

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2020
    Our gas barbecue is dying. DH managed to get one more meal out of it tonight, but we are looking for a replacement. DH has one in mind. If he hasnโ€™t ordered it yet, I think he will tomorrow. We used our BBQ all year in nearly any weather. It has worked hard and will be retired to the recycling center in the near futureโ€”I hope.

    We have two full service grocery stores in town, Safeway is one and IGA is the other. I like the canned sparkling water and fresh fish from Safeway, and I like the meat and fresh vegetable departments at IGA. You can get dry cereal off of the shelves at either store. The Walmart here is a โ€œstarter store.โ€ It is the smallest Walmart Iโ€™ve seen anywhere. There is no fresh food other than one refrigerated case. They carry a good selection of boxed cereals and such for people. They also carry a good selection of dry and wet dog and cat foods in the pet department.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: invested 20 mins dusting/tidying guest bedroom, invested 23 minutes in follow up call with provider and lab, test should arrive in PO box within the next 7-10 business days, firehouse board meeting minutes and reminder,
    Bonus: 2 loads laundry
    Get to do: Fedex pickup mystery package, firehouse budget committee mtg minutes, post minutes and next meeting sign at firehouse, invest 20 mins cleaning, carry over 20 mins cleaning Master bath, office, 10 mins cleaning Kitchen, Dining Room, make tuna salad, mat work, BB&B, learn new dances, transplant oregano and parsley, make garlic almonds for Dan, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsieโ€™s stove, Freddieโ€™s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments, next week final? follow up for Joeโ€™s labs, call for his Dr. appointment.

    Joe invited me EARLY to join him and the dogs for a stroll on Lone Ranch. Jumped up and got ready quickly, sensed he wasnโ€™t going to wait. Despite feeling rushed, it was a lovely way to start the day. Had to share the beach with two other couples and their dogs but we all leashed up so there was no problem, just a little barking. It showered briefly but we kept walking and it soon passed.

    Annie well done for walking!
    Rebecca :love: Athena Roseโ€™s earlier pose/pic. They grow so very quickly. ;โ€™{
    Machka Iโ€™m posting that โ€œOnce a Daysโ€ on my refrigerator. Simple common sense reminders. โ€œHallmarkโ€™s Holiday Offeringโ€ฆโ€ :lol:

    Aargghhh. Lab received order but hasnโ€™t processed because AGAIN they do not have all the info they need. Why or why wouldnโ€™t they call the provider when they see the info is again incomplete? Conferenced provider in who conferenced in the โ€œmedical assistantโ€ to verbally give info. I could have given all but the provider id. I remember having Joe sign a form that where provider had highlit. When I asked if we should be filling in all the blank boxes (address, phone number, etc) I was assured, oh no, you donโ€™t need to, theyโ€™ll (the lab?) fill it in automatically. B r e a t h e out and forsake wrath, Barbara!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps= 5403 ๏Š vits=17 log=18 CI<CO=16 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=12 mfp=18 clean 10 mins=15 outside=14 up hill=15
    wkly: BB&B x3= rx=3 dance=
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=8 play=0 sew=0
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Tuesday -- work day! There were a few things I figured I should do. But I've taken holiday time for the next couple days to try to get uni assignments done.

    And I went for another run today ... but no dolphins this time.

    Distance: 5.58km
    Elevation: 85m
    Moving Time: 46:44
    Elapsed Time: 49:48
    Pace: 8:22/km
    Calories: 571

    A previous photo but same beach and similar darkness. Only one more month till the shortest daylight hours ... then the daylight hours start increasing again ... :)


    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning, all. I have been skimming and making some comments, but am still a little behind. I will get caught up today, hopefully. The resilience of this group warms my heart.

    Welcome to the new members. We relish new blood. Don't be put off by the number of posts. We โค๏ธ to chat. Chime in when the spirit moves.
    Loving all the photos and accounts of daily life going on in spite of what we are living through. The human spirit is miraculously adaptable. We will prevail.
    (((Hugs))) and ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป if you need them.

    Machka: Thanks for the link. I have been looking at a variety of national stats sites.

    Re Northern Ireland: Although we are part of the UK, we aren't on the mainland, so our situation is a little less perilous.
    Population: approx 1,800,000; total reported C19 deaths = 234; 0.013% of the population; (at least half in care homes for the elderly) R is considerably below 1.

    Despite this, I'm voluntarily sheltering at home, and only going out for socially distanced exercise, and essential shopping. I owe it to my family to stay home and stay safe, and to the wider society to cause as little extra stress to essential workers and those who have to be out and about. It's not all about me!

    I grateful that I have that privilege, and am conscious of the fact that not everyone is in this position.

    Heather: I also believe that the situation re care homes in UK is a disgrace.
    I love your picnics with the family.

    Time is pressing. Working on our memoir for our grandson is all consuming, as we review our lives in light of the questions he has set us. They say 2 heads are better than one, which is true in our case. And looking at our life events from 2 viewpoints has been very interesting, to say the least. I have the advantage in that I am an inveterate diarist, and have already a substantial store of life event she recorded. My dear Michael has attacked it with gusto, despite it not being his natural bent to write, and it's turning into quite an opus.

