WLS support and inspirational information



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for August 14, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Be congruent.

    Is there a difference between what you say you want and what you do? For example, do you say you want to maintain your weight, but then spend your afternoon snacking?

    Being congruent involves aligning your desires with your actions. It's hard, and it is not a skill you can master over night. Congruency is a worthy goal, however, and will greatly improve with practice.

    Action for the day: For today, practice being congruent. If you say you are tired and need to rest, don't go out dancing.

    © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at .www.nawls.com
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    This is brilliant! x
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for August 14, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Be congruent.

    Is there a difference between what you say you want and what you do? For example, do you say you want to maintain your weight, but then spend your afternoon snacking?

    Being congruent involves aligning your desires with your actions. It's hard, and it is not a skill you can master over night. Congruency is a worthy goal, however, and will greatly improve with practice.

    Action for the day: For today, practice being congruent. If you say you are tired and need to rest, don't go out dancing.

    © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at .www.nawls.com
  • shazbatty
    I'm new to the site and had a gastric band in January 2006 - started out at 300 lbs and got down to 174 lbs then ended up putting 79 lbs back on. :sad:

    Band is now empty so I'm going it alone on a diet for a while then trying a small fill see how I cope.

    Would love to keep in touch with others to encourage each other along the way.:drinker:

    Sharon x x
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    I'm new to the site and had a gastric band in January 2006 - started out at 300 lbs and got down to 174 lbs then ended up putting 79 lbs back on. :sad:

    Band is now empty so I'm going it alone on a diet for a while then trying a small fill see how I cope.

    Would love to keep in touch with others to encourage each other along the way.:drinker:

    Sharon x x

    Welcome Sharon!! You are not a failure. You can get back on track. Feel free to add me to your list of friends. You will love MFP!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    That congruent thing has occasionally caused me to change my goals. If I had one that I just never worked on, I would realize it really wasn't that important to me, I just thought I ought to have it for some reason.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for August 16, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Develop calluses on your feelings.

    Guitar players gradually develop hard calluses on their fingertips from pressing down on the narrow strings. Initially, playing can be painful and cause blisters or bleeding. But eventually, the calluses harden and enable the guitarist to play without discomfort.

    As someone who has struggled with obesity, you may have suffered more than your fair share of insensitivities and insults. You can learn to keep insults at bay and from hurting your inner self. Remind yourself that negative or hurtful comments do not define you, but your ability to rise above them does.

    Action for the day: Think of a recent time when someone made an offensive or insulting comment to you. In your journal, write about how the comment says more about the person who delivered it than about you.

    © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at .www.nawls.com
  • Raihaanah
    Raihaanah Posts: 121 Member
    Ms Molly, thnx for all the motivational advice you post here. I just found this site yestrday and started browsing the post for weight loss and found you. As you can see, Im a new BAndster and looking for any and all new info that's out there.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ms Molly, thnx for all the motivational advice you post here. I just found this site yestrday and started browsing the post for weight loss and found you. As you can see, Im a new BAndster and looking for any and all new info that's out there.

    Welcome!! You will love MFP site and I post here most days when I have time. If I don't that means I am swamped at work! Good luck to you on reaching your goals.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for August 17, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Break some eggs.

    To make an omelet, you have to break some eggs, as the old saying goes. Think about the first human to have ever made an omelet. He probably made a lot of mistakes initially--throwing the whole egg onto the hot griddle, not mixing the eggs first, not flipping them over.

    The only way we ever learn something new is when we give ourselves the freedom to screw up. There are probably a number of new things you've always longed to try, but you felt your weight got in the way. So do them now. Sign up for fiddle lessons. Give square dancing a try. Learn to crochet. Sure, your family will ask you to practice fiddle in a sound-proof room for a while, and you'll be stepping on toes and colliding with bodies during those first few barn dances. But WLS has given you a new lease on life, and now is the time to expand your horizons. It's never too late to learn.

