

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    I think I'm going to keep the cleaner. DS is now backtracking and saying he doesn't think it was them. :o;)
    Today I hid the spare house keys and some gold bits and pieces that I have been thinking of selling. There is nothing else to steal, providing I wear my rings when they are around.
    I might regret the decision, but to find someone prepared to do two hours just once every two weeks for a reasonable fee is not easy.

    Thanks for all the advice folks. I did say to DH how upset I feel sometimes. He was more supportive than last time. <3

    We walked down to the outdoor jazz festival. It was raining and chilly so we only stayed a few minutes. Tried to get a drink in a nearby bar, but were blanked, so I gave them a piece of my mind and walked out.
    Wandered through The Lanes, found a nice pub and spent a happy half hour supping half a pint of beer and chatting to DH about this and that. It looks as if our next door but one neighbours might be suitable people to get to know. He talked to them today about Brexit on the way back from buying the morning newspaper.

    Making veg curry with hard boiled eggs tonight.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Happy Birthday

    Wondering if baking with sweetnlow tastes good or not??? I like it in tea ☕️.

    Hubby found Healthy Choice 100calories chocolate bars y got me more 100 calories Skinny Cow from Nestles brand. He brought home a sonic Reese’s blast had to turn it down ..only ate 2tsp bites 80calories showed him on the app how that little cup 32oz from sonic is over 1800calories!!! He was shocked he tossed them in the freezer were afraid to eat them! Buying lower calorie teas even to everything we can for me. This is permanent since JRs metabolism isn’t fast like his sister we are making changes so I’m the guinea pig 🐷. If it tastes good in the stock piles it goes so slowly we phase out the bad stuff have healthy wonderful choices for him. My old town had great Vegan/Natural Diet store so you could buy rabbit to vegan products even vegetarian ones at good prices.Also had my own animals to garden y farms nearby selling their goods. Now big city no health store in site no wonder San Antonio Tx has a name for being a heavy weight town! Got gyms y pills only 💊 shops. Whole Foods had only 1 or 2 Amazon bought them they changed. It shows Hispanic/white population weight issues since I’m mixed race Im in multi-categories lol. https://www.sanantonio.gov/Portals/0/Files/health/HealthyLiving/FactSheet-Obesity.pdf

    Storm coming I think cloudy ⛅️ so expecting internet issues.
    Amber Tx

    PW - 195lbs
    CW - 168.6

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Rebecca - Happy Birthday! <3 Touching photo of Athena and Aurora <3

    Kate - That street with the umbrellas is so pretty.. Do they actually protect it from rain? You look great by the way. Any tomatoes yet in your garden? That burst of heat (90+ degrees) we had last week was actually good - I think nearly all of my plants have set little tomatoes - I planted 6, mostly cherry type.

    Pip - glad you got to change your hours. I always loved the early shift like that. After about 2 pm my brain would go to sleep, but at 6:30 or 7 am, especially before other employees came in, I would get a lot done. Hope you can get some good gym time in. :) Spending quality time with Winkle is very important for you and her. <3

    Yesterday was the first day of Tai Chi in the park. Actually it was more of an "intro" and he taught us breathing, where to place our feet, how to "walk", and some very simple moves. I'm thrilled because I purchased a DVD several weeks ago that is darn close to what he had us doing yesterday, so I can keep on. And also thrilled that my 2 friends want to keep coming back, it will be once or twice a month.

    Better get some stretches in! Have a great weekend everyone!

    SW WA State

    funny, it just worked out that way, they offered if I would be open to coming in earlier RIGHT after we found out about Bullwinkle. I've had earlier shifts before and I like them. we'll see about the gym time that I loose. the only way I'll make it up is if I just ride into work at 5am after my shower and go the 12 miles and count that as the gym time
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️1. weigh in 59.4
    ✔️2. log all so far
    ✔️3. 30 min exercise
    ✔️4. five minutes meditation
    -5. Take care of at least 3 shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    ✔️6. At least 15 min cleaning
    -7. At least 5 min day filing
    -8. average 1100 calories net

    • Overall Feeling : mixed
    • Log all : so far
    • Exercise :walking around
    • 1100 calories net average : so far
    •3 Short term writing/admin per week: #
    •cleaning : 15 min
    •filing no

    Grateful :
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    PW - 195
    Cw - 168.6
    Total loss: 26.2 lb

    Walking indoors in circles a lot ⭕️.
    Normal daily routine (2yr old routine).
    1200 calories limit - if I go over trying to keep it under 50calories.
    Working on knowing calories,serving sizes, y changing family recipes to food in house slowly.Plus why I eat certain foods 1. Ethnicity/Family 2. Memories attached 3. First Rebellion foods
    Cleaning 🧻 to keep mind off eating lol.
    Trying to prep lab meals but that keeps falling through so last second viewing stock y execute!
    Added weight loss,period,Peri menopause tracker apps to know my new periods that need to poof again! So when they y if ovulation happens I can fight off cravings by knowing their coming preparing.Also ask myself will I regret eating this after my unusual cycle is done? Usually answers no grab something else.
    Amber Tx
    Trying to take care of myself more By letting Hubby help more.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    Happy Birthday, Rebecca. How awesome that you can celebrate with your new granddaugher
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rebecca I hope you have a fantastic birthday!w8898dg082zz.gif

    Barbie Great news about Jake!! You have a perfect happy place! And thank you for making this a happy place for everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota/ Arizona
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    NY Karen ~ I used to hate the constant changing of classrooms. During my 30 yrs, I got moved at least 13 times. Hated the trailers. :'(

    Barbie ~ Very inspiring to find happiness where you are at at this time in life.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    stat for the day:

    spin, single/reverse/crossover- 45min, 132ahr, 160mhr, 107aw, 78ar, 11.2mi= 428c
    Apple Watch- 447c

    total cal 428
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    My happy place is with my cats.. anywhere in my house (or on the porch or "catio" in the back). My other happy place is my car. I have always loved road trips and my car is almost like a second home. I haven't been able to road trip in 3 years due to health issues, and now am having issues driving because of eye problems... I have to let my partner drive almost everywhere now and it's a little sad; but I still enjoy getting in the car and driving around.

    Today we drove to town and did some shopping/errands and went to lunch at this local Indian food restaurant (that is AMAZING and we're so lucky because we're nowhere near a city so anything other than Canadian/American food is hard to come by!). It was a nice date.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend.

    Shannon in rural Ontario, Canada
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks ladies, love you all too!💖