

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    KJ- They look identical brothers! They will have lots of fun as they get older he has his mini me .

    Did better on exercise yesterday stepped it up a notch. Went over by only 100cal so better than before went down a pound so need to keep it up.

    Sw 195
    Cw 153.6

    Still trying the worm wood meds but only costipated with it y chili with beans isn’t helping anything . Still doing this every few 5years has been my routine since birth but usually it’s Doctor prescription meds not herbal. I rather try herbal see if it works.

    Amber Tx
    Time change sluggish (heard some states want to get rid of it I hope so times are different now so no reason to keep it theirs street lights to safer transportation even)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,061 Member
    Karen congratulations on Lillianna. Think it is wonderful that he gets to hear Temple speak. Will the talk be on you-tube like the other one was?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    tomdelia1 wrote: »
    I'm 75 and I'm in, too! But my issue is maintenance. I lost 18 pounds over the spring and summer with 1250 calories daily and 20-22 minutes on my recumbent bike. I was terrified to take a 2-week vacation back East with family in mid-October. With discipline, but allowing myself one small treat each day, I "gained" only two pounds and was back to my low weight in three days. Water weight from the long flight from Philadelphia to Idaho? lol Now I must keep the faith and tracking for the next two months over the very tempting holidays.

    :) I have been maintaining my weight with the help of this thread for a few years. Maintenance requires the same discipline from me as losing weight. I stick with the same eating and exercise principles and don't ever lose sight of my goal of continuing to fit in the same clothes year after year. I walk my dogs every morning, no matter what the weather, go to two line dance classes a week, and ride my recumbent exercise bike for an hour or more each day while watching TV. I hope you will keep coming back.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    My elder son hardly ever contacts me, but I see him regularly on Utube. :D
    He has been down to me recently more than once, so I owe him a visit. Must get up there, but it's expensive. They have no room in their house and three big dogs!!!!!
    Sometimes it upsets me when I never get a card or present, but I know he loves me. I continue to send him something.
    I did keep my parents in the loop, but often resented it.
    I try to demand nothing from my children. They are free to live their lives as they want. Any demand from my parents made me pull the opposite way.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • knitski2002
    knitski2002 Posts: 64 Member
    edited November 2019
    Watched the grandson last night as usual. He was really wound up. When he wasn't bouncing up and down he was running around the living room. I was constantly guarding the corners of end tables to keep him from having a very nasty accident. Fortunately we all survived.
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome Newbies!!

    I am so far behind and this weekend we head to Michigan to Nephew's wedding and lots of family! Can't wait to go see everyone, but I will miss reading from all of you! Can't believe I am so far behind. I have spent evenings wrapped in my electric throw the past few nights binging on Hallmark Christmas movies. :blush: Hubby was out of town so I had the tv to myself. Don't sleep much when he is gone...

    Barbie and KJ Thank you for always keeping us up to date!

    Ginny So sorry you are having trouble with the with the muscle and knee pain! So frustrating when you are trying to get through PT and keeping active!

    Viv Hope your sister in law does okay with the treatments and has full recovery!

    Karen So sorry about your fur baby!

    Kate Sorry you lost your Mom’s key ring. So hard when we lose things we can’t replace! I have been without my Momma the same number of years…feels like forever. Miss her SO much. Especially hard during the holidays!

    Rebecca Great photos!! Love when family is around!

    Happy Monday and Happy Week! Goals for November and December for me are to not undo any of the weight loss since January. Will start trying to lose again in the new year! The holidays and wedding will be a challenge, but at least I have gotten great at turning away dessert. Still need to keep moving more...

    <3 Luci in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,361 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well my brain, bladder, and the dogs remain on DST, lol. :D

    The discussion about children not keeping in touch, I too am ashamed of my lack of communication with my parents for decades. I'd call on holidays, write letters every month or two. Back then, long distance was expensive. Living over 2000 miles from them was part of the reason, kind of out of sight out of mind. Also, a lot of homesickness on my part and not wanting to appear "needy". Despite that, they always came through for birthdays and Christmas as best they could and we were grateful.

    When I reached my late 40's the light bulb came on that they were getting older and I made it a point to call once a week, and fly back home at least once a year.

    I think guys are naturally much worse at communicating, at least in my family. It just doesn't seem to register. :/

    Barbara AHMOD - I am looking forward to the Better Bones DVD. I did flip through some of the pix on the website and saw the exercise bands, what looked like planks and other torture, lol. Hoping I have enough background with various strength training and PT exercises I do that I won't cork myself. My knees have been cranky with the change in weather AND change in shoes. So I am hoping some warm-ups like calf and hamstring stretches are included in the DVD.

    Back from my walk; it's foggy. I've been reading more about the benefits of walking, and according to some researchers, they are finding that 4400 steps and above really show an improvement in health up to 7500 steps. Beyond that, it doesn't seem there are further benefits. I've been backing off my 8000 steps/day initial goal, and feel good when I hit 7,000. I plan to hit the gym's treadmill once or twice a week with the weather getting frosty - I don't mind the rain, actually enjoy it, but our private road is paved and shaded by trees = black ice.

    Nonetheless, I applaud any and all of you who get 10,000 steps or more per day! When we lived on the farm and I had country roads to walk without much traffic, 10,000+ steps was a lot easier and I always enjoyed the scenery and fresh air.

    Ok ladies, that's it for now. Sending hugs all around! Welcome newbies! Have a great week!! <3

    SW WA State
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Shirley- I gave up bought ton of baby proofing stuff . I’ll fight the sticky glue junk it leaves behind later on but it’s stopped JRs continuous head bumps when he stood up or slammed into or tried to pry open stuff. Now I only worry about keeping up with him lol the occasional jump off of something he climbed faster than I can blink!

    Thanksgiving shrinking fast 💨. Calling adopted cousins to 3rd cousins ,Aunt,Uncles,etc lots can’t come this year so we may have to figure this out. Adopted 2nd cousin (half sibling to cousins kids) said her baby can’t come because new court agreement says it’s Biological Daddy’s day with baby. Adopted 2nd cousin’s cousin (half sibling to 1st one y cousins kids) who was adopted when a car accident killed the parents (not biologically to anyone but him is related from his paternal side) can’t come still in college y job y Thanksgiving elsewhere. Another 2nd Cousin can’t come because she finished college got a job on another state Alabama I think good news is it’s a great head chef cook position. Daughter will be Navy Thanksgiving dinner on base. Grandma y Uncle can’t come due to his work schedule. Some have to have 3 Thanksgivings (bio Dad family,Bio Mom Family,y new spouses family especially the one with new babies).Cousin 1st y hubby ate divorcees so Thanksgiving with their kids from previous marriages separately.etc etc etc
    Looks like it might be a tiny table of us we used to borrow tables from a church y chairs ate outside y inside both to fit us all. What a mess still not sure what to make if I should might be too much food,but on a diet so need something healthy in case y for JR.

    Amber Tx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    Katla - I am soooooo happy that you are seeing so much of your family after all this time. <3

    Had my email hacked. Someone got into it through my friend with the lung cancer. Grrrrrr! I have now changed my password, which wasn't the easiest thing in the world. :s I hope that clears it up.

    Glad to be home. The new au pair seems lovely and joined in with Edie and DH playing PickASticks. Max got hyper stupid (jealous reaction to the au pair) so he was exiled for a while. Edie is the ace communicator. Max the geeky brainbox. But his behaviour was not pleasant and we let him know. He went off to read Harry Potter.
    I showed the au pair how to use the oven and where the chicken nuggets and oven fries were. I don't think she had ever seen such things! Then we made our excuses and left. Phew! I loved the day and making the cup cakes, but I had had enough by 4.30.
    Had fish soup for dinner.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lisa ~ You have become a very strong woman after leaving a marriage that didn't work. We all really admire you and your spunk!

    Carol in GA