

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Rebecca seeing Athena's picture makes me wish there was a Love icon like they have in Facebook.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    so much for giving my legs a break yesterday... the train was going to be 45 min to take me to tacoma, so i rode home, long *kitten* uphill. ugh...
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Beth it sounds like a good shopping trip. I have never experienced rationing before either, but funnily enough I think I found it reassuring. that the shops were taking steps to make sure that everyone gets at least some of what they need and not allowing or encouraging hoarding. I only encountered it myself in terms of my own experience for toilet paper in the beginning (2 packages max) and cleaning gel (2 or 3 one-liter bottles max after total lack of gel for a few weeks), and then disposable masks: after no masks at all for 2 months, at first 10-mask limit, then 50- mask limit. I think there were other limits too, (maybe pasta, beans...) but I wasn't concerned.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Michele, I actually canceled my gym subscription shortly after the beginning of confinement. (I had already stopped going for a couple of weeks). Now they are closed and not opening soon. they didn't even automatically refund or stop payment if not requested, or refund at all, from closing till request. I presume I could have haggled a lot to get a refund of a couple of weeks but it didn't seem at all worth it. At first there was a sign asking people not to cancel subscriptions out of solidarity but when I asked if the employees were all still being paid they didn't answer clearly. it's a national chain with countless branches. They tried to get me to stay a member.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @machka, I like the daily list. I pretty much do all except don't always speak w someone every day.
  • BeUncommon
    BeUncommon Posts: 116 Member
    Heather > Don't blame you for not wanting to get on the bus. I am 51 and I seem to be on Icelands VIP list.. I think that is because I am a valued customer more than anything else.

    Rebecca > That is a huge lego city!! It looks amazing :) Looks like he is really good with his hands :)

    Marybeth > Oh she does serious face really well!! lol But she can do happy face as well :)

    Barbara > Thank you so much for the tip :) I am waiting on some of the powder Karen mentioned. Will see if it works, will let you know if it does :)

    Sue in WA > I will let you know if it works for me hun :) You being in the US you can probably get the brand she mentioned. I went for a different one but same idea :)

    Rebecca > Love the older pic of Athena.. I love the perspective of the image :)

    Lisa in AR > Thank you so much!! I love your kitty .. so cute :)

    machka > Oh I'm sure it will be a huge difference (i'm sure it will be life changing) I cannot even imagine what that must be like to feel like you are breathing through a straw. That would totally send me into a panic attack. I have sleep apnea and if I lay down without the mask for a few minutes it makes me feel panicked. Used to have so much air forced into my lungs and have had it for a very long time.

    I can't even imagine how frightened you must have been when he woke up not know if he would remember you. Doctors always give the worst case scenario in hoped it will be better. It must have been such a relief! He can still do things with you even if it was not like he could before. He is so blessed to have you as his wife :)

    Ohhh love the pic!! I don't convert to black and white that often as I am a colour girl but do love some black and whites.. Love that image, the light play is great! To me it gives the image quite a sinister feel :)

    Love Tonya UK xx

    Randie smilie faces :)

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited May 2020
    pre tracked today and walked and tidied a bit. but when I pre track I often change a bit as day goes on.

    a couple of days ago I made a pot of rice, way too much. I haven't cooked rice in AGES. I used to cook it a lot.

    I can't get through it reasonably before it goes bad (2.5 cups left), so I transformed it into rice pudding (w cardamom) and prepared it for freezing.

    a little bit boring lunch today: tiny tiny bit of rice, lentils, zucchini, olive oil, pesto sauce, and 1/2 cup of soy maple (very little maple, less than 1 tsp per serving) rice pudding. the pudding is ok but I think it'll be better w a few raspberries thrown on top or something like that. I could have it for breakfast tomorrow. I used to make rice pudding w uncooked rice and fresh cardamom and it was the bomb. lol.

    working on an application since I got a qualification. agreed w my most faithful colleagues, I have little chance of success this year, BUT I have to apply, they insist, and I agree, it would be bad not to (people will ask if I applied and it would be weird to not try). it'll get my name around, and I can recycle and reuse my application to hopefully come up w something, either something lesser this year, or goal next year or both.

    I've been dragging working on it, but better, much better SO FAR today, thank goodness.
    it's not an easy one to do. I have to make an original detailed proposal on something I haven't really exactly done yet. (though I've done related stuff).
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    OK. I don't recall that I picked my "word" at the beginning of this year. (Newbies - many of us choose to pick a word describing a goal, or a state of mind, a touchstone, etc. - Barbie, do I have this right?)

    But one finally came to me yesterday. Resilience. I think some of you may have chosen it already? Seems appropriate more than ever right now.

    :) You are right. I call it a "theme" but it's a goal, state of mind, or touchstone and can be a way to approach the year. My theme is "flexibility" and it has served me well just as "resilience" will serve you. We have to get along in the crisis or go under.

    Despite this, I'm voluntarily sheltering at home, and only going out for socially distanced exercise, and essential shopping. I owe it to my family to stay home and stay safe, and to the wider society to cause as little extra stress to essential workers and those who have to be out and about. It's not all about me!

