mary- True hun your right - every state is different to facility ours included 4+ personal trainers for excersise y pool. One sweet 20yr old (yes the others youngsters hated him because he got a lot of clientele- bees like honey not vinegar scenario), a few older trainers .A free Dieticians led class one day a week. They dropped everything to help show you how to excersise but we were Privately owned. My Daughter uses a on base one they got to be nice or their contracts will get pulled (companies mega kinds) they offer free trainers only.
    My small town was a higher than average percentage of low income families they couldn’t afford a hourly trainers fees (work on commission) the silver sneakers gave them everything they needed praise God.
    That was over a decade ago they might not provide what they once did fully.

    Tracy - Tell your Daughter She’s not alone those bullies are ridiculous! Tell her to deflect them! Don’t invite them to Birthdays etc not worth her time. I sound like a loud Minnie Mouse Get very aggrivated easily anymore so hubby leaves me at home a lot! Lol he knows I’ll say something it’s easy most are walking around with bras only y pants Baffin’ they give me some good ammo to come back with. Was your clothes a 1/2 off sale? Do you know your hubby left the house without a belt!!!! Lol Their opinions get me boiling hot ...What’s your Sons BMI he looks FAT? Well none of your business I think to myself. I burst into Jimmy Crack corn I don’t care once.
    Best comeback let her know is to stay straight faced say with a plain tone over y over ...I don’t remember asking for your opinion. No matter what they say more blah blah blahs I keep repeating it. One didn’t take the hint so Jimmy cracked his corn 🌽.
    Birthdays I learned to not invite them just a few family members I trust leave the rest out. So Mother-in-law,my Dad,hubby, his Sister her kids y ours that’s it. Raised 9 kids in my life (2 biological) well don’t got the patience anymore for the Bleeps. All the kids are adults except JR. Hubby raised a few kids too but not babies 👶 so this is all new to him. He’s learning a lot now crash course style with those moms. I get mouthy with the Doctors too when their wrong so yup hubby tries to keep that stresser away from me. One pointed out my sons belly being fat at 3months old so I pointed out hers said Twinsy! Lol she stormed out of their slamming doors lol. Well not sorry when I met my hubby he paid for me to get my hair done for our wedding 👰. The lady was after him! He was a hottie she wanted him bad. She asked “What does he like?”
    “You know food,in bed,songs,hobbies?”
    I replied simply still faced.... “ME”. Lol she burnt my hair off she was so mad lol. Hubby couldn’t take me near that salon we dead eye each other! That’s okay never got to the wedding the Judge walked in we were scheduled to just talk get a date set he well eating a sandwich 🥪 married us no license or waiting period nothing! Happened to my grandparents too so we got something in common besides the fact I’m grandma ‘s doppelgänger.On the spot. He said too late this is legal lol. When he had asked Do you want to marry this man? I said HELL Yeah in the most hick country voice you can imagine. Hubby just replied I’m here ain’t I. Lol bam married with those words lol. Courthouse was so confused as we started with the last paper went backwards to get them all lol. Funniest thing is during my placental abruption one Doctor was eating a sandwich 🥪 when he ran up lol.Told my hubby sandwiches are our omen lol.
    Amber Tx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Guests in bed. Evening went well. The main course was ok, not great, but I was trying out a new veggie dish. Won't bother with that one again.
    Nice chat. I alternated real and AF wine, which was a good idea.
    Homemade croissants tomorrow for breakfast, plus fruit salad, then we're all going off to the French Circle old prison visit. DSIL understands a few words of French, her boyfriend, nothing. :o:p
    I'm hoping to go shopping after lunch for sparkly trainers and DH wants a hat (like a jazz hat). We will see. It's supposed to be blowing a gale so we might not walk back along the front. We all have old people's bus passes, so we will go in by bus.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: The sky photo your DH took after a thunderstorm at the park is stunning. Great photo! :heart:

    Evie: Sorry to hear about the loss of your DH’s mom. :cry:

    (((Margaret))) I hope things get better each day for your son's situation and for you. :flowerforyou:

    I had a lovely yoga class this morning. Many regulars were there. There will be change in the summer. My favorite teacher will teach 8 am yoga twice a week. I’ll be there as often as I can. I am hoping for a late summer/early fall trip in our RV to see my children and grandchildren. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying this particular dream comes true.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had a lovely yoga class this morning & learned about th new summer schedule. We will have yoga two days a week. I’m grateful that my favorite teacher will be leading our class. o:)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a rebounder DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Power Yoga DVD. This is a new one for me, so we shall see how it goes

    Sharon – your dad certainly has a “Cary Grant” look. Isn’t it amazing how things have changed?

    Barbie – is there a reason they take the xray of your root canal? I’ve never had one taken of mine

    Margaret – (((HUGS)))

    JR – JR is adorable!!! The way we were abused, isn’t it any wonder that we’re alive (having to get up to change the television channel)

    Pip – how did you do that??

    Went to Food Lion, they have Vince’s soda on sale. I swear it seems they very seldom have that variety. So I got a rain check. Will leave in a few to go to WalMart to get a prescription for Vince and a few other things then the soup kitchen.

    Suebdew – with the three gyms I go to, if Medicare will pay for all of them since they each take Silver Sneakers, we’ll be saving over $500. They may only pay for one gym, of that I’m not sure.

    Well, the food they served at the soup kitchen was sort-of decent. Half a meatball sub (I bet they were preformed meatballs) and salad. Not the greatest, but not the worst either

    Carol – did you tell him that you were interested mainly in how to use the machines? Listen to his sphiel to get you to sign up, let it go in one ear and out the other. But you should be able at least to get what you need

    I very seldom use the machines at the gym. To me, they are good for rehab as they isolate the muscle, only the dip machine to me. But that’s just me. At one time I did use the machines faithfully

    JR – good videos and great tips. One thing the doctor told me to possibly avoid UTI’s or Athlete’s Foot is to use your hairdryer on your private parts before putting on your underwear and try as much as possible to dry your feet. Especially in winter after swimming when you put your feet into closed-toe shoes

    Making a pork roast for us to have during the week. Boy, the rosemary on top smells good

    Evelyn – I’m so sorry for your loss

    Jess gave me this starfruit jam for Christmas. Just today I threw it out. Shhhh..don’t tell her, but I really don’t need all that sugar. But I did like the jar that it came in

    Tracey – fingers crossed for you for that interview

    Katla – I hope your dream comes true, too.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :)Michele, When I had the root canal, the endodontist told me that she would check in six months to make sure all was well and then check again six months later. The follow-ups were part of the cost for the root canal.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michelle N.C. - .my doctor only told me wear cotton underwear...I could have used that hairdryer trick for years!

    Carol GA - if you have anyone you know who agrees to go to silver sneakers too or has a membership already see if they can go a few weeks with you. Buddy system the best! I had a few I met at the gym a few days in the welcoming crew will call them - we started going together especially my friend with a gastric bypass he had to work out so we tried to cordinate our workout together as much as possible.Rest if the time went with my Navy Daughter or other older men I knew (welcoming crew y Their wives would meet me at the pool after or join in doing cardio). We were the night gang last to arrive/leave we loved our joke times y telling each other our job stories (I barely have had female jobs so more shop talk than anything even I bore their wives lol). Before I knew it our group was over 20+ people so was never alone.