

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I sent a letter to youngest Navy son. It had some pretty serious tones, but hopefully he will read it with an open heart. My husband stated no Christmas box this year, until he starts actually answering our letters and cards.


    I'm afraid if my parents sent me a letter like that, it would drive a wedge between us and I would be torn between never contacting them again (or not for a very long time) ... and firing back with an "I've got my own life" email. It wouldn't be a good thing.

    Fortunately, they never did that. My mother continued to send chatty letters about once a month, even though I went through a period of time in my early 20s when I didn't contact my parents very much. Sometimes young adults need time and space to become their own people. Then in my 30s I started communicating with them again quite regularly.

    Take this time to focus on YOU! You don't have to take care of others now, so think about things you'd like to do.
    Maybe a community class on photography, baking, crafts, archery ...
    Maybe training for the local half marathon or a cycling event ...
    Maybe volunteering ...
    Whatever interest you. :):heart:

    But ... you know your family ...

    Is your son on FB, Instagram, Twitter etc.?

    M in Oz

    Well, that is true, but if he is dealing with depression issues I would want to know. They can be positive, hard-working adults, but still know that family has to be tended. He is on his computer off and on, I get a notice that he has been on Messenger 6 minutes ago type of thing. He can be as independent as he wants, but there is a responsibility of some communicating that he should be doing. Out of plain respect.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rebecca - I understand how hurt you must be from not hearing from your son. I never went through the “ignore my parents phase”, I called home weekly and wrote letters to Mom all the years I lived away. My husband on the other hand never calls his parents, I call them and talk to them and he is willing to talk for a couple of minutes to his Mother if I hand him the phone but he hasn’t spoken to his father since 2016. I hope that resolves soon. I know it bothers his parents terribly and at first they tried to get me to force him, I finally said “I am his wife not his mother I can’t make him do anything”.

    When my girls moved away from home I never heard from them until I got a cell and they could text me. They communicated through messenger and text, but I sure missed hearing their voices. Even now neither of them think of picking up a phone and calling they just send a text. If I see them call I know it’s urgent.

    I hope your son takes the right attitude and tries to call or write a letter more frequently. In the meantime, I think Machka gave you some great ideas to help you. It was when the girls left I started scrapbooking and enjoying the crafts I had given up for years while raising them.

    Kelly - I hope you get the zoning approved, how many children would that allow you to have?

    Thanks, yep I know I have to be patient. What's frustrating is knowing his ships in port. I know every son is different, but both other two sons called us, when ship would be in dry dock, or they were walking someplace. Its just checking in. Its hard to write letters when you have no frame of reference, no feedback. It makes me go to a dark place, and those ponderings make me mad. If he's fine, then just sending a 💖 on Messenger can be done. I am not asking for the moon here.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    Wonderful Pip! And you had to run an extra .34 miles. You had a fantastic time.

    Congratulations on a great race.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly Joaquin & Miguel are darling. My heart did a little flipflop when I saw the photo of Joaquin hugging his brother.

    Pip & Kirby <3

    Karen in Virginia
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Rebecca- strongly worded letter from a loving parent is different than one from a poor relationship to start with one. He’s a guy sometimes that one time it needs to be pointed out hey we’re here! I had a sit down talk with Daughter before she left for a reason told her the truth we all know (1. Female coworkers are snakes 🐍 keep a distance lol 😂 she didn’t believe me of course got grumpy but told her how to handle it sure enough it happened the mean girls announced to the head commanders tons around on purpose that she’s a Virgin.embarassed her of course the guys wouldn’t leave her alone “Un-conquered” so she had to hide till she shipped out cling to a few trusted people she’s more careful now. 2. Keep contact cause when the day ends your service is done ✅ guess who you’ll need! Plus we’re her mailroom to storage after the mail bully issue she’s afraid of post offices. 3. At the time was still bucking the younger biological sibling - Told her when we die she gots a good 18 yrs after me him 37 so he will be the only one left to visit her or help her fix a sink to talk too even.She was only 17 when she joined so now she gets that takes classes on helping build relationships with a toddler or baby when abroad.

    Eating today
    Chili (tiny condiment bowl 🍲) on side of small airfryer light cheese y heavy spinach nachos brunch with Gatorade zero
    Chili w/ crystal light peach mango tea dinner
    Snacks unknown still but we’re finally on the new time frame. Faster than last year.

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member

    nd with that in mind, our radishes are ready to eat, the parsley is almost ready, and I've got to get out there and start picking snowpeas!!

    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've been bitten by something. I'm suspecting that a spider of some sort could be the culprit but I couldn't say for sure. It happened at some point late Wednesday or very early Thursday. I noticed it Thursday morning. The red area has grown and has been extremely itchy, somewhat sore, and slightly swollen/raised.

