

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Rita - That’s scary looking! Hope they get it out quickly
    Katla- Took 2hours for him to get home but he’s here.The city working on burying the electric wires take down poles too many accidents on rainy days here especially since the poles are getting too old.
    Amber Tx
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited June 2019
    Barbie in NW WA, hope your Dr. in Seattle checks Jake out thoroughly. I'm worried about Rori's husband too.] Anything that could lead to a fall is important after 60-65. Have a lovely drive - weather should be great today!

    Connie, I'm with Margaret on this one UNLESS your mom would be left with enough for her half of the house to act as a security account for a rental she could afford - which is doubtful. Is she in need of assistance with things? She may qualify for a subsidized apartment, some of which can be quite nice.

    Rori, your Linus has such a sweet face!

    Allie, I know there's nothing much you can do, and that's a helpless feeling when it involves a friendship or familial tie. You'll have them in your prayers, I'm sure, and we will spare some thought for you as well. You have a great deal on your plate right now.

    WorkOutaholic! Love your hydrangeas! I don't think I'll ever forget the switching I got as a small girl when I pulled ALL the blooms on my grandpa's and floated them in a large birdbath he had. No room for the birds and a naked bush for the bees. And owies for me. Of course it was the norm, but it was the only time that grandpa was ever upset with me. That hurt worse.

    KJ (Kelly), it must have been something in the air! My grandson was chasing me and his mom around the pool last night to give us "kissies"! We were laughing and screeching like mad things! So much fun!

    Amber, I just love "Crabby Road"! I like cartoons about irritable old people. I suspect it's because they're voicing thoughts that zip through most of our thoughts now and then.

    RV Rita, I really thought at first you were going to say "The Last Supper"! Love your sunset photo.

    I found some 2 serving pouches of various Indian foods under the brand Tasty Bite at Target. They make s great basis with an added protein for dinner. If I watch the sodium it's s great way to add flavor to my diet. I find I now crave spicy or strongly flavored dishes more than sweets! I was told this sometimes happens after bypass surgery, and they don't quite understand why yet. I'm just glad one of the lucky ones.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.25min, 12.8amph, 135mhr, 1.58mi= 75c
    apple watch- 57c
    HELIX MACHINE- 19min, 120ahr, 137mhr, lvl8, 2.30mi= 155c
    apple watch- 147c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.09min, 17.2amph, 132mhr, 1.48mi= 56c
    apple watch- 40c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.01min, 13amph, 144mhr,3.04mi= 154c
    apple watch- 120c
    jog sra 2 wrk- 4.37min, 146mhr, 9.13min mi, .50mi= 65c
    apple watch- 60c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.20min, 145mhr, 9.35min mi, .45mi= 69c
    apple watch- 67c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.38min, 7.8amph, 146mhr, 2.56mi= 174c
    apple watch- 140c

    total cal 748
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I am channeling Beth tonight. Picked up my first CSA box at the farmer's market today. Super delicious, crunchy romaine, radishes. Peas were a little disappointing but also included were some snow peas, garlic scapes, green onion. These are foods I don't normally buy and prepare so I'm looking up stir fry recipes. The farmer is about 6 weeks late in getting the boxes out (crop failure) but I'm hoping as the summer goes on she'll have more neat stuff. Being a truck farmer like that is hard... the peas were immature but in a week they'd probably be over-ripe.

    - (((HUGS)))) So hard to deal with a parent when a sibling is a financial stake in their assets like your sis. Maybe she'll realize it's quicker and cleaner just to have you buy her out if you're able.

    I have a personal clothing dilemma - input welcomed and needed!
    Went to buy some undies - I nearly choked at the price of one pair! And this was at the outlet store! I'd purchased some Hanes microfiber briefs (I like them to the waist) at Walmart a year or so ago, they were perfect and I needed more of those. Walmart no longer carried them but found them on Amazon. The quality of the fabric and the sizing is not what I originally purchased even tho they are theoretically the same style and size as what I had before. Cotton fabric doesn't do it because it bunches up when I pull my jeans up.

    Anyone have favorites to recommend that aren't $8+ per pair? I'm in the size 8 or 9 range.

    Pip - I'm enjoying the photos of Bullwinkle and her crew. Do you think they know she's in failing health? Was the one of her and the kitty recent?

    Have a great evening!

