

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did 10lb down DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Denise Austin Blast Away the Pounds DVD

    Barbara – we know what you have on your mind – that ice cream!

    Jrsepe – welcome back

    Glad our clocks go back next weekend. Just wish they never went back

    Last night woke up around 2 to sweating, so I played some mahjongg on my tablet.

    Have to leave in a bit to get my oil changed. Then I think we’re going to cut the solar cover to fit the pool. The other one just wore out. Actually, they’re supposed to last about 5 years and we had ours 7, so it was time

    Okie – what kind of costume will the group be using for the party?

    ThinnerLiz – yeaaaaa My daughter used to live in Reston, VA

    Did a load of laundry then made a roast for this week. Things just don’t seem to come out juicy in the oven

    Michele in NC
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Suzi Q- I got a giggle when I imagined a bunch of muddy yogis! It would be like those Mud Races, Tough Mudder Yoga! I would need pictures for that! lol

    KJ - Exactly my thoughts this morning. I am a nature girl at heart, but not that much! I envision downward dog and sleeping baby......hopefully next Saturday's weather cooperates.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    ThinnerLiz wrote: »
    There is hope for those of us who are older; that whole "you can't lose weight after menopause" is a myth. We just have to be really diligent about what we eat, and make sure to exercise more. (Unless there are other underlying medical issues, of course, I realize it's not the same for everyone!)

    I agree 100%. I was actually typing up a message with my results thus far. I am very fortunate to have no real health-related issues. Thank you for sharing!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,113 Member
    Something is out of whack. Between my morning nap and my post lunch nap, I have been dozing half the day. My energy is gone. I had blood work two months ago, so it's not that. I don't feel depressed just lethargic. I don't use caffeine, and I seem to sleep at night too. Hmm. Maybe the apnea is back? Or I am eating too much sugar? I did eat some treats yesterday. Hmm. I need to drag myself to the gym this afternoon. I can do half a mile before my hip gives out. My hip is better now, so I don't have to be sedentary, but I have the habit. I just feel so sluggish.
    Annie in Delaware
  • jrsepe12
    jrsepe12 Posts: 34 Member
    Hope everyone has a terrific weekend. Off to grandsons birthday party...here’s hoping that I do more running around with the kids than snacking!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member

    Annie - I'm having a low energy day too. It's been raining nearly all day and I haven't been able to drag myself to the exercise room for bonus calories, or even go round the corner to shop for food. I will phone the Indian restaurant for tandoori tonight. Just been a slug. Watched some good recorded tv though. :D DH is delighted that England won the Rugby World Cup semi finals.
    I did do my morning routine of exercises, so not all is lost.
    I don't know how to change the timer on the boiler for the clocks going back. :s:#
    Good tv tonight, so the sofa is still calling. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,425 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    There are many new and established members who have either asked or suggested they need some tips and tricks or are lacking in motivation. This post is to help those who need it or are interested.

    One of my selfie-born friends on MFP kept urging me to take pictures along my journey. I am not of that mold and prefer to be the one taking the pictures of others. I still remember my 6-year old self and the joy I felt when my father gave me his Kodak Brownie. I have been taking pictures ever since.

    This spoiler shows my progress to date. I did not have a start photo so I picked one from the beginning of this year that shows where I started.

    January 19, 2019, far left – Me, gleaning a field for the food challenged. Gleaning dates back through the ages and anyone interested should check this out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleaning

    September 19, 2019, middle – Selfie to show a somewhat before. Note: I started my latest journey on 08/24/19.

    October 25, 2019, far right – Today, me, being silly. I decided to try a smaller shirt. I really did not think it would be appropriate. Notice the definition in my calves and arms. This is not from sweating at the gym. This is from adding movement when and where I can.


    Also for those who are interested and looking for meal planning and/or adding exercise to your day. There are some repeats here.
    Adding Exercise
    1. I added exercise very slowly. I would walk in place during commercials while watching TV or on a conference call. I am now actively walking at least 30 minutes in the morning before work. On days when the weather is not cooperating I make sure I am walking inside and/or try to walk at least 10-15 minutes during my work day. My co-workers are getting used to me walking the floor.
    2. I am using very light weights for my arms. I will continue adding reps when I can. I either take the weights with me while I walk or use them while I am watching TV.
    3. I generally do not like “exercise”. I have had to trick myself. I live in a townhome and my washer and dryer are downstairs while the bedrooms and closets are upstairs. I walk separate clothing types up when hung/folded. For example, short-sleeve shirts, long-sleeve shirts, shorts, pants, dress pants, panties, bras, socks, towels, etc. all get put in place one by one. This typically adds approximately 10-15 minutes of stair climbing to a chore. That is where I am gaining the calf definition. If you do not have stairs you can still walk separate items and put away.
    4. While shopping even if I am only running in to pick up one or two things I walk up and down the non-trigger isles. Again, adding 5-10 minutes of walking I would not be doing.
    5. I am also getting back in to things I loved when I was younger. Yoga and swimming are two things I enjoy and have slowly been working towards adding in to my normal routine.

