

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Reading on i review my words to you on phd. it sounds like you love the idea for the learning itself. there are some paid Phds. it's not rare in the sciences, maybe including computer science
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    Had almonds and a cup of my chicken turmeric broth to open my eating window with. Then fixed a small herb and butter glazed salmon fillet. I shredded it and put it in two whole wheat small tortillas with homemade coleslaw and some cheddar cheese. Now enjoying my cup of coffee and two raspberry gluten free fig newtons. So yummy. I have blueberry scones baking. I was able to video chat with Navy son a couple of days before Mothers day so I am blessed about that💖.

    I have been suffering a bit these days with starting on a fiber plus probiotic chewable tablets regiment. I thought that it would be healthy for my gut. But for the last two days after taking it in the afternoon, I have such gassy pressure in my abdomen! I thought that taking it after I eat would be good, because they state to take with food. Today I didn't take it. This is the brand. Do any of you take these?
    They turned out ok.

    Thanks for your kind words regarding my son. One day at a time!💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    edited May 2020
    I am giving my belly a rest and take one tomorrow. Or a half pill.👍
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I sent my two applications on Tuesday. Yay. i got a message late yesterday that made it look like one of the applications had a tech bug. i called a number this morning but no answer. a high level hr guy called me and it was no big deal. i thought a tech bug had hindered my application. still very unsure about success of candidature, but it's good, i'm told, to get my name around and about. and next year i'll be more prepared.

    I meet occasionaly with Psy today for 1st time in 3+ months. Here psychiatrists (some, not most) can be completely covered by national health insurance and not psychologists. some are ok. This one wanted me to try meds. i tend to not be in favor, but i figured i'd try. i tried a few weeks before COVID and felt in a bubble, slowed, not myself. i asked if she wanted me to try another, but she thought since i had that feeling with the light one and dose she gave me it'd likely be the same with another and not worth it. appointment next month. she made some practical suggestions.

    had a zoom w friend in usa. here we are entering into phase 2 of deconfinement. already after 2 months of not being able to go out without a self-authorization etc, etc, etc, going out for a walk almost feels festive. tomorrow parks open, on tuesday, outdoor seating will be allowed for restaurants and cafés, and we can travel anywhere in france. that is all major after what was pretty much like 2 months of house arrest. i was stunned to see we are more free now than some east coast friends (no outdoor café tables for 3 more weeks).

    i had a tiny glass of wine this evenening, about 100 ml. slightly tipsy.

    i have been procrastinating like mad but i hope tomorrow will be better on that level. LOL

    attending an online meditation thing for 2h with the one meditation teacher that i really appreciate. he's funny, self depreciating, very well read, etc. it feels like half meditation talk half universtiy lecture with him. he studies original pali texts and discusses their meaning theoretically and practically; it's a pleasure.

    i think i have some kind of little rash on belly that seems to be spreading. i have no idea what it is. a pain!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    picked up my bike. picked out carpet for the rooms with an app. for installation on Wednesday, went to Costco, listed more stuff on Letgo and Offer Up, took the airstream to get repaired, ruff estimate from the guy is like 10k we will know the real estimate later. took Kirby's stuff and put it in my dresser and got the dresser in the spare room and put my stuff in there...
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Bananas/Julie - Thank you for the good words.

    For all the support from all of you, thank you very much - I pushed like mad and got them to go ahead and accept my keys/laptop/credit card today (and yes, I've got the signed receipt. :) ) I wanted this weekend to be clean and relaxed and done...

    What's interesting is so many people saying, "You'll find something else." We don't know how to stop working anymore I think. Those who have found out that I am simply stopping are taken aback. They honestly have no idea what to say.

    I do.


    Well, my work THERE, you know at work-work, is done. My work here is just barely begun!

    :smiley: Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca It's the sorbitol your gut doesn't like. "Lutheran" :D:D:D

    Lanette I can't remember now who said you can't be asymptomatic with a fever; you can, in fact, have a fever and have no symptoms. A symptom is subjective, and a sign is objective. Temperature is a sign, not a symptom. It's easy to get it confused.

    I'm going upstairs to work for one hour. Isn't that strange? But I will see 3-5 patients between now and 7pm EST!

    Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    It wasn't so long ago that nearly all women stopped work in the UK at 60 and got their pensions from the government and work. I got my government pension at 60, but I gave up paid work at 55 and took my tiny work pension then. (I had only ever worked very part time for a wage. Otherwise I was self employed as a writer and theatre skills teacher)
    In my opinion, working for other people is very overrated. :D There are far more important things to do with ones life.
    Now days people are not getting a pension until 66 or so, soon to be 68. That is a huge change in a short time.
    I have had far more money from my work pension in those15 years than I ever paid in.
    I know many people who dithered over whether to retire or not, but all of them were delighted when they did and never regretted it. If you can possibly afford it, life opens up in so many ways and begins again. I have never been happier.
    I know that many cannot afford to retire as they still have big outgoings and debts. But if you can.......life is not a rehearsal. There are no reruns.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Heather – I’m sorry I knew you were making a joke. Just the “clean” word got me.

