

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »

    Heather- Whoot! Extra exercise (to get the "vanished" fedora), a hubby that will go to bat for you, AND a fedora!?! You are a lucky woman!

    Karen VA- Thank you for posting the photo of HF as Indiana Jones. Although the fedora has been around for many, many years; that character is what I think of whenever I see a darker fedora. Mmmmm...Harrison Ford! Although, when I see the lighter colored (beach) fedoras I think of Anthony Hopkins' final scene as Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs. "I have to go now, Clarice. I'm having a friend for dinner." :#

    Oh, I have to tell you; Lauren vibered me last night and I was talking to Joaquin while she was busy cleaning up after dinner. I was giving him kisses (I make the kissy face and get close to the camera on the phone and make the kissy sound) and he was kissing the phone back. Well, then he hopped off the kitchen chair, phone in hand and started racing through the house! lol it was a wild ride! The whole time holding the phone in front of his face as he ran, so I could see his little mischievous face, giggling madly and screeching as he ran from mama. He would round a corner and stop behind the couch and "kiss" me a few more times until Lauren got close...then off we went again! Laughing hysterically, both of us. Our conversation ended with a few more phone kisses; then screeches of despair (from him) as mama took the phone and carried him off for his bath. I went to bed very happy! Love that boy!

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Kelly LOLOLOL!!! Joaquin's mad dash must have been a real endorphin rush. What a hoot!

    Concerning the lighter-colored fedora & the Anthony Hopkins reference...he is one of the most talented, versatile actors ever, I adore him, and I was sickly fascinated with Silence of the Lambs..."fava beans and a nice chianti"... :#:#:#

    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member

    Love them. I don't have enough sun for these. Planted some at son's house. Thanks for tip on creating more.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen in VA ~ I read a while back that Martha Stewart actually dated him for a while but stopped after seeing Silence of the Lambs...LOL

    Carol in GA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Internet troubles today plus electricity will be off until around 11am or a few minutes after you know they never finish on time.

    Carol y Karen- Well now we know his type lol 😂.

    Weight got stuck so wiggled it free with a calorie yo-yo it’s what works for me at those moments go figure.long ways to go everyone but at least I’m going down not up lol for now.Weird how no ones body works the same lol guess that’s life. To the Debbie Downers - were all Debbies if were living! Life’s a rollercoaster 🎢 just close your eyes enjoy the wig flying off your head wheeeee!

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Carol Oh my gosh. Now that's an interesting little tidbit. Somehow Martha and Anthony seem an odd couple anyway, but you never know...


    Oh I love the hydrangea photos!

    And @Workoutahloic50 I love propagating these (also rhododendrons & azaleas) the same way you do! Free plants.

    Here is a less impressive one I took last week in my yard:


    Karen in Virginia
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Checking in, back from vacation and back at work. I will work on reading up to date, but with over 600 posts will take me awhile. Our vacation was great. Saw lots of Wyoming and Montana. Went to several sessions of our Christian Motorcycle group and learned that you have to find your joy from the inside out and not by outside things. I am working on that. I gained while gone and I am not surprised, but getting back on track and taking it one day at a time. Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2019
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Connie in KY - I think we all bring our troubles here, no worries. Hope the situation can be resolved for a good answer for all concerned.

    Allie - hope things settle at work into something less stressful, or you find a new job where you're valued. Thinking of your friends and hoping for a good resolution there as well.

    Kim - Rori's the reason I'm doing what I'm doing, so we got your back, sister!

    Am attending the first meeting with a team of professors and deans from the local university this afternoon to discuss partnering on a massive federal grant--one of our board members who is the associate dean of business there arranged the meeting, and it's a real opportunity for solid, three- to five-year funding for our STEM programs for girls. Will make for a busy few months for me, as it's due in November, but welcome the work, and we're good candidates, especially with a university backing us up. Just need to be inspirational, enthusiastic, persuasive and dig up my academic vocabulary. I know it's in here somewhere! :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    We are children of the 60's & 70's. Academic vocabulary included "far out," far-effing out," & "noway Jose." I'm betting those aren't buzz words that would help get a grant. :noway: I have every confidence that you'll do a great job helping Kim.:heart: