

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good evening!

    It was a hot day, already about 90f. We went to church and ate lunch with another couple from church.
    Just a relaxing Sunday with a nap thrown in! LOL!

    Pip so sorry about Bullwinkle. It’s so hard to see our pets get sick.

    Heather I’m happy you saw Elton John! I saw Elton John In 1972 at the Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino, California. He was awesome! I’ll never forget his performance.

    Lisa If you ever come down to Hot Springs, we can meet up and go to a restaurant. We have a number of good eateries around.
    Bubba Brews have a great salmon salad and good burgers. Plus they have a microbrewery there on Lake Hamilton. They even have slips for boats, which are mostly full during the season!
    Smokin’ in Style is another place that has BBQ. We eat there all the time!
    There are a number of places downtown on Bathhouse Row too. You can do a spa and go eat!

    Amber The video clip was funny! I had my last child at 30, so I can’t imagine even later! I feel your pain! LOL

    Katiebug You look fabulous! Very good choice!

    I didn’t do too well today. I started out ok, but DH brought home chocolate muffins. OMG, 420 cal each. It blew my whole day. I should of looked at the calories before I ate it. It was not worth it.

    Have a good week ahead!
    Dana In Arkansas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Allie, Be sure you consider all the things that are important to you before you consider moving for a better job. How would a move affect your DFIL, your granddaughter, the dogs you share with Tom, all the friends you get together with all the time? Maybe you could reframe your view of your job and see it as the means by which you are able to be close to all the things you love.

    :'(<3Pip, so sorry about Bullwinkle.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Allie – a call or skype (I agree with Kim) wouldn’t cost you anything other than possibly a day off from work. Then again, since they’re cutting your hours, maybe not.

    Beth – how are you getting rid of the stumps from the trees?

    Michele in NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I tried a new food tonight, and I thought it was quite yummy and filling. Black rice. I have a friend, whose native country is India, who eats it every morning for breakfast and keeps it in the fridge for snacks, I had no clue it was a super food! I just used it as a side with rotisserie chicken and a green salad.
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Elton John is fabulous. I saw him in 1998 in Louisville. Definitely the best concert I’ve ever attended!!

    @drkatiebug great picture and I love your hair!

    @ginnytez I hear you about holding on to things too long. I didn’t have squat growing up, so I know I tend to be clingy. I’ve always been sad that my daughter only had one of my toys from my childhood-a doll cradle made by my uncle who passed a few weeks ago. Consequently, I’ve had difficulty getting rid of toys even. Ridiculous and I should probably see a therapist for it!

    Connie in Ky
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Yes, it is par for the course to have things not studied on the exam here at this university. I've attended a lot of post-secondary institutions and have a lot of degrees, diplomas and certificates, and I've rarely encountered exams like the ones at this university. At other educational institutions I've been able to study for an exam and occasionally nail it and get 100% ... but never here.

    One course's exam was so bad that we students got together and protested the exam. We had all attended every class, done every tutorial, and had done really well on the assignments ... and we had all sat in the exam with a horrible sinking feeling that we were going to fail the course. Fortunately, it went to review and we passed but I think the exam was heavily curved.

    My mark going into this exam is very high. I've done well on the course material. But there's a really good chance I'll just end up with a mid-range mark when the final results come out.

    This is a comment I made on an exam a couple years ago ... came up in my FB memories:

    Most of the exam was all right but some of it was, quite frankly, puzzling. I wasn't sure what was being asked a few times, and twice I just copied a previous answer over to another question. They looked to me like identical questions just asked in a slightly different way, but I figure I should get at least one of them right.

    Once I had an instructor go through a previous year's exam with all of us and she told us what she had been looking for in each of the questions. It was a bit of a shock. Each question, I thought about how I would answer it based on the lectures and tutorials ... and I was right about 2/3 of the time. The rest of the time, her desired answer was something completely out of left field.

    One instructor based several questions on his exam from the captions of tenuously related examples he had snaffled from various sources to pad out his lecture PowerPoints. My brain had dismissed them because they were such poor examples for the topic and I never imagined they'd be featured on the final exam!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    edited June 2019
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Just for kicks...a Onederland selfie. I can’t remember if I showed y’all my new glasses and short haircut.


    Looking good!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited June 2019
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Just for kicks...a Onederland selfie. I can’t remember if I showed y’all my new glasses and short haircut.