    So interesting to see the agreement that “clean” is just a made up term.

    Beth – I got thinking about what else my great-grandmas would not have known, tofu, tortillas, hot sauce, avocado, cilantro, bean sprouts, water chestnuts, lemon grass

    Sharon – so good to see you back.

    Lisa – congrats on being free! Folks seem to think I would want to go back to working for a corporation, and will send me ideas and openings, and honestly even having little money I am happier with the boss I have now (myself) than I ever was in the corporate world. Sure some times I am stressed and might take it out on my employee (that would be me) but we can always talk it through. So enjoy your next chapter and new adventures.

    Kim from N. California
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    I am making beef enchiladas for the first time ever. I've really never had them and think they might be too spicy for DH. Anyway, it's good to try something new.

    Karen in VA ~ Just curious...Are you a medical doctor? I know you said your dad was a doctor. Forgive me if I'm being to nosy.

    Carol in GA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    Karen in Virginia wholly crapolla! (Pun intended).😁 Sorbitol is scary stuff! Most definitely putting that on da BACK shelf! Only if I am truly constipated will I ever take those, and 1/2 tablet.
    Thanks for the warning!💖
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Afternoon,evening ladies...
    Wow i am beat...Alfie and i tucked in up here at Faiths..here until Sunday afternoon sometime....
    I was running around like crazy today...was out from 8-11:30 this morning..and had laundry i had to get in the dryer..had to put groceries away,and pack what i was going to bring up here..
    Got Faith fed and she had her pills.. and im in my jammies and lying down..long day.
    Lisa - free at last,free at last ,thank God almighty im free at last...good for you.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did a DVD for the rebounder today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a few stretching DVD’s. Haven’t done them in a while.

    Soup kitchen today!!! But first my neighbor (the one whose hubby returned from Afghanistan) is going to FL for a week and she’s asked me to water her plants. So I’ll go over there before the soup kitchen to find out what to do. She’s said something about paying me, but if she says something again, I’ll tell her to just make a donation to the soup kitchen.

    Sharon – good thoughts for your daughter

    – I agree that the founding father’s were very wise. The only thing they couldn’t have foreseen was that a congressman could be in congress for life.

    – I’m so sorry about your neighbor. That’s always so sad. Good thoughts for your husband’s surgery. Why doesn’t your church have bulletins

    [b]Heather [/b]– I guess I’m 50/50 about being in lockdown. One part of me likes it because I’m getting a lot of things done. Another part of me wants to do the things I used to do all the time. I’m still exercising, maybe not as intensely. I am very tempted to snack because I’m bored. I REALLY have to watch it.

    I’m betting Vince won’t want to finish putting down the landscape border since it’s supposed to be really nice Sunday. I jokingly, but deep down meaningfully, say “aren’t you glad I’m home?” “I only have three other outside projects that I want to get done this year” So I’ll probably string some more popcorn. Speaking of which, the popcorn seems to attract this really pretty kind of bird. I don’t know what it is, only that it’s red and real pretty.

    – welcome! My cousin (well, now just her hubby) lives in the Shenandoah Valley. It’s a really lovely area. I enjoy going there, even driving thru that area. I would suspect there isn’t much c-19 there since things are so spread apart. Am I right?

    Barbara – Doesn’t bother me that you shouldn’t sing in church, I don’t sing anyway. I’m with you, I wouldn’t trust a store employee to pick the freshest item for me. They just grab the first, say gallon of milk, that they saw and it would probably expire in a few days. I’d only order things that they can pick off the shelves things that are boxed or canned with no expiration date or a date far in the future. I wouldn’t trust them to pick out the meats or veges/fruits. But that’s just me

    Lisa – six pounds!!! That’s fantastic

    M – if you were to get your PhD, perhaps a school in Canada would stream it to Australia? I know that Ross (in St. Kitts) is having their online classes for the US students.

    Looks like my watch just stopped. I much prefer a watch than my phone, but if the jewelry place isn’t open to change the battery, looks like I’ll have to use the phone.

    Just got an email that Newcomers is going to have their activities. To me, this is too soon. We should wait AT LEAST until NC is in phase 3. I’m sure a lot of people aren’t going to go, I wouldn’t. I will do the rummikub but it wouldn’t surprise me if no one came. We’re supposed to submit to the president a guide of what we are going to do. I still think this is much too early. Just because the place where they get the food is now open for dine-in, to me that isn’t a reason to suddenly resume all the activities.