    SW WA State
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    B4leaving- I don’t understand what a blog is not a diary person either so haven’t used it .Wouldnt know how anyways. Just answer them back “Thanks but no thanks for the advice I’ll ask if I need help.” They can unfriend,get lost,or start towing the line. That’s like them idiots in the store chalk full of parenting advice I never met them in my life or even had a conversation with them by app,email,or phone so why ya in my business about my son having French fries 🍟 ! I tell them Sorry didn’t realize your his Mother. Then I stand there looking blank until they leave it run away.
    Amber Tx
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    I love the way when I visit here,it’s like “listening “to a room full of ladies that have been the dearest of friends forever.
    grandmallie-you should have a job you Want to go to. I mostly love my job and 99% of my customers.
    Karen in Va- your hydrangeas are beautiful!
    I’m trying to keep up with y’all but between work,work and home (work) And menopause,my brain doesn’t function like it used to.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did the You Can Do Anything for a Minute DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to go to the water class

    Connie – (((HUGS))). Sometimes families can be so tough.

    Vince’s back is still hurting him. Told him that at least the front lawn should be cut. So it looks like I’ll be doing it. I already cautioned Vince “it won’t be the way you do it” Personally, I think we should wait until Wed or Thurs to do it since the ground is pretty wet. Yesterday the pool was 87. Going to go in in a few, Vince said to check the lawn around 2 to see if we can cut it. Rained quite hard last night. As I was coming home from mahjongg it was lightening and thundering out. Why Vince doesn’t go into the hot tub and turn on the jets is a mystery to me. I know that he doesn’t like the sun a lot, but in the evening it’s cooler and the hot tub is in the shade. Oh well…..

    KJ – I never thought how you can use all your senses for popcorn! I had to sit and think about it, but you are right!!! Loved reading all about Joaquin and your “kisses”

    Have you ever noticed that most recipes include some sort of vege? Like today I was looking for “fish in the airfryer”. Every recipe I found called for things like “fish and chips”. Well, I wouldn’t want the chips, I’d rather have veges. And there’s no way Vince would eat some of the veges. So how many calories is the fish alone?

    JR – I love Maxine. Thanks for the smiles

    Vicki – welcome back. So glad you had such a wonderful time

    How can Kim help but do a great job with Lisa and Rori backing her up??

    Shannon – I have to say that I’ve never gotten “advice” on my diary. Maybe no one looks at it?? Oh, that’s right, I’m tracking now at Nutritionix. The twins are adorable

    Was in the pool thinking (I seem to do my best thinking there). Normally I go out by the pool and read after dinner. Why not start stringing the popcorn? So, I just popped some

    Am going out right now to use the push behind mower and I’ll probably use the tractor tomorrow. After that I'll probably go to Aldi's then ceramics at night

    jewizeJules – welcome. I think we have all had the experience of 10 pounds that we lost suddenly appearing. But it will come off. You know what to do, and you’ll do it.

    Lanette – I hear ya about the underwear. The last time (and it wasn’t that long ago) that I bought underwear on Amazon (they’re the only ones who carry packages of nothing but white), it was something like $13. I just got them again and a package of 10 was something like $23. A package of 3 was about $6. Go figure! Same thing here, I’d bought them at WalMart but they no longer carry them. I get Fruit of the Loom but they’re cotton, doesn’t help you

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) We are home safely and exhausted from our trip to Seattle. I got up at 2:15 in order to be able to give the dogs their proper morning walks and be ready to leave at 5:45. Riding the ferry is always a joyful experience especially when the weather is beautiful the way it was all day. We parked the car at the ferry terminal and walked onto the ferry. I walked laps around the passenger deck while Jake found a friendly man to talk to while he had a snack. When we got to Seattle we took a taxi to the doctor. It's not a long walk but it's very steep uphill. All three of Jake's appointments went well and the doctor said he's doing well and should come back in six months. At lunchtime we walked downhill two blocks to a Vietnamese restaurant and slowly uphill back to the afternoon appointment. At the end of the day we walked downhill to the ferry and came home to very happy dogs.

    :)Allie, you've done all you can to make things better at your current job without sufficient success. It sounds to me like it's time to make a huge effort to find a new one.

    :)Katla, Glad to hear that your RV is fixed and ready for the holiday trip.

    :)JewlzieJules You have come to the right place. Keep coming back.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA