

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Kirby is giving Lenny’s tree area a facelift. (Some of his ashes are in there when we planted the tree, hence the name
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    What’s this
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    PIP ~ That does look better!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Just finished up to the end of page 10. So much to comment on.

    Allie - I hope you either learn and conquer the insurance and get a huge raise or that you find another job soon. It’s overwhelming learning new things but you may find you enjoy it when you get it straight in your head.

    Pip - I am so sorry about Bullwinkle. Hugs to you and Kirby.

    Beth - what a stressful time you have had, I hope things calm for you soon.

    Margaret - I hope your son is home now and recovering well. I’ll keep reading and may find the answer.

    Heather - I know how you feel about seeing yourself in the video. I felt beautiful and slim the day of the wedding and wanted to cry when I saw the videos and pictures. I decided I would remember how I felt and use the pictures as motivation to try harder.

    I’ll keep reading and comment again shortly
    Tracey In Edmonton
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    what's wrong with this picturedk8c1eao82me.png

    Depends on what it is? 😂 Now, if it’s calories burned, it’s been an energetic day! 😂
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Pip and Kirby-I love the pictures and the love behind it.Because of where my shepherds are buried,they each have a statue and hostas.
    Debby In Va
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Oh boy am I beat. Had a great rest of the day but I need sleep.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Woohoo! Finally caught up! Rode the bike to work again today, my backside wasn't quite as grumpy, but is still not happy with me, not sure if I'm going to ride tomorrow or not.... I really should, I won't be able to next weekend, too many evening plans that start right after work and I won't ride home in the dark. I also wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the bike locked up somewhere outside. It would probably be fine, but..... since it's a loaner, I really don't want it stolen (even with a good lock that does happen - some real low-lifes in the neighborhood). I had to talk myself into it today, and did some talking to myself yesterday too! And it was a good ride! The first time I did it, it took me an hour, the second time a little less, today was only 50 min! I did have some good luck with some traffic lights tho and not so much traffic this morning so the pedestrian controlled lights turned sooner. And yes, I do walk the bike across the road when I'm using a crosswalk! I figure I have to, I am perfectly willing to grouch about folks who ride on the crosswalks, so really don't want to be one of them.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    It does take a little while to adjust to the saddle if you haven't ridden in a while. If it still hurts after 2 or 3 weeks, then you might look at some other options to make it more comfortable which include ...

    -- making sure the bicycle is set up correctly.
    -- making sure the saddle is wide enough for you, but not too wide.
    -- a good pair of cycling shorts that suits you.
    -- improved core strength.


    But well done on commuting by bicycle! I wish I could do that.

    My commute would be about 17 km each way which wouldn't be a big problem except that it's up and over a decent hill each way as well which requires some effort. The road much of the way isn't bad. There's a decent shoulder on the highway most of the way, but shortly after you top the hill, the shoulder vanishes and you're right among all the commuter traffic.

    Then, when I do finally get to work, my building doesn't provide good bicycle storage facilities. :( I would actually attempt the commute once in a while if I had somewhere to store my bicycle securely.

    This is a picture I took from the top of the hill before descending into Hobart on a ride I did on a weekend to see how a commute might feel. My bus goes that way too, so I see that view 5 days a week. :)


    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Pip the plant is some kind of Lily. Tiger lilies often have those black nodes. I didn't see any flowers on them. Do you have deer. Deer love lilies.

    Tracey thanks for asking about our son. He is home and he had us over for a barb-a-cue tonight. Son and I went to what is called the Dragon Festival in the park close to him. They race boats that have dragon heads on them. Boats are what a crew team would race in. Last night we planted rose bushes along his garage. It seems when we do one project another project pops up that needs to be done before the project is done.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z