    I grateful that I have that privilege, and am conscious of the fact that not everyone is in this position.

    ☘️ Terri

    :) This is how we feel, too. It doesn't matter what additional businesses are open, we will continue to limit our going out to our yard, wide empty neighborhood streets, and essential shopping (I had to think hard before shopping for potting soil and a plant at the one grocery store I visit--were they really "essential").

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Randie is so darn cute
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    p 52

    Welcome Newbies!

    Tracey Another adorable child…this group is really blessed with terrific kids!!! As I read your comment about weight gain “disgusted with myself” jumped off the page at me. How are we so terribly hard on ourselves???

    Kim Thank you for the insight on my “fear”. Much like how I felt reading Tracey’s post, I imagine. You are quite right. And I will carefully reword and rethink my thoughts on my own weight gain. Also, what incredible insight as you looked over the lives of our parents and grandparents. My grandparents were born late 1800’s (one was born 01/01/01 which I always thought was super cool). My parents were born in the 1920s. Also, my Dad was born into some money where my Momma was a poor farm girl. It is interesting to go back over what they lived through compared to my living through Woodstock, Zero Population Growth, and Give Earth A Chance…life was quite a bit easier for me!! I know that is oversimplified but being a Baby Boomer was easy in many ways. There were tough things to growing up with abuse, friends going to Viet Nam, and times of being a single mom, but certainly not the life-threatening things our parents and grandparents went through so much of the time right at home. I hate that my children have lived through fear of terrorist attacks and mass shootings, but statistically, although they have lived through fear, none have been in an active shooter situation.
    Also, how fortunate people at your work have you to step up and help them! Amazing how different life is as we do things for others out of kindness of heart rather than just earning a paycheck! Shame on management for not stepping up to the plate, but how blessed they are that you have the skills and ability to help them at this difficult time!

    SuzyQ So glad you got yourself the hose roller! I remember my days struggling with hoses in FL…wish I had gotten one! Glad you are being good to yourself and sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. So proud of the great choices you made!

    Tonya Oh, I’m so sorry I got confused! There are so many of us “older chicks” in here, I sometimes forget some of you still have young ones at home!! I am 63 and my youngest (Daddy to bath time baby) is 26, so I am past the children and well into the grandchildren…

    Terri Thank you for your answer to my rant! Could not agree with you more! And thank you for the leniency for a bit of stockpiling…lol!

    Rita Seems you and Brownie would be well to cuddle together when you don’t want to get up!! Good self-care!

    Jaxgma Great looking troupe!!

    Rebecca I just want to swoop Athena up and give her a big hug! Such a cutie!!

    Everyone stay healthy!!! <3 and non-contagious hugs! Luci in WNC
  • Jaxsgma
    Jaxsgma Posts: 55 Member
    BeUncommon - Those pictures of Randie are so cute, she has a sweet smile.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    I ordered a couple of presents for my son's birthday coming up in June. Some pistachio oil and a tin of confit de canard. The oil is very expensive, but it is in Paris too, where I first bought it years ago. I think he will love it! Pretty tin.

    Then I buzzed DH's hair and trimmed his eyebrows and ears. :o He looks very smart now. :D

    Photocopied my passport to send off to my new savings account, and then took it round to the post box. Couldn't resist the deli and found my very favourite cottage cheese. Bought two containers. Having it with avocado for my snack. <3

    The problem here is we haven't got enough pickers for the seasonal fruit and veg. Even though the unemployment numbers are huge, not everyone is suitable and not everyone wants to work and live on a farm for six months. Normally the pickers come from Eastern Europe, but they are not able to travel easily. Some have been flown over by private charter.
    I hope not too much will go to waste. I love to buy local, British produce.

    Katla - We have had so many important money earners for the city cancelled. First the marathon, then the Arts Festival and in August it's Pride. Hundreds of thousands of people come and spend money in the hotels, pubs, bars and restaurants. Those are still all shut of course. To say it's a disaster is an understatement. :'(

    Will row this pm after my snack. Tonight's dinner is porcini filled ravioli, with peas and homemade pesto. Plus a BIG helping of British asparagus. Dessert is stewed pears with salted caramel sauce and homemade yogurt. AF pink wine.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) This is how we feel, too. It doesn't matter what additional businesses are open, we will continue to limit our going out to our yard, wide empty neighborhood streets, and essential shopping (I had to think hard before shopping for potting soil and a plant at the one grocery store I visit--were they really "essential").

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Us too!

    We didn't go to shops for 14 days up to last Thursday. We went outside a little bit but that was it. Thursday we had to pick some things up, and now it has been almost another week without going to the shops. :)

    We will have to go on Thursday, I think. My husband will likely need soil ... he's putting in a garden bed with spring bulbs so that they'll all come up and bloom in August/September. :)

    I mentioned some of the things my husband "lost" in the accident. One of the things he didn't lose was his procedural memory ... the memory of how to do the things he used to know how to do well. They told me he would lose that and that they would have to teach him how to use a spoon and pencil and things ... but he had absolutely no difficulty with things like that.

