

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    NY Karen, the tree on the cake sounds wonderful!
    Machka, it is funny how things that you haven't thought about in years can pop up! I actually made a mistake, Yorkton is a couple hours from where my son is, but Kamsack is about 45 min away and that's where my dad grew up!
    Carol, Lanette certainly did give great advice! I go to a Y near me, there are a few classes geared specifically for older folks, they still do cardio, but at a slower, gentler pace. They also have the cardio machines, weight machines, pool etc, and I do use the machines, but I also do a few classes. I don't like the one that's slower and gentler, but I've been doing this for several years now and know when I need to dial back in the "regular" class. The instructor is also very good and gives a few different options for us to do, different levels to make it easier or more difficult. Definitely going to the other gyms to check them out is a good idea, and for sure if you can find a trainer who is older that would be ideal. I would also recommend a few sessions with a personal trainer, (again, an older one!) just so that you can get the correct form. It is very important to make sure that you are using the machine correctly to avoid injury.
    Rita, those temps are just too much for me! Sounds like you two are having fun!
    Thank you to all for your condolences. Looks like she has named hubby and I as executors. There is also a lawyer involved. We hope to dump the whole thing in his lap as we don't want or need any part of her estate, but hubby does have a brother who is mentally challenged. We just want him taken care of, so the house can be sold and the money can be used to get him into an apartment and take care of him. Hopefully lawyer will be competent and cooperative, although I'm sure this won't be the first time something like this will have happened to him.
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    I am home from work... feeling exhausted.. have laundry going and sitting out on my patio.I have set up out here and it really is nice out here... I have the fountain plugged in and it’s relaxing... waiting for wash to finish and then will throw in dryer and go feed DFIL
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @exermom What's your nette calories? some of us have to go really low to lose.For me to be sure to lose slowly I need to go to 1100 net calories. (which I have a hard time doing, on average, day after day after day. Another person spoke of 1200 to maintain. It seems unfairly low to me, but I see that that's the deal : I'm 5'2.5" 55 years old and slow metabolism runs in my family. exercise and weight training helps.

    @pipcd34 good for you for keep tracking. that's discipline and inspiring. I always don't want to track when I eat too much, but checking that off here (or not helps me to say, ok I can go back and remember what I ate and check that one off, even if I'm past my calorie limit.)
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited June 2019
    -1. weigh in
    I think so 2. log all
    x30 min exercise
    x 4. five minutes meditation
    ✔️ 5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ 6.produce at least 2-finished pages per day average long term
    ✔️ 7. Take care of at least 3 shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count) per week
    x 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    x10.average 1100 calories net,

    • Overall Feeling : medium
    • Log all: I think so
    • Exercise: only about 15 min
    • 1100 calories net average: way over, bread incident!
    • Long term writing 2h : yes
    • produce at least 2 finished pages per day average long term writing project (from June 1 to June 10,):yes!!!
    •3 Short term writing/admin per week: yes on Monday

    Grateful :
    1. my corrector
    2. my friend who likes to go for walks on Sundays
    3. other friend D
    4. pages sent out today before 1pm
    5. seem to be on track for writing production
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Kettlebell Workout
    Goblet Squats- 2x5x40, 1x5x45
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 10x7x40, 3x7x45

    Bike Ride
    I’m not really sure how to determine calorie burn. I have an ebike, peddle assist. I do peddle relatively hard most of the time. I went 32 miles in 3 hours. So I calculated it at 2/3 the time for a leisurely bike ride. Any other suggestions would be appreciated!

    Michele- I just got out of that boat! I finally lost the weight I gained over my maintenance weight. It takes a lot longer to loose then to gain it! I logged and weighed everything. I preplanned my meals. I exercised consistently. It is very easy to over eat by a thousand or more calories a day. But, when we want to lose we can’t restrict ourselves the same amount...5:2 intermittent fasting does work. Two days out of the week you eat only 500 calories. I stuck to 1200 and I do 19:5 which is 19 hours of no food with a 5 hour window to eat. You will definitely get it off!


    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota/ Arizona

    I wear a chest strap heart rate monitor everyday when I ride and workout. that's the only way I know how much I burn. I don't go by the estimate of what MFP says based on the time I ride
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stat for the day:

    spin bike, single leg, cross over, reverse pedaling- 60min, 101aw, 79ar, 126ahr, 155mhr, 14.6mi= 575c
    Apple Watch- 534c

    total cal 575
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Oh Pip- Canine Leukemia so common in elderly pets but so sad. I’ll pray the test just shows something more treatable for you. Hugs*

    Margaret- Glad to here he’s eating. Genetic testing good if you suspect certain things.Certain conditions a cat scan normally shows.Rest have to go other routes.Hope they get him diagnosed treated best they can. Hang in there glad he has you there for him.

