

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Enjoying all the pictures.

    Choir starting. Enjoying the singing. Dividing up tasks to complete getting finances in order. Seems to be helping. Some days the goal is just to get the right forms.

    The lawyer we have now is much more helpful than the last one we had. He is catching things that need to be done.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather This is the puzzle I did online this morning before work: kt0ka9gxr4di.jpg
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,525 Member
    edited September 2019
    Changing seasons, yup. Showery last night and today, maybe the next 2 days. Hoping for dry weather Wednesday so Thursday can give the deck a light second coat and finish painting the rails and uprights. Meanwhile Joe is tidying the wood stove and moving firewood about. I'm resisting, still want some warm weather (sorry to those suffering in the south).

    Rebecca a VERy happy anniversary to you and your chief!
    Lynda "glutton free" now that's an autocorrect I need!
    pip > 50 mph and >2800 ft elevation gain? You are AMAZING!
    Carol ditto Katla's advice, could a UTI be causing the misses?
    Connie hoping your Mom's migraine eases completely before the next hot spell. 7 hrs in the ER seems a lot to me, but maybe that's about average in big cities?
    Debby in VA what a bountiful lot of beautiful food. How large is your farm? How many people does it take to work? This city gal is IMPRESSED!
    Julie Neither have we a microwave, I cook frozen entrees (like Lean Cuisine) by popping contents into a lidded pyrex dish and bake in oven or toaster oven at 400 F for 35-40 mins. Wouldn't like double boilered lasagna ;} Likewise I keep a pair of earplugs in my purse for when the music is turned up too high for my taste. Hand't heard about vibration therapy for osteoporosis, keep us updated, ok?
    Welcome IntergalatixW why dry skin brushing and a month of voluntary cold showers?
    Machka what Michele said... just sayin'. BTW thought of you this morning when I pulled out the "If I am suddenly incapacitated or die" paper from the desk. Yikes needed updating, hadn't touched since April 2018. Added roof loan, corrected some monthly amounts, reprinted. Tomorrow will be a scanning day, important docs including medical records for new MDs. Thank you!
    Heather upside down house LOL, especially your DS's position and expression!
    Beth, Truth! Thanking you through my tears.
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    Glutton Free Love it!!!
    With all types of diets being talked about these days, somebody really should get that printed on a t-shirt and make some moo-la $$$[/b]
    are you listening to Rho?
    Sharon Good to hear from you. :heart: the pic, you look so great! ((hugs)) for the grandchild, con VERY grats for the near to 100lbs gone and Safe travels!

    Monk drops, yuck. Yes, sweetens both hot and iced tea but don't like the flavor. Makes my tongue "buzz" and gives me a headache. So far the only sweeteners I like are honey (too many calories) and cane or beet sugar. Stevia tastes funny, agave's not sweet enough and maple syrup doesn't belong in tea. The "-itols" are even worse for wind and headache. Foo.

    Time to get off my butt, fold laundry, work on Tumble's mats and hang out with Joe. Backing off from the red wine today, AF beer instead!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for September: grit
    Steps-5736. vits-6 log-7 CICO-6 Tumble-5 mfp-6 AF-3
    Weekly: Steps= 952<prior average :( Firehouse, SWSY, meditate, mat, tidy=0, Dance=1/2, T'ai Chi, Pack Walk, rx=5/5
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Pip ... saw this on FaceBook and thought of you. Allie ... saddened to hear that Chester is at his end. You may appreciate this as well.

    Lisa ... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you go even further yet with your $100 million grant!

    Debby ... beautiful produce! I love photos of produce! When I get Misfit Market boxes, I take photos of the contents to share with my Mom. She loves to look at beautiful produce as well.

    A friend gifted me with a bushel of tomatoes, a gigantic cabbage, swiss chard and zucchini. I've been working at cooking/storing that. Tried a few zucchini recipes, but the only one we really liked was Skinny Taste's Zucchini Tots.

    Husband and I got a lot of yard work done this weekend ... still more to go but not quite as daunting. Although we never opened the pool, we still need to pull back the cover and add more chemicals. That will be next week's project.

    Over the years you've heard me talk about my basement project ... and I never actually get anywhere with it. This weekend I became determined to move things OUT! And I had my husband's help, believe it or not. We have made a dent.

    Beth near Buffalo

    Yeah, I’ve seen this. I think of my bullwinkle
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    Not bragging but close to 60 mi, lololol
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Changing seasons, yup. Showery last night and today, maybe the next 2 days. Hoping for dry weather Wednesday so Thursday can give the deck a light second coat and finish painting the rails and uprights. Meanwhile Joe is tidying the wood stove and moving firewood about. I'm resisting, still want some warm weather (sorry to those suffering in the south).

