

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Fit Body Yoga DVD.

    Have a dermatologist (routine) appointment in a few.

    Rebecca – happy anniversary!

    Debby VA – what part of VA are you in? Jess lived in Reston and her bf is there, wonder if he’s being impacted?

    Luci NC – when you said “the damage is done” what exactly did you mean? Will the pain go away? When it does, will there be anything different? Sending good thoughts your way

    Rhonda – I wonder if I would be considered semi-vegetarian. I do eat meat almost every day, but not a whole lot. I usually will give Vince (for example) a whole chicken breast and then have just ½ for myself. But my plate is loaded with veggies and dessert is almost always fruit. Love the phrase “reinventing Rhonda”. I, too, wouldn’t care if I went several days without meat. I know Vince likes it so I’ll just have a little bit

    Need to get to the dermatologist. Will check in latter

    Michele NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,429 Member
    Happy Friday from warm & humid SW WA State :)

    Machka - after over a year of weekly and twice weekly allergy shots, I'd gotten down to every other week for the past couple months. Yesterday the runny nose and sneezing really started up, it had been 2 weeks since the last shots. I am hoping I don't have to start over with them. I know our house and neighborhood is loaded with allergens - dust mites, mold, grass and tree pollen, dogs (though they aren't shedders which helps). So I'm taking the next month to reflect on this.

    Rori - glad your DB is doing well and yes, seems like time has really gone fast! Itching....GGGAACCKK!! B) Mine started back up last night despite oral and topical medication. Someone mentioned Celexa and there might be something to that. Don't want to start up on SSRI's. "What we think about expands" so I need to get my mind off it and think about other things. Might try to find a hypnotherapist as well. I'm a good subject and have a lot of experience with it.

    Rhonda - crossing fingers you can find a part-time job and have more time to spend on your health and doing the things you enjoy. Makes all the difference. Glad you've had time to work on your home and make it a comfortable place for you. And yes, welcome to the group again.

    Luci - so sorry to hear the second eye surgery was painful. Hope it gets better soon so you can enjoy seeing your world with "new eyes".

    Allie - so sorry to hear about Chester - so hard to let them go. Kudos to Tom for being a caring parent. His little buddy (can't think of the name) will probably miss him as well. Is that one elderly too? Amazing that your DFIL is now out of hospice. He's the energizer bunny, due to your great care of him I'm sure.

    Michele - I am curious, how did you and Vince end up retiring in the foothills of NC? Sounds like a beautiful place a la "Mitford" (Jan Karon series).

    Finally, Lisa and Heather and others who are excellent writers (many of you are on here) - some day when you have time... since you are both published authors, how did you get started in perfecting your craft? Classes? Writing groups? Just curious.

    OK ladies, that's the quick and dirty this morning. Tai chi in the park at 10 - I need to pick apples to share with people there. B)

    Sultry SW WA State
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Michele-I’m in Gloucester around 50 miles from Karen (in va).We’re getting rain and wind,but it looks like it’s going to be a little worse here shortly.Grateful it’ll be nothing like everyone else has gotten.The farm I work at is a natural run off,so it’ll be flooded at some point today.Hope y’all’s lived ones are All safe.Prayers,hugs,love❤️,and gratitude for y’all!
    Debby In Va
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Rhonda – I wonder if I would be considered semi-vegetarian. I do eat meat almost every day, but not a whole lot. I usually will give Vince (for example) a whole chicken breast and then have just ½ for myself. But my plate is loaded with veggies and dessert is almost always fruit. Love the phrase “reinventing Rhonda”. I, too, wouldn’t care if I went several days without meat. I know Vince likes it so I’ll just have a little bit

    Michele NC

    "A semi-vegetarian diet (SVD), also called a flexitarian diet, is one that is plant-based or with the occasional inclusion of meat."

    "All semi-vegetarians could accurately be described as people who eat a plant-based diet, but there is no firm consensus how infrequently someone would have to eat meat and fish for their diet to be considered a semi-vegetarian diet rather than a regular plant-based diet. The average American consumed an estimated 222 pounds (101 kg) of meat in 2018, so comparatively a semi-vegetarian would have to eat much less. Once someone is able to consistently forgo meat for 5+ days a week, they can be considered a flexitarian.