    So for example, he can still ride a bicycle because riding a bicycle is indeed "just like riding a bicycle"! :grin:

    And he has done some form of gardening for decades, so that memory is mostly still there. He will struggle with the names of the plants and tools and things, but he knows what they are.

    So he's got a couple greenhouses ... one small and one larger. And several raised beds and pots of various sizes, and then also some areas where he is planting in the ground.

    This is his small greenhouse, our patio area with a grape vine climbing up, some of the pots, and one of the in-ground gardens. Actually two in-ground gardens ... there are snowpeas along the fence at the back too.

    This was taken in summer so it looks a little different now. He planted 10 or 12 pots with tomato plants and they live in the patio area now. They have been producing a massive quantity of little cherry tomatoes. The snowpeas, carrots and silverbeet have all been harvested so those gardens are empty, but I think he's preparing them to plant potatoes.


    We've also got fruit ... two apple trees which did impressively well this year, three raspberry bushes (which haven't produced yet ... maybe this summer!) and a whole bunch of little strawberry plants in planters around the front step railing that seem to be doing all right.

    Gardening isn't really my thing, but I think it's great that he enjoys doing it and can work at it at his own pace.

    So during this shutdown time, I've been inside (mostly) writing papers and doing database work and he's been out in the garden. :)

    I do try to go out at least once a day to see what he's done ... he shows me around ... and since we got Rhody, he walks Rhody around the yard in the morning, and I go out with Rhody in the afternoon.

    It has been all right. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    well here I am, picked up Homer and re potted my plants .. here is hoping they survive, I have had them for almost 2 years and the one from my father in law 7 months and I have an ivy that my dad had at the house from my moms funeral 20 yrs ago.. Sitting taking a quick break and then on to packing for going up to Faiths ....and doing a vacuum .. nothing better than having your old dog snuggled up in your lap, I cherish the moments.. Alfie never curls up to long unless he is under he covers lol
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: Faith will be so lucky to have you! 🌹🌹🌹
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    So weird Navy base Daughter has received 2/4packages y 1 was sent back so got a refund. Was a huge box of cereal for her. Luckily one of the guys y her are checking into it. I send her mail to the boys on base they get it to her.

    Amber Tx

    Exercising y eating right. Fought the store for a Fathers Day gift y groceries was a weird experience. Hubby took forever to take care of JR so I could go had to drive to a farther Walmart. Got there it was at 25% capacity so had to wait in line. Clock was ticking you guys know my night visions bad. Got in there to search for Vegan foods to hubby sour cherries y juices grab a Fathers Day gift to boot. Only 1 Fathers Day gift left in the isle but no price tag on it which I found out later when it took 30minutes to look for the price they ended up giving it to me $4 cheaper than its price because they said there’s no guarantee the price I saw was to that item anyways. Found Freidas Soyrizo (vegan chorizo yes that exsists lol usually in the vegetable department). The normal places for some was changed around or empty. Folks with masks social distancing but in the drive there tons of mask less people everywhere. Finally got out of the store the parking lot lights were off my Truck was far away . Got there drove off after that scary walk folks standing around near my truck got close enough luckily was women (not carrying a purse 👜 so only my ID y cell phone 📲 which won’t work with gloves in for 911 realization.). Driving home the GPS lost signal so slowly drove looking next thing I knew 2 cops boxes me in one shined a flashlight 🔦 in my face while driving...I couldn’t readjust my eyes was scared I would wreck so went slower. Hubby wasn’t answering the cell phone at all 6Xs I rang him on the speaker 🔈 Siri call...., Hubby finally answered said pull into a busy restaurant so I did. He walked me through troubleshooting the cell phone. I had the WiFi on the signal dropped it didn’t switch to data (SNL it kept saying whatever that means). Made it home finally was late for JRs bedtime so he woke up late this morning we’re behind. The good news is found lots that the other store does not have even tho I needed price check rest did fine the self checkouts are working way better. Before self checkouts were a million issues won’t scan,weight sensor going off,etc etc...now 1 item without a tag or bottle of alcohol (poor lady near me lol we were last out) is the issue the rest is easy.

    Amber Tx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Ah went over my calories today. :s felt a little, then more stressed about work. not unhealthy food at all, just too much for WL, with minimal exercise and low metabolism. (I just went for about 30 min walk today, about 20-25 min speed walking good rhythm- wearing hrm).

    wish me luck.
    - w work
    - w staying under top calories.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    edited May 2020
    Jaxgma: Weight is very fickle. It bounces up and down all the time. I tend to look at the trend over time, and ignore the occasional upward bounce. I also prelog my my calories for each day, so that I know I have covered my macros, and then I build in a small amount of indulgence, which stops me feeling deprived. And extra physical activity means a few extra calories to play with.
    Rebecca: Kudos to your son from a bonafide member of a family of Legomaniacs.