    Action for the day: Pick one activity you have always wanted to try. Pull out the yellow pages and find a local community center or school that offers lessons and call them.

    © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at .www.nawls.com
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Don't Quit

    When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down,
    And you feel like the biggest failure in town.
    When you want to give up just because you gave in,
    and forget all about being healthy and thin.
    So What!
    You went over your calories or points a bit,
    It's your next move that counts...So don't you quit!

    It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.
    It's learning the skills to get back in your range.
    It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.
    You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."
    It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
    You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.
    To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
    If you summon the will to get back in the race.

    But, often the struggler's, when loosing their grip,
    Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.
    And learn too late when the damage is done,
    that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.
    Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,
    but facing each challenge will help you grow.
    Success is failure turned inside out,
    the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.
    When you're pushing to the brink,
    just refuse to submit,
    If you bite it, you write it....But don't you quit!

    - Author Unknown
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for August 19, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Enjoy your food.

    Sometimes it feels like food is the enemy. But you can't give up eating altogether. You still can be passionate about food and flavors. Your passion for food just needs to be redirected a little to make dishes that are small, healthy, and, just as importantly, tasty. Don't settle for unsatisfying or bland.

    Have you noticed the first bite always tastes the best? You are not missing out on the best part of the meal by eating less. Rather than having seconds, develop the habit of having a particularly good meal again soon, or even for breakfast and lunch the next day. Learning to adjust your passion for food to your new lifestyle is crucial for maintaining long-term weight loss.

    Action for the day: Make a favorite meal today. Be sure to especially savor the first couple of bites. Stop eating at your first sign of fullness, knowing you can have another serving at your next mealtime.

    © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at .www.nawls.com
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for August 18, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW


    There's a saying that ought to be taught to all driver's education students--the right of way cannot be taken, it can only be given. It really doesn't matter if you had the right of way to that intersection. If the other driver has no intention of yielding, the only thing you'll accomplish by pulling ahead is a dented fender at best and a totaled car and injuries at worst.

    That's good advice in other areas of life as well. Some people are not well-meaning, and will do everything in their power to draw you into a fight. They may have disagreed with your choice to get WLS. They may want to undermine your efforts to maintain a healthy WLS lifestyle. Whatever their motives, learn to recognize them. And once you do, learn to walk away from any ensuing arguments. They don't want to negotiate; they just want to fight. Taking them up on that will only lead to bruised feelings.

    Action for the day: Think about the people you encounter on a regular basis who are always trying to draw you into arguments. Begin to develop strategies for avoiding these conflicts, whether by changing the subject or even walking away.

    © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Speaking of arguments, I just posted on another thread where everyone was congratulating someone for not getting a lap band, and I just felt compelled to point out reality.... :laugh:

    Our society wants fat people to suffer to lose weight and, if they don't succeed, so much the better. WLS pisses them off because it increases our odds of success, IMO.

    There are definitely people out there who want us to fail for any number of reasons. Luckily most of those people haven't got the nerve to say anything to me to my face and I have a pretty good support network.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Speaking of arguments, I just posted on another thread where everyone was congratulating someone for not getting a lap band, and I just felt compelled to point out reality.... :laugh:

    Our society wants fat people to suffer to lose weight and, if they don't succeed, so much the better. WLS pisses them off because it increases our odds of success, IMO.

    There are definitely people out there who want us to fail for any number of reasons. Luckily most of those people haven't got the nerve to say anything to me to my face and I have a pretty good support network.

    It is so sad!! I weighed over 600 pounds and do you know my immediate family (Dad, Mom and SIster) were not behind me 100%. My Dad was so upset and he offered to send me to a fat farm, on and on and one. I was at a much higher risk than most so my surgeon called a family meeting with my parents and sister in case something happend to me. I was also his largest patient ever so I think he was scared also. I did not have any co morbities so he said yes. He was my 2nd surgeon. 1st backed out at the last minute and it was another year before I finally go over that trama and found someone willing to give me the RNY.