    Recurring conditions of a semi-vegetarian include consuming red meat or poultry only once a week. One study defined semi-vegetarians as consuming meat or fish three days a week. Semi-vegetarianism may be the default diet for much of the world, where meals based on plant materials provide the bulk of people's regular energy intake. One estimate is that 14% of the global population is flexitarian."

    These days I am eating a 85 grams of chicken 5 days a week at lunch simply because I need the protein so I don't get sore from exercise. Plus I eat a tiny bit more of chicken or mince (as much a 85 grams, but often less) at dinner several nights each week. So I'm probably not entirely semi-vegetarian ... but when I am on my own, I usually am.

    Machka in Oz

  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I’m up early, caffeinated, and have a full day that includes clearing out the last kitchen cupboard of “nasty” food then headed out for a walk.

    Have a fabulous Friday everybody :)
    Rhonda (South of PDX)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - after over a year of weekly and twice weekly allergy shots, I'd gotten down to every other week for the past couple months. Yesterday the runny nose and sneezing really started up, it had been 2 weeks since the last shots. I am hoping I don't have to start over with them. I know our house and neighborhood is loaded with allergens - dust mites, mold, grass and tree pollen, dogs (though they aren't shedders which helps). So I'm taking the next month to reflect on this.

    Sultry SW WA State

    I've been advised to do the following ...

    -- vacuum frequently ... which I don't do.
    -- wash sheets frequently and in HOT water and eucalyptus ... then hang dry them outside in the sunshine. We try to do that.
    -- if we store clothes, wash them all is as hot water as possible and eucalyptus before wear. So in other words, if we store winter clothes during summer and summer clothes during winter, when we do the switch, wash everything ... and hang dry them outside in the sunshine if possible. I do that.
    -- store bedding in plastic bags, and if it is stored for a while, wash before using.
    -- try not to have soft furnishing, plush animals, carpeting and that sort of thing. I do have those things around.

    It is also suggest to spray the house down with eucalyptus as suggested here:


    I especially do that in the bedrooms and with the Christmas stuff when it comes out of storage and before it goes back in.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member

    Lovely afternoon & evening with wild weather out the window.
    Movies: Rear Window & Robin Hood Men In Tights.
    Dinner: Soup & Lava cake.
    Cozy fireplace. :)

    I've made it several times but it still amazes me how easy Lava cake is to make. Probably too easy!! It's so good too.

    M in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,429 Member
    Machka - thank you for the allergy prevention suggestions. <3 We do as much dusting and vacuuming as we can, thank goodness for cleaner that comes.

    Use dust-mite covers on pillows, etc.

    Will look into the Eucalyptus. I can't help but think the allergies are a sign of a weaker (perhaps because of age?) immune system. There's phenol in the allergy injections as a preservative which I'm not thrilled about. I think there are more natural ways to boost the immune system than the shots (probably cutting back sugar as much as possible). And will look into this more.

    Both of my grandfathers had hay fever but only in the summer. I'd get it for a week in the summer when we put hay in the barn but never a sniffle being around all those sheep for years. Moved off the farm and here we go, lol.

    Surprise thunderstorm over us now! We might end up with Tai Chi under the shelter in the park between the picnic tables.

    I'm doing my big grocery shopping tomorrow and will be doing healthy meal planning today, after 2 weeks of little driving and shopping and eating "soft food". Glad to be back into crunchy salads and lentil/bean soups.

    Wet & wild SW WA State <3

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - thank you for the allergy prevention suggestions. <3 We do as much dusting and vacuuming as we can, thank goodness for cleaner that comes.

    Use dust-mite covers on pillows, etc.

    Will look into the Eucalyptus. I can't help but think the allergies are a sign of a weaker (perhaps because of age?) immune system. There's phenol in the allergy injections as a preservative which I'm not thrilled about. I think there are more natural ways to boost the immune system than the shots (probably cutting back sugar as much as possible). And will look into this more.

    Both of my grandfathers had hay fever but only in the summer. I'd get it for a week in the summer when we put hay in the barn but never a sniffle being around all those sheep for years. Moved off the farm and here we go, lol.