    Ah the joys of living in Australia. I get bit by something just about every year.

    Machka in Oz


    It has about doubled in size since yesterday.

    It happened Wed/Thurs last week ... I noticed it Thursday morning. Over the past 5 days it has gradually grown in size, but overnight last night it had a little growth spurt. Incredibly itchy plus the arm and hand are tight.

    Yes, I've been to the Dr. That's why it is outlined. And I'm on something now which we hope will contain and reduce it.

    Machka in Oz
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is King Tut Day!

    "King Tut Day celebrates the day that King Tut's tomb was discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings by British archaeologist Howard Carter, on November 4, 1922. ... King Tut, whose full name was Tutankhamun, was the 12th pharaoh of the 18th Egyptian dynasty, and reigned from roughly 1332 to 1323 BCE, assuming power at the age of nine. His original name was Tutankhaten, which means 'the living image of Aten,' but he changed it to Tutankhamun after assuming the throne, which means 'the living image of Amun.' In Egyptian mythology 'Aten' was the sun disk god. 'Amun' was a major god, sometimes called 'King of the Gods.'"

    It's been a busy few days over here but I'm really proud of how I stuck to my plan over the weekend. Now Philip has a cold so I guess tomorrow's workout will be solo. Assuming he's feeling up to a road trip in the morning, we're planning a drive to San Antonio to see Union Pacific Railroad's historic "Big Boy" steam locomotive. It's touring the U.S. throughout 2019 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of completion of the transcontinental railway. We love trains - especially stream trains - so we're indulging in a railfan day.

    Today I put the flannel sheets on the bed in the RV, so I halfway expect the temperatures to soar back into the 90s any minute now!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    Stats for the day

    Walking SF to hostel- 12.26min, and more - 176c
    Apple Watch- 165c
    Walking- hostel to warf - 2hrs 55min 47sec- 7.75mi= 739c
    Apple Watch- 829c

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Barbie in NW WA - That is sad that you could never please your mother. It sounds like you have been quite accomplished and would make any parent proud. I have a friend in a similar relationship with her mother. I think I must have the greatest parents ever. They have always been supportive of me and all my siblings. They have never expressed disappointment to us...not directly to us. If it was to someone else, I never heard about it. I am thankful for them every day.
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good evening. Not much happening here. I do have to say that I have had a VERY HARD time resisting candy from grandchildren or the office. I know I shouldn't be eating it but it goes the mouth anyways. I did record it and still had over 400 calories in my plan. I'm looking for new recipes to make just to break the boredom. My fitnesspal id is maritill.
    Hope all have a great Tues., I am going to the gym($2/Tues.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :'(<3Janetr, I am so sorry for your loss.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    edited November 2019
    HI Im Julie from Scotland and I am new to this thread and to MFP. I lost 59lbs this year by restricting heavily but then relaxed and have gained 17lbs back - have a total of 30 now to lose but going to take it more slowly. Would like to lose 7lbs this month - first month on it so that should be doable. Also want to do 3 hours of planned exercise a week and walk for 30 mins on the day I don't do other formal exercise. Finally I really want to get to know some of you lovely ladies a bit better :-)

    :)Julie, Welcome. I look forward to getting to know you. I walk my dogs every morning, go to line dance classes twice a week, and ride a stationary exercise bike while watching TV. I don't have children or a full time job, so I have lots of time to be active. Your exercise plans sound very possible and very healthy.

    <3 Barbie in NW Washington state
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did one segment of 10MS Fitness Ball Workout DVD then took the extremepump class.

    Rebecca – I agree with M. For a while I called my father once weekly but only because he kept after me to. You know, there were lots of times when I’d hold the phone away from my ear (thank goodness we didn’t have video phone!). That was during the time when I was particularly busy, getting dinner ready for 3 kids and a husband, working, lots of other things. Then, when things settled down for me somewhat I would go and see him once/week and stay with him overnight. Give ds time. Don’t make demands of him but give him time. Just be there for him, he’ll get it. When Jess was a teenager I read the book “Get Out of my Life but First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall”. One thing they said that really hit me was that the more kids pull away, the harder they come back. Boy, is that true with Jessica!

    Marianne – I find it interesting that the healthier I eat, the less appealing desserts from a bakery/store/package are to me.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Kerry – I’ve never heard of the Optavia plan. What’s it about?

    Heather – what adorable cupcakes. Did the kids decorate them? I’m sure you bought the things to decorate them.

    KJ – so happy for you. Here’s hoping everything goes well

    M – you’re getting there! So proud of you

    Janetr – so very sorry about your sister

    Michele in NC