

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Allie - Agree with Lisa that you won't have a capital gain at the federal level. Nothing at all to worry about there. If they want you for an interview, will they fly you down? When Hub changed jobs they flew him out, paid for the rental car, hotel, meals, etc. for his interview. There wasn't any out of pocket for us.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Pip - So sorry about your pup. I completely agree with your plan of action. In a young dog that would have a good chance of a full life after, I would consider treatment. In your case, I would completely agree with keeping them comfortable and hugging them all I could. Hugs to you!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited June 2019
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Ordered chicken tenders for lunch at a small cafe in a small town on the way, and they were completely misnamed as they were utterly inedible. Seriously, that chicken must have lived a long and dissipated life, 'cause it was one tough bird.

    Tried one, had to discreetly spit out that bite into my napkin, tried another, same result, and just gave up. Corey said their "juicy burger," was false advertising, as well, as was the sign on the window, "better than home cooking!" Guess it depends on your home cooking. It was all so bad, we didn't even bother to complain (sorry, Heather), just paid, gave the waitress a good tip (not her fault) walked out, won't ever go back.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I go into most cafes in Australia bracing myself for "bad" and what we usually get is somewhere on the scale of:

    Made Me Sick -- -- -- -- -- -- Could Have Been Worse, I Guess.

    I don't know what it is. It's like these places don't know what good food tastes like, or accurately, what good food looks and feels like. I don't have a strong sense of taste and smell, so I rely on how food looks and what the texture is like.

    I will not order chicken here unless I've seen how the chicken is done. Most places take what should be dry and flaky white chicken and somehow turn it into a rubber ball. I cook chicken once in a while, and although I'm not a good cook, I've never been able to make chicken rubbery ... but somehow these places accomplish it.

    We had lunch in a cafe on Saturday and the cheese and cauliflower pie was just a bit better than "Could Have Been Worse, I Guess". The pastry was light and flaky, there was a good quantity of cauliflower, but it wasn't quite as thick and creamy as a cheese and cauliflower pie should be ... it was a touch on the runny side. I'd order it again next time we're there, but wouldn't go out of my way for it. The cake, I have to say, was good. Not brilliant, but definitely one of the better chocolate mud cakes I've had. Most are dry as dust or like partially set clay, and this actually had some moisture to it and I could get my fork in it. I'll have to remember that for next time.

    And yet, people here eat at these places and occasionally give them awards for best whatever, and I have to wonder if people have never travelled.

    Or maybe it's just me. Although I do have to say the two times I got sick from the food, my husband did too. One of those occasions gave us a horrible ride back to where we had parked the car ... 40 km up and over a hill on an upset stomach. Blerg.

    My little food rant. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of the Denise Austin Blast Away the Pounds DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of 10MS Carb Burner DVD then take the extremepump class

    Dana – it was probably me who asked about the flowering magnolia tree. I remember the one we had was pretty but I couldn’t remember if it was messy or not. Thanks for telling me. But I don’t remember it being an evergreen

    Barbara – thanks for the link. I’m glad to see Aetna is one mainly since that’s who we have now. But then again, who knows what it will be like next year?

    Drkatie – congrats getting back to onederland. All good things are worth waiting for

    Well, as you know, Jess is transferring to Iowa State. She’s supposed to take one course online to get caught up and she needs to have the course completed by early in August. I know this is selfish of me and that I’m just being a worry-wort, but she’s still in VA. I know…I know…stop worrying. But I can’t help it, I just don’t want to see any distraction for her. I guess I sort-of wish she were here studying. But I also know that there really isn’t anything here for her. We have different likes. Like she likes to have dinner late, we like it earlier. That’s age, dinner just sits in our stomachs. Her friends are in VA, not here.

    Think I’ll make sugar cookies for Vince later

    Was just reading a book about Shaun T. I didn’t know that he was gay! And I didn’t know that he’d been abused. Well, not that I really showed a lot of interest anyway.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, can't make the sugar cookies. See, I don't have any oil (Don't know how I ran out) and just noticed that this recipe calls for oil. Well, will have to look for one that doesn't.

    Michele in NC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I'm making these lemon drops for Vince. Actually, they're pretty low in calories. The bad part is that the recipe doesn't make much so I need to make two batches.

