

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yes, yet another post.

    For what am I grateful for in this moment.
    • I awakened to another beautiful day.
    • My beautiful garden which provides so much peace and comfort.
    • Central air which has been heavily used the past two weeks when the temperatures were hitting will over 95 degrees.
    • My strength which was instilled in me by my mother. It was one of the greatest gifts she gave me.

    Hugs to all and prayers to those in need.
    SuziQ - SFL
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    My answers to Lisa's questions: :) Feel free to enquire further if you like. :)

    1. Where are you from originally?
    Canada ... I'm Canadian-Australian

    2. Do you eat breakfast? If so, what did you eat today?
    Eating breakfast is like flipping an "ON" switch for my appetite. If I don't eat breakfast, I probably won't eat anything till about noon and then just eat "normally" after that. If I do eat breakfast, I'm cleaning out the fridge.

    And the rest ...
    3. Do you prefer to dine in, carry out, or cook at home?
    We almost always eat at home, and my husband is the cook. I bake when I've got time ... which is almost never.

    4. Favorite Girl Scout Cookie?
    I've never liked Girl Scout cookies. In Canada we could get 2 or 3 kinds and they weren't appealing. However, I noticed the other day that in the US, there are more varieties.

    I don't eat much in the way of cookies in general, but if I do I like:

    -- McVitie's Chocolate Digestives

    -- Melting Moments ... the kind the bakery in our local shop has.

    -- Good homemade or homemade-style chocolate chip cookies.

    5. Do you listen to music when you work?
    I often have ABC Classic FM on.

    6. What is your favorite sonic drink?
    I don't know what a sonic drink is.

    7. What is your favorite board/card game?
    I used to play board and card games a lot, but once my ex and I split up, that stopped. So I haven't played in something like 21 years. I'd like to play ... there's just no one to play with. So I do Mahjongg on the computer occasionally.

    8. What is your favorite podcast?
    I don’t listen to podcasts.

    9. What is your dream sandwich?
    I rarely eat sandwiches but probably grilled cheese. That's a stress/comfort food for me. I ate grilled cheese sandwiches when my husband was in the hospital, but haven't had one in about 2 years.

    10. What makes you gag?
    Mushrooms. Most seafood. Meat, unless it is so well cooked some might call it burnt.

    11. What are your hobbies?
    I gave my list a page or so ago. :)

    12. What is one thing that can make your day instantly better?
    Sleeping till nearly noon. Sleeping a good 10-12 hours. Sleep is better than being awake.

    13. What was the best vacation/trip you ever took and why?
    All of them!! I've had so many, it's hard to rank them. I take time off work just about every month and extended time whenever I can get it. I've been to many countries, and mostly have my bicycle with me.

    14. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

    15. At a party, where can someone find you?
    At home.

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Machka, sorry - Sonic is an eat-in-your-car burger and shake joint that can be found in 44 of the 50 US states, with carhops who bring food and/or drinks to your car:


    And I LOVE McVities digestives with chocolate... they remind me of all the years spent in England. They're just starting to show up in most big grocery stores in the U.S.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka, sorry - Sonic is an eat-in-your-car burger and shake joint that can be found in 44 of the 50 US states, with carhops who bring food and/or drinks to your car:


    And I LOVE McVities digestives with chocolate... they remind me of all the years spent in England. They're just starting to show up in most big grocery stores in the U.S.

    This is what sprang to mind when I read "Sonic". :) Sonic the hedgehog!


    I've never heard of a burger place called Sonic. We don't have a lot of fast food places here, but as far as drinks go, I start my day with water and black coffee, then move to decaf tea and some version of diet coke in the evenings.

    In fact, it's time for one of my teas.

    I almost always have a packet of McVities in my cupboard. It was one of the first things I grabbed when I was stocking up a bit for the shutdown. :) I'll have a couple of them maybe a couple nights a week ... so not a lot, but I do like to have them there when I want them. :)

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Went and got Homer and took them.both for a walk..they had breakfast and I did too.. not much going on
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :)Machka, I didn't know what a Sonic drink was when I read the quiz. After Lisa explained it, I realized that I had heard of the restaurant but had never been there.