    Food and Intake
    • It is much easier for me to control what is in the house because I live alone. When my husband was alive and/or I had roommates I designative “my” own shelf and sections within the refrigerator, freezer, pantry, etc. at “my eye” level. I only looked at my areas when I was hungry. Being single I simply keep the stuff out of the house. If I want a trigger food I must go out and buy a single serve or I have to make it from scratch. Most days I find I really do not want it.
    • Shopping. I make a list and stick to the list. There is no more, oh, that’s on sale, or oh, I have not had those in a while. Of course, if it’s on sale and healthy, I will buy it as I cannot pass up a good bargain.
    • After shopping that day or the next I clean all vegetables, fruits, etc. I love hummus and vegetables. The vegetables are cleaned and cut in to usable pieces. The hummus is taken from the original container and put in to portion-sized containers. This helps me control my portions.
    • My meals are planned. I work Monday through Friday and really try to plan my lunches out for the week. Lunches and breakfasts are planned and ready to go. If I am eating salads I make it the night before which is extremely easy because all of the vegetables are cleaned and ready to go. I did invest in some SnapWare so I could keep the lettuce and vegetables separate (I dislike soggy salads).
    • For salad dressing. I invest in good-quality vinegars. I used the vinegar freely and add a teaspoon of a healthy oil (olive, avocado, or walnut).
    • Being single I do not always want to make a full dinner (most I precook and are easy to reheat and eat). I do keep some healthier frozen options in the freezer for those days where I do not want to think or clean up. I typically buy on sale and make sure servings are 400 calories or less. I also make sure there is a high fiber content. I do not care for frozen meats in most of those types of pre-made frozen meals so most tend to be vegetarian versions (and no fake meat for me – either eat meat or not – there is no such thing for me as oh, that tastes like chicken – LOL!).
    • I feel eggs get a bad rap. During the weekend I boil up a few. They make a healthy protein-filled snack and/or an easy breakfast or salad add-in.
    • My diet is mostly plant-based. I do eat meat once or twice a week. I make sure I get the minimum-required dairy in daily (us not so young gals need to track this).
    • I weigh myself every day and record it. Recent studies have shown people attempting to lose or maintain do a much better job of it weighing themselves daily.
    • MFP is a wonderful tool if used daily. I record everything I eat, drink, or taste. On the weekends while putting meals together I forward add my intake. It helps me stay on track.
    • Oh, and the measuring spoons and cups are on the counter. They are used every day for every meal.

    I am in lose-weight mode and am determined to reach maintenance. I do have to keep reminding myself of my goals – to look and feel better. It is a challenge. We are the only ones who can do this. Being kind and gentle to ourselves certainly helps, but sometimes we have to be a drill sergeant too!

    I hope this is helpful to some. I am off to complete my meal planning and laundry!
    SuziQ – SFL

    SuziQ - thank you for posting this! Wow, all kinds of great inspiration this morning!!

    Annie in Delaware
    - have you checked your blood pressure and pulse recently? Since my BP tends to run on the higher side, we've had the home blood pressure cuff for years. A couple times a week I'd take it, several times throughout the day, and write it and the pulse reading down in a little notebook. I've noticed since my surgery on Aug 26th, my BP is now running in the good range 95% of the time, but my pulse tends to hang in the 40's and 50's whereas this summer it was nearly always in the 60's and 70's.

    I mentioned this to the nurse yesterday when I went in for the allergy shots, she put the pulse oximeter on me. Wow, what a range! She said do not get alarmed, this is normal for folks who have palpitations due to coffee, stress, anxiety, etc. I'm generally heavy on the coffee. Ordered my own little gadget from Amazon which should arrive today.

