

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    Good afternoon, all.

    Work was really busy this week. I went in on four days. :angry: On Tuesday, I think, I am losing track of days, we recorded a "conferral ceremony" with just the president, provost, and the four deans -- then a skeleton media crew (3 people). It was amazing to see everyone, but I did giggle when before we recorded, the six of us were standing about 15-20 feet apart in the auditorium, waving and calling out to each other to see how we are doing. On stage, we sat 6 feet apart, and the crew wiped down the podium and mic before the next person went up to speak. They showed the ceremony yesterday morning on Facebook Live, and the editing was fabulous. I think the graduates and their families appreciated it. We will have actual commencement, Lord and Covid willing, in October.

    I started feeling off on Thursday -- took a nap in the middle of the day. Rest a lot Friday evening after work. Sat on the couch and read/napped/played on my computer for most of the day on Saturday, with brief respites of pulling weeds in the garden between rain showers. This morning at about 3:00 a.m., I woke up sicker than a dog. I don't remember ever being this sick, although I am sure I have. All intestinal, severe intestinal,
    both ends
    and a very low grade fever. I am just hanging out in bed today -- eating ice chips, a little gatorade, flat coke, and dry gluten free toast. I can't imagine what/how I picked something up, but I definitely did.

    Kylia -- so sorry for your loss.

    Love the pictures!

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Flea- Sounds like you have what hubby just got over.Its the stomach flu that’s going around it’s terrible!

    Amber Tx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Thanks for the Just Giving into. I made a contribution
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Lisa – thanks for the ideas… I did laugh out loud at open the windows and sing..my singing voice is so bad!! Levi even asks to go out or growls at me when I sing. If the neighbors heard I would be even more alone.

    BeUncommon – we are a chatty group that will welcome you with open arms. So sad to hear about your Dad. The key we have all found is to find a combination of eating and activity that you can do long term and then be committed. But we are all human and opps happens, forgive yourself and start again.

    Rita – the yellow plant is Scotch Broom and in CA it is a very invasive plant that pushes out many of our native plants, I have spent many hours digging it out of park land.

    Kim from N. California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    The "viral" study about running or cycling outside was mainly about being directly behind a runner or cyclist ... not beside. If you see a runner coming toward you, just step away and let them by.


    Meanwhile ... go outside and get as much exercise as you can! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Oh my!! How did May get here already??? Thank you, Barbie, for keeping us going. I log in and am still in April and there are 8 pages of May! “Flexible” could not have been better chosen for this year!! Who would have thought back in January that we would be living this way in May?? I hope everyone is doing okay!! I will try to catch up soon.

    Glenda I like your idea of dancing off the pounds! I am trying to do that with my granddaughter!

    Love the pictures…especially JR wrapped up like an infant. He looks so happy!

    Margaret Nice you could get a safe cut from a professional. Our hair is getting too long to look okay. I will end up with a mullet soon from snipping away at around my face!

    Sue Riley is so adorable in the picture! What a teeny little thing! Love it!

    SuzyQ Love the cat on your keypad! Congratulations on reaching goal! I miss my 10s…got there and went back to 12s until I shed the Covid weight adjustment…

    Heather Not gaining is definitely a WIN! I wish I were there. Still impressed with your interactions with the grands! I think all you and DH do for those children is so special! I am so tuned in to trying to make special memories with our grandbaby and feeling sad that I am not involved enough with the children in Florida!

    Lanette Outdoor love making day?? I think those days are over unless we are off camping somewhere!

    Tracey I hate that they through the quick opening at you. That just causes a lot of extra stress for everyone and so much confusion! Hopefully, people visiting will be careful knowing everyone is in the same danger!

    Michele So glad you finally saw your little one! Even if only on Skype. I feel much closer to my FL grands when we skype…just helps feel a little closer than miles and miles!

    Janet Oh…little Lydia Lucille…SO Precious!!

    Please stay safe and healthy! Hugs to All! <3 Luci in WNC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2020
    Yesterday we went shopping for a fuchsia & found one that we like. We hung it in a good spot and are enjoying it. Today we finished setting up our drip water system. It takes care of fuchsias, & the parsley & chives that live in pots beside the walkway. I plan to plant bush beans soon. I also spent time riding my recumbent tryke in the garage. DH rode with me the other day but wasn’t feeling like riding trykes with me today. Stay healthy! ❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Lisa, Levi and Kelsey, oh my!
    SuziQ, the road less travelled - ROFLMAO!!
    Rita, neat lizard! I was also thinking that the yellow flowers were scotch broom, thank you Kim for confirming that. It is very invasive here on Vancouver Island as well and there are usually "broom bashing" parties in the spring to try and get rid of it from some areas.
    Rebecca, Athena enjoying her spaghett! lol
    Tonya, so very sorry for the loss of your dad. Your daughter is beautiful! Stop by often, we are a chatty bunch! Please don't feel you need to comment on every post either, you would never get away from the computer! lol
    Took my life in my hands today and went out in search of sustenance! Yup, that's right, went grocery shopping. Monday would have been two full weeks without setting foot in a store and that was originally the plan, but now some stuff is happening at home Monday morning and I didn't want to feel rushed, so......Things went well, both stores that I went to were fairly busy, but people really do seem to be respecting the social distancing, or at least making an honest effort. I bought most stuff at one store, but they don't really have meat the way I want it. The steaks they have are HUGE! and they just don't have the variety I apparently want. Anyway, that's why I went to two stores, the second one was primarily meat. I bought a couple steaks that I would normally never buy as they are just stupid expensive (rib eye steaks). They are SO tender, but everything comes with a price. As I said I would normally never buy them, but I decided that if I can't have a massage, see my chiropractor, get my nails or hair done, or get electrolysis done that I needed a treat, so pricey steaks it is! I also bought some black tiger prawns, so we had garlic prawns for dinner. Sauteed in garlic butter, with garlic bread and caesar salad. No vampires in our house tonite! lol I was also very excited to find the green salad lettuce that I like! Sounds silly I know, but I don't care for iceburg anymore but I had been able to buy some a few years ago billed as Artisan medley or something like that. Four different types of lettuce, usually two green and two red, at least one was always a frisee, (usually two, one in each color) and I'm not sure what they other two were, but once again usually one in each color. They kept well, even after cutting but while it was plentiful for a few years, lately it's been really hard to find. Today I found some! Only 3 heads, but very reasonably priced too, so that's all good! Looking forward to eating it! I cut some up earlier so it's ready to go for tomorrow. Will have to hard boil some eggs to have with it!
    Sorry for the novel! Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited May 2020
    SuziQ: Losing weight has been much easier than it was when I was younger, and the increased health and fitness is a great inducement to keep it off.

    @Machka9 So relieved time see you posting again. It’s understandable that you needed some time out, with all that you undertake. I empathise with your desire to retire, although I would imagine you would be just as busy! It’s just the way you are. And I’m in no hurry to get out of lockdown, but then I’m not dependant in working for an income. But as you say, it would be wonderful if people were able to work in a more conducive way. I know my family have found working from their respective homes much more pleasant.

    ☘️ Terri
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Heather: Our family picnics and get togethers are often bring your own/sharing affairs. We know the hygiene standards within the family are good, so have no worries about quality.