    Beth glad you got him to doctor. When I have gone to doctor with tick bites they ask me about flu like symptoms. I think you caught it early. Glad you remembered about the tick. Here they warn us about walking in tall grass and being careful picking up piles of leaves. I know in the spring when I am cleaning up the garden I wear long pants and tall rubber boots. I try to remember to brush a lint roller over me too to try and catch any stray ticks. Here the deer ticks in the spring are so small they look like poppy seeds.

    Son now able to feed himself and up walking and sitting. Tremendous strides in just one day. I am so proud of him. I told him it is like he is running three marathons. He has such strength.

    The chaplin came and asked him about about his faith. He said he has faith and wanted to pray with him. His faith humbles me.

    My brother called and we talked about how it is what you do when you fail and how you don't let it keep you from striving towards your goals that helps you reach what you are aiming for. I think my son is a perfect example of this. Despite everything he lost including his health. He wants to step up and keep trying.

    My son wants to tell his story and I will encourage him to do so.

    :heart: Margaret
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Allie, don't forget that you can exclude from gains $250,000 for each spouse, plus you deduct the original cost of the home, costs of the sale (like commissions!), And costs of significant improvements/repairs/remodels from what you sold it for. Florida has no state tax either, which can be helpful, but does have sales tax, which isn't as pricey as ours here in WA state. We're at 10% here in the Seattle Area. Other areas are as little as about 7%, I believe.

    Heather UK, I suspect that concert will be one of the things people mention when they talk about Elton John. He is a consummate performer. Kudos to your DDIL on her upcoming book. Will it be available in audio form, do you know?

    DrKatiebug, I like the new hairstyle, and the glasses suit you to a T!

    Oh, Amber, that lady is so true to life. I don't know if the gents would understand as well, but I could certainly relate! Of course it was 38 years ago, but I was 38 when I had my last.

    Dana! re the chocolate muffin - “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again!"

    Connie in KY, it's hard to get rid of trinkets given to me by my kids and grandkids, but unless they're particularly significant I now take a picture and save it in my online albums tagged with that child's name. I send a copy to them with a reminiscence about it if I have one. I thank them again for that gift. Then I let it go.

    Margaret, you and your DH have been such staunch members of your son's care team! We go all out for our kids, and I'm glad to see it paying off so well!

    I went to see a musical called "Nunsense" today with friends. It was delightfully funny, and I imagine even more so if you were raised a Catholic. I don't know that it made any international tours, but this community's production was lively, the music and dancing were good, and all but one of the characters were middle aged or older. It made it even more relatable!

    I've had a good day food-wise, and I'm hoping to get to bed earlier as well. I got a little extra walking in today. I'm going to research local health clubs to see if they offer something to seniors besides silver sneakers. I have a Medicare supplement that would be very hard to beat since one needs to be a retired Teamster to get it, or a family member of one. It doesn't offer the SS program. I'll have to check out others.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️1. weigh in 60.0 up after a week at 59.5/59.4 average weight for past week 59.6 not progress, same average as 1 June ! :/
    -2. log all
    -3.30 min exercise
    - 4. five minutes meditation
    -5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project-)
    -6.produce at least 2-finished pages per day average long term
    - 7. Take care of at least 3 shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count) per week
    - 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    - 9. At least 5 min filing/paperwork
    - 10.average 1100 calories net,

    • Overall Feeling : mixed
    • Log all: -
    • Exercise: -
    • 1100 calories net average: -
    • Long term writing 2h : -
    • produce at least 2 finished pages per day average long term writing project (from June 1 to June 10,): -
    •3 Short term writing/admin per week:-

    Grateful :
    1.ok night's sleep
    2. home tidy
    3. 100 pages writing almost finished
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited June 2019
    @kevrit is that book anti-wheat? I'm GF (very strong reaction)

    @ginnytez I have heard "rowing machine is the new Exercycle" I like that they work upper and lower body.

    @auntiebk from what I remember Wix.com has several formats you can choose from and you just pick one and put in hour own text, images, etc. I think it's gotten easier since I started using it. the show sounds awesome.

    @machka9 I don't quite get it about clicking the site and getting "view page source". If I click on a site I don't see "view page source"... what school is this? that sounds strange. do they always apply a curve to grading?

    @exermom how many houses are coming to your street party? did you say 4 ? maybe you can just tell those peolple since it's just 4 hours?

    @GodMomKim wow that is terrible about the tarifs and how they are having an impact of your revenue. is that china tarifs? I haven't been following that issue particularly closely. I saw the Mexican one's were put off. I think you should share your story somewhere public if inclined.That is a perfect example of how this can have an effect on so many people and all levels. It's disheartening. I was on another long term thread (on another site but similar) a few years back and everyone on it was by chance anti-Trump except one lady who was pro-Trump. One of the antis tore into her, questioning her about her positions, and she couldn't answer and ended up leaving. I wasn't involved. it was sad, but I guess politics is part of life and unavoidable to speak about sometimes if it has an impact on us personally or even emotionally.