    She said keep an eye on it though, if I don't have energy or feel faint at times, then by all means schedule a visit with the doc. We are using a new blood pressure cuff here which also could be measuring the pulse rate differently. And I'm back doing a lot of walking and my Tai Chi/breathing exercises.

    Annie - if your lack of energy doesn't improve, it might be time to have the doctor dig a little deeper. Take care.

    SW WA State
  • shardwilk
    shardwilk Posts: 41 Member
    I went walking today for the first time in almost 2 weeks. The weather has been way cooler but I just haven't been motivated to walk. I started back up on snacking throughout the day and my recent 3lb loss has been erased. I have started several morning logging my meals but I never make it to the end of the day. It's only 10 in the morning and I've eaten half of my calories (and that includes the extra earned from my walking). But I'm trying to remain positive and see if I can salvage the rest of the day. I am happy that I still logged everything so far today because when I start snacking I usually just say forget it, keep eating and stop logging. I wake up so positive in the morning, determined but then it's like at the first sight of food, my willpower goes to zil.

    I know that I should probably plan out all my meals and snacks (I usually only plan out dinners for my family) so that's one thing I am going to work on but I just have been so horrible with resisting food temptations.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Happy Saturday, ladies! <3

    SuziQ - that's something about your roofing costs but sounds like it will be well worth it. Great to have it spread over 120 residents, and doing it all at one time is wonderful.

    Barbara AHMOD
    - what rotten news about the new water heater's shut off valve. What great news about the plumber being your neighbor and coming so quickly. Kudos to Tumble!!

    Pip - how thoughtful folks are to have given you flowers in memory of Floyd! Is your kitty inside with Yogi all day? If so, perhaps they are keeping each other company.

    Barbie - hoping you get some great neighbors. We've been really lucky so far, tho I wouldn't mind a younger (than us) couple with older kids who wouldn't mind earning a few extra dollars helping me weed the flower beds. Ours isn't a designated older community like yours is, it just has turned out that way.

    - love that "stay in your lane" cartoon. So true, lol. Your nursing home (employer) sounds really neat. In our community, we have more upper scale ones for folks who can afford it, some that are assisted living/nursing care which allow pets (um....not a good place-hard to keep clean-often smelly) and then nursing homes with mostly Medicaid folks, some who are in bad shape and some who just have no where else to go. I figure if I make it to 90 then get some terminal disease, I'm going to start bungee jumping, taking parachute lessons, drive race cars, etc. Make it quick but having fun, lol. B)

    - wow, sorry about your dad! Poor fella!
    ThinnerLiz - I so appreciate your post. It's exactly what I needed to read, so inspiring. <3 Having put on a few pounds after a year of injuries and surgery - (due to cutting back exercise and heading toward the candy/cookie/ice cream :( ), lowering carbs is working. Maybe not reflected on the scale so much as jeans are now more comfy.

    OK ladies, make it a wonderful weekend!! <3

    Sunny but chilly SW WA State

    Yup, bootz is inside with him
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Kelly, my current audio book is set in Northern lower Michigan in a small town in Lake Michigan so I can't help thinking of you as I listen.

    :)Pip, some people in my neighborhood have their Airstream in their driveway getting ready for a trip and I think of you as I walk by their house every morning.

    :) My line dance class yesterday had 46 students which is the highest this year. There was so much conversation and laughter that it was hard to quiet everyone down to go over the dances. I love to see the laughter and friendship.

    :) My big yard chore for the weekend will be sifting the compost to remove all the pieces that didn't compost completely. I love seeing how vegetable peelings and plant pieces turn into beautiful black dirt.

    :) Jake fixed lunch yesterday (he always does on line dance days) and it was pork chops that he'd bought on sale and found out how to prepare by looking online. He was very pleased with the result. He used items from the freezer for two side dishes.

    :) Our neighbors across the street sold their house and are almost totally moved out. It will be interesting to see who moves in.

    :) The dogs are being very patient but in a few minutes our walking friend will arrive and we'll head out for the after breakfast walk. We walk with our friend for about an hour and then Sasha and I walk for another hour.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    That’s funny, I think of us too when I see that
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Happy Saturday, ladies! <3
    SuziQ - that's something about your roofing costs but sounds like it will be well worth it. Great to have it spread over 120 residents, and doing it all at one time is wonderful.

