March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @Avidkeo Enjoy your days off and time at the pool... should feel amazing on your joints...
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Yes, less coronavirus, more running. So on that note, I got the official photos from yesterday's event and there are a few nice ones (for a change).

    Major sunstrike on the outward leg, hence the head down so as not to be blinded - only about 3km in here.

    Joy at having made it to the top of the killer hill, which I think was about 13km.

    Cruising home along the beach - around the 18km mark here. Should have been in the water!

    The finish line. Absolutely beat. Doing my level best for a sprint finish.

    Great photos!!!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary You have beautiful, beautiful leg muscles. I so want mine to look like that. I'm impressed, just beautiful...
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Yes, less coronavirus, more running. So on that note, I got the official photos from yesterday's event and there are a few nice ones (for a change).

    Major sunstrike on the outward leg, hence the head down so as not to be blinded - only about 3km in here.

    Joy at having made it to the top of the killer hill, which I think was about 13km.

    Cruising home along the beach - around the 18km mark here. Should have been in the water!

    The finish line. Absolutely beat. Doing my level best for a sprint finish.

    Great photos!!!

  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Yes, less coronavirus, more running. So on that note, I got the official photos from yesterday's event and there are a few nice ones (for a change).

    Major sunstrike on the outward leg, hence the head down so as not to be blinded - only about 3km in here.

    Joy at having made it to the top of the killer hill, which I think was about 13km.

    Cruising home along the beach - around the 18km mark here. Should have been in the water!

    The finish line. Absolutely beat. Doing my level best for a sprint finish.

    Great photos!!!

    Yes, awesome photos! Great form wish I looked like that lol. Also we have the same shoes..if those are the New Balance 1080 foam...great race!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    4 mile I did sign up for a couple of virtual races...actually looking forward to that.
    School has now been closed as we keep getting more cases and actually had a teacher test positive.

    Yes fear drives a lot of panic behaviors. We do though have a situation that is absolutely serious and not being over hyped. Unfortunately there is more fear and panic because we were/are woefully unprepared.

  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @quilteryoyo fantastic magic mile! Before long, you’ll be able to keep that up for longer than a mile.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Thanks @TheMrWobbly , @Tramboman , @rheddmobile , @LoveyChar , @hamsterwheel6 and @bearly63. I'm pretty happy with it, even though I know I wouldn't be that fast outdoors. I do need to find a flat spot - maybe go to a track, one of these days and see how I do. I might surprise myself. @rheddmobile I'd love to get a sub 30 minute 5K. I don't think I could sustain that pace right now, but who knows what the future holds.

    @polskagirl01 I have no answers. I was wondering the same thing about a HM. I started this plan early. If I keep to it, I should be ready for a HM in mid-May, but mine isn't scheduled until September. I started purposefully early in case I needed to repeat some of the harder weeks. Still, I'm not sure what to do if I do get "done" 4 months early.

    Those are some great photos @ContraryMaryMary . You're floating in two of them. :smile: Looks like an incredible place to run.

    @MegaMooseEsq Glad you went out for the run, even if it was tough. Hope the shin splints go away quickly. Sorry you won't have your running buddy for a while.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Thanks @quilteryogo it was nice to get out on the trails and great mile time

    @katharmonic and @kimlight2 thanks, it’s nice to be back

    We are such a big running community that races and being canceled or postponed her left and right.

    Regarding church the Catholic Church is letting folks off the hook, over 65, bad health and a few other things.

    @Avidkeo what is wrong with people, so selfish. One of the guys I work with went out of the country and the company told him he needs to self quarantine for 14 days. Another coworker called me Friday to tell me he saw him in the airport heading out of town….again.

    @PastorVincent I think that’s part of the issue, so few have been tested so we really don’t know the reality of those who are sick

    Great pictures @ContraryMaryMary

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary awesome amazing and inspirational pics!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo - Yay!! That is an awesome pace!
    @ContraryMaryMary - great pictures and you look fantastic!
    @polskagirl01 and @quilteryoyo - I don't know for marathon distance but have felt HM ready if I kept up the consistency of my regular runs and speed work as well as a long run each week.

    on the covid-19 and fear discussion. I am older and my dh is even older (8+ years) and therefore we are in the higher risk category. I am not terrified, not panicked, not running to the store to but anything and everything in sight but we are trying to be smart and limit our outings and contacts. I do not think there is any sort of global fear mongering entity driving this other than our own human nature. I am also tired of hearing 'oh, it is nothing.' or 'its just the flu'. My worry is for the truly elderly and health compromised and our health care workers one of which is my daughter. Our national leaders in the US have chosen not to lead on this but our local Governors and Mayors are taking it upon themselves to be the leaders and set down rules that honestly we all should be considerate of to keep everyone safe. If you look at the exponential curves, we are tracking very similar to Italy and Spain just a few weeks behind. If we all participate in what is being asked of us we may have an opportunity to change the track of that curve.

    Had an unexpectedly cold and wet run yesterday, no jacket and it decided to pour when we were halfway out. Today wore my jacket as it looked even worse out but there was no rain and the sun even came out for a bit, of course.

    03/02.......4.85.........4.85 - + Agility Class
    03/05.......5.77.......15.53 - + Strength Training
    03/07.......1.04.......20.46 - Dog Beach run
    03/10.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training
    03/12.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training


    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 399.21/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon

    From a medical imaging standpoint, its very different from the flu. One of the symptoms is pneumonia. Most pneumonias are in one lung, so you still have capacity. Covid effects both lungs. That's one of the biggest, and concerning, differences. Makes it incredibly hard to treat.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo - Yay!! That is an awesome pace!
    @ContraryMaryMary - great pictures and you look fantastic!
    @polskagirl01 and @quilteryoyo - I don't know for marathon distance but have felt HM ready if I kept up the consistency of my regular runs and speed work as well as a long run each week.

    on the covid-19 and fear discussion. I am older and my dh is even older (8+ years) and therefore we are in the higher risk category. I am not terrified, not panicked, not running to the store to but anything and everything in sight but we are trying to be smart and limit our outings and contacts. I do not think there is any sort of global fear mongering entity driving this other than our own human nature. I am also tired of hearing 'oh, it is nothing.' or 'its just the flu'. My worry is for the truly elderly and health compromised and our health care workers one of which is my daughter. Our national leaders in the US have chosen not to lead on this but our local Governors and Mayors are taking it upon themselves to be the leaders and set down rules that honestly we all should be considerate of to keep everyone safe. If you look at the exponential curves, we are tracking very similar to Italy and Spain just a few weeks behind. If we all participate in what is being asked of us we may have an opportunity to change the track of that curve.

    Had an unexpectedly cold and wet run yesterday, no jacket and it decided to pour when we were halfway out. Today wore my jacket as it looked even worse out but there was no rain and the sun even came out for a bit, of course.

    03/02.......4.85.........4.85 - + Agility Class
    03/05.......5.77.......15.53 - + Strength Training
    03/07.......1.04.......20.46 - Dog Beach run
    03/10.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training
    03/12.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training


    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 399.21/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon

    From a medical imaging standpoint, its very different from the flu. One of the symptoms is pneumonia. Most pneumonias are in one lung, so you still have capacity. Covid effects both lungs. That's one of the biggest, and concerning, differences. Makes it incredibly hard to treat.

    @Avidkeo what are your thoughts on how covid would affect someone like me - asthmatic but mostly healthy?

    I feel like I’m probably in denial about how serious the virus is and then i have this guilt complex because there are so many people that i love (and those that i don’t know) that are vulnerable
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo - Yay!! That is an awesome pace!
    @ContraryMaryMary - great pictures and you look fantastic!
    @polskagirl01 and @quilteryoyo - I don't know for marathon distance but have felt HM ready if I kept up the consistency of my regular runs and speed work as well as a long run each week.

    on the covid-19 and fear discussion. I am older and my dh is even older (8+ years) and therefore we are in the higher risk category. I am not terrified, not panicked, not running to the store to but anything and everything in sight but we are trying to be smart and limit our outings and contacts. I do not think there is any sort of global fear mongering entity driving this other than our own human nature. I am also tired of hearing 'oh, it is nothing.' or 'its just the flu'. My worry is for the truly elderly and health compromised and our health care workers one of which is my daughter. Our national leaders in the US have chosen not to lead on this but our local Governors and Mayors are taking it upon themselves to be the leaders and set down rules that honestly we all should be considerate of to keep everyone safe. If you look at the exponential curves, we are tracking very similar to Italy and Spain just a few weeks behind. If we all participate in what is being asked of us we may have an opportunity to change the track of that curve.

    Had an unexpectedly cold and wet run yesterday, no jacket and it decided to pour when we were halfway out. Today wore my jacket as it looked even worse out but there was no rain and the sun even came out for a bit, of course.

    03/02.......4.85.........4.85 - + Agility Class
    03/05.......5.77.......15.53 - + Strength Training
    03/07.......1.04.......20.46 - Dog Beach run
    03/10.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training
    03/12.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training


    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 399.21/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon

    From a medical imaging standpoint, its very different from the flu. One of the symptoms is pneumonia. Most pneumonias are in one lung, so you still have capacity. Covid effects both lungs. That's one of the biggest, and concerning, differences. Makes it incredibly hard to treat.

    @Avidkeo what are your thoughts on how covid would affect someone like me - asthmatic but mostly healthy?

    I feel like I’m probably in denial about how serious the virus is and then i have this guilt complex because there are so many people that i love (and those that i don’t know) that are vulnerable

    Honestly I don't know enough about it, and am not a dr. But as it effects the lungs so much, I think anyone with resperatory disease should take standard precautions. Avoid people who are diagnosed with it, wash hands, etc.