    <3Kylia, sending hugs to you.

    :) Going back to an older question of what is your fondest desire (or something like that), years ago when I was working, it looked like the road from my house to the main street might be flooded over and impassable and I wondered how long I could be stranded at home before it stopped being fun. Now I'm getting to find out.

    :) Now that I have face masks, I've figured out that I can probably wait to go to a store again until next week. This morning I told Jake that he should drive the car around the block or something since it hasn't gone anywhere in 8 days and probably won't go out again for awhile.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 3 Horizontal Conditioning DVD’s today which I’m going to throw out. They are Way, Way, Way too intense and too much jumping. I wound up modifying just about everything. So then I did a South Beach Supercharged DVD which I’m going to throw out because it’s much much too easy

    Lisa – I found that when I read a book on the treadmill or elliptical, I seemed to go slower. Same thing with watching the TV, I get involved in the book or the TV to the point that I unconsciously slow down. So I only listen to music now.

    Yea Pam!!! How big is Pearl? One of our cats is big, not fat – just big. He lays in the condo (cat toy) and even tho his back end is sticking out, he figures since he can’t see me then I can’t see him….lol

    Betsy – we had two cats who caught a mouse. Then they made their paws into a sort-of ring and they batted a mouse around. When the mouse finally died, they just walked away. We called them Ouday and Cousay after Hussain Cousain’s (did I spell that right?) sons

    For quite a while now I’ve had a pain in my lower back. I thought it was because I have such tight hamstrings. Now I’m wondering if it’s arthritis. I’ve heard that there’s a type of spinal arthritis. I remember my father always saying how his arthritis would flare up when it rained outside or was going to rain. Well, it’s raining here and today my back seems to be worse.

    I started the decrease on the c2c blanket that I’m making. Maybe I’ll finish that today, who knows?

    Vince needs to go to the post office so I got a box of things for the Salvation Army. I’m figuring we can stop there, I’ll make the donation, then we can go to the post office. Afterwards, he needs to stop at WalMart to get a prescription.

    Read in the paper that there’s talk of NC opening Wednesday. I just pray it’s not too soon.

    Bananas – (((HUG))). Let us know what the GP says. When do you go?

    Flea – that video was wonderful, I was about to start crying – glad the video ended when it did.

    We couldn’t find the packing tape gun yesterday. I know that Vince is OCD and always puts it back in the same spot, but I suspect he did something with it. He’s convinced that I threw it out because I was cleaning and throwing things out. However, he had to have had it on Sun since he sealed up the box for the Salvation Army. I didn’t do any cleaning on Monday, just my running around. On Tuesday I worked in Jess’ room and didn’t use it at all. Yesterday I worked in Denise’s room and didn’t use it at all. I had no reason to use it. If anything, I needed the scissors to open boxes

    Heather – how wonderful you got your refund, just sorry it took so long

    Barbara – my kids always loved those orange pops. They are high in calcium, high in protein, low in sugar and best of all cheap. I did find that orange seems to be the only decent flavor. I tried grape juice, apple juice and some others, and they weren’t that good. I did find that if I make my own yogurt, I can let it drain longer than the kind you get at the store, which makes them even higher in protein. I just wonder how economical they are if you make the yogurt yourself. Probably comes out to about a wash when you buy the yogurt at the store

    Viv – I’m sure you do this, many times I throw something out that I know someone can’t use. Vince likes to keep a lot of things “you never know when you’ll need it”. Jess likes to save things too. She asked me for a lot of my cookbooks once. I knew that she really didn’t need them but I gave them to her anyway. Well, about a year later she was cleaning and guess what she gave me for the Salvation Army?

    Kylia – what a pain to have your credit card hacked. Glad the bank and paypal were able to shut down quickly. My intake of water has been lower, too. I’m sure that’s because I’m not out and about as much and exercising

    1. Where are you from originally?
    I was born and raised in NJ
    2. Do you eat breakfast? If so, what did you eat today?
    Yep. Bran cereal, strawberries and almond milk
    3. Do you prefer to dine in, carry out, or cook at home?
    Definitely at home.
    4. Favorite Girl Scout Cookie?
    Those thin mints frozen with a tall glass of milk. Heaven on earth
    5. Do you listen to music when you work?
    Am retired, but didn’t when I worked
    6. What is your favorite sonic drink?
    For as long as I’ve lived in NC (12 years going on 13) I have never once been to a Sonic
    7. What is your favorite board/card game?
    Mahjongg. But I also like mostly all board games.

