
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Kelly, the spaceship is amazing! The stuff you do for those kids is so much more than daycare!
    Machka, thanks for posting the link to the brain injury video. I have to admit I was expecting an accent from you, even though you've said so many times that you are from Canada, I guess I sort of thought you would have picked up some of the Aussie accent! Very informative video.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Well im.up.past my bedtime..went bowling with my work buddies our boss met us there..of course he ordered junk food. I ended up having some chicken tenders and the cheese of a slice of pizza.. then I fell on the last game what a yutz lol.. just embarrassed lol.did take some tylenol when I got home...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an urban rebounding DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Personal Training with Jackie DVD

    Yvonne – I have a great pressure cooker, too. But I tried the IP I gave Denise and now I definitely want one. You’ll love yours, I’m sure

    Margaret – if Debbie reports the abuse, when the teacher reports it, doesn’t the teacher have to say where she got the information from? Now if they see signs…that’s a different story. Debbie – can you explain to the teacher how you need to keep your name out but alert her so that she might be on the lookout. I remember a girl in Bryan’s class was abused. The teacher didn’t really notice anything, but after she was killed, things made a lot of sense (like how she was always wearing long sleeves – even in warmer weather)

    Lisa – someone asked my kids when they were little what Daddy does at work. Their answer? “He talks on the phone and goes to meetings”

    Heat rash: one time a few years ago I had a rash that went all around my waist. I kept tell the md that it was a heat rash from exercising. She insisted it was a food allergy and gave me prednisone. I got the prescription filled and then we went camping where it was much cooler. The rash disappeared. It was exactly what I said it was! I stopped taking the prednisone, only I didn’t know that you were supposed to wean yourself off it. Oh well…nothing happened that I’m aware of. This was the same md who was surprised that I had osteoporosis even tho I hadn’t gone thru menopause yet. See, we REALLY do know our bodies better than anyone else.

    Carol – happy early anniversary

    KJ – awesome space station

    Cut the grass today. I found a bee nest that we didn’t know about. I thought it was a hole in the ground that one of the deer made. But it was a bee nest. Tomorrow night Vince said we’d fill the hole with dirt and then put gasoline on it. Update: now he's thinking that we'll spray this wasp and hornet spray we have and put soil in the hole then more spray on top. Who knows what in the end he'll decide to do?

    M – great video

    Michele in NC
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is National Senior Citizens Day but I'm celebrating National Spumoni Day instead!

    "According to a Chicago Tribune article from 04 July 1979, a 'genuine spumoni' recipe was brought to the United States from Nola, Italy in 1905. Salvatore Lezza started a bakery in Chicago along with his wife, Lucia. Their traditional recipe called for three layers of semifreddo – an almond layer, semisweet chocolate, and stracciatella. Stracciatella is a type of gelato with irregular bits of chocolate in it."

    Machka - We eat both brown rice and couscous, but I often substitute quinoa in recipes that can stand up to its nutty flavor. At least I get some extra protein with my carb calories!

    Kate - Great news about your DEXA results. You must be doing something right!

    Kelly - That space ship is completely awesome. The kids are going to have a blast in there.

    Michelle - I'm certainly loving the homemade yogurt from my Instant Pot! We're making butter chicken in it this week so we'll see how that goes.

    Leftover day today since Philip works late on Wednesdays. I love leftover day! Dinner was the roasted chicken and bow tie pasta salad I made yesterday. I just had a peach for dessert - hate Texas summers but I do love fresh peaches.

    Too bad we didn't have any spumoni, but that would be harder to fit into my meal plan!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Michele if I see a mark on a student that does not look right the first thing I do is ask them about it. If the answer is suspicious I send them to the nurse. It is the nurse and social worker in the building that take it from there. I report to them what the child said. I never had to go to court to give any report. Now that I substitute I may send a child to the nurse but I don't hear anything more than that. Unfortunately some children are trained to lie and will lie because they do not want to get their parents in trouble. Heartbreaking to put a child in that position.

    I had situations where a parent was not allowed to pick up a child and sometimes it was grand parents. I don't remember a family member coming up to me to watch for signs of abuse. If I did I would have gone to the social worker in the building to discuss it with him or her.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited August 2019
    Margaret- Principal noticed Daughter peculiar adult attitude y bruises on me y my behavior started paying for us by claiming to ex that he needed me to attend field trip because he didn’t understand the Cult full of child brides beliefs for girls wanted the religious safety zone for her.He bought it praise God! The school paid my way y Daughters they fed us. They helped when we escaped! He kept a secret folder from letting Daughter sit in his office all day if she likes with principal signature for court. Was amazing.I slowly confided a little he knew it was rich against poor issue for escaping. Millionaire against us with little finances. So he gave pointers helped a lot even taught Daughter what to do when we escaped dying hair to cutting it etc. He was a God send! Sometimes a documented date y time you can give a parent when their ready helps a lot!
    Amber Tx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,916 Member
    Thank you all for commenting on the wedding video.