    Michele in NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hubby couldn’t locate the other ice creams or jello but found sugar free jello 1/2cup 10calories y the skinny cow 100calorie ice cream sandwich so he did great 👍. Walmart apps liar 🤥 claims their in store then we can never find it.
    JR went to the park with him ran up a storm. Poor Daddy all they did for 1hour is full out run! 🏃‍♀️ 🏃..................
    Cooking 🍳 fish 🐠 today for brunch y dinner with squash peppered light margarine for Brunch/Salad with cucumber 🥒,tomatoe,y honey Dijon 5calorie per 1 tsp instead of dressing. I like to dice it 🎲 into tiny squares just tastes better.
    For snack 40calories 2 cups Of sugar free jello hoping it will help my thumb nail damaged in the hypertension pregnancy fight. Sometimes as it grows besides it has a ton of grooves it will stop growing nail I bleed then starts growing again.Horseshoe polish in the holes that form keep it strong until it gives way y a new nail part comes in. Figure jello couldn’t hurt it any. Might try the ice cream bar for a treat later. Excersises will be a little slow for a couple days darn peri period draining me today y tomorrow.
    PW 195
    CW 169.8
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Have to get off my butt and check the reservations and open the rental office. Tired today and the arthritis in my hip acting up. Not as hot today and very windy so should be a much slower day. Training these two teen lifeguards whipping my butt!

    RV Rita
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Just a quick pop in..
    Evelyn ((hugs))
    Beth [ugh] explosive is the worst. Would you remind me what surgery your lab had? When you say you are going to take down more trees, surely you'll have help?
    pip over 1K cals out with bloody gash? OWWWW. Hope it heals quickly and completely.
    Welcome @dghopke0223
    Karen in VA, your DGS must be so proud of his accomplishemnts. Well done! Love how you can find hope in DGS's tough autism diagnosis, and that your son has embraced this sad but clarifying information. Praying his family's support and those newly available resources will open up the way to a happy life for DGS. You're teaching DGS to "flip" the negatives early on in life. VERY Well done!
    allie would you tell us about the job opportunity at Sarasota hospital? Full time? benefits? Work environment and people? How do you feel about it?
    Machka "barely hanging on..." a real tea-snorter!
    Julie YES I'm tempted to not track when overindulged... but then I remind myself that it's part and parcel of the catastrophic thinking that will make a mild indulgence into a whopper, then grit my teeth and log anyway ;}
    Margaret the "through" phrases... true words!
    Machka and Lisa and Julie and anyone else... Is there a "web page publishing" for dummies? Our dog group could sure use a very simple web page on which to post guidelines and schedules, but has no $$ for either hosting or development. I stumbled around updating my prior church's page but ... ;}
    Lanette "nothing neurological" what a relief! BUT, did she say anything about the foot pain contributing to issues? Kate's balance-on-one-leg-while-brushing-teeth is helping me, at least I can manage to stay more than 30 seconds on each, working towards a minute. Excellent advice to Carol. PTs are especially good at recommending exercises.
    Barbie BOO for batteries that die without warning mid-walk. BOO!
    Michele, look up "eye candy" in the dictionary and yup, there's a pic of Rodney Yee ;)
    Margaret you are absolutely right, your and your DH's presence are a key factor in your son's quality of care. Brava!

    Only through pg 25 but time to shower and scoot!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Meditate 4/30, knee exercises 4/30, 60 g protein 3/30, vits+rx 3/30, play with Tumble 0/30, AF 3/30, steps=3048 Wed, 5102=Thu, 7547=Fri, 5717=Sat
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for June might be equilibrium.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited June 2019
    Barbara AHMOD - You can actually start a free blog on WordPress that can be as simple or as complex as you want it, it would just be an address that ends with wordpress.com, so something like doggies.wordpress.com. Go to https://startbloggingonline.com/how-to-start-a-blog-on-wordpress-com/, and there's a tutorial on how to start a free blog on WordPress. Just because it's called a "blog" doesn't mean you have to write a whole bunch of stuff, and you're not allowed to use the free blogs to make money, but it sounds like that's not an issue for your group. The page designs are free (as long as you pick the free ones, and they're clearly marked), and the hosting is free. Someone will have to download the program on their computer, however, in order to create the blog. Another option is to develop a Facebook page - which is what I'd recommend if you don't actually need a website.

    Machka - unfortunately, we're finding exactly the same thing in Arkansas so far - and the reviews are incredibly wrong pretty much every time! So far, we've yet to find a restaurant where the food is worth eating, other than a little Cajun hole in the wall in downtown Fort Smith that has live music so loud you can't hear yourself think. The restaurant is so small, the band's just about sitting in your lap, as well. Depressing.

    Lisa in AR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Ran 5k. Then walked over to my son"s house. :o My legs are aching.
    Fed the kids pizza, then it's TV, then bath, then bed. They gave us cash to order in Indian takeaway. :smiley:
    Hope the concert is good. The traffic wardens are having a field day.!!!!!
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Afternoon Chica's
    Well I did it.. the place is spruced up vacuumed have alot of nibbles here.. havent really had much today which is alright...
    DFIL chowed at lunch... swedish meatballs and pasta ,he ate on his own did 3/4 of a liter of soda 2 chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream and a milk shake.. bless his heart..friends will be here in about 45 min.. used my friends freezer to store some stuff will go up in a bit...almost 10,000 steps .which is good..
    Lisa- your right I should go check it out..
    Patient registration would be part time but does have benefits.. working 7:30 PM to 4 am 3 days a week...alot to consider...