    I almost never listen to podcasts
    9. What is your dream sandwich?
    I really don’t know, I like a lot of different foods.
    10. What makes you gag?
    Peanut butter
    11. What are your hobbies?
    Crochet, x-stitch, most any other craft except quilting, cooking, volunteering, exercise, probably things I haven’t thought of.
    12. What is one thing that can make your day instantly better?
    Getting up and feeling good
    13. What was the best vacation/trip you ever took and why?
    In all truth, I haven’t vacationed much. Probably going to Europe or St. Kitts
    14. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
    Probably a cat
    15. At a party, where can someone find you?

    Talking to someone.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I don’t personally know anyone who has had the virus. I’ve been looking for information for my county without luck. It was posted previously but I can’t find it today. Perhaps it will become available after county offices open for the day. :ohwell:

    Barbie: Our Library is a member of Library to Go. We can check out physical books from the Library in ordinary times, plus check out books through Library to Go. The Library to Go system is managed electronically through Amazon. While we can’t go to the library in person due to COVID 19, we can still check out electronic books from Library to Go. :heart:

    Rebecca: Our gym is closed due to the virus, too. I stay active by walking the dog in the neighborhood on dry days and riding a recumbent tryke that is setup on a roller system in the garage that lets me ride in place. The tryke has two front wheels and one back wheel. :star:

    Last night we had a wonderful facetime call from DS and DDIL. We also got some photos sent to us. I am planning to go out and buy a few grocery items this morning, and then ride my tryke in the garage while I read a book.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited April 2020
    1. I was born in Welling Garden City in Hertfordshire. It was a maternity home. I was raised in North London until I was 9 and then we moved to Horsham in Sussex, not far from where I live now.
    2. I eat breakfast every day and it's always the same. My husband makes it. It's homemade muesli with fresh fruits and berries on top. He always chops up a beautiful selection.
    3. We don't often carry out, but when we do I like it to be something I can't easily make at home, like fish and chips, or tandoori. I love my home cooking, but I also love a good restaurant. As well as excellent food, good service is important to me. My favourite thing is a fishy lunch under a parasol with a BFF.
    4. Never had a GSC and can't see why they want to make the nation even fatter.
    5. Don't listen to music while I'm working, but I do sometimes like the tv or radio burbling on in the background if I'm having fear of the blank page.
    6. Don't ever go to fast food places.
    7. Don't like any board or card games. Or many games at all.
    8. I love the BBC Radio 4 podcast - Soul Music. I listen to them while I run. The other day it was True Colours and Plaisirs d'Amour.
    9. I love a good egg sandwich with cress. No mayonnaise and lots of black pepper.
    10. Tins of baked beans. Anything where sour is mixed with sugar as in commercial tomato sauce.
    11. Singing, dancing, reading non fiction, tv watching, exercising, running, cooking, being on this thread. For light relief I read a lot of home decoration magazines on line.
    12. Doing a good stint of writing.
    13. So many! All the cruises. All the amazing places I've been to all over the world. France. Everywhere! The stand out was probably the month I spent in Peru with my son and his girlfriend. Fabulous.
    14. I think a cat would be the least worst option.
    15. Usually hovering near the food, or on the dance floor.

    That was fun!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Michele..... I wish peanut butter made me gag. I love peanut butter and I eat it on PBJ sandwiches and on celery and sometimes a spoonful just out of the jar. :-( Not good for my CICO eating plan.
    Betsy in NW WA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    No secret to growing the celery. I just put the stump in water and left it alone! Just make sure it doesn’t run out of water. You can do that with onions, garlic, carrot tops, beet greens, leafy lettuce stumps. Pretty much anything that has a stump. Easy gardening! Lol

    RV Rita