    Rebecca a VERy happy anniversary to you and your chief!
    Lynda "glutton free" now that's an autocorrect I need!
    pip > 50 mph and >2800 ft elevation gain? You are AMAZING!
    Carol ditto Katla's advice, could a UTI be causing the misses?
    Connie hoping your Mom's migraine eases completely before the next hot spell. 7 hrs in the ER seems a lot to me, but maybe that's about average in big cities?
    Debby in VA what a bountiful lot of beautiful food. How large is your farm? How many people does it take to work? This city gal is IMPRESSED!
    Julie Neither have we a microwave, I cook frozen entrees (like Lean Cuisine) by popping contents into a lidded pyrex dish and bake in oven or toaster oven at 400 F for 35-40 mins. Wouldn't like double boilered lasagna ;} Likewise I keep a pair of earplugs in my purse for when the music is turned up too high for my taste. Hand't heard about vibration therapy for osteoporosis, keep us updated, ok?
    Welcome IntergalatixW why dry skin brushing and a month of voluntary cold showers?
    Machka what Michele said... just sayin'. BTW thought of you this morning when I pulled out the "If I am suddenly incapacitated or die" paper from the desk. Yikes needed updating, hadn't touched since April 2018. Added roof loan, corrected some monthly amounts, reprinted. Tomorrow will be a scanning day, important docs including medical records for new MDs. Thank you!
    Heather upside down house LOL, especially your DS's position and expression!
    Beth, Truth! Thanking you through my tears.
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    Glutton Free Love it!!!
    With all types of diets being talked about these days, somebody really should get that printed on a t-shirt and make some moo-la $$$[/b]
    are you listening to Rho?
    Sharon Good to hear from you. :heart: the pic, you look so great! ((hugs)) for the grandchild, con VERY grats for the near to 100lbs gone and Safe travels!

    Monk drops, yuck. Yes, sweetens both hot and iced tea but don't like the flavor. Makes my tongue "buzz" and gives me a headache. So far the only sweeteners I like are honey (too many calories) and cane or beet sugar. Stevia tastes funny, agave's not sweet enough and maple syrup doesn't belong in tea. The "-itols" are even worse for wind and headache. Foo.

    Time to get off my butt, fold laundry, work on Tumble's mats and hang out with Joe. Backing off from the red wine today, AF beer instead!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for September: grit
    Steps-5736. vits-6 log-7 CICO-6 Tumble-5 mfp-6 AF-3
    Weekly: Steps= 952<prior average :( Firehouse, SWSY, meditate, mat, tidy=0, Dance=1/2, T'ai Chi, Pack Walk, rx=5/5

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,461 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I'm going to write the addresses on white cards and tape on front.👍
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited September 2019
    Sharon, you look mauvalous!💖
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca Those envelopes are fun!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Deb in VA – you have no idea how very lucky you are.

    Beth – beautiful post. How could you NOT have opened the pool?

    Finally planted this tree that a friend gave me back in Feb. Like I said, I’m a religious gardener – if God means for it to live, it’ll live. Then went in the pool, strung some popcorn, had dinner, here and then back out to string more popcorn. Vince turned some of the timers so they come on earlier -- boo

    Rebecca – I think I said it before but let me say it again, happy anniversary. Sounds like a wonderful anniversary dinner. With a coupon, no less. Can I get much better?

    Lisa (rvfamilyfour) – congrats on the down sizes

    Out to string more popcorn. Later gals

    Michele NC
    Pg 29
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Never thought I would be boohooing over a Great British Baking Show episode, but that was a spectacular and moving finale.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :)Rebecca, Happy Anniversary. The best celebration is one that honors your values as a couple.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Rho - kudos to you for all you've accomplished

    Michele NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    cmsavells wrote: »
    I spent 7 hours in the ER with my mom. Apparently she had a migraine headache. She hasn’t had a migraine in years. Sleeping now, thank goodness!!

    The bike ride looks awesome. I’m getting ready to head to the park for a walk. The weather is awesome today, but it’s supposed to be 92-98 all of next week! So done with the high temps!!

    Allergies - Louisville, KY is a top 10 city for allergies! Columbus, OH wasn’t much better. The ragweed is making me miserable!!

    Connie in KY

    Connie, two years ago this month I had my first ambulance ride when I had a headache appear out of nowhere. I was at an event and I scared the other people (and myself), so they called 911. The ER diagnosed it as a sudden onset migraine. I had never had one before. I was actually glad I went by ambulance or I would have had to sit in the ER for hours waiting to be seen. After the diagnosis I felt kind of stupid for riding in an ambulance for a headache, but neither the EMTs nor the ER personnel made me think so.