    @DanaReel180 sorry about the muffin incident. I know what you mean about some surprises (In terms of calories. sometimes I'm shocked after eating some things). it feels better if it's at least be worth it. someone said food we eat should have at least two of the three following qualities: healthy, delicious, (I can't remember the third).
    every day is a new day!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited June 2019
    oh yeah, about cleaning out closets. I finally got to an hour of cleaning yesterday. I used to have 3-4 shelves of clothes (we have shelves and not drawers here for horizontal clothe storage) now I was able to condense it to two. I have never been a huge clothes monger since apartments are small here. my 1st place here was 19 sq meters (about 200 sq feet) not even very small for a studio apartment for young people here. I had one wall size slidin door built in closet for all :clothes, books,etc. So if I'd buy a shirt, I'd pretty much have to more or less get rid of another. after that I lived in a big house, with 3 small barns (so a bit opposite, i could keep anything). now in about 500 sq foot apartment which is actually considered spacious for one in this costly city. I again have a fair bit of built in wall closet storage. I'm happy to get rid of things and have less and that anti- or alter consumerism is in style.

    Having a few pairs of pants, skirts, etc, really suits me. I went hiking sometimes for 2 weeks with under 6k on my back and just one change of clothes, and the bare minimum. I'm happy to see my clothes closets are going in that direction.

    I have some clothes I haven't worn in a long time (and not necessarily much ever) and I put them in a part of my closet.
    If group A (summer clothes) isn't worn by Sept 30 it's to be given away. And same for group B (wintery/mixed season) if not worn by say next April or so.

    I haven't been doing well on staying of calorie target at all this week. :/

    I have been averaging 1300 per day net instead of 1100, which seems to keep me at status quo.

    any tips ? end of day seems hardest.


    ok time for gym and finishing up writing and so on.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    edited June 2019
    @machka9 I don't quite get it about clicking the site and getting "view page source". If I click on a site I don't see "view page source"... what school is this? that sounds strange. do they always apply a curve to grading?

    Right click. And not on a photo.

    This is the Hobart Cat Cafe, for example: https://www.hobartcatcafe.com.au/

    Right click somewhere on the orange curtain background and you should get a little dialogue box that says,

    View page source

    When you select View page source, you'll see the code, and somewhere near the top, you'll see:

    meta name="generator" content="Wix.com Website Builder"

    So that one is built with Wix.

    As you can see, page builders like Wix, Wordpress, etc. throw in a lot of code that isn't actually necessary for this particular site. However it's what could be available if the Hobart Cat Cafe wanted to change something about their site. When you code right from HTML, the code can be simpler (depending on the page) ... but these days with fast computers it probably doesn't matter.

    If you don't see View page source when you right click ... for example, you won't see it in the dialogue box if you were to start to type a reply to me here and then right click in the dialogue box ... move your mouse to a more general area of the webpage, perhaps closer to the edge.

    I am attending an Australian university. And no, they don't always apply a curve. However, as with all universities, in order to appear credible for their qualifications, they need to ensure that students fall nicely within a bell curve. Therefore, if the students do well in the course itself, the exam might need to include something obscure in order to ensure lower marks. Really bright students or students with a lot of experience in the area might be able to answer the obscure question ... students like me will probably miss it. So I'll be one of the ones who will go from being at one end of the bell curve to being in the middle of the bell curve where they want me.

    The English department of another uni I attended (in Canada) was notorious for manipulating the bell curve by basing a student's mark on their first assignment. So I, for example, got 72% on my first assignment. I continued to get 72% on every single assignment even when the instructor wrote in the feedback that I had done an excellent job and there was nothing wrong with what I had written. And not only that, but instructors within the English dept would talk to each other so if one had marked a student at 82% and the other at 72%, they'd come to an agreement that the mark they'd give the student was 77% no matter how that student actually did. I found out about this after wondering about my marks and talking to someone who had worked in that department.

    But the bell curve is where "A C is a Degree" comes from because many uni bell curves are set up so that the average student gets a C.

    Marks in universities are not always real representations of how students have done.

    That's why most employers won't/can't ask you your marks in uni ... they don't really matter. All that matters is that you've successfully negotiated the waters of the educational institution and have come out the other end with a piece of paper that says you can do what you probably knew how to do already.

    Machka in Oz