

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janetr: I am so sorry for your allergies! I hope the air quality improves soon. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member

    Love this! 💙❤💜
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    HEATHER ~ That is one strange photo! LOL :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,829 Member
    I am sitting for a little bit, I purges my closet and got rid of some clothes and put summer stuff away and,put fall stuff hung up, have a load of laundry in dryer
    I stopped to see Chester and I have him with me for the afternoon at my place.. I am trying to spend as much time as I can with him while I can.. he did eat to chopped up carrots for me and drank a good amount of water.. so thats good. but not eating much else. He is not used to my place , but as I was leaving Tom's he was following me so I said what the heck.. and here he is, and Alfie is finally chilling out and not bouncing off the walls
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,829 Member
    Katla he is only here for the afternoon... going to take him back home before I feed DFIL,, just want to spend some time with him, and this will give Tom and Elena a feel of what it wil be like when it's his time poor lil guy xoxox
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Happy Anniversary Rebecca!


  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Glutton Free Love it!!!
    With all types of diets being talked about these days, somebody really should get that printed on a t-shirt and make some moo-la $$$

    Autumn purging Ten years ago I moved from a large home into a one bedroom apartment. I thought it would be short term and that I'd buy again. But after a lifetime of single parenthood and practically doing all of my own maintenance and repairs on my home, myself, I was more than happy to let apartment maintenance folks replace the dishwasher and hot water heater when they died.

    Everything I needed came with the apartment: exercise/fitness room, pool and Jacuzzi spa, and privacy, as well as beautiful walking paths through the woods, along creeks and a river nearby that I enjoy often. I haven't looked back.

    Since reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing and my lay-off last year, I've been purging like crazy. Most unneeded physical objects, i.e. extra clothes, books, etc. are out. Now I'm currently purging paper stuff and scanning important documents to the computer.

    Terri Those cheering emojies were adorable! Congrats on the scale dropping into the 150's and I'm happy to hear that PT is helping your knee {{hugs}}

    Machka in Oz Looks/Sounds like you got some good relaxation time at a cozy place. Good on you! Loved the pics :-)

    Beth near Buffalo I don't think I've seen your posts before. Nice to meet you. I'm one of the newbies. :)

    I'll do a "Reinventing Rhonda" week 1 update later. Good stuff.

    Happy Sunday, ladies!

    Rho (South of PDX)

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited September 2019
    Thanks SO much, Barbie! I’m going nuts getting all my ducks in a row for my Mexico trip, which begins Tuesday the 10th. I don’t know how good my phone and WiFi will be down there, but expect it to be fine in Oaxaca. In Zipolite, not so much, perhaps, since it’s a tiny town of only about 1400 people in the southern Pacific coast of Mexico. I’ve also had my eldest granddaughter’s wedding on the 31st and some serious family problems with another grandchild with serious depression as well needing my presence and totally occupying my time for several days. I hope to be able to post a few pictures of my trip, if not during, then after. Meanwhile.



    Julie Bananas, meniscus tears need to be seen to, the sooner the better. A rheumatologist is more for chronic conditions than injuries. Your PCP May be able to tell more what you need. For a meniscus tear, I’ve always just seen my orthopedic guy until the arthritis got so bad I needed a replacement. RICE meanwhile. Rest (and that means as little stress as possible!), ice (on 20, off 49), compression (wrap with a stretchy band or get a cheap temporary knee brace), elevation (No, that doesn’t just mean foot off the floor, it means whole leg up, like a recliner or ottoman!). Get plenty of fluids to help swelling go down, and ibuprofen if you can tolerate it or another anti-inflammatory. What you’ve posted sounds like more than you should be doing, perhaps. Standing is particularly tough in my knees. More so than walking, or st least that’s the way my body feels it.

    By the way, have you tried from another browser than Safari? I switch between Safari & Chrome.

    Kate & drkatiebug, i really find it helps if others’ snacks or ingredients I’m tempted by, such as dried apricots, are out of sight in a cupboard I don’t use every day. Could you at least store that stuff in an opaque container?

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth good for you to get so much accomplished in the yard and basement.

    kJ I’m so impressed with how much you get done on the weekends, inspiring to me.

    Becca exactly! And happy anniversary to you both.

    Manage a great walk both days this weekend and ended at a very nice farmers market to look at amazing harvest of veggies and apples. I managed to keep myself from buying bread—victory! Bread is a huge trigger for me. I bought an Indian coconut coriander Simmer sauce that will be an inspiration for some dinner this week.

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited September 2019
    SHARON ~ If that is you between the other two persons in the last photo...you look great! :) Lovely wedding photo.

    Carol in GA
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Debbie! im going to find you and move just down the road from your farm! You have everything I love right there!

    Yes, that’s me in the middle. Eldest daughter on left, middle daughter on right.

    S near S
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Rho ... nice to meet you too! I've been around for several years now. Short bio: 57 yo, married 35 years, two sons. Older son, 32, is physically disabled/dependent on a wheelchair/high intelligence, lived independently for 9 years, recently moved into a more structured setting which has been ... meh. Younger son, 21, chronic migraine sufferer, finishing his last year of college in Nashville, songwriting/production, currently driving me crazy. My husband and I are on the countdown to retirement 2/2021. I'm 5'8" and have been as much as 140 pounds overweight. Lost 80 pounds with MFP, gained 40 back, currently following an IF lifestyle of 19:5 and have lost 26 of the 40. Still have between 58 and 68 pounds to goal.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sharon I agree with Carol. You are gorgeous.