

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I’m going to stop reading on here. Way too much posting on virus.

    I’ve been tired of it since day one. I just pass by those posts when I c them
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Machka - looking at that cabin makes me grateful for the internet and electricity. B) Imagine if people were forced to stay home and had nothing to but talk to each other or the dog, lol. Especially after being connected to the world so easily these past couple decades.

    SW WA State

    I lived in a cabin something like that for the first year I was in Australia. We did have internet, but we didn't have electricity ... except that which was created by our generator at first and later by our solar panels. So not much. We didn't have a TV until right toward the end of that year, and instead listened to the radio.

    Right now, I have to use the internet for university, but I am really tempted to take an internet break somewhere remote and quiet when I finish. I have taken short breaks of a day or two now and then.

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Yummy our meal for Brunch

    JR gots a protein shake,quesadilla bean y cheese ,y his last slice of chocolate cake yummy,y water

    I’m eating the last of my bone broth soup ,last slice of onion 🧅,y some refried beans for flavor yummy 😋. Lemonade with it wryglers type with lemon juice in it. Can smell it warming up .

    Exercise today walking,jump rope,y exercise band. Still muddy outside so staying in again no backyard.

    JR got his underwear on but still not staying dry . He getting into a routine at least of sit get big boys y later on diaper . Baby steps.
    JRs getting used to leftovers don’t eat it back in front of you (No Daddy running for takeout or giving in what’s helping)

    Amber Tx

    House chores y watching videos. Same old same old routine in the house. Bored 😐 but still going
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    edited March 2020
    Did ASAP Band Camp DVD. The gal cancelled the extremepump class. (boo) The plan for tomorrow is to do another section of the Rocking Body DVD. Wonder if the gal will cancel the water aerobics class? If she does, I’ll just go early and do my own thing. But that isn’t on the book until Friday.

    Vince said he got an email from a pool supply place to the effect that the chlorine in a pool will kill the virus so your pool is safe.

    Heard an interesting tidbit about all this coronovirus. It said that people who were constantly worried about 911 had a higher incidence of heart problems. People who constantly checked the news about the Boston marathon had more anxiety

    Right now I’m making the second batch of greek yogurt that I’ll put in the freezer. I used the starter from yogurt that I’d previously made for another batch and for some reason I wasn’t too thrilled with the consistency so this time I’m using commercial plain yogurt as the starter

    I must have slept weird last night because this morning my neck is hurting. Well..I’m sure it’ll go away

    Got a load of laundry in right now. I suspect that right now the house is going to be really cleaned. There isn’t much else to do. But a good time to get caught up on those little things I’ve been meaning to do.

    Mary – my way of dealing with all these posts about coronavirus is to just skip them. To me “what will be will be”. Take reasonable precautions – wash your hands, don’t touch your face, sneeze or cough into your sleeve, things like that. After that “what will be will be. If God means for me to get it, nothing else that I do is going to change it. HE has the final word.

    I’ve asked Vince to think of something regarding opening the pool that I can do. I know that he has some things that he has to do. We both have to take the pool cover off, but I can hose it down. Anything to get started – and to keep me from being bored which translates into boredom eating. It’s nice and cloudy right now so maybe I can put down the pavers sand. Put down the weed killer yesterday. Now to wait for it to do its thing. I did it myself last year. In a way, it’s good for me to do it because I use more (which translates into less weeds) than Vince uses

    What would I bring to a cabin? I’m assuming that it has running water and bathroom facilities. Is there a food store nearby? Then I don’t need to bring paper goods or food. My laptop and exercise DVD’s so I can play them even if I don’t have Internet. I’m assuming it has electricity so I can charge my laptop. Probably a plate, fork and mug. A pan for cooking food in. Matches and a can opener. Something to do (knitting, x-stitch, my tablet on which I’ve downloaded books, crochet), some source of light (hurricane lamp, lantern which uses rechargeable batteries, charger for the batteries, blanket (or sleeping bag). If I take a pet supplies for the pet (food etc)

    M – if no mass goes on for 2 – 6 months, I count the collection money at the church for April and June. Looks like I won’t be doing that either month. I do volunteer at the Green Room and they’ve postponed the latest show. Wonder if they’ll postpone for 2 – 6 months? Guess we shall see. My concern is still for the soup kitchen. Donations may be down, more people will go there. But on the bright side this will happen during the summer when gardens produce so they might get more fresh produce.

    Kylia – wonderful of your gd. You should be very proud

    Believe it or not…senior bowling isn’t cancelled. I suspect there’ll be a lot of people who don’t come. Wonder what Wayne (owner of the bowling alley) is going to do with the 100 people congregate ruling. Guess if he’s included is somewhat of a gray area. Like malls are exempt. It’s not like you HAVE to go to a mall. Really, you don't NEED to go to a fast food place. I can understand supermarkets being exempt.

    Michele NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited March 2020
    Michele NC - He sounds like my old Bowling Alley where everyone was named Rick lol 😂. To get around the rule he’ll probably say well we counted earlier there was under 100 everyone else is workers lol 😂. Everyone would clock in lol 😂 work at once he was that type of manager - they’d pay him back later (By they I mean the other Ricks). Lol or a few older guys know po-po comes slide out the back foot tadaaa 100 when counted lol 😂. You put others as makeup bowlers for their scores /100 on the main board

    Tossing my bones out for the neighborhood cats 🐈 heard my neighbor say he only had enough for his pets. Other side their same boat.

    Heard The Who or CDC can’t remember which wants it to be no more than 50people . Will see.

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Fun video the do it on a budget type for meals y cleaning. She had to change it up meals based on what’s available in her area now but yummy looks delicious


    Amber Tx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Loki has some diarrhea. Don't ask me to explain this. I suggested to Vince that we take him to PetSmart to get his butt shaved. Vince was very adament that he wanted to talk to them and not on the phone. He finally told me to call. I did and they can't do it because they don't have a cat groomer. Now we wouldn't have known that had we waited for him.

    So I called the place where we got Bonnie shaved once before. The groomer wasn't there so I need to call back tomorrow. Vince proceeded to ask me how much it would be. Well...first we need to find out IF they can do it. And of course, the gal answering the phone isn't going to quote a price. He is the super logical person yet I had to explain to him why we can't get a price today.

    I don't know but I would have thought that he would have thought of this.

    Michele NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Dancing to Richard Simmons making me think this man had a reservoir of energy none of us can ever have! How his mother survive him as an even hyper kid???

    Lol sweating to the oldies with my asthma going full in lol. Huffin to the oldies with JR lol

    Amber Tx

    Debra CA - my friend busy on base double shifts for a month now .The base nurses taking in cruise ships to virus patients making her crash out get back up repeat she hasn’t had time to get on much. She will after things cool down in the heath care field.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited March 2020
    Well, we went out for our pizza. First we had a beautiful walk along the seafront with our backs to the low sun. Someone was paddleboarding and someone was swimming. :o
    Fatto was less busy than normal but every downstairs table was full. Lots of families. So I felt like I was having my last meal before execution. :D It was wonderful and we relished every mouthful. Did lots of handwashing.
    Then we decided to call in on the hypermarket on the way home. It was busy, but not crazy. All the paracetamol and lots of tins gone, but other stuff there. Pleased with what we bought.
    Two young guys came to our till, with four big packets of TP. DH looked very disapproving. I said, "Don't judge. They could be buying for an extended family like Amber's husband. " One of them went off to a different till to check his two out. :o
    Then we caught the bus home. Lovely evening.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx