
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Been writing a lot of late, as if some small dam burst again. Not back into the fiction side yet, guys, so my apologies for those who asked for a sequel to my first novel... Flak may never come back, it appears she may have served her purpose. She's headed toward a cave somewhere in West Texas the last I saw of her.

    Still waiting on the university provost to approve the federal collaborative grant, but it's just pushing a button once they do, unless they require substantive changes, which would be a complete PITA.

    Small triumph yesterday - actually logged everything! (first time I've made it through an entire day in a long time and not just thrown my hands up and given up). Ate under my calories. Not my set calories, but set plus exercise. Baby steps, you know. Each day that I'm under my 1250 set calories plus my exercise calories this week, I'm calling it a win. Then I'll inch it down over the rest of the month, a few hundred calories at a time. Trying to sneak it past my reluctant psyche.

    Also trying to convince myself now to go to the gym and do my resistance work. Not my favorite thing, expecially on a freezy morning... but shall drag myself out the door. Once I'm there, I'll be fine... And then I need to come back and see how far I can get on one of the grand's quilts, and not be tempted outside by a sunny day.

    Welcome back Rebecca! We missed your smiling face, and we're glad you're home.

    Welcome back, Cari from North Texas, as well. Well done on your weight loss!

    Welcome to the new ones. We're glad you're here! Come back and post often.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,805 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Kim – I normally use a piece of parchment paper on my cakes. Only this one was in a bundt cake pan and for the life of me, I can’t find a way to get parchment paper in it. Or at least so that the cake will still come out with the bundt pan ridges.

    Michele NC

    Not sure what kind of cake you were baking in the bundt pan. But did you heavily grease with shortening and then flour?
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Got my extra hour of sleep in and still woke up at a "respectable" 6am! (this is what I love about the autumn time change). Unlike many others, I don't mind the getting darker earlier in the day. As a morning person, I will take the extra light in the morning; when I like to do my walks. So...for a couple of weeks, I will have a bit of light in the morning. lol Then the daylight become shorter, still, and I will be walking in darkness (sounds like a very dramatic book title) again.
    Rebecca- So glad you had a good time with your sis! I have never been to a "noodle" place, but I would love to try one. Ramen noodles are my comfort food. I also love to watch the travel shows and see people eating at the local "noodle" vendors or "street food" vendors.
    Barbara- My CDA is a child development associate certification. It is not an associates degree; but it means we have taken the extra training needed to be preschool lead teachers. I am a bit ambivalent about the whole thing; as it is pretty much a meaningless piece of paper that I will have to take a test and pay for the certificate. I have no plans of being a lead teacher in a preschool. I don't need it to continue being a childcare provider. BUT...I am going to get it as a "just in case" something were to happen to me or my home and I would need to be employed at a center. I, personally, would rather take some college classes and get an actual degree in child dev. or business management and take my childcare home into another direction; but haven't got the money right now to do that. SO...I am getting things in place to get my CDA, if my zoning approval for a group daycare comes through, and I can start taking more children, I might just sign up for some online classes and go for the degree, instead.
    Michele- count me in with the ladies who grease and flour the bundt pans! The cooling before removal is key, though.
    Machka- I love to hear about your organized rides! So inspiring that you and DH are still enjoying those! I remember when you posted a pic of DH's first ride after the accident. <3

    Well, more of you I wanted to chat with but I have been up and down doing little chores (laundry, dinner in crock pot, dishes washed) as I have been reading and writing, here. Time has gotten away from me and I still need to get my walk in for the day. It is another "gray" fall day and I guess I better get that in before the rain/slush/hail begins. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Michele - have you ever used the non-stick cake spray? I never have, but there are some great reviews on Amazon.

    Bananas - I have often read that post menopausal women should have a BMI in the higher range of healthy, so yours sounds just about right now. It is so much better for the bones.
    Mine is around 24 normally, but I am slightly up at the moment and trying to lose it. I would love to be back at 23.9. :D
    I also don't want to look 'scraggy' which is not a good look at my age. :#
    I was going out for a run, but it seems to be drizzling. I will get on the elliptical instead.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :)bananasandoranges, I'm glad to see you posting again. I've missed your newsy and thought provoking posts.

    :# I hate the time change. Just leave the clocks alone and stop confusing me.

    :) Jake cooked spicy beans in the slow cooker yesterday and today we'll eat them with pork chops. It is so great to see him enthusiastic about cooking even if it isn't exactly what I would normally eat.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Allie - when I was looking for work from Jan to June I sent out close to 1000 resumes and only had 5 calls. I did talk to 2 professional career consultants and together we worked on my resume. I would happily share my resume with you if you would like to see the format. I did learn through it all though that it needs to be maximum 2 pages and the cover letter is more important. I hope you find something soon you deserve a break.

    Rebecca - you and your sister are beautiful and happy looking.

    I noticed yesterday people in my neighbourhood took advantage of the nice weather and have put their Christmas decorations out. I hope they aren’t turned on at night already but won’t be surprised if they are. I don’t know if I am totally against early decorating, people spend thousands on them, they should enjoy them.