    Still sticking to my goals, and maintaining below 150lbs. I have half a pound to go to achieve a loss of 80lbs. ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป

    Today I am planning my weekly trip to buy essentials.

    โ˜˜๏ธ Terri
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    Page 59
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Yesterday was a fantastic day! As I posted earlier, one of my pre-virus family parents was called back to work: (yea!) so her three year old, daughter joined our little group again! It was wonderful to see Lilah jump out of the car and come running to me, arms wide, for a hug. Adding a three year old girl to our group had an amazing effect on the boys. With Lilah here, the younger ones listened to her while playing and seemed to be a little gentler in their play...we do have baby Peyton (9 mo. old girl), but bc she is a baby she doesn't wield such power over the others, yet. The kids thought the bread was beautiful, then they proceeded to pick off the veggies they weren't going to eat and dip their bread in the hummus and tomato sauce I provided. lol
    Machka- Love the dolphin video and all of the scenic pics! I love it when you post your bio for the newbies. It is amazing to be reminded of the changes that we go through in the course of a couple of years. <3 I need to post the "once a days" on my fridge for my DH and son. Sleep is about the only thing that they are doing on a daily basis. :s
    Rebecca- Love the Athena pics!
    Beth- Here in West Michigan we haven't been hit too hard with the rationing. Back March and in the beginning of April I saw a lot more rationing signs posted. It is a bit jarring to see it. It stressed me out for the first couple of weeks of shopping (I have to go every week for my childcare and for lack of refrigerator storage), and I would always have a headache after I got home. Any how, I have gotten used to it all. I enjoy shopping again, although not as much as before. I am very grateful that I know how to cook and have no problem with alternative sources of protein.
    Kim- Oh so aggravating, watching people sit on their hands and not take action! I am sure you will be able to raise the funds to save the camp. As you say, you are well connected and thought of in the community. I think the general public is also looking for ways to help others during this time. I definitely think going public on social media or in the news would be a wise option to raise funds. IF you open a GoFundMe account; remember that a portion of what you raise will go to the website. Hugs to you my friend!
    Barbara- You are so sweet! You are also amazing in how you are able to remember and respond to so many of us! I bow to your efficiency at that skill! <3 How wonderful to start your day with a walk with Joe! I WISH I could get Tim to walk with me during the day. The kids and I move at the perfect pace for him! I am thinking this summer, he might walk with us, as I will have a few more kids on walks with me.

    Well ladies, time to fly! Kiddos arriving shortly. It has rained all day Sunday and all day yesterday/last night. Things are pretty soggy out there, but I think, if the rain stops, I will get the kids out for a walk. I am sure we will find some puddles and worms and other interesting things. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Lisa- lol Totally got this;

    "...and if the good Lord's willin' and the creeks don't rise, we'll get there in better shape than we are now, even if I never earn another dime. (Sorry, that was quite Southern U.S. - basically means, "barring any unforeseen disasters.")
    Per the Principle of Least Interest, as well, the person who has the least interest in continuing a relationship has the most power in the relationship. Anyway... :)"

    but it reminded me a bit of Jack Sparrow, especially at 3:10 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCDA-m-TQdU
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    edited May 2020
    5/151980: I was getting ready to graduate B.Ed. from QUB. I was 34 y/o, and had gone back to college as a mature student with 2 young children. Fortunately, I had the full support of my DH and in-laws. My DMiL, Elsie, was especially helpful. I remember watching the shocking TV reports on the eruption.

    Kim: Go get''me! You're a godsend to that place. I'm sure that you can do this! I hope they appreciate what you have undertaken.

    Machka: ๐Ÿ˜ 'For the longest time' ๐Ÿ˜‚We got a moat! Ours is called the Irish Sea ๐ŸŒŠ ๐ŸŒŠ ๐ŸŒŠ Unfortunately, we had a lot of holidaymakers idiots who were allowed to rush home from skiing in Italy/sunning themselves on the Mediterranean before we pulled up the drawbridge.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    Amber: ๐Ÿ˜ 56lbs lost!!! Bravissimo!!!
    Tonya: I thought the same about my belly folds, but they are slowly shrinking, and I don't get the same problems as I used to with rashes.

    Our gardening centres are now open with social distancing in place. I think we will leave it a few days to see how the land lies. Also, we can now meet with 4-6 people outside with social distancing. It remains to be seen how people will adhere to the 2 metre rule.

