

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Accomplished a good patch of garden on this glorious day! Had a 4 mile walk with bff and an hour phone conversation with my sister (MJ) who suffers with anxiety and now insomnia. She is struggling on meds but they’re not really kicking in. OCD, and anxiety run strong in my family, I hope I helped a little just by listening and supporting.

    Gretchen Rubin is on PBS right now, so gonna run!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️1. weigh in 59.5 stable, not losing...
    ✔️2. log all
    ✔️30 min exercise
    x 4. five minutes meditation
    maybe 5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    x 6.produce at least 2-finished pages per day average long term
    ✔️ 7. Take care of at least 3 shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count) per week
    ✔️✔️✔️✔️ 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    x10.average 1100 calories net,

    • Overall Feeling : not bad
    • Log all: I think so
    • Exercise: walked in big park plus cleaning etc
    • 1100 calories net average: nope
    • Long term writing 2h : less than 2h I think but it's Sunday and I'm not behind at present
    • produce at least 2 finished pages per day average long term writing project (from June 1 to June 10,): yes, for the week
    •3 Short term writing/admin per week: yes on Monday

    Grateful :
    1. getting caught up on writing relief)
    2. simple normal day, with walk and relaxing
    3. feeling ok

    home is finally tidied, plus I found a paper I was looking for
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @ginnytez and @Machka9 I'm thinking the same thing for arms. I saw a video with Anna Wintour in short sleeves with loose-skinned arms. I figure if she can be filmed like that I can exist with bare arms sometimes. and all the better with a little rowing!

    @Machka9 is that par for the course to have things not studied on the exam or to have so much surprise element in the exams?

    @auntiebk I use Wix.com which has a free version and there are surely many tutorials on line. it's pretty easy to get with a little tenacity. @Machka9 works in the field so can probably explain and advise better than me.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    DS and DDIL came back from the Elton John concert absolutely stunned by it. Fabulous. At 72 he played for 2 hrs 40 mins with his old band and gave it his all. They had the best seats near the front for my son's 40th birthday and all the celebs were there. :D The rain held off. I was so glad we could babysit for them so they could have a once in a lifetime experience. <3

    DDIL is in a national newspaper today about her new book coming out on Thursday. :D
    I will post the link when I've copied it. Her book is called THE IMPOSTER CURE.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Oh my gosh. How awesome is that? I love love love Elton John. So much talent.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stat for the day:

    20th annual 2019 furry 5k
    stat for the day: ran w/yogi w/backpack (don't recommend that)- was b4 and after, 10.06min mi, 166mhr, 3.22mi= 703c
    apple 541c


    Bullwinkle and Floyd walked. she was a champ. she didn't go up the hill (yogi and I ran ahead, we did) the was a pro. she's been doing this walk all her life.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Well ladies
    I am in bed.. wow what an afternoon had a few of the ladies down for appetizers and salad.. way over did it,but we all had a blast. Have the dishwasher going and the patio furniture put away so it wont get wet.
    Over 10,000 easy today and DFiL chowed down today.. always great...
    I would love to go to go to Florida ,but alas it isn't the right time.. but would love to find another job.. I love the girls I work with but not the stress of the boss and how he works.. so we shall see.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Katiebug looking great, love the glasses and new "do" selfie.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Just for kicks...a Onederland selfie. I can’t remember if I showed y’all my new glasses and short haircut.


  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Finally a Singer who’s 40’s with a 2yr old who wrote a story about her y me lol 😂 . https://youtu.be/m5_kX1rjKKY
    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    @ginnytez and @Machka9 I'm thinking the same thing for arms. I saw a video with Anna Wintour in short sleeves with loose-skinned arms. I figure if she can be filmed like that I can exist with bare arms sometimes. and all the better with a little rowing!

    @Machka9 is that par for the course to have things not studied on the exam or to have so much surprise element in the exams?

    @auntiebk I use Wix.com which has a free version and there are surely many tutorials on line. it's pretty easy to get with a little tenacity. @Machka9 works in the field so can probably explain and advise better than me.


    Wix is apparently very easy to use. I've never used it so I can't comment, but that's what the reviews say.

    One other piece of advice is to do a Google search on similar sites in your area. So maybe look for sites on pets. If you see one you like, scroll down to the bottom of the site where the copyright information is and see who developed the site. Click on their name and maybe they're someone you can use to help you.

    Next right click on the site and select 'View page source' ... the code used to create the site will come up. Somewhere near the top, however, it should say what product was used to help them create the site, if a product was used. It will be in a line that says something like:

    meta name="generator" content="WordPress or Wix or whatever they used"


    Yes, it is par for the course to have things not studied on the exam here at this university. I've attended a lot of post-secondary institutions and have a lot of degrees, diplomas and certificates, and I've rarely encountered exams like the ones at this university. At other educational institutions I've been able to study for an exam and occasionally nail it and get 100% ... but never here.

    One course's exam was so bad that we students got together and protested the exam. We had all attended every class, done every tutorial, and had done really well on the assignments ... and we had all sat in the exam with a horrible sinking feeling that we were going to fail the course. Fortunately, it went to review and we passed but I think the exam was heavily curved.

    My mark going into this exam is very high. I've done well on the course material. But there's a really good chance I'll just end up with a mid-range mark when the final results come out.


    I think the pilates class is also helping my arms. :) I should add some weights into the mix and might do once this course is finished.

    Machka in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    JR – the WalMart app will USUALLY tell you where the item is. Of course, once you get to the right aisle, you need to search. But at least you aren’t searching the whole store

    Julie – yes, there are times when I don’t want to log when I overindulge a lot. I think that’s normal. But then I keep saying “the only person you’re fooling is yourself”

    Pip – I really applaud you for not wanting to prolong winkle if needed. We had a cat who had cancer. Vince was bound and determined to give the cat chemo. I honestly thought this was cruel (not to mention expensive). I refused to take the cat to office visits unless I absolutely had to. Vince said to me “what if you had cancer, wouldn’t you want chemo?” He was surprised by my answer. I told him “if I was 60 and had grandchildren to look forward to – then yes. But if I was 80 and had lived my life – no.”

    Allie – be sure to check out the cost of living in Sarasota. Jess has a friend who took a job in Ohio as a vet. She said she isn’t making as much as she made in Reston, but in the end she’s coming out ahead because the cost of living is so much less.

    Having the Newcomer pool party on July 27 then a pool party just for the people on our street on August 10. The president of Newcomers sent out the agenda for the next general meeting where she mentioned the pontoon party but didn’t mention the pool party so I asked if it was just an oversight. She said it was. I wonder?????? Oh well…..whatever

    Drkatie – wow! Love the new glasses and do

    Allie – for how long have you been saying that you are looking for another job? Check this out. That doesn’t mean that you have to take the job. If you were to take a few days off without pay, I’m sure Tom would help you out financially – or Elena. You own it to yourself to check this out.

    I, too, have too many clothes. But I also know that almost all of them came from the Salvation Army so when I get tired of them, I don’t feel bad about giving them away.

    Michele in NC