    – I’m like you, I’ll ask for something figuring “what’s the worst they can say, no”. But Vince is the one who is like your husband, doesn’t ask unless he’s expecting a positive response.

    Today at the soup kitchen they had turkey, gravy, dressing, a roll, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and coleslaw. This in addition to the dessert. Honestly, if it were me, I’d give them 2 desserts. Before all this, they used to give a cake to someone if it was their birthday. Well, they aren’t doing that now. Maybe not give two desserts every week, but at least once/month. Oh well….

    While I was at the soup kitchen, Vince put in a bit more of the landscape border. When I got home we put the rest of it in the front. I thought he might want to do 2 small areas that need to be done, but he didn’t want to. He felt it was too humid and the sun too hot. That’s OK.

    The pool is 78.

    Beth – my grandmother came to the US from Poland, too. One thing you have to say, a lot of the Polish foods are GOOOOD

    Terri – oh, I always ask if there are any discounts. This embarrasses my daughter, but that’s too bad.

    Went and got the battery for my watch changed

    Rebecca – I would suggest only taking one pill and see how you are

    Michele NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,394 Member
    edited May 2020
    Karen in Virginia wholly crapolla! (Pun intended).😁 Sorbitol is scary stuff! Most definitely putting that on da BACK shelf! Only if I am truly constipated will I ever take those, and 1/2 tablet.
    Thanks for the warning!💖

    - not sure if this will help you, but I take the generic equivalent of Metamucil. Whole psyllium husk. Nothing added, no sweeteners, no nothing. I got a gigantic container of it off Amazon. Stir a tablespoon into a big glass of water, let it "bloom" for a minute or two then all down the hatch. Tastes like nothing, lol. Metamucil's flavors and additives tasted yukky to me.

    Also when I first started IF I had some digestive issues = gas. I discovered Fennel tea helped a lot. You can buy a bottle of fennel seeds (like you use in cooking) on the spice shelf at the store, put a teaspoon of those little guys in a mug, pour boiling water over it, let it sit for 5 minutes, strain and sip. Diehards actually chew the seeds. I thought it worked better than Gas-X. But that's me.

    "Sittin' pretty" in SW WA State B)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,394 Member
    Rebecca It's the sorbitol your gut doesn't like. "Lutheran" :D:D:D

    Lanette I can't remember now who said you can't be asymptomatic with a fever; you can, in fact, have a fever and have no symptoms. A symptom is subjective, and a sign is objective. Temperature is a sign, not a symptom. It's easy to get it confused.

    I'm going upstairs to work for one hour. Isn't that strange? But I will see 3-5 patients between now and 7pm EST!

    Karen in Virginia

    Karen - thanks for that clarification.

    By the way, you seem 1000% happier since you split up with that clinic you were working at. :) This telemedicine job is perfect and you can do it what.... for as long as you want?

    I was going to comment on your post a couple days ago about finding love, however unconventional. Good for you. She sounds like she's a good friend as well, and you can't ask for much more than that. <3 (HUGS)

    Tired of the muggy hot weather. Up to 1" of rain here tomorrow, hope the weatherman hits it this time.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Cute a Grandma made Quarantine themed Barbies lol I’m binge watching Barbie

    Carol- Take it from my Hispanic/Native American mixed race family- You do not have to make it spicy or hot we make enchiladas for the babies all the time. Green sauce y chicken is my favorite combination. Instead of jalapeño or other spicy ingredients can add less chili powder a banana pepper or no peppers some add bell pepper but I don’t like it that way. Red sauce goes with brisket to hamburger meats. Can make it Vegetarian or meat eater. Lots of homemade recipes I love onion y hubby garlic so it gets tossed in lol. Can use corn,flour,or vegetable flavored tortillas.

    My favorite is simple a Native American family recipe:
    Elk hamburger meat
    Large burrito sized homemade flour tortillas
    Green chili enchilada sauce
    Cheese 🧀
    A dash of browned (frying pan cooked) onions in it.
    Can use this recipe but change the meat y tortilla size to what’s available.
    Comes in mild

    Amber Tx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hubby said we need a treat so ordering pizza
    340 cal slice he said we deserved a treat today. Excited about it.

    Amber Tx

    For those with a Papa Johns nearby here’s the calories calculator for them

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,394 Member
    edited May 2020
    csofled wrote: »

    Cheri - is it me or are you a whole lot teensier in your new photo? You look like you are 40!

    Whatever you are doing, you look fabulous!!! <3

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2020
    csofled wrote: »


    Oh my gosh look how light your hair is! Is it silver now? Please give us an updated on your life, breast cancer, kids, hubby, Texas, etc. And I still want photos of your new house now that it's furnished. xoxo