    I am off to go figure out what to do with my day.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Tracey , that would be great, I have been in alot of deverse jobs in my career.the one I am in now has been the longest at 13 yrs.. but I know longer want to be in this job, I want the rest of my working years to be in some semi stress free enviorment, I feel my calling is to work with the elderly and so I am looking into all avenues of that..
    would love to work at a senior center ,but we have a small one , and there are already quite a few people working there
    I am sure the good lord has something in the works for me, he has always steered me in the right direction
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited November 2019
    Managed to add 400 bonus calories on to my daily total. :D Elliptical and recumbent bike. 1,000 again. :drinker:

    I need it because we've got chilli tonight with alcohol, and tomorrow I won't have time to exercise before the two eldest grandchildren arrive. I am planning cupcake making. I bought extra supplies today and I have new decorations, including 'gaming' cake toppers, funny penguins and popping candy. :o:D
    I'm sure it will be absolute chaos, but at least Bea won't be here. I'll get it all set up in the morning before they arrive. I'm going to try to give them each a work station.
    After lunch we are going back to their house to meet the new au pair who arrived this afternoon.

    Chilli smells amazing in the IP. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Tracey , that would be great, I have been in alot of deverse jobs in my career.the one I am in now has been the longest at 13 yrs.. but I know longer want to be in this job, I want the rest of my working years to be in some semi stress free enviorment, I feel my calling is to work with the elderly and so I am looking into all avenues of that..
    would love to work at a senior center ,but we have a small one , and there are already quite a few people working there
    I am sure the good lord has something in the works for me, he has always steered me in the right direction

    What is your email address? You can send it in private message if you prefer.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Suzi- Thanks. The winter y time change have me all thrown off had a perfect diet to food platform for spring summer now Falls making me fall we haven’t even hit winter yet . Taco 🌮 today y chili later .Crystal light maybe a Gatorade zero. Snacks (still figuring this out balance wise are cereal last night but was still hungry bam 💥 over ate. So trying a different snack tonight hopefully it will work. The only day that went right I ate the last 2 apples 🍎 peeled as a snack but now out of apples. Hubby got groceries so hopefully having more to choose from will help. Hard for him having toddler snacks around (but JR won’t eat many things so need them still till he’s older soon enough. For me over doing healthy options y Halloween 🎃 candy isn’t helping temptation to have just 1 (80cal for a dime sized KitKat or pb cup!) . Just got to keep trying to find what will work. Summer y spring I crave light foods y snacks.Cold hits bam need hardy items but many of those max out calories fast! So finding my new routine but hard (last winter gained 15+ lbs back didn’t have a app or knowledge then).
    Exercise routine y learning a new balance a simple sushi 🍣 with 1/2 - 1 apple 🍎 for lunch is like eating 🍽 an empty plate now. Chili as we all know still 330-440 cal a meal by itself but filling. Got gas up a storm call me Exxon Mobile Lol 😂. Need to find time to cook up a steak 🥩 4oz with veggies fills a person up real good but no time. Soup with extra lean meat y veggies my go to cause I can make days worth easy clean up. Dreading Thanksgiving dinner “BIRTHDAY CAKE or PIE 🥧 made by a older aunt” . Will have to starve myself before I go! 1 slice of her pie yikes or cake can even make a donut company scream 😱! Real sugars to heavy cream homemade all! I can be good on the rest tho of course my dieting cousins have a break the calories bank belief for holidays so I will be making y bringing like usual the only healthy item lol to fill up on .

    Amber Tx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    sooooo here is the latest lol
    my friend Trudy and I are planning on going to NYC on the 28th of December over night she got the hotel with points.
    But Tom and Elena are going to Florida for 2 weeks and will be taking Homer and not Chester so I am supposed to watch him while there gone,, so I have to contact my brother and see if he will take care of Chester and Alfie for that weekend.. I can trust him and he has a key to the house.. so we shall see..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    i delivered pot roast to my friend Trudy who has the creeping crud, and to my buddy Lil , and still have more than enough for me...
    i didn't do much today except vacume around and am now watching golden girls... Sophie is my favorite...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Rori – what great news, and to be so close to your BMI

    Did 30 MF Plateau Buster DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do another part of the Melt It Off DVD

    Rained last night on and off, but we did have about 35 T-or-Ters. Now to take candy back to WalMart. I stood in the kitchen working on a scarf that I’m making while it was TorT time.

    JR – happy early birthday

    Pip – are you and Kirby planning to retire in the near future?

    Went to WalMart last night and got candy for a lady to give out at the school she subs in. A little over $50 worth.

    Terri – congrats on the loss!

    Welcome everyone new to a warm and great group.

    Karen VA – (HUGS) I never ceased to be amazed at how animals “know” something.

    Barbara – well, that WATP DVD was just for 30 minutes. I used to do a DVD for an hour when I took the Actonel so that the time would go by faster, but one time I did start to feel funny. So now I take it the day I take the water aerobics class. Which reminds me, I’m supposed to go to the MD for my routine physical this coming Wednesday. When I had my BDT done, the osteoporosis is back. I was afraid this would happen not being on the Prolia. He wants me to go back to Prolia which I don’t have a problem with at all. For one thing, it’s much more convenient. Get an injection and forget it for 6 months. Plus, if I’m on Prolia the prescription cost on medicare is significantly lower. Right now I’m not enrolled in a prescription plan, but I plan to be after I see him.

    Michele in NC

    Less than 2 years
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    edited November 2019