    Machka - I have to watch your video tomorrow.

    Kelly - what a wonderful space ship you made!

    My wrist and hand are still very sore and I have a lot of writing to do at work tomorrow. I am have to make a doctors appointment I guess.

    Lanette - I hope your husband survives your surgery. I feel Rodger would enjoy a lot of takeout without me.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Kelly - the egg carton space ship is awesome!! I’m sure the kids love it!!

    Debby in VA - I’ve had decent results using Kroger-brand diaper rash cream (similar to Balmex, but not as heavy) on my heat rash under my breasts. I agree; this heat needs to go!!!

    Connie in KY
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Amber So happy you have made such positive changes for yourself and your family! Being in abusive relationships can really mess with your head. You are an inspiration to those trying to get through it!

    Tracey The wedding video was such a nice way to see the look and the mood of the wedding! Wish we had thought of that for my son's wedding! Everyone looked so great and so happy in your video!

    Kate Welcome! Congratulations on your decision to get started! Everyone on here is very supportive and you will find you have a new group of friends very quickly who are there to help you through the hurdles!

    Michele Looking forward to planning a meet up. It looks like we can meet in the middle with a little less than an hour drive. I have eye surgeries next week and the 5th of September, so as soon as I'm seeing okay afterward (shouldn't take more than a week), I would love to get together anytime.

    Luci in NC

  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Heather Loved the windy pictures with your friend. You both seem to be having a wonderful time!

    Michele Forgot to tell you, my Dad went to Iowa St. and my older brother was born there in Ames. Nice area!

    Rori New bath is very nice! We have so much to do on our house. I want to remember to put the dogs in the pics! It was so cute seeing your cat!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited August 2019
    A lot of good folks with same story. 1/3rd Of Women are abused in their lifetime my Doctor said.Then he said out of the 2/3rd left how many have never told?
    1million men/Women (not including kids) are abused in 1 year.Add the rest of the world to that we definitely have a problem.
    If I live to see 100yrs old 1Billion USA Women/Men will have been abused. Add kids to that y rest of the world it’s a scary number. Laws are starting to change hopefully someday this will be a problem of the past only or lesser statistics numbers.
    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Cut the grass today. I found a bee nest that we didn’t know about. I thought it was a hole in the ground that one of the deer made. But it was a bee nest. Tomorrow night Vince said we’d fill the hole with dirt and then put gasoline on it. Update: now he's thinking that we'll spray this wasp and hornet spray we have and put soil in the hole then more spray on top. Who knows what in the end he'll decide to do?

    M – great video

    Michele in NC

    Are you allergic to bees?

    If not, that's a great find! You must have good flowers around. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Thank you all for your comments on the video. :)

    When I started this whole adventure almost 18 months ago, this area didn't have many resources of their own and I ended up going online and finding a collection of good sites which I read from top to bottom. I've learned quite a lot about brain injury! But I wished for more. As I say in the video, I wanted someone to come to me and tell me exactly what was going to happen, and wondered why people weren't telling me. I didn't realise then that it was impossible for anyone to predict anything. If I had a chance to see a video where someone explained that, it would have helped me, so when this opportunity came up, I was honoured that they wanted me to help!

    There may be more opportunities coming up in September. I'm not sure if they're thinking videos or something else, but we'll see. :) It is a "cause" that means a lot to me.

    BTW - Do I sound Canadian ... or Irish?

    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,991 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2019

    Michele's "bees" are nesting in the ground, which means they are probably yellow jackets. Mean buggers.

    You sound Canadian to me. :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,606 Member
    Machka - Most definitely Canadian. :D Great video. You are a natural.

    Going to be a lovely day here and it's going to get hot for the bank holiday. :s Did I ever tell you how much I hate bank holidays? Especially hot ones. :laugh: :s:s

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member

    Michele's "bees" are nesting in the ground, which means they are probably yellow jackets. Mean buggers.

    You sound Canadian to me. :)

    Ah ... wasps. Yes you'd want to get rid of those!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    KELLY loved the space ship, showed it to DH he said 'they must eat a lot of eggs' LOL where did you get all the egg cartons
    First day of pilot strike and all is ok hope it's same when we go fingers crossed

    Kate UK <3