    We may meet up with our DYD this afternoon while she walks her dogs. We live about 5 miles apart, but they have relaxed the 'less than 2 mile from home travel for exercise' restriction. She has been to visit us a few time (social distancing outside) with a few treats for my birthday etc. None of the rest of my family live close enough to visit. My granddaughter is in Oxford on the mainland
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I am up having my tea... going to get Homer after and bring him here, today will be busy as I will be gone for the rest of the week taking care of Faith so sorta have to pack like for vacation.. its not really hard work and at this stage she sleeps alot but I get to bring Alfie and it will be a change of pace....
    I will have my laptop so I will continue to check in ..
    this afternoon Elena will be coming over for dinner and picking up Homer to bring him back to the house..
    I am not the kind of person that holds grudges and better to be friends than not..and her and I get along wonderfully we like alot of the same things...Tom is all hers and I couldn't be happier for them both..she raised her girls on her own after divorcing her abusive husband and lived on her own for 17 yrs and now she has Tom..
    I am going to repot plants today as they are popping out of there pots.. they are houseplants that were from both my dads and DFIL funerals..I dont have much of a green thumb but I have managed to keep them alive lol
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Kim - I hope you can hear me applauding from here. The phrase "Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way" has been attributed to several people. I'll add you to the list. Go forth boldly!

    Kelly - Your focaccia was a work of art. Made me grab my bread book. I still want to be one of your "kids", lol.

    - I also have a deviated septum, not to the extent you have though. I am crossing fingers the surgery gets you opened up. Thank you again for the lovely photos of your area.

    Lisa - always a good feeling to reaffirm you're working at a particular job because you want to, not because you have to. :)

    - communication between doctors offices and labs must be non-existent. Seems like the only one of mine they haven't messed up in the last 5 years was the fecal occult blood test, perhaps that's because Medicare paid it. Glad to hear you got a beach walk in with Joe.

    Our little county has really flattened the curve, maybe one or two new cases every week but now it's people in their 20's, 30's, 40's. Very low percentage of tests coming back positive, so colds, allergies, other influenzas are making the rounds.

    OK. I don't recall that I picked my "word" at the beginning of this year. (Newbies - many of us choose to pick a word describing a goal, or a state of mind, a touchstone, etc. - Barbie, do I have this right?)

    But one finally came to me yesterday. Resilience. I think some of you may have chosen it already? Seems appropriate more than ever right now.

    Dog time so I gotta get going.

    Make it a good day. <3

    Cool & cloudy SW WA State

  • Shonafreshstart
    Shonafreshstart Posts: 20 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I had a 'bad' weekend with no logging (and definitely went over both days) and not much exercise. Weight was up on Monday - WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG TO COME OFF BUT GOES BACK ON SO FAST???
    Anyway, back to healthier eating now and exercise.
    Goals for today
    ๐Ÿ“Log everything and stay green
    ๐Ÿ“Exercise 40m minimum
    ๐Ÿ“Catch up on ToDo list
    ๐Ÿ“Gardening with the kids

    Hope you're all well.
    Bye for now,
    Shona from France ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,118 Member
    Congratulations Terri on a marvelous weight loss!

    Michele, this opening is so confusing! The news covers Philadelphia and New Jersey and Maryland, but seldom Delaware. So I don't know what's open where. Cuomo was talking about open beaches in a few states, just before Memorial day but never said Delaware. We are still ordered to stay home except for essentials until June 1. Last I heard cases are still rising so I am staying home with my elderly parents. Except for walking locally.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Jaxsgma
    Jaxsgma Posts: 55 Member
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD, that whole valley blown over, its now a beautiful place with much new growth than ever before! Nature's prime example of self repair.๐Ÿ‘
    Jaxsgma (Marybeth). It didn't last long, my shorts and tank top is back in my dresser, and I have jeans and a long sleeved shirt, and socks on! I'm already on season 5 so I am almost done. My husband says thank goodness! I will check out Heartland.
    I'm pretty lazy when it comes to tuna, and or any fish type meal. I always buy the white albacore tuna (single serving) 3 can packs. I just add mayo, and sweet relish. When I buy salmon, its in frozen single serving two packs. The brand is called C.Worthy. There's a buttered herb salmon that's yummy. Even has salmon skin still on it, and a blob of butter. 30 min frozen or 15 min thawed. It flakes nicely for fish tacos.๐Ÿ‘

    Yep bean soup was lovely. Used 3 80 cents each cans of pinto beans, so an inexpensive meal. I am not sure how much the mega ham hocks were though.
    Have a great day y'all.๐Ÿ’–

    Hi Rebecca, Shorts didn't last long here either, today I back in jeans and long sleeve shirt. Rainy again today and temps are in the low 50's UGH! I will check out "Longmire" as soon as I am finished with "Heartland". I have found many different shows on netflix that kept me binging...LOL

    I make my tuna the same way that you do. I had some last night, and it was pretty good. Not much on salmon, but If someone says somethings really good, I have to try it... (Maybe thats why I need to loose weight...LOL).

    I did my first weight in this morning, and I lost 4 lbs. that gives me an incentive to loose more. I have always been the type that if I gain I want to give up. But will power have to over ride me this time, and I need to stick with it.

    Im going to have to try making another pot of bean soup, that does sound so good, Do you know of any low fat corn bread I could get to eat with it.

    You have a great day too, stay warm, I know I'll have too. Cold weather and I are not friends. :D