    Sunny but chilly SW WA State

    Our buildings were built pre-Hurricane Andrew. After Andrew it was realized the building codes were not up to par for the millions of structures built in "hurricane alley". So as you can imagine there will be a lot of work done to bring the roofs and mansards up to code. The association is planning on using some of the money for our fences to be redone and upgrading some of the landscaping. Previous board members shrunk from the homeowners (there are a few vocal ones here) anytime major rework or repairs had to be made. So many things that should have been done years ago will need to be completed. I am very fortunate because Charlie and I purchased our unit well prior to the housing explosion so I am OK with the cost. About a third of the residents purchased during the the housing boom (prior to the fall out) and paid upwards of $200-300k (almost 5x more than we did) and another third purchased after the fall out and more recently at $190k-240k. The investment will be worth it and I am really looking forward to feeling like I am coming home to a new place. I am also looking forward to the return on the investment when I finally am able to relocate to a place where I can see and hike mountains. :smiley:
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    For these events, it's just my husband. He helps with the food and likes meeting and talking to the riders. On bigger events, there will be more.

    In both Canada and Australia, we finish our classes and then have something they are now calling SWOT-VAC (Study without teacher vacation??). I know it as Study Week ... a week between the end of classes and the beginning of the Exam Period during which time we are supposed to study our brains out.
    Then my next course starts on Nov 11!!
    Machka in Oz

    Wow, you are one busy gal. Greg, dear boyfriend, used to ride too. So I really cannot believe you get this done with 2 and a few doing basic support.

    After reading about how finals are completed in Canada and Australia I am leaning towards it being the better method. It allows a person to brush up where it is needed and also is a better test of retention.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    For these events, it's just my husband. He helps with the food and likes meeting and talking to the riders. On bigger events, there will be more.

    In both Canada and Australia, we finish our classes and then have something they are now calling SWOT-VAC (Study without teacher vacation??). I know it as Study Week ... a week between the end of classes and the beginning of the Exam Period during which time we are supposed to study our brains out.
    Then my next course starts on Nov 11!!
    Machka in Oz

    Wow, you are one busy gal. Greg, dear boyfriend, used to ride too. So I really cannot believe you get this done with 2 and a few doing basic support.

    After reading about how finals are completed in Canada and Australia I am leaning towards it being the better method. It allows a person to brush up where it is needed and also is a better test of retention.

    Audax/Randonneuring has quite an element of self-sufficiency about it. Some rides are run with no support ... the organiser waves the riders off and greets them when they return. We usually try to get out to at least one control along the way, but if there are more controls, riders will need to fend for themselves. They go into shops or cafes and get their cards signed and get something to eat or drink.

    It's also not a race. Riders ride with an average speed somewhere between 15 km/h and 30 km/h including all breaks. The last one over the line (within the 15 km/h minimum speed) wins as much as the first one over the line.

    The main events are:
    200 km with a time limit of 13 hours 30 min
    300 km with a time limit of 20 hours
    400 km with a time limit of 27 hours
    600 km with a time limit of 40 hours

    Then there are some longer events too ... 1000Ks and 1200Ks. The 1000 km has a time limit of 75 hours and the 1200s have a time limit of 90 hours. The time limit is a little bit more relaxed for these longer events.

    Those time limits include all breaks for eating, toilet, sleeping or whatever.

    Usually a rider has to complete the four basic rides in order to qualify for the longer rides.

    I've been doing this since 2001 and I've done one 1000 km and four 1200 kms (in 4 different countries) as well as numerous qualifier events over the years. The last one we did was a 300 km a couple weeks before my husband's accident in 2018.

    This weekend, we're running what's called a Nouveau Randonneur series: 50 km, 100 km, and 150 km (ours is 160 km). It's kind of a warm-up series ... getting the legs ready to go. :)

    The next two we're running are 200 km events (one hilly, one not so much). :)

    It's an international thing with the parent organisation in France: http://www.audax-club-parisien.com/EN/

    Audax Australia: https://audax.org.au/
    Randonneur USA: https://rusa.org/
    Audax UK: http://www.aukweb.net/
    Audax Japan: https://www.audax-japan.org/en/audax-japan/
    BC Randonneurs: http://www.randonneurs.bc.ca/

    I could go on but the BC Randonneurs have quite a good links page: http://www.randonneurs.bc.ca/links/links.html to all/most of the clubs/organisations.

    And then there's the organisation who control the long rides (1000s and 1200s):

    They've got a ride calendar of all the long ones going on in 2020:

    And one final thing ... this is how I met my husband! We were riding the Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 back in 2003, and met. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,378 Member