
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    I took kind of break from the internet yesterday and decided it was time to start reading again. Pulled "The Shipping News" by Annie Proulx off my bookshelf, one of my favorites. Next up will be Jan Karon's books and Alexander McCall Smith's. I see he has several more "Ladies Detective Agency" books out that I haven't read. Talk about prolific! Have ordered them from the library.

    Lisa - just saw your comments about IF. I really like Michael Mosley's "5:2" Intermittent Fasting. It's not about daily fasting per se, but he gives great tips about how to get through the fasting days. Five days normal eating (no binges) and 2 days around 500 calories per week. I really liked his BBC production on fasting - it's on YouTube and around an hour long. Always gives me inspiration and the "boot", lol.

    - looking good! Did you get your hair cut? So glad you have a lovely family nearby.

    Machka - neat weekend thanks to SIL! Interesting story about Trim and glad you got a cat fix, lol. What a great getaway.

    Pip and Kirby - great ride! Glad you had decent weather! Looks like you might have a wet ride to work this morning. 1" in our rain gauge in the past 24 hours.

    - our house cleaner does use as many non-toxic products as possible. Loves the way the house smells after she's done. She's on vacation next week so she will be terribly missed. I'll see if I can get DH behind the vacuum cleaner and I can sweep and do the bathrooms. I'm anxious for bad weather to start so I can start bagging/boxing up stuff for the thrift store when I get bored on the dark days. Made a good dent in it last winter.

    Connie - Beth
    - so sorry to hear about the migraines. Beth I didn't realize your son had them so bad at a young age that it affected his school work. Connie, glad your mom is OK. My migraines thankfully stopped when I reached menopause. I still get sinus headaches but nothing like they used to be.

    My BFF, who is 48 and in peri-meno, had been going through 3 days of pain and heavy bleeding. Finally went to the ER yesterday - ovarian cyst had burst and 3 fibroids. And she has the migraines on top of it. She'd been on progesterone which had helped, went to a new doc who decided to wean her off - looks like she'll be back on it and perhaps a D & C in her future.

    Karen in VA
    - I agree, your grandson is a cutie. So glad you were able to get the home schooling lined up and you're there with him, it will make all the difference in his life, I'm sure.

    Kelly - I'm sure your household misses the income Tristan's care provided but so glad to hear you have weekends off now. Do you ever hear anything about him-how he's doing?I

    - Athena is adorable!! Thank you for the recent pix! Did I read you and Lee will be heading down to see them one of these days?

    Heather - I sometimes feel like I live in that upside down house, lol. Had things lined up yesterday for DH to help with and he didn't feel good after a night of not sleeping well. Discovered late yesterday he'd forgotten to take his nightly handful of pills. Things around the house will keep. I'd rather have him here right now.

    We were going to take my car into the shop this morning but with the heavy rain, will put it off until a drier day in case it conks out on the way (alternator probably). I'll take DH's old Toyota Camry which rarely gets driven so it can get a little workout, lol. Have a Master Gardener plant clinic from 9 til 12.

    Better close and get the little dog up.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Rainy SW WA State

    Lanette, yep! My eldest son leave time from Oct 6th-20th, so then middle son got Oct 17-20th off with Home Depot. Its a juggling act! But we'll come down 16th rest up then go over. Staying at a hotel. Then drive back Sunday. I don't know, I might stay and then take a train over to my sister's in Great Falls, Montana. The train ride is about 17 hours long though. Most of it I will be sleeping though.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Karen.. Thank you. Makes more sense than most things I've heard. I'll definitely do more research on it. Then comes the hard part: convincing a VA doc.

    Your love for your grandson shines in every word. He and you are pretty awesome.

    Lisa in AR
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: I’ve never tried intermittent fasting. I’m a big fan of CICO—Calories In, Calories Out. Logging every bite and swallow, and letting MFP set my calorie goals worked for me. I bought a food scale from AMAZON at a modest price, and three restaurant style dishers at a Portland restaurant supply store. (Think graduated sized ice cream scoops.) The dishers were more expensive but very effective. I still use the scale and dishers although not every meal. I also still move more at the gym with machines and yoga, and at the stable with Arrow. Doing exercise that is fun is a very good idea. It never feels like an obligation to avoid. It feels like a treat just for me. I like Margaret’s advice to think of it as one choice at a time. Good luck to you. :heart:

    Karen in VA: You are the best possible sort of grandmother to be helping your grandson like this. My yoga teacher is in a similar situation with her grandson. Both of you are all stars. :star::star::star:

    Sue in WA: Congrats on finishing your guest cabin. :flowerforyou:

    I usually get books on line from Library to Go but they didn't have an available title that appealed to me today so I went to the store and bought two paperbacks. One of them has an old work by a favorite author followed by a book by a new author. I haven’t started the second book yet. It is by Joann Ross, another author I haven't read before.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Heather I've been meaning to ask you why there isn't a way a writer can avoid the reformatting problem? I don't know anything about these things, but it seems as if there should be a computer application that would take your submission and reformat it. I'm sure you already know there are programs that will automatically format footnotes, even in special cases like when you want to reference a law or statute instead of an internet article, magazine or journal. Why isn't there an easy way for one's writing to be formatted into paperback form? This seems an unnecessary obstacle for a writer who wants to self-publish.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited September 2019
    Kate - I hadn't read any of Alexander McCall Smith's other books - but did order one of his Isabel Dalhousie books. Hope it's as good as the Lady's Detective Agency. Sorry to hear about your DBIL but glad he's being well taken care of. How much longer will you be in Spain? Is this hot weather typical there this time of year?