    People are igonarant when it comes to the benefits these WLS can have for most peoples. It is still work but I would have never lost 300 pounds in less than 2 years on my own.

    I had a friend who I have known since high school who really thought I was going to die on the table who was against it too. But I have always felt she wants WLS herself but chicken. Our relationship has changed since my WLS. She is not happy for me like I would think she would be since she knows the many emotional pains I have endured over the years for being morbibly obese. She became obese after marriage. I have been obese forever. Yes people want you to stay miserable and fat. It makes some comfortable. This same friend had the nerves to tell my sister that I was getting too skinny at 310 pounds!! My sister set her straight real quick.

    3 years after my RNY, my Dad finally said he was glad I did not listen to him. For my Dad this was HUGE!!! He never admits to being wrong. and in the same conversation he told me how proud he was of me, another thing that is rare from my Dad!! I could not help it I started crying because it was truly a special moment. My Mom and sister were better about it and secretly I think my Mom just did not want to openly oppose my Dad.

    I see there is a lot of negativity on MFP regarding WLS. It is really sad to me too. I ignore it, but I am glad you are willing to set one straight about it. You know there are a lot of doctors who are anti WLS also?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    3 years after my RNY, my Dad finally said he was glad I did not listen to him. For my Dad this was HUGE!!! He never admits to being wrong. and in the same conversation he told me how proud he was of me, another thing that is rare from my Dad!! I could not help it I started crying because it was truly a special moment. My Mom and sister were better about it and secretly I think my Mom just did not want to openly oppose my Dad.
    That's really awesome. I'm glad he could do that for you.
    I see there is a lot of negativity on MFP regarding WLS. It is really sad to me too. I ignore it, but I am glad you are willing to set one straight about it. You know there are a lot of doctors who are anti WLS also?
    I can kind of understand the negativity. A lot of people here only have 25 or at most 40 pounds to lose. Some have less than that! Many haven't been obese all their lives. So they may not get where we are coming from.

    The rest know only too well but they aren't ready yet. Maybe they are afraid, maybe they've been fed a lot of lies and have a lot of misconceptions about WLS. But some people find any decision that is different from theirs to be threatening. So, if they've chosen not to have WLS but they are a candidate, they have to shoot down the ones that have to make themselves feel better.

    Luckily not everyone at MFP is like that. I don't have any problems on my other Motivation and Support thread. But when I venture out from my safe threads, there are a few vocal ones who have to tell me I'm insane and that 100% of people who get WLS gain their weight back and a lot of crap like that. Those few kind of spoil the site for me sometimes. Especially because I know I'd get even more flack if I posted more about this. So many times, I start to post and then I decide it's just not worth the flack I know I'm going to get. :laugh:
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    Bump! When I get to work tommorow can't wait to join you all!! My name is Katherine!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Oh, I just noticed I didn't mark the Half-ironman as completed!

    Hello MacMadame: What happens on November 21, 2010???? Just cusrious. This is the date on your avatar.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Oh, I just noticed I didn't mark the Half-ironman as completed!

    Hello MacMadame: What happens on November 21, 2010???? Just cusrious. This is the date on your avatar.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    I see there is a lot of negativity on MFP regarding WLS. It is really sad to me too. I ignore it, but I am glad you are willing to set one straight about it. You know there are a lot of doctors who are anti WLS also?
    I can kind of understand the negativity. A lot of people here only have 25 or at most 40 pounds to lose. Some have less than that! Many haven't been obese all their lives. So they may not get where we are coming from.

    Yes it is a big differene when you have over 100 pounds to lose and when you have been obese your whole life. Again that is why I ignore it. Yes many just chose to be negative and the others are afraid as you stated.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Bump! When I get to work tommorow can't wait to join you all!! My name is Katherine!

    Hi Katerine! Welcome!