    Not recording my excersises just calories y fitting movement in every chance I get. I’m trying to master the premade meal plan idea. If I do gonna use Tupperware but afraid you can’t do it in those.Havent found 1 video with Tupperware being used just disposable trays I think those are wasteful.

    Got iPhone also,(iPhone watch that called me lazy so it’s collecting dust! Darn thing did that while changing a diaper still mad at it! Mad at Siri too she’s off).
    Pantry fully cleaned y organized finally.Only took a week.JR finished his Daddy day card so that’s done y his hope I remember where.( on the dryer under a clip board) < note to self here .
    Amber Tx

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Karen in VA, I’m so relieved that your DGS finally received a diagnosis, and that your son is embracing it. Don’t let DGS make it an excuse, however. My 7YO DGS is moderately severe non-verbal (but becoming more so!). It is a somewhat sad thing for those of us who care for them, because we know their path is not going to be smooth, but when you think about it, almost no one’s is! You seem to intuitively grasp many of the concepts that do and don’t work for him. Our trainers have told us each child with a diagnosis is VERY much on their own very personal spectrum. No two are alike. My DGS, who was in the picture with my garden a few days back, has always smiled and been a happy boy. Many are not. He is also livingly demonstrative. He was, however, diagnosed stbanout 18 months, and his parents sought out the best providers in our area. It cost us all a lot. But the payoff was seeing him enter school and succeed. However, I must also comment that our district has been cited for its excellent programs for non-neurotypical kids. Keep up the great work. You’ve done wonders!

    Tracey in Edmonton, Elissa’s wedding is June 15th, but I’m also invited to the rehearsal dinner the night before. The wedding is in Bellingham - about 100 miles (167k) away. Not a long drive, but I've taken aotel for the night before the wedding and the night of the wedding, since I suspect I'll want to rest and unwind afterward.

    The weather is having a sunny break and both cars have abandoned me for the sleeping porch, which faces WSW and gets sun ALL afternoon! I'm opening the slider between the main house and my outdoors indoor bedroom for the warmth.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2019
    Thanks, Sharon, and everyone else who has commented. I am stunned at how many of you have autistic family members, or are on the spectrum yourself. How eye-opening!

    We are looking forward to exploring all of the resources available for my grandson. The people who evaluated him stressed that, unlike many people with autism, my grandson has tremendous potential for improving social & life skills, learning to manage anger & frustration, understanding how to be reciprocal, improving eye contact, becoming less picky about foods, etc. Those who love him have as much to learn as he does. We will have to work hard, but not as hard as he will have to.

    Sharon I am relieved, too. Good point about not using autism as an excuse. I am actually more concerned that his dad might do that. My grandson has never lived up to his dad's expectations. My one concern about my son getting on board with the diagnosis is that his expectations may now be so low that it will have the same effect on my grandson's self-esteem as expectations that are too high! But maybe not. My daughter-in-law knows a lot about autism and my son will take her lead on this.


    We went to my grandaughter's swim meet this morning. She has improved so much over the last year! Loves to swim. She is only 10.

    Karen in VIrginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    evening ladies, went and fed DFIL and he ate, he was being his sassy self.. came home and did some more work on the photo wall, once I get it done will take pictures
    inviting a few friends over tomorrow afternoon for apps and light munchies ,just to enjoy my patio.. Tom will have to feed dad tomorrow night... will have to do a bunch of cleaning tomorrow, my place is a mess...
    Pip~ my prayers are with Bullwinkle poor girl... just love on her and spoil her rotten,I know its so hard been through it enough.. my love to you and Kirby..
    I am leaving the windows open a bit and hope I can sleep with them like that unless Mr Barky boy decides to woof all night...
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Sharon - give him time some nonverbal struggle for decades before talking others never do but they have tablet programs they can use to speak now! They can make words with the speech tablet to even ask questions with it. Technology a blessing for some. (Scooters permanent non-verbal just doesn’t speak but he can fix your car to machinery by himself! He’s mechanical y a great hunter!) .Michael well struggled was mainly nonverbal then became fully nonverbal then talks your leg off! Their brains develop at a slower pace is all. Milestones are still there just in a different time frame. Other kids hit a certain milestone let’s say accepting different opinion ...well Kids on the spectrums its more like 20’s. They get there just at their own pace. A simple skill like dressing themselves some never learn but yet like scooter who also can’t eat by himself without help y colors scribbles he can fix your wall socket to blender stomp off back to what he was doing before. Lol Scooter has a few girlfriends at the group home so trust me he has a gift doesn’t need words just his charm. Scooter can be violent due to bipolar on top of his Autism/Down-syndrome...but that’s his burden he bears. He’s also great at getting gumball nachines unstuck one of those geniuses who tap tap whack two come out for free lol Fonzie heeey lol. He loves watches y is a gentleman. He’s considered low functioning yet can fix a truck,bowling alley machine, generator etc so not sure how that’s considered low functioning I’d love to do that without a manual or being able to read too!