    I wasn't bad until I came to Australia. In Canada, the only plant that seemed to bother me was canola. Then I visited Australia in 2004 ... bad allergy reaction. And again in 2008 ... another bad allergy reaction. And moved here in 2009 ... yep, another bad allergy reaction.

    I finally went to an allergist and discovered that I'm quite allergic to dust mites. I'm not sure why they didn't bother me as much in Canada, but maybe the cold winters had something to do with it. The allergist also suspected that I'm allergic to some or all of the wattle species (acacia), which blooms everywhere here.

    It's the 'evil yellow flowers' that get me!!

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    pip I sent you a private message.

    On a side note, this is the first time I've ever joined an online "social" support group and I'm a bit intimidated over how well everyone's connected and keeps up with what's been going on with others and all the pictures, etc. But give me time and I'll catch up - You are all my fat losing/fat free family now! ;)

    Rhonda (South of PDX)

    hey there, I didn't c. a message from you yet. don't worry about everyone else, you are already part of the group the minute u post. I've been here for I don't know how long and I STILL don't know anyone by their 1st name, maybe barbie but that's it. I tend to know peeps by their login... like your will forever be Rho to me.....I hardly ever post chit chat stuff or contribute cuz, you're getting opinions from everyone else, so I leave mine to myself. if I disagree with other's opinions of what they think about health, eating etc... I just keep my mouth shut, cuz I will go on forever

    the way I will reply m y opinion is if I am specifically asked my thought on the subject.

    I don't reply to everyone but if someone asks me something (like u did) I will reply.. packing up for the ride!! will type later
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Well cleaned JRs mess y Hubby cleaned his Sugarfree pudding face so he cried “ I wanna be Messy!!!” So not a happy camper lol 😂Hubby Laid with him typing on their phones 📱 (IPOD for JR) so I could do laundry 🧺.

    Amber Tx

    Busy day again ... Daughter y Few base folks drove to get out of Dorian (2hrs away from base) stopped to eat out. Hoping they made it she won’t answer my texts the bugger! Bet they all stayed up playing 🎮 games!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Well what tha!! My buttons changed theirs now a dislike where the heart ❤️ was !!! If I miss the heart ❤️ ignore a disagree I was aiming for the heart ❤️ not showing it changed when I tried to fix them!
    Amber San Antonio Tx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Lanette - the only way I've ever figured out how to be a writer is to write. Sounds elementary, but it's like any other skill/craft, you keep at it. The hard part's never been writing, it was accepting other people's judgment on my writing... even when it hurt. A writers' group in Dallas was my first critique group, and it was enormously helpful.

    Still doodling. Looks like a doodle day. Haven't had one of those in a while...

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele in NC: I've been hoping that you were out of harms way. Yay! I hate snakes, too. I used to have a mean neighbor who deliberately caught snakes and put them in my yard. Thankfully, she moved away. YAY!!! I haven’t seen a snake since she moved. :smiley: Bashful is my favorite dwarf. You’ve done him proud. :wink:

    Rebecca: Happy 30th Anniversary! :star:

    Karen in VA: I can’t imagine what isolating you from your own family as a very young child accomplished other than to create trauma. I would like to think that doesn’t happen to young children anymore. You’ve gone on to become an accomplished woman despite what happened when you were too young to have a say in the matter. :heart:

    Lisa: Good luck with your grant proposal. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I have a product for allergy relief called Allertec. Certirizine is the generic I think. I seldom need it, but am grateful that it is on my shelf when I do need it. I hope you find something that works for you. :star:

    Yoga today at 10 am. I am looking forward to it. Most of the students are 50+, with a few in their 40’s, and there is a mix of men and women. We occasionally get a younger person but they don’t seem to become regulars. The younger adult group comes to the sports center in the evening after work.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Allergies I’ve been through shot series 4 different times. 3 in Tennessee and 1 here in New Mexico. They only work for me about a year after stopping. I’ve had allergies as long as I can remember as a child I remember cats, lilacs, Christmas trees, and grass especially. I had a nose polyp removed in my early 40’s which included a sinus scrape. That helped for a few years, then not. Treating symptoms as they occur is they only consistent thing that at least partially works.

    Writing I’ve always toyed with the idea and have stRted a couple blogs as a test. Just don’t have the confidence I guess. Check out my writing and I’d love opinions on what I’ve done.

    RV Rita