    Master Gardeners
    - today I took on some berries on a shrub that the birds planted. I thought it might be native huckleberries, but they weren't really very sweet. The County MG Coordinator tasted one and said "I think it's Aronia" (also known as Chokeberry). One of the local nurseries sells these little bushes, looks like they are one of the up and coming "superfoods". Slightly sweet, astringent, not very juicy. The deer discovered them last night but left me a few. I ate a handful a while ago and my tongue and teeth are blue/black, lol. (Seems like everyone in the Extension office had a cold - so I got my dose of anti-oxidants from the Aronia berries. I was getting sniffles - allergy I think - but they are gone now.) B)

    The Coordinator said one of our neighbors must have planted a bush, the birds decided to share, lol. Actually a lot of our landscape is bird planted, but most things are Pacific NW Natives.

    Katla & Karen - it has been hard for me to get enthused about Master Gardeners, as you know, due somewhat to my DH's unpredictable health. Any my own challenges this past year. It was easy for me to make excuses about missing getting in my volunteer hours because DH didn't feel well or I was bummed because of the board turnover and some nasty accusations made by some of the members which caused rifts and we lost some good members. I know I have to self-apply Pip's boot, to get myself out among the world sometimes, lol.

    Grateful for my lunch and Tai Chi girlfriends. <3

    Speaking of Tai Chi - we did get rained out last Friday. Never heard from the teacher so drove over to the park, he was there and just reading his email and saw we gals decided to cancel. He said if it happens in the future, we can do Qigong breathing and stationary stuff under the shelter's roof/between the picnic tables. I am looking forward to that, so hoping for rain next time, lol.

    - thank you so much for sharing your adventures in Allergy land. After Machka's info on Eucalyptus oil, I ordered a bottle and will keep some by the bed if I get stuffed up. Great idea.

    Sue in WA - that guest cabin sounds wonderful. Neat that it came with the property and it just needed a little spiffing up. Enjoy your BF's visit!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!

    Wet SW WA State

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Evening Ladies
    I'm home and in jammies
    Chester still hanging in there barely ,Tom isn't ready to give up on him...
    Will check in in the am
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,918 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Getting ready for some more hot and humid this week. Supposed to be close to 90 most days. It's what we called "Indian Summer" when I was young. Don't know if it politically correct to use the term anymore (tough to keep up with all the changes). It used to be we knew just what to say if we wanted to insult someone, now you can insult and not even know you did. All a matter of balance and trying to be sensitive to others, but I think folks at both ends can go overboard.

    Work will be insane this week. Meetings and interviews. Church events three nights this week. I will so enjoy Friday evening.

    Need to research best type of calcium to take. Doc wants me to take Vitamin and calcium. Realized since I started back on some I had in the house, it is messing with my digestive system (yes, constipation). The one I have at home has a mix of citrate and carbonate. I think the carbonate is the problem. Not sure what I will try, but I am sure Google has the answer somewhere.

    Since I have been up since 4 am for no good reason except that is when I woke up, going to bed early. Need to be at work by 7 am for a meeting tomorrow. Doing well with eating and steps

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    edited September 2019
    U r right barbiecat it’s something I have been having to get used to, I’ve noticed it starting already
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    stats for the day:

    took it easy

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.31min, 12.6amph, 136mhr, 1.57mi= 71c
    apple watch- didn't record right
    treadmill walk w/incline- 40min, 87ahr, 125mhr, 3.0-3.1sp, 1-11incl, 2.04mi= 124c
    apple watch- 174c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.41min, 15.6amph, 130mhr, 1.48mi= 45c
    apple watch- 39c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.14min, 12amph, 144mhr, 3.03mi= 138c
    apple watch- 111c
    walk station 2 wrk- 8.31min, 116mhr, 10.38min mi, .51mi= didn't record right
    Apple watch- 43c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.35min, 10.10min mi, .45mi= didn’t record right
    apple watch- 58c
    ke ride dome 2 hm- 19.50min, 7.7amph, 141mhr, 2.56mi= 188c
    apple watch- 139c

    total cal 667
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member

    I usually go to mahjongg but the gal told me that they’re not having it since she has to go away and another gal can’t make it.

    After exercise stopped at the Salvation Army, didn’t get anything. Then went to this outlet to get Vince bread, then to Aldi to get a few things. Tonight after ceramics I want to stop at Lowe’s foods to get one item that’s on sale that I have a coupon for and then we need to go to WalMart since we only have one band aid and I need band aids. We’ll probably get a few other things, too

    Went to ceramics tonight and put sleepy in to be refired. We shall see how it turns out. Wed. I should be finished with Bashful and put him in to be fired. Started working on this humorous turtle. I don’t know what else to call him.

    Michele in NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member