    Karen- 10yr swimmer 🏊🏽‍♀️ how wonderful hope she wins every trophy!
    Trust me diagnosis is definitely a turning point theirs even classes at the schools in separate buildings who work with home schoolers plus the catalogs that come in the mail for classes are fun that school/city hold usually has photography to pottery classes. Comes with time finding his strengths building on them. My Mom has a nursing degree in Canada 🇨🇦 the USA wouldn’t work with her but they did! She babysat/ sat the elderly her whole life even for free. She was taught by a kind Doctor one on one who’s daughter y family still keep contact with us. It’s just finding avenues that work for him. Mom met my Dad in college her grades were bad lol but who cares she got me y him out of it! He was taking classes at the same Christian University as him Anderson University Indiana. Then they got married he went on to get his Masters y Doctrines in Pastoral/Counseling/y psychiatry. Some never marry others do. My friends are all different symptoms to personality not one has the same gifts from God.Conrad my Moms friend sings for Churches to nursing homes he’s 80yrs old DownSyndrome he goes all over the Hill Country mainly Kerrville to Fredericksburg area cause it’s close to the group home. He was low functioning for decades but after age 50 became high functioning. Funny thing is if you catch them at their best moment alone can’t see you the light hits just right you could swear you see their soul it looks nothing like them their the most beautiful out of Gods Angels. Of their outbursts are innocent in nature just frustration cause they couldn’t get the point across.Learning social behaviors are the ones to definitely work on the understanding out of their grasp until they figure out facial cues especially. My Mom well thought farting in public full blast was funny then would blame me/Dad/any one even a cat walk off laughing. I was mortified as a Teen lol. Dad would have to let her know the behavior not allowed. She well do it again a few minutes later so that one we never conquered.

    Yes it is more prevalent but I think it’s just because higher population more people with the diagnosis. Michael was never vaccinated so wasn’t that.He got vaccinated to join a group home but their still working on getting him used to it part time there /part time lives with his Mom. It’s a process. His girlfriend well their engaged going on 10+ yrs but her mom won’t allow the marriage. Maybe someday in the future. Yes she’s on birth control tubal tied her decision.

    My old Manager y his wife had 2 kids y a niece caught a high fever 104+ together. Caused brain damage in all 3. His daughter got pregnant a boy she gave him up for adoption her choice y the Dads they well slipped away at a group meeting y did it on purpose cause they wanted a baby.She doesn’t regret her decision her cousin y her (both girls) would set up listen to her stomach sleep feeling him kick together.She visits him has a wonderful relationship with him y their family,but gives them lots of space. Her brother of course punched the father but that’s okay their friends again fights never lasts long.The boy No Autism or Downsyndrome they DNA 🧬 checked to brain scans y evaluations early on he will not pass it on to his kids. They have the same desires as anyone else always will. Son still finding his nitch for working takes time y working with placement programs to find their fits.
    Another friend Susan Autism she married a regular guy has a son (no Autism in him he’s perfect straight A’s) she worked for McDonald’s until the cut backs now she works for Whataburger (Whataburger has a few jobs designated for special needs). Walmart hired my Autistic friend who also has a son as a shelf stocker.
    JCPenny hires Drew for awhile to sweep floors he hated that job. Michael went from bringing in carts 🛒 to now he stocks shelves trains others with special needs to do what he can.He learned the cash register so he can take a payment while the deli worker cuts your meats.

    Amber TX
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Oh Pip- Canine Leukemia so common in elderly pets but so sad. I’ll pray the test just shows something more treatable for you. Hugs*

    Margaret- Glad to here he’s eating. Genetic testing good if you suspect certain things.Certain conditions a cat scan normally shows.Rest have to go other routes.Hope they get him diagnosed treated best they can. Hang in there glad he has you there for him.

    Not recording my excersises just calories y fitting movement in every chance I get. I’m trying to master the premade meal plan idea. If I do gonna use Tupperware but afraid you can’t do it in those.Havent found 1 video with Tupperware being used just disposable trays I think those are wasteful.

    Got iPhone also,(iPhone watch that called me lazy so it’s collecting dust! Darn thing did that while changing a diaper still mad at it! Mad at Siri too she’s off).
    Pantry fully cleaned y organized finally.Only took a week.JR finished his Daddy day card so that’s done y his hope I remember where.( on the dryer under a clip board) < note to self here .
    Amber Tx

    yeah, I know, even more common in Goldens. not going to put her thru chemo or surgery of any kind. we'll c