
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited November 2019
    Karen I would use his interest in cars and cats as cornerstones to his learning. Cars for the math, reading, engineering. The cats for social skills. Taking care of something other than yourself. Art use either as a starting point design computer graphics. I had a fellow teacher once say to me find the interest and use that as the gasoline to get the engine going!

    He will think and react not in ways you expect him too. I still think the film about Temple Grandin is a wonderful film to watch for anyone who is working with someone with autism. I also just recently watched the interview of her on line that was wonderful. Someone here recommended it and there was a link. Sorry I to not remember who made that post. Thank you again. I thought so highly of it that I wish when teachers have to come back and sit through one more workshop on teaching a math strategy that this was so much better because she is inspiring. I will take inspiration any day. I can always go back and learn another technique. Inspiration is rarer.

    Often it is very difficult for children with this to make transitions well and to connect socially. Often their nervous system are very sensitive so touch and loud noises are difficult for them. It always amazes me that that does not stop they from screaming themselves. As a teacher been there done that with them more than I wished to.

    Ask yourself what lead up to you getting so frustrated. Easy to have happen when working with children with this condition. When you find the things are starting to escalate that is the time to change the channel.

    He is so lucky so have you in his life.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Well, took the cake that I made for the Newcomers out of the pan and even tho I let it cool for 2 hours, it still stuck. I can't take something like that with me! Vince will get it. So I'm making another one, but this time I'll let it cool for 3 hours.

    Michele NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Just finished reading Keep Pain in the Past by Chris Cortman

    Some of the examples he uses are heart breaking. The up side was reading about those working through the steps of grieving the trauma so the trauma no longer holds power over their lives.

    He does suggest writing about what you learned after each chapter. I did not do this on the the first read through.

    He did have some clients that when they told of him of their traumas they were not able to come back to see treatment through with him. I can understand how that can happen. Stating the trauma was all they could handle at the time.

    The note that really rang true for me was what he called Mr. Avoidance. The way I interpreted this was the habits I have that numb me so I don't deal with the pain that is causing the problem.

    I also liked the analogy he used how the root of the problem can be like a splinter in your big toe and it will cause you pain until the splinter comes out. Once it is out healing begins.

    I think a better title for the book is Healing the Pain in Your Past. The title might already be out there so he choose this one instead. Because it really wasn't about keeping the pain rather working through the pain and letting it go.

    I know the book had an effect on me. I do feel lighter in spirit after reading this book. Beauty in the Broken Places also helped me spiritually.

    I think both books touched that place that people do make through horrendous events in their lives and find a way to not let those events have destructive power over them any longer. There is no right or wrong way to achieve this. Sometimes people me included just find they are in a place they are relieved they survived.

    I have a saying in my meditation spot. Grow through what you go through. Seems fitting.

    :heart: Margaret

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    SuziQ – I try to say to people “is there anything I can get for you sir” or “here you go sir”. Just gives people a sense of dignity. It may not work for some people, but I do get a lot of “thank you”s. I just say “you’re very welcome” Do others do this? I don’t know. But I’ll just continue to do it. What do you do with the food you pick? Donate it? What a beautiful park! Avocados are on sale at Aldi so I’ll get some on my way back from exercise Monday. Can’t wait. Then have to leave them out to ripen.

    Michele NC

    Hi Michele.
    I think your volunteer spirit is wonderful. The non-profit coordinating the gleaning brings the vegetables to soup kitchens and food banks throughout Palm Beach County. It's a big organization. Over the years they have bought trucks, forklifts, crates, etc. to bring the produce in from the fields and to deliver it. If a group of volunteers from a specific organization gathers to pick for its food bank the non-profit will directly deliver it there. My boss is a member of the Junior League and I gleaned with her group one weekend. All of those vegetables went to the Junior League's food band for distribution. It's a really cool and inventive way to feed the food challenged. The farms closest to me grow mostly peppers and tomatoes. There are a few farms further north in Palm Beach where cabbage, cauliflower and corn are grown and the farmers allow those fields to be gleaned too.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome willowsbough let us know what you would like to be called and your location. We are a chatty, positive, supportive bunch. Keep coming back and chime in whenever you feel like it. No need to reply to everyone, love your goals, btw

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Thank you Karen :heart:
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Soup 🥣 soup 🍜 soup 🍲- my now go to for winter dieting lol.

    Turkey chili lots of veggies not spicy. Crystal light peach 🍑 mango 🥭 tea. Last of a pasta dish I made.

    Sw 195
    Cw 154

    Walked a lot today with JR getting his candy highs out (1 piece = 💯 loop de loops)
    Amber Tx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    done and dusted, I have my clocks turned back, jammies on and having lemon jasmine tea, and watching lifetime movies ~
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,803 Member
    Another day done and dusted! Planters are planted!
    Heather:You inspired me today and I walked to our local shops for meat and the paper, instead of walking indoors. The weather stayed dry, but I was prepared for rain!

    ☘️ Terri
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) Part of what I did today was to spend time on my exercise bike while watching the latest episode of "The Great Canadian Baking Show" and "Battle of the Blades". We are so fortunate to get CBC as a station from our cable provider. Thanks to DVR recordings, I was able to watch both those evening shows in the afternoon and pause them when the dogs wanted to go for a walk.

    :) I sent the photo of the line dance class in Halloween costumes to my class email list so I've gotten lots of nice replies including several from class members who are out of state and weren't able to be in class with us.

    :)willowsbough, Welcome. I hope you will come back daily to check in with us and get the